

December 25, Christmas


"Yes! Presents!" L said running down the stairs. "Unbelievable…he doesn't remember anything?" Light thought. L ripped open a present from "Santa" as the rest of the task force came down the stairs. Inside the box was a snow cone maker and a plate full of strawberries. A note was also next to the box. Before doing anything, L picked up the note and read it.

Dear "Ryusaki",

You've been a very good boy this year, searching for serial killers and all that. I just wanted to say, thanks for the cookies!



L's eyes widened. Everyone knew what was coming. "Now, now Ryusaki, let's take it easy…" Matsuda said. "The cookies? YOU LET HIM TAKE, THE COOKIES?!" L yelled as the ground began to shake.

Then Light screamed like a girl.

Ryuk continued to laugh.

"RUN!" Matsuda yelled.



Okay, for those of you who liked this story, I have wonderful news, I am making……… A SORRY I FORGOT SEQUEL!!!!

That's right a sequel! More randomness! More insanity! More laughs! More…socks?

Anyway, it is going to be a Death Note Naruto crossover story. If you are looking for it. Keep an Eye on my profile and look for a story called,

Sorry, I Forgot 2: Insomniacs Unite!

Or just search the title. You can also put me on Author Alert so that you can get an email when I upload it. It's gonna be awesome! I promise! Thank you to all the Sorry, I Forgot lovers!

Fact: Honestly, I just made this crack fic out of boredom and was planning to make three chapters. Now look at it! Yay! Random happiness!