Twilight On Windows Live!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Twilight, or any of its characters. The Twilight series and all of its characters belong to my favorite author, Stephanie Meyer!

Edward: Lazy Lion

Bella: Klutzy_Vampire_Girl

Alice: Psychic Shopper67

Emmet: Grizzly Bear

Jasper: Emo-tastic

Rosalie: Too Cute 4 U

Carlisle: Carlizzle_the_Vamp

Esme: Distressed_Mother

Lazy Lion, Klutzy_Vampire_Girl, Grizzly Bear, and Emo-tastic have signed in.

Lazy Lion: Hello Bella, love. Hey Emmet. Hey Jazz. 'Sup?

Klutzy_Vampire_Girl: Hello Eddie! I've missed you!

Emo-tastic: How do you miss him, he's sitting right in front of you!

Grizzly Bear: *snickers* What's up with your name Jazzy Poo? Its… just… weird. *snickers*

Emo-tastic: Why is it weird? So what? I'm an emo. Deal with it. And stop calling me Jazzy Poo! Its seriously annoying. Don't make me get the turtles after you…

Grizzly Bear: O no! Please, don't get the turtles! I'll be a good boy! Pwease!

Klutzy_Vampire_Girl: … What's up with Emmet and turtles?

Lazy Lion: It's a long story….


It was Emmet's first trip to the zoo. He had been wanting to go here since he was a baby. He found the turtle section, and was very excited. 'Hey mommy, look at the turtles! Aren't they so cute? Who's a good turtle! You are! Yes, you are!' *turtle bites Emmet's hand* 'O my God! You stupid turtle turned on me! Wah! Mommy! It's out to get me! ! ! ! ! !'

*End of Flashback*

Klutzy_Vampire_Girl: Omg, Emmet! I can't believe you have an irrational fear of turtles! That was just… uncomfortable to listen to.

Grizzly Bear: Shut up Bella! I was six and the stupid turtle bit me! That's enough to scar me for life!

Emo-tastic: Ugh, you've scared him to death! His emotions are too much to handle! I need to leave now.

Emo-tastic has signed off

Psychic Shopper67 has signed on

Psychic Shopper67: What happened to Jasper? He just stormed out of the house…

Lazy Lion: Emmet's emotions were too much for him so he had to leave. …That gave me an idea… Heh heh heh…

Psychic Shopper67: O yea, that's a good idea! I have just foreseen what you were going to do… Do you know where to get one? This will be fun.

Lazy Lion: I know just the place! Hang on, I'll find one. Alice, I'll need your help, come with me.

Psychic Shopper67: Ok, hang on.

Lazy Lion and Psychic Shopper67 have signed off.

Klutzy_Vampire_Girl: Um, I don't know what they're doing, but I have a bad idea about this…

Grizzly Bear: *rocking back and forth with thumb in his mouth* Please mommy, make the turtle stop! No, its out to get me! AHH! NO! BACK OFF TURTLE! AHHHHH! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Klutzy_Vampire_Girl: O brother, I don't wanna listen to you Emmet! I'm leaving!

Klutzy_Vampire_Girl has signed off


Grizzly Bear has signed off

A/N= Please review! It makes me feel so much happier! I will give you cupcakes (but not real cake. The cake is a lie). Btw, if you're wondering where I got the thing about the turtles, I was reading a fanfic called Random Conversations. Instead of making Bella afraid of turtles, I made Emmet afraid of them. I forgot who it was by. Its very funny, read it when you get a chance. Anyways, this is my first Twilight fanfic. Please review, but try not to be that mean. :D Ok, I'm leaving now.
