There's another couple of references in here.
Epilogue: The Ending After the Ending
ERiN: So Sonic eventually made it back to his own time. Somehow. Don't think too much about the details. He decided to tell his story to Amy, who took it extremely well.
Sonic: *to Amy* And then, I smited Merlina the Horse Queen! Wait, is smite the right word? Smote? Maybe smoot..I don't even think that's a word, actually. *chuckles* Anyway, let's say I just smited her and saved the kingdom. And that's the reason why I missed our date.
Amy: *sweetly* I understand, Sonic. :)
Sonic: *to himself* Phew.
ERiN: Just kidding! ;)
Amy: *furiously yells and takes out her hammer* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Sonic: 0_0 *starts backing up* Wait, wait, wait--
Amy: *smashes Sonic with her hammer* Take THAT, you lying liar! *continues whacking him*
Sonic: OW! AMY! CUT THAT OUT! YOW! I've been in too much pain already! OUCH! Ames, have a heart! AAAAAHHH!
Amy: I bet you were out with Sally! *hits him again with hammer*
Sonic: No! YIKES! I was only with her yesterday! 0_0 Oops.
Amy: *completely enraged* YOU CHEATING, TWO-TIMING JERK! *begins smashing Sonic harder with hammer*
Sonic: *starts running away wobbily* Adios!
Amy: *right behind him, whacking him the whole way* YOU CAN'T RUN FROM AMY!
ERiN: As the two lovebirds leave the scene, the book "King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table", which was randomly on the ground, changed to "Knave and the Black Knight".
Sonic: *comes back and picks up book* Hey! They got my name wrong! They called me "Knave"!
Amy: *still furious* WELL THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR BEING A LOSER! *whacks Sonic hard and knocks him out* :) Ah, that's better. *leaves*
Sonic: *groggily starts to wake up* Ughh... *gets up and feels fine* Hey, that didn't hurt so bad. I guess after all the pain and torture I've been through, I can withstand anything! I might not even faint again! :)
Mailman: *goes up to Sonic and hands him a paper* This just came for you. From a scabbard or something.
Sonic: Huh? *reads paper, and his eyes bulge* O_O Magic bill?! Amount due: ONE THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED AND NINETY-FIVE DOLLARS AND THIRTY-ONE CENTS!! *moans and faints*
Porky Pig: Uh, blee-blee-blee that's all, folks! :D
The End (FINALLY!)
I guess some things will never change...
Thanks for reading and reviewing! Please leave a nice final review and keep on the lookout for my next Fanfic! I won't tell you what it is (ain't I sneaky?), but I'll give you a hint: It's a western. Just kidding. It's a romance. 'Till then, sayonara!