Disclaimer: I do not own Shugo Chara :)

"Ah, so you dumped her, huh?" A midnight-blue haired 18-year old boy with striking yellow, cat-like eyes confirmed in an easy tone, lazily leaning back on his chair with both legs comfortably resting on his desk.

"She was a cute one, nya..." he continued in a somewhat accusing tone, before sighing hopelessly."Still though... I guess she lasted longer than usual, no?"

"Yeah?" Another 18-year old, slightly taller than the previous one, grunted. He closed his hypnotizing, sharp, dark blue eyes in arrogance, and idly tilted his head backwards, ignoring the hustle bustle and the sound of students scattering about and gossiping. He adorned the same school uniform as the other boy: black pants, a black-coloured high-neck shirt with a typical uniform tie. "It's not like she would've have lasted that long anyway..."

The yellow-eyed boy sighed exasperatedly, leaning towards the pale, raven-haired boy in front of him. "Oh, please, Ikuto! She was, like, gorgeous, dude! If you didn't want her, you could've at least given her to me!"

Ikuto Tsukiyomi snorted. "As if she would've given you a second glance!" He absent-mindedly flipped his silky, though messy, midnight-blue locks.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!"

"It means, idiot, that Mizuki--"

"Mitsuki, you prick, it's Mitsu--" He sounded extremely agitated with his best friend... or presumably ex best friend.

Ikuto sighed, waving a hand dismissively in the air. "Whatever. Mizuki, Mitsuki, they're all the same. Believe me, I know," He sharply glanced at his expectant-looking friend. "You, on the other hand, are totally oblivious to that obvious fact, Yoru."

"NOT!" Yoru Tsukiyomi defensively responded, turning his head away from his smirking friend with a prominent, embarrassed blush grazing his tan cheeks. "I... I definitely understand that women are all the same, idiot!"

"Is that so?" Ikuto, still smirking, rested his chin on his interlaced fingers, not removing his gaze from Yoru.

"Y-yeah! You... you don't know anything, nya!" The cat-like teenager's blush darkened. "It's just that... that Mitsuki was... was... different! That's all! She was just... special! Of course, someone like you, wouldn't know... so..."

"By 'special'..." Ikuto answered, not bothered in the slightest. "You mean 'cute', right?"

"Nope," Yoru waved a reprimanding finger in the air, shaking his head like a teacher. "I mean cuter."


"But, you've got to admit, Ikuto," Yoru continued. "She definitely was the cutest out of all these," he gestured to all the remaining girls in the classroom. "Right?"

"Sad, but true..." The blue-eyed boy admitted. "Which... leaves just one little, itsy bitsy problem...?"

"No one to follow up, eh?" Yoru contributed, grinning toothily, his unusual yellow orbs twinkling in amusement.

"Bull's eye." Ikuto grinned back. "Only someone cuter than the previous one will do."

"That's the rule." They both echoed in unison, Yoru imitating Ikuto.

"Aw, too bad..." The shorter boy joked. "That kind of marks the end of your 'player' career, no?"

Ikuto stared at him oddly. "...Dream on."

Yoru, seemingly very amused by the 'player's' words, burst out laughing immediately, as Ikuto looked on, even more oddly than before. "What the hell, may I ask, is so unbelievably funny?"

"Damn! No... Noth--" His smile suddenly disappeared as he stared horrifyingly at something behind Ikuto. "Oh crap! Nikaidou-sansei alert, at 3 'o' clock!"

"Damn..." Ikuto murmured, urgently resetting his sitting position in a more suitable manner for school.

Yoru silently peeked from the corner of his eye in his stiff position, his curious mind forcing him to do so. His eyes widened in curiosity as he carefully whispered something to Ikuto.

"Hey... hey Ikuto..." he murmured, careful not to be caught. "Nikaidou-sensei is talking to someone. Damn, I can't even... no way! He's smiling, dude! He never smiles! What's going on?!"

"How should I know?" Ikuto whispered back, slightly irritated at his friend's childish behavior, as he tried to sneak a peek himself. But straightened himself immediately as the strict teacher entered the classroom.

