Warning this chapter is for mature audiences only. It's a short part, so you can skip right over it.

Blair wanted to see Damien that night, but she knew it was too soon. It was too dangerous to even call him. She sensed people outside…watching her. It was rotation between the wolves and the Cullen's. They all seemed to be keeping a very close eye on her and Blair really didn't like the feeling of being watched. She wanted to talk to Bella about it, tell her to tell them to back off a little bit…but she didn't want to let them know that she was on to them. Blair was just trying to act as normal as possible.

Charlie of course was a little bit on edge. He still couldn't get over how different both of the girls were. Looking at them was like looking at virtual strangers. Blair managed to stomach human food, she wanted to look normal for Charlie's sake. She loved him and didn't want him to know what she had become. It was getting harder and harder though to stomach the food. Last night though was steak and she had it made rare, so it wasn't as bad as the chicken fingers that were for lunch.

It was morning now though and it was time to win over everyone. It was time for her to gain all of their trust and then turn on them. The thought made her stomach churn. The only hope that she had was that her sister wasn't going to get hurt in the process. She was going to have to make sure that Bella was far away when they kill the Cullen's. Blair looked at herself in the mirror, still amazed by her beauty and perfection.

"Blair breakfast is ready." Charlie hollered from down stairs.

"Coming!" Blair looked at herself in the mirror one last time before jogging down stairs. Blair's heart stopped when she saw that Edward was sitting at the breakfast table. He wore a smug smile on his face, but Blair could see the sadness and pain in his eyes. "Edward, what a surprise."

"It's good to see you Blair. Charlie was nice enough to invite me over to breakfast today. He thought it would be nice since you were back in town."

"Yes, I thought it would be a good chance for the two of you to try to catch up." Charlie just thought if Blair was back with Edward then Damien wouldn't steal her away again. Charlie wanted to keep Blair in Forks.

"Thanks for giving me the heads up dad…didn't even really get to do my hair; sure I look awful right now."

"You always looking beautiful Blair…don't think it's possible for you to look awful." If Blair could blush, Edward's words would have made her face turn cherry red. Luckily he couldn't see the effect his words were having on her.

"I guess you have to say that to be polite." Blair said while taking a seat. She couldn't believe that her dad would set her up like this? She knew that she didn't want to spend more time then she had to with Edward because she was scare too. She was scared of getting too close to him; she was scared of gaining more feelings for him. It was almost impossible not too. She had to keep her eyes on the end goal though. She wasn't going to go back on her word and Edward could very well be the enemy. Maybe his powers were to make her think that she was in love with him. She was still so new and confused about her new life. Vampires all had their own special abilities and she did not know what Edward's special ability was.

"Oh…my phone…" Blair didn't even hear it ring, but he picked it up anyway as though it rang. Blair knew her hearing was well…better then average and she knew very well that no one was on the other line. "Hey Bill…well today was supposed to be my day off…uh huh…okay, well if you need me then I guess I will go in. See you in a few minutes Bill." Charlie then pretended to hang up the phone. "Well, Bill says that they need me down at the station, so how about you two kids finish breakfast?" With that Charlie headed out.

"He didn't even put on his uniform." Blair said with a roll of her eyes. "Was this all part of your plan Edward? You working with your dad now in order to get close to me, did you honestly believe that little ploy was going to fool me?"

"Blair, I have played it nice…I have played it safe…but I can't watch you do this to yourself anymore." Edward boldly say to her. "You are going to end up destroying everyone that is close to you. Then one day you are going to remember everything Blair and you are going to regret all the actions that you have committed. You can stop now though Blair, you can learn to trust us again. We will be nothing but honest with you now…but you are going to have to be honest with us."

"What is there to be honest about Edward? I don't even remember anything! What could I possibly tell you?"

"Where Damien is, I need you to lead me to him."

"No, I can't do that…I won't do it…I'm not going to have you rip him from limb to limb. He's not a bad guy, he just wants revenge for what you did to his brother! You murdered him! Are you honestly going to stand there and deny it?"

"Yes, I killed him and I would do it again too Blair. He hurt you…he kidnapped you…and he murdered people in this town. James was dangerous and believe me when I say the two of you were never in love. Those pictures you possess are fake…show me all the pictures you have Blair and I assure you that you will see too that he must have stolen some pictures and manipulated them." Blair wanted to cry, but there were no tears there. It was as though her body was completely dried. Her chest felt as though it was heaving and if she needed air then now would be the time she would be gasping for it.

"I'm tired of you calling him a liar!" With that Blair shoved Edward against the wall causing it to crack. "He's not a liar!" Blair went to swing at him again but this time Edward was ready for it and he grabbed both of her wrist, he was thankfully stronger then she was, but he wasn't planning on hurting her.

"He is a liar Blair and you know it…look into my eyes…tell me that you see the truth inside of them."

