A/N this is a humour story written by me and (strange enough) my little brother. It's written for pure fun and because we have nothing else to do this rainy April day :)
A/N 2: For I moment I forgot, we don't own anything. Except ourselves of course XD
Prologue: In which a walk gets complicated."I'm boooooooooooooored!" Andrew wailed for at least the 3 467th time.
"Well find yourself something to amuse you with." His three year older sister Thess replied growling over being interrupted in her thinking, it would take ages to be back on track again.
"But I'm still BOOOOOORED!" Andrew replied two moments later. Thess rolled her eyes.
"Well I'm not going back, dad was angry enough to eat rocks and spit out pebbles." She said turning towards her shorter brother. The Siblings were told that they looked a lot the same, which they couldn't understand. Andrew was short for his age, had sand coloured hair and green-blue eyes. Thess on the other hand, was taller then most of the people in her age, had dark brown hair and dark blue eyes.
"I can't… wait what is that" Andrew said and looked down in the ditch where a large metal thingy lay.
"I don't think you should touch that… It could be dangerous." Thess said glancing at her brother who had immediately kneeled to touch the object.
"I could poke it." He offered and took up a stick to poke the object with.
"Wait." Thess started putting a hand on his shoulder, which was probably lucky for just when the stick touched the metal thing, it shimmered and disappeared, taking the two siblings with it.