'Come back and get it Al'!'

'James! I was reading that!'

James Potter taunted his brother mercilessly, holding the text box just out of his reach. Albus Potter made a grab for it; James twirled out of his way majestically, laughing madly.

'Hu'! Catch!' James shouted to his cousin, who was watching the proceedings from a nearby rock. With a grin, Hugo Weasly pointed his wand at the text book which was now airborne, suspending it in midair.

'Oh come on!' Albus protested, reaching for it pointlessly.

'Oh for heavens sake!' Rose Weasly sighed, pointing to the book with her own wand. It dropped back into his waiting hands.

'Oh, come on Rosie!' James pouted, laughing.

'Just a laugh.' Hugo added defensively.

Rose rolled her eyes as she returned to her cousin, who was muttering over her wand crossly.

'Come on Lily! Surely you've got a good enough memory?!'

'Nope.' Lily Potter grumbled as her wand emitted another pathetic silver wisp.

'Come on!' Her cousin encouraged. 'You can think of something!'

Lily frowned in thought. She looked across to where her cousins played; Rose had wondered off to throw numerous insults and questions of their intellect.

And Lily thought it was the best thing in the world. Family. Friends.

Such over whelming togetherness.

And never, ever, having to be alone!

She jumped to feet, wand held high. 'EXPECTO PATRONUM!'

The small silver wolf cub burst from her wand, tripping over itself as it gave small yaps. Her family laughed as it lunged for leaves, growling at any that dared to move.

'Nice one Lily!' James said as the Patronus darted behind a neighbouring rock, chasing a leaf that had been carried in the wind.

Lily started violently as her Patronus encountered something much bigger; it yapped in fear and disappeared as the bigger thing stalked from around the rock.

A much bigger wolf Patronus, whose eyes glowed like golden coals.

'Oh, don't worry. She won't bite.' A male voice informed them, appearing from the behind the rock; he leant against it and eyed his Patronus, completely at ease.

The children eyed him, completely dumbstruck and fearful. Only Lily was brave enough to speak.


'Oh yes.' The man said. 'You see…I reckon…that my Patronus is actually my ship…' He nodded over to something behind him. 'In a different form.' Lily craned her head; a speck could be seen in the distance.

He gave his wrist an idle flick; the Patronus seemed to jump back into the tip of his wand of her own accord.

'Who are you?!' Lily questioned, jutting her chin out. This tall, skinny man in a brown coat was not going to intimidate her.

'I'm the Doctor.'

Every mouth fell open. The man's brow furrowed.


'But that's not possible…' Rose said, stepping forward gingerly. James, Hugo and Albus took the initiative and drew their wands. The man who claimed to be the Doctor took a wary step back.

'Ooh, kids with wands…bad combination.' He mused.

'But…but…' Rose searched her brain for answers.

'It is him!' Lily said. 'The blue police box! Just as Mum said!'

The man looked to her sharply. 'Who's your Mum?!'

Lily looked to her family. 'See?! He wouldn't know that!' She turned to him again. 'Ginny Potter.'

'Ginny?! Gin'! No! Wait…Harry?'


'Harry?! No! Aw, this is brilliant!' He looked to Hugo and Rose. 'Ron and Hermione?!'

'Yeah!' Rose and Hugo chorused together.

'HA!' The man said. 'You know me?!'

'You're the bedtime story.' James informed him, relaxing considerably. 'You with your TARDIS…'

The man gave another mad bark of laughter. 'Oh, this is brilliant! The one time, the one time, I've left somewhere and people aren't destroying any traces of me!' He frowned for a moment. 'What was I gonna' ask…'

He pulled out his wand again, suddenly serious. He handed it to Lily. 'Bury this.'

'Bury it?! Why?!' Lily questioned.

'Because the owner of that wand needs burying. I'm not sure what they did with his body, but at least his wand can be buried.'

They were all startled by his abruptness and sincerity.

'Mum says your ship is bigger on the inside.' Lily informed him. 'And that you make people better.'

'I try.' The Doctor informed her.

'And Dad, Aunt Hermione and Uncle Ron say that they'd trust you to the end of the world.' Lily said quietly. She hopped off her rock and made a small dip in the earth. She laid the wand in gently, and covered it with dirt tenderly, smoothing it over so no trace could be seen.

'What was his name?' Rose asked him quietly.

'Peter Pettigrew.' She noticed the sadness that crossed over his face. She recalled something her mother had said long ago.

He was so…what's the word…deep. That's it; deep. Never stopped thinking, even for a moment. So funny…and he was full of life. Brimming with the stuff. But he liked running…lots of running. We always wondered…what he was running from…

She picked up a nearby pebble, and made some movements over it with the tip of her wand, frowning in concentration. When she placed it over the miniature grave, two initials could be seen.


'Thank you.' The Doctor said, looking at the small grave in sadness.

'Well…bye! Oh, and tell everyone I said hello.'

'Will do!' They all chorused, the sad moment long gone.

The Doctor disappeared.

Two minutes passed, and the most beautiful sound in the universe echoed across the grounds of Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry for the last time.

To Lily Potter, Albus Potter, James Potter, Hugo Weasly and Rose Weasly, a fairy tale told by their bedsides had just come true.

A tale of a mysterious man called the Doctor, who travelled the stars, seeking people and civilisations to save.

Who ended wars with nothing but words, and whose mind was a complex infinity of knowledge and wisdom.

And a tale of a man who never stopped running.

Wow...this is it. Its over. Thank you to all my reviewers who have given me AMAZING support with my first fic, and have given me the encouragement I needed to fuel this fic...and to one day become a writer. Thank you to ALL...and I am going to SERIOUSLY miss this. Now...onto greater things!