Disclaimer: I do not own any of Gakuen Alice except for the plot.
Hope you enjoy
Teenage Rebel
Mikan Sakura was your normal bad ass chick. Her family hated her so much she sold her to the most prestigious school in Japan. As well as a student of Gakuen Alice she works as a maid to the Hyuuga household. What happens when her secret is exposed and this 'Miss too cool to care' is made fun of even more and decides she can't take it anymore. What will she do?
Bad Ass. Non of your Business. Get Lost Kinda Girl.
My name is Mikan Sakura. I am 16 years old and I seriously don't care what you think of me. Judge me by all means just be prepared for one hell of a death sentence if you dare talk, flirt, insult make any contact with me(unless your Hotaru). Hotaru is my best friend. She was the only person to actually be nice to me (which is very rare) when I got here. She is also the only one who knows about my secret. I'm the maid to the Hyuuga family. The Hyuuga family are the richest family in Tokyo. In fact Japan. My parents sold me to them when I was only four. Four. Plus they sold me for drugs. I'm actually thankful they sold me. It would be better anyway. It is better. They treat me okay. I'm their maid and they thank me by giving me a roof, food and 100 yen every month. Even though I'm their maid I'm like their adopted daughter. I was school property but no one knew it. Except for Hotaru.
Current Day
I woke up in a big room. In a double bed. In the Hyuuga's private household. Okay mansion. I may be a student at this boarding school but I don't sleep in a dorm. Like I said. Adopted daughter. I groaned. Six o'clock. I had to wake up and help make give out cloths, towels and give each of them their breakfast. Them referring to the Hyuuga's. I quickly dressed into my maid uniform then my morning rituals consisting of brushing hair, brushing teeth and washing my face. I quickly looked on the mirror. I was wearing a black t-shirt dress with white frills on the bottom hem and top hem, white apron, black flats and my hair in a neat bun. This was not my usual look but unlike the school uniform this uniform had NO exceptions. The 'young master' was supposed to arrive today. So I had an extra person to serve. I left my room quickening my pace to quickly get to the maids room. Lay on the table were three trays. The large tray with two of everything was for Mr and Mrs. Hyuuga. The tray with pancakes milk and crystallized strawberries were for Aoi so I guess the other one was for Master Hyuuga. I brought Aoi hers first. She would already be up. I picked up the tray and carefully walked to Aoi's room. I knocked on the door and went in.
"Good morning Aoi-chan." I said. She was also my friend. So I had two friends. She smiled at me and thanked me. I left and continued to Mr and Mrs. Hyuuga. I repeated what I did with Aoi and continued to Master Hyuuga. I went to the maids room grabbed the last tray. There were fresh strawberries, pancakes with maple syrup and a glass of freshly squeezed orange. I walked to his room. I knocked on the door and went in.
"Good morning Master Hyuuga," I said. I looked at him and sighed. He was still asleep. I put the tray on his coffee table and walked over to his bed. This was mandatory. I lent over his body and shook him gently.
"Master Hyuuga, you must wake up for school." I had to be nice. Even if he was a snobby brat faced weasel. I always stick by my rule don't judge a book but in this case I was totally right. "Master Hyuuga," I said shaking him. He groaned and slowly opened his eyes. "Time for school," I said. He looked at me and sat up in bed. He was shirtless and totally hot....... WHAT AM I THINKING!!! He smirked.
"Like what you see cause I sure as hell like what I see," he said. I glared at him. Wrong move. " I could have you fired for glaring at me and kissing me you know," he said in matter of factly manner.
"I didn't kiss you," I snapped. Suddenly he pulled me towards him and he stole my first kiss. I put my hands on his chest and counted to three.1.2. On 3 I pushed him. I stormed out of the room and I swear I heard him chuckle. I ran to my room and showered. I even brushed my teeth again. I can't believe that JERK. I dressed in my normal uniform but added a lot more me into it. The mandatory uniform was blue and black tartan skirt, white shirt, black and blue striped tie, black sweater-vest or cardigan, black socks, black shoes and a black blazer. I didn't put on my white shirt but I put on a black t-shirt that said Rebel in big blue letters. The skirt went mid thigh so I put a black tutu underneath and put on a studded belt and a few chains. I put on knee high black converse and black and blue thigh high socks. I loosely tied my tie around my neck and put on a my blazer. I had cut the sleeved to they were up to my elbows and I put blue cuffs on the ends. I also put on black fingerless gloves and straightened my hair. I put in some blue and black hair extensions as well. Now make up. I made my eyes look smoky with a tint of blue while I put a clear gloss on my lips. I looked in the mirror. I looked like.... well me. I grabbed my shoulder bag and left. On the way out I grabbed a piece of toast from the maid's room and quickly ate it. I checked my phone. It was a black Google phone. 5 minutes to 8. Damn I thought. I was going to be late for class so I took the short cut. I sprinted outside and climbed onto the wall. The wall separated the Hyuuga household from the school so If I climbed over it I would get there quicker. This was like a really high wall which went up to the third story of the four story high house. I looked for cracks and slots in the wall and planned my route. A few seconds later I was standing on the wall. Little did I know Master Hyuuga saw me from his room. I jumped down and landed perfectly on the ground below. I then sprinted towards the class buildings. I slammed the door open and collapsed in my seat.