"No…NEVER!" Blair brought her knee up and kneed him in the groin, which threw Edward off guard. Blair then ran out the door, not wanting to cause any more damage in her dad's house. Blair wasn't alone though, she felt Edward hot on her trail. She thought for a moment that this was the perfect opportunity to lead him to Damien. He was alone…no one else was around, not that she could sense anyway. Blair and Damien would both be able to handle Edward without any problem. Why didn't she want to lead him though? The thought of Edward dying literally felt as though it was tearing Blair apart. She didn't want to imagine the world without Edward Cullen. "Stop following me!" Blair turned around and lifted her arms up pushing with all her might. His feet dug into the ground stopping himself from impact.

"Stop this Blair…stop this madness…just calm down."

"NO!" Blair went after him again and Edward grabbed both of her arms. He held them behind her back while she was facing him and then his lips crashed into her. Blair furiously tried to release herself from his grip, but soon she found herself kissing Edward back. He let go of her arms and she quickly brought her hands up to his chest and ripped his shirt off. Edward let out a low growl as Blair's kisses trailed down his chest.

Was he dreaming? Or was this real? If it was a dream then it was definitely not one that Edward wanted to wake up from. Edward pulled Blair up to his lips again and then lifted her up so that her legs wrapped around his waist. He then pushed her up against a tree and unbuttoned her shirt slowly, she was growing impatient and went to unbutton her shirt but he used his other hand to stop her. She groaned as he finally pushed open her shirt revealing her sheer lacey black bra. Edward kissed the edge of her breasts causing Blair to quiver beneath him. He lowered her bra revealed her breast and he began to suckle on them. Blair ran her fingers down Edward's back in ecstasy.

"Don't…stop….gooddd…." Blair's eyes closed and her body began to slowly grind against Edward's. Blair gently pushed Edward away from her breast and stood up as she removed the rest of her clothes. Edward just stared at her for a moment in complete and total awe. Edward then removed his clothes and almost leaped on top of Blair. He kissed her deeply and she wrapped her legs around him again as he trusted inside of her.

"I love you Blair…" He whispered in her ear. Blair never felt anything so amazing in her life, it definitely wasn't the same with Damien. She unwrapped her legs from his body and put back on her clothes.

"I'm sorry about…your shirt…" She said not responding to his comment about how he loved her. Blair was still in disbelief that she let this happen. She knew that Damien would kill her if he found out.

"Believe me when I say that it was worth it." Edward said while walking up to her and kissing her lips softly. "What does this mean Blair?"

"I really don't know what this means…"

"Blair, I want to be honest with you about something. You said that you need honesty and I am fully willing to give it to you now. There is a way for me to prove that I am telling the truth and Damien is lying."

"How exactly do you plan on doing that?"

"Has he told you about your ability?"

"Yes, he says my ability is my beauty…I honestly think that it is kind of lame…but I guess it's the gift that I was granted."

"No Blair, he lied to you…that is not your gift."

"Then what is it Edward?"

"You can make people do what you will them too. It's weak now because it's still new to you and you don't even realize it. If you say something though Blair and you really mean it…then the person has to do it." Blair couldn't help but to laugh, she didn't believe that something like that was even possible.

"No, sorry…that just can't be true. That is no possible for someone to have that kind of control."

"Blair, I want you to take me and the others to him…confront him about everything…will him to tell you the truth and when he does, then we will take care of him."

"No, I am going to go to him by myself Edward. I am not going to risk you lying to me again."

"Blair, didn't you feel something between us just then?"

"Of course I did Edward, but it could just be lust. I mean, even now I want to rip off your pants and have you throw me against a tree again, but that doesn't mean that I completely trust you yet."

"You can't go to him by yourself though Blair. It would be too dangerous, once he realizes that you know about your powers…then…"

"Then what Edward…there is nothing he could do about it if I am the one that has complete and total control over him. I am going to be perfectly safe by myself; there is no need for me to have you with me." Blair said to him. "Don't follow me Edward. Don't tell anyone that you told me about my powers. Don't tell anyone that we had sex out here in the forest. Don't tell anyone that I am going to Damien. I want you to tell them that I just went out of town to do shopping…is that understood?"

"…y…es…" The words were forced out of his mouth and he was immediately regretting telling her anything.

"I will be back, I promise." She said while kissing his lips softly. She then turned and disappeared leaving a heart broken Edward behind.

Blair ran through the woods confused about what she was going to do next. What if Edward lied to her about her powers and he was really having her be followed? It was a risk that she was willing to take right now. She wanted to know the truth and if those were her powers then Blair was going to be able to find out the truth. Blair was finally over to Damien who seemed shocked to see her.

"Blair, what are you doing here?"

"I had to talk to you Damien…I had to see you…" Damien quickly walked over to her and stroked her cheek softly. He knew immediately that something was wrong, but he wasn't quite sure how he was going to approach it. "Damien…I need to know the truth about everything."

"What do you mean everything?"

"Were me and James ever together?"


"Tell me the truth right now!"

"NO!" The words came out of his mouth like vomit and he quickly zipped his lips realizing what he had just done. Blair looked at him with her eyes wide open as she took a step backwards. "No Blair, the two of you weren't together; he had this sick obsession with you. I knew the story, and I'm sorry Blair. I am sorry that I had to lie to you. He wasn't going to kill you Blair, I swear to you on that. He didn't cause any immediate danger to you, and they killed him anyway."

