Disclaimer- I don't own anything that you recognize. It all belongs to Cassandra Clair.

AN- so sorry I haven't posted this yet I know I should have so as a treat I'll also post Ways To Annoy Luke! Ok so check it out!

Ways To Annoy Simon

Make references to how much hotter Edward Cullen is than Simon. (Personally I'd choose Simon!)

Ask him why he doesn't sparkle

Call him a fang banger

Turn him into a rat again

Declare him as gay and deeply in love with Jace

Tell him that he need to " come out of the closet"

Block all the anima channels from his TV

Mess with a blind monk

Make him wear tight leather stuff

Tell him that Clary has turned into a 'thong barborino'

AN- So like it or hate it, please R&R!!