The school bell rung and Hotaru looked at me. I could tell what she wanted to know.
"I was late because 'Master' Hyuuga came home." I sighed. She looked at me again. Her eyes were saying, "And....."
"He stole my first kiss. I lost it to a snooty brat like him." I swear I saw a smile creep on Hotaru's face. Only for a second though. She never smiles. She's pretty much emotionless. Five minutes into homeroom the bitches arrive. They always arrive at 5 past. It was like tradion. I sighed as the music played. They did this thing every week were they come to school in their slutty little uniforms and dance for all the guys. They acted like porn stars. Luna, Sumire and some other people (I couldn't be bothered to learn their names) started dancing in front of the guy. I felt sorry for them. Having big fat arses shoved in their faces. Seeing those five whores were bad enough but seriously having them dance in front of you made me wanna wanna.... I grabbed the bin and started puking. The music stopped and Hotaru gave me a bottle of water and a tissue. She motioned her hand towards me. I sighed and gave her 10 yen. She nodded and went back to her book. I stood up and went to the nurses office for some medicine and when I got back someone asked me why I puked. I laughed.
"I puked because of that," I said bluntly while pointing at the group of five bitches. Luna just stood up came towards me and slapped me across the cheek.
"Puke. On. That." she said sneering.
"Yeah," Sumire said," she's only jealous because WE can dance like professionals. Unlike some people who dance like their having a spasm." Everyone started laughing. I just kept eye-contact and waited for her to look away. I was muttering thing in my head which seemed to telepathically transfer into Sumire's. He started to fidget and start sweating. She was scared.
"STOP IT!" she screamed," JUST STOP IT!" She looked away and started to reassure herself. The rest of the posse seemed to crowd round her including Luna. I walked to my seat and grinned to Hotaru. She nodded.
"Picture?" I asked.
"Who cares about a picture. I got it ALL on tape," she grinned evilly as yen signs welled up in her eyes. I grinned to. Blackmail was oh so sweet. A few minutes later Narumi skipped in looking as gay as ever.
"We have two new students," he sang," come on in." Two boy walked in. A blond and him. The blond glanced at Hotaru and started blush. He was carrying a white rabbit and every so often he would glance at Hotaru. I looked at Hotaru. She was a light shade of pink but showed no emotion. What was going on? All the girls started squealing.
"KYYAAAAAAAAAA. So CUTE. So HOT. SO FINE!!!! Marry me! Be mine. Are you good in bed?" random girls screamed. Narumi's eyes widened and hushed everyone. Hotaru being Hotaru snapped a gazillion photos and Me? I glared at him. He caught my gaze and smirked. My dark aura rose. Hotaru looked at me as to say, "stop it baka." So I did and my dark aura weakened.
"My name is Noji Ruka. I am 17 years old and heir to Noji Corporations. I love animals and have transferred here from France," The blond said. He glanced at Hotaru and turned a light shade of pink. Only I would have noticed this. I turned to Hotaru. Still pink.
"Hyuuga Natsume. 17. Heir to Hyuuga Corporations, Gakuen Alice and 50 Hyuuga hotels around the world. I am currently single and....." he couldn't continue because a million girls ambushed him with questions like will you go out with me?
"Urrgghhh," I groaned as I pulled out my I-pod. It was an I-pod touch. I have really high end gadgety thingys because I save my money. I put it on shuffle and lay on my desk staring out of the window. A few minutes later the girls started to moan and cry. I started to get annoyed." For God's sake GET A GRIP! There only boys!" I screamed. Then I saw it. The most horrible thing ever. In the spare seat next to me was....was Hyuuga Natsume. My new 'master'. My eyes were wide open as he smirked like hell.
"Narumi-sensei, why is there an it next to me?" I questioned. He grinned sheepishly.
"He's your new.... partner?" It sounded more like a question than a reply.
"What?!!?!!" I screamed. "NoNoNoNoNo," I changed my tone of voice," I'll gladly change with Luna." Luna beamed and accepted.
"No!" Narumi said firmly. "No switching partners!" I slammed my fist on the desk and sat down in a huff.
"Don't talk to me and you stay alive." I hissed at him.
"Like I'd do that. By the way. Why are you my maid?" he asked.
"It's none of your business," I replied coldly.
"Fine. Okay. I just didn't know you could jump from a three story high wall. Polka dots," he whispered in my ear before blowing in it. I was now fuming with rage. I opened the window and climbed out of it. "Oi Polka! Where you going?" He smirked. I turned around and glared at him.