"You're not killing the Cullen's Damien. They had reasons to do what they did. They didn't do it to be cold or callus." Damien felt something inside of him ding, as though he were obediently obeying Blair. He knew that she knew about her powers, but he just didn't know how she knew about them.

"Blair, please don't ask me to do this. They killed my brother and I can't live the rest of eternity knowing that I can not extract revenge on him!"

"The best revenge is to be unlike the person who caused you injury…I think I learned that somewhere once." Blair said to him. "Damien, this life we have chosen to live is a…very dangerous one. We aren't meant to live for eternity…we managed to trick death…managed to play Gods and if we die…when we die…we should be happy that we were able to live so long." Blair felt sorry for Damien. She saw the sorrow and hurt in his eyes…the pain…it was killing him. He loved his brother, and Blair knew that there was possibly some unfinished business between them. "Damien look at me." He quickly looked into her chocolate colored eyes. "I want you to be happy Damien. I want you to realize that your brother is at peace now. I want you to forgive the Cullen's and leave her and never look back. I want you to go out and find a woman that is going to make you happy, and I want you to make her happy. Can you do that Damien?" Damien slowly shook his head yes. "I will make sure that you are safe Damien…the Cullen's are never going to hurt you and you are never going to hurt them. It's over now…this burden has been lifted off of your shoulders Damien."

"Thank you…" His voice cracked and Blair felt a glow inside of her. She felt like she actually did something good…something amazing.

"Bye Damien." Blair kissed him softly on the lips. "Enjoy the rest of eternity." With that Blair turned around and left him alone. She walked this time. She didn't feel like feeling the wind against her face. She just wanted to feel a little normal for once. She knew that the gift that she had was absolutely extraordinary. She was already thinking about different ways that she could save the world…how she could save people from themselves…and how she could bring happiness to even the loneliness of souls. She never thought she was ever going to be any type of savior, but now she thought about all the salvation she could bring. Maybe some how make up to God for how damned she really was.

Blair found herself in front of the Cullen's home. She wasn't even quite sure how she got there, but she felt as though something led her here. The house seemed so familiar to her…like she knew it from a dream. She walked over to the door and opened it. The house was completely still…empty. She walked up the stairs and over to a room…again it looked familiar to her. She walked over to a couch and touched the arm of it. There was stitching along it as though it had been ripped.

"You did that…well you made me do that…." Blair felt him come into the house a few seconds ago, but was too entranced by everything to do anything about it.

"Really…I am surprised that we didn't break the whole damn thing."

"I'm glad that you are okay Blair. I wanted to desperately tell someone, but I couldn't…so they went out to hunt, thinking everything was okay."

"Everything is okay now Edward. I talked to Damien and I told him to go out and live a happy life…to find a soul mate…to get over his revenge…and of course he had to listen to me."

"We don't know how long the hold of your powers lasts though Blair. The effects could wear off after a few days and he could be back here again…"

"Believe me Edward, he is not going to be back and if he is stupid enough then I will just use my powers on him again. Edward, please just at least try to give Damien a chance. He loved his brother, you know you would feel the same if something happened to Alice…or Rosalie…you would get revenge…wouldn't you?"

"There is a difference between us and them!"

"I'm not here to fight with you Edward, the fighting is over now." Blair said while turning to him. "I want to focus on me and you now Edward. I want to know you again…I want to make love to you again…and I want you to tell me everything about us. Can we just do that Edward? I am asking you here, not telling you." Edward sighed deeply. A part of him wanted to keep going after Damien, but what good would that do? Edward figured that he did enough damage and he got what he truly wanted.

"I would do anything for you Blair, even if you didn't have the powers to tell me what to do." Edward said with a laugh. "I love you and I only want to be with you. If you say Damien isn't going to be back, then he isn't going to be back."

"I love you Edward Cullen."

"I love you Blair…maybe soon to be Cullen?"

"Don't you think it's a little soon for that Edward?"

"I don't know…me and Jacob were talking…and we thought it would be a good way to bring our families together to have a double wedding. I know that Bella would love that as well." Edward said while pulling her close to him. "Then I was thinking that we could honey moon in France, then Italy, Germany, and Russia…you know tour all of Europe."

"That really doesn't sound half bad." Blair said enjoying the idea of it. She felt right with Edward, she felt that everything was going to be okay with him.

"Good…because there is something I have for you." Edward walked over to his dresser and opened the drawer. He pulled out a little back velvet box and went down on one knee as he opened it.

It was a beautiful white gold ring with a lustrous and liquid white opal with fleck of green, yellow, and orange depending on the way the light hit it. Set on the mount around the circular opal was old European cut diamonds. Blair had never seen anything so beautiful in her life. "I wanted to ask you this just incase you get kidnapped again or in case someone finds a new way of you to lose your memory. I love you Blair Swan, and there is nothing more in the world that I want then for you to be my wife. I want to spend eternity with you, if you'll have me."

"Of course I do Edward!" Edward slipped the ring onto her finger and Blair immediately wrapped her arms around him. "Blair Cullen…I like it." Blair said with a smile. She then began to kiss his lips softly for now and until eternity.

The End?