This is my first fanfic in English, so I really want to know what you think. It's a one-shot that shows a moment of love between Alice and Jasper. Please review! :)
I don't own the characters, Stephenie Meyer do.
Alice was in the living room. She was sitting alone on the floor before the fireplace, resting her back against the leather sofa behind her. Only a few moments ago, she and Jasper had been lying on the soft rug together, but now Jasper was somewhere in the house making a surprise for her.
Alice tried so, so hard to not take a sneak peek into the future to see her surprise, and it took all her might to keep from doing it. The thing with Alice was that she loved surprises. When someone went through
great troubles to try to surprise her, even though it rarely worked, it made her very happy. It was a kind of unique happiness, a very bubbly feeling, that slowly spread its workings from her chest and all the way to her toes and fingertips.
She always had a strong urge to jump up and hug whoever made this great effort. And, Alice being a very spontaneous person, she often did. She had absolutely no control over her impulses in such moments.
Jasper arrived back in the living room and came to sit by Alice in front of the fireplace, with something hidden in his left hand.
"Alice, I want to tell you something. Your spontaneity is the thing I love most about you, it's the thing that makes you you. You can ask anyone, but I don't think you'll find a soul in this house, or this world for that matter, that would disagree with me."
"You really mean that." It wasn't a question, it was a statement. Jasper smiled.
"Yes, I mean that with my entire heart. Because of that, I did something spontaneous to show you how much I appreciate you."
Alice smiled back at her man. The bubbly, warm feeling was flowing all through her body.
"Soo…" she said with a seductive look in her eyes. "What did you do?"
Jasper raised his eyebrows in a playful way and opened his hand. In his palm lay a hair clip with a small, sparkly silver pixie on top. The pixie shone in the light from the fireplace, but the sparkle was nothing compared to the sparkle in Alice's eyes.
"I hope Esme won't scold me for using one of her silver spoons," Jasper said softly while he placed the clip with great care in her hair.
"Did you make it for me?" Alice beamed at Jasper, and he nodded.
"I love you so much, Jasper."
"I love you too, Alice, for ever and eternity."