"Good morning, class," he proclaimed, setting a few books down on the desk. Only a few murmured a polite 'good morning' back. Everyone stiffened when the cold teacher offered them an icy glare.

"I expect a much more polite greeting from my students when I enter the classroom," he coldly declared. "Especially since I do not appreciate them offering a new student such a horrible first impression."

'New... student?!' Many of the pupils wondered with wide eyes.

"Ah... your expressions show curiosity..." he continued, finally facing towards the doorway. "You may enter, Hinamori-san."

Most of the students' eyes were seemingly glued to the doorway, as a slender, pale-skinned girl entered the classroom with quiet, emotionless steps. The 15-year old girl had large, seemingly-innocent honey-coloured eyes, which seemed emotionless, but could, at the same time, shut up even a pecking hen with one glance. Shoulder-length, unusually pink-coloured hair was tied untidily with a red, 'X' clip, with her bangs partly covering her eyes. She adorned a typical girls' uniform: white, collared shirt, plaid, black skirt, coupled with black leggings, white shoes, and a bow.

"Please introduce yourself, Hinamori-san."

"My name is Amu Hinamori. No hobbies, or favourites in particular. No other unnecessary information is required, I believe." She spoke as if bored, but with a challenging aura of firmness.

The girl, all in all, possessed a dark sort of beauty that could be spotted by only few.

Those 'few', unluckily, included Ikuto Tsukiyomi.

'Next target, locked on,' He smirked. 'Amu Hinamori... you're mine.'


"Geez!" Yoru exclaimed frustratingly, throwing his hands up in the air with an angry pout on his handsome, tan face. "Why the hell do teachers have to give us poor kids detention?! I mean, all the freaking time! What's the point, anyway?!"

Ikuto sighed, with his chin propped up on his palm in boredom. "Shut the hell up, Yoru. If they give us detention, they give us detention. Live with it."

"What's that supposed to mean, bastard?!" Yoru angrily yelled, offended at his friend's, according to him, unneeded comment. "They are so not living up to all that 'always be fair' an' all that other crap they lecture us on, nya!"

"Life isn't fair. Deal."

"What idiot asked you anyway?!"

"Like someone needs to? You're talking to the one with the 'player career' here, remember, idiot?"

The boy snorted. "Like that makes a diff--" Abruptly, his smirk dropped as he plastered an expression on his face that suggested he was deep in thought. Unique eyes staring at the ground with his fore-finger curled at his frowning lips.

"Uh... hey, Ikuto?" He finally looked up at Ikuto, planning to inquire about something, but was surprised to find an expression that plainly said 'what's-up-with-you?' "What?! Don't give me the 'look', okay?!"

"Okay, okay..." Ikuto rose up his arms lazily in defense. "Don't go nuclear." Before Yoru could retort, the blue-eyed brunette continued. "What's got you so deep in that shallow mind of yours, anyway?"

Ignoring the partial insult, Yoru began to answer. "The new girl... she was pretty cute too, yeah? Maybe even more than Natasha, nya... I know she isn't your 'type' and everything, but what do you... you know, think about her? I think her name was Ami Hinamori, or something--"



"Her name, stupid," Ikuto corrected, as Yoru stared curiously. "It was Amu Hinamori. Not Ami."

After a few seconds, Yoru's curious gaze turned to a triumphant one. "AHA! I knew it! She is the next one, isn't she?!"

"For once," Ikuto started, unfazed by his friend's typical, childish behavior. "You guessed right. She may not be my kind of girl, but she's the only one left, isn't she?"

"True, true..." The oddly playful 18-year old stroked his chin, pretending to be in thought. "But how're you going to get her? She doesn't seem like a girl to fall for the usual trick..."

"Impossible," Ikuto confidently confirmed. "It hasn't failed before, it won't now. She'll fall for it."

"I don't know, Ikuto..." Yoru's unsure expression and unsteady gaze thoroughly displayed his worry.

"Quit worrying, will you?" Ikuto commanded, slightly offended at his friend's lack of trust in him. "She may act different, but she's still the same. They all are."