"Anywhere you aren't!" I screamed before turning and walking again.
"Harsh Polka," he said sarcastically. I didn't even reply. Instead I gave him the middle finger before stalking off to my favourite spot. The Sakura tree. I climbed to the highest branch. It was shaped like a U so I lay on the branch. This is normally where you would find me. It was the start of summer term so everyone was pumped up and ready to go after spending the Easter in Hawaii or Australia. I stayed home and cleaned and washed and ironed and hovered and scrubbed and worked my ass off. They I had to come back to this. I really couldn't take this crap anymore. I could runaway. Yep I'll run away. Daring but seriously I can't be in the same room as that perverted jerk. Suddenly from a far distance I herd a
"KYYAAAAAAA!!!!" Then suddenly he came running up to the tree and climbed onto a branch out of sight. I tuned over so my stomach was pressed against the branch and not my back. I looked out from the leaves and blossoms. The girls stopped about 15 metres away from the tree. They knew I would be here but he didn't. I quietly reached for the bottle of water in my shoulder bag. I poured what was left onto his good for nothing head.
"ARRGGGHHH!!! What The HELL?" He screamed as he looked up. I grinned evilly and waved.
"One word. Payback," That's all I said before I jumped down off the tree.
"I could have you fired," he warned. I turned to him and brought my face close to his.
"I was gonna runaway anyway." I turned around quickly. Bits of my hair flicked him in the face and I walked off. I smiled inwardly to myself as I left him standing there like an idiot.
Natsume POV
I had just got off a tiring flight from France and I woke up to an angel. She was beautiful. Chestnut hair and glistening chocolate brown eyes. I smirked at her as she stepped back. I then realised I was shirtless and she was staring. This made my smirk more visible.
"Like what you see cause I sure as hell like what I see," I said. This was one of my famous lines. She will be mine like butter on a pancake. Speaking of pancakes I can smell freshly made pancakes. I caught her glaring at me.
"You know I could have you fired for glaring and kissing me you know," I said in a very smart tone.
"I didn't kiss you!" she snapped but before she could say anything more I pulled her towards me a kissed her soft lips. I had kissed so many girls but this was incredible. She suddenly pushed me away and stormed out of the room.
"Interesting," I thought. I got up from my bed and looked in my mirror. I was still good looking. Then why wasn't she melting in my hands? Oh well. I'll get her. I always do. I stood there thinking about her soft smile. Her angelic smile. Her perfect figure. She was perfect. I was snapped out of my dreams by the smell of pancakes. Mmmm pancakes. I looked down. I smirked. She brings breakfast but why am I fantasizing about her. She's probably like 20. I was only 16. God what am I thinking. I got dressed into my black and blue tartan pants. I left my white shirt un-tucked and a pulled my black jumper over it. I hung my tie loosely around my neck and did my morning rituals. I touched my lips and I could feel her there. Suddenly I heard someone climb up the wall surrounding the house. Damn fan-girls. I looked out my balcony doors and saw her. So she was a middle-schooler as well. I could tell it was her. Her long silky chestnut hair. Her chocolate brown eyes. I saw her but she didn't realise I was there. She jumped down from the wall. I walked out onto the balcony grinning. Polka dots huh? I saw her running towards the class buildings. Her uniform was obviously customized seeing as it was amazing. I smirked as I left my room. I passed Aoi's room. I knocked on her door.
"Hey Aoi who is the maid that brings our breakfast?" I asked her.
"Oh she's Mikan. I think she'll be in your class. Just so you know don't anger her. She's my only friend that like's me for me." She sighed. I nodded my head and left. There was a car parked outside the wall. I got in and greeted my best friend Noji Ruka. We knew each other from France. I nodded at him and he continued to pet his rabbit.
"Natsume. Do you think she'll be here?" he asked quietly.
"I checked the school files'. She's here. Hotaru is here." I said quietly. Hotaru had been mine and Ruka's friend since we were born and when Ruka and I left he confessed to Hotaru and she did the same to him.
When we went in I saw our maid sitting at the back behind Hotaru. I knew it was her because Ruka couldn't stop looking at her. Our maid on the other hand was surrounded with a dark aura. I smirked. Suddenly a million girls started screaming. I covered my ears. When they finally shut up we introduced ourselves. My mistake. Telling them I was single. The gay teacher hushed them and assigned us partners. Guess who my partner was. Non other than Sakura Mikan. Ruka was paired up with Hotaru and he was blushing like crazy.
When I got to my desk next to Mikan she was listening to her I-pod. I looked over. She was listening to Leave out All the Rest by Linkin Park. She has good taste. I looked at her angelic face. Sh e seemed to get irritated. She suddenly stood up and started screaming.
" For God's sake GET A GRIP! There only boys!" she screamed. Then I saw it. She looked at me and