Behind the open doorway, a tall girl with waist-length blonde hair, determined, violet eyes, high cheek bones and a fair complexion stood rigidly, fists clenched at her sides with silent tears streaking down her cheeks. Her throat burned painfully as she desperately tried to hold back her choking sobs.

"Gomen, Utau. It's true that I love you. But not that way. Never that way."

Hoshina Utau abruptly wiped away her tears with her sleeve angrily.

"You know very well that it's impossible. We're siblings, Utau. Keep that in mind."

Stealing one last look at the raven-haired playboy, Utau darted away from the detention room as fast and silently as possible, a determined, firm look in her fierce, purple orbs where tears were filling up just a moment ago.

'I won't let you take him, Hinamori.'


Amu Hinamori stood silently, blending into the background, as she placed the few books in her arms into her locker, and replaced them with new, unused ones. Ignoring the shouts, whispering, laughing and snickering around her as best as she could, she narrowed her eyes when she caught sight of three girls, about her age, whispering something to each other and then snickering, pointing at her the entire time.

The golden-eyed girl felt sick to the stomach, an odd urge to trample the three girls immediately started to bubble up inside of her.

Closing her eyes in a calm manner that betrayed her inner turmoil, her shoulders slumped slightly as she regained control of her emotions. She faced her locker, but dared to sneak a peek at the gossiping girls one last time.

'You're all the same,' she sourly thought, her immense bitterness being displayed by the slightest narrow of her bitterly sparkling eyes. 'I hate people like you.'

"Why can't you be more like... like other girls?! Why do you have to be so... so different?! I hate people like you!"

Lowering her head in order for her bangs to cast a dark shadow over her eyes, she faintly smiled with unbearable bitterness. A smile that betrayed the emotion a real smile was supposed to portray.

"Ironic... how very ironic..." she murmured.

Suddenly hearing the volume of the whispering and murmuring rise by quite a bit, she broke away from her chain of thoughts, and, with a raised eyebrow, turned to face the subject of the gossiping on which everyone's eyes were seemingly glued on, trying to predict his next movement.

She suddenly narrowed her eyes when she realized he was walking her way. 'Who is this guy? And what the hell does he want from me?'

"Um," he started, a slight, and, unknown to her, a quite fake blush grazing his pale cheeks, coupled with a sheepish, yet cute, grin. "Amu? May I talk to you for a sec, please?"

'And just when did he get to first-name basis with me?' She wondered. "And just who might you be?" she inquired, a little harshly.

If Ikuto Tsukiyomi was surprised, he definitely did an amazing job of concealing it.

"Ah! I'm terribly sorry. I should've introduced myself first..." He threw her a charming smile, accomplishing the task of making the girls behind her swoon, but not the actual target. "My name is Ikuto Tsukiyomi. It's very nice to meet you." He extended a hand towards her.

"Pleasure." She answered shortly, but simply stared strangely at the hand extended to her, before looking up at Ikuto with a raised brow as before. "But what business exactly, may I ask, do you have with me?"

"Well," He was getting slightly confused with this girl, he had to admit. "It's... not exactly what you would call 'business', I suppose."

"So, you mean to say that, it isn't anything important?"

"Well... no. I suppose no--"

"Alright then," she began, turning her back to him. "It was nice to meet you. I'll be going now."

'What?! What the hell?!' Ikuto indignantly yelled in his head, but succeeded in concealing his panicky from his appearance. Before he could think of anything else, he grabbed her wrist gently, in order to stop her, and held back a flinch when she aimed a deadly glare at him.

"I'm sorry, Amu," he decidedly said. "But I'm afraid I can't let you go just like that."

'Got to hand it to that girl,' Yoru Tsukiyomi admitted with crossed arms as he watched from the crowds. 'He's never had to go that far before...'

"Is there something, Tsukiyomi," Hazel began, dangerously quiet. "That I have to give to you?"

"No, but..." Ikuto slowly released her wrist. "There is something that I need to give to you."

Turning up his act again, Ikuto extended the arm previously hidden behind his back to Amu, presenting a beautiful, crimson rose, together with a sheepish scratch on the head, an innocent, cute grin, and a fake, pink blush dusting his normally pale cheeks.

"I'm sorry to say this so suddenly, Amu," Ikuto apologized. "But... I'm afraid I couldn't wait any longer."

Amu kept staring at the rose held tenderly in the hand extended towards her.

"I honestly, sincerely, like you. A lot, actually. So... I was wondering if we could... maybe, go out together sometime?"

Amu Hinamori's golden-brown eyes never left the rose presented to her, except when she heard the silence being broken by a tearful sniff from nearby. She avoided turning her head to look in the direction of the quiet whispering and sniffing, but opted instead to just peek from the corner of her eye.

As everyone else was busy predicting her next movement, she figured she was, unexpectedly, the only one paying any attention to the two girls huddled together in the corner, glaring at Ikuto with a mixture of hurt and rage.

Amu narrowed her eyes to catch a better look at the two, her eyes sharpening as they caught a silent tear trickling down one's cheek.

"So, she's the next one? When is this going to end?" She heard the first one whisper with a cracking voice.

"Don't worry... she'll learn soon enough..." The second one had answered.

Those two sentences, she knew, as she pulled her gaze back towards the rose still extended to her, were enough to give her the full lowdown on Ikuto Tsukiyomi.

As expected by everyone, Amu Hinamori smiled sweetly at the handsome boy in front of her, as he restrained widening his eyes.

'Whoa...' he secretly thought. 'Talk about a 360 degree change of personality...'

Without any words, the pinkette gently plucked the rose from Ikuto's hands, and held it securely in her own two small ones. She smiled down at it, before raising her head to smile even wider at Ikuto.

"Thank you." Her voice sounded as if she had been holding back happy laughter, which made Ikuto smirk inwardly.

'Mission accompli--' he began triumphantly, but his own thoughts were interrupted, when he caught sight of the 15-year old girl harshly tearing away a fistful of red petals from the previously gorgeous rose, and throwing them down on the ground, all the while, smirking at the shocked player in front, staring at her.

She slapped the stem of the almost-bare rose against his cheek, holding it all the while, and decreased the distance between them to just about a measly inch.

Face to face, she looked into his shocked eyes, as if challenging him, and whispered, "You can't get me, Tsukiyomi..." he failed to notice her cold smile. "...I'm not like other girls."

As she backed away from him, she slipped on her emotionless mask once again. And as he watched her turn her back to him and walk away confidently, with her silky, vibrant, pink tresses swishing behind her, he was, for the first time, left staring after her in shock and wonder.

"...I'm not like other girls."

'Maybe...' Ikuto pondered. 'All women... aren't the same, after all...'


"NO WAY!" Yoru laughed insanely, as his best friend glared at him, irritated. "You got your sorry butt dumped by a GIRL!"

"I don't expect to be dumped by a boy, idiot..." Ikuto half-heartedly retorted, but the other boy resumed his laughing fit.

"Never thought the day would come, nya..." He finally calmed down, wiping a stray tear away from his eye, still grinning toothily.

"I'm not letting her go, you know..." Ikuto decided.

"You're not? Seriously?"

"No way," The midnight-blue eyed player smirked faintly, his eyes narrowing in determination.

"You can't get me, Tsukiyomi."

"I'll definitely get her. Even if it's the last thing I do." 'You'll see, Amu..."

Yoru shrugged carelessly and resumed his conversation with Ikuto, as they failed to notice a figure slowly pass by them in the crowds, smirking slightly, similar to Ikuto, as she heard the pale-skinned Tsukiyomi's previous words.

'Let's see you try, Tsukiyomi...' Amu Hinamori challenged. 'Let's see you try.'

Yea, pretty OOC, I know. But that coz this wasn't originally a SC fic, so i didn't develop the characters with Ikuto, Amu and everyone else in mind. Anyway, I still hope you enjoy it. This is my 1st Shugo Chara fic, so I hope I started out alright =D Review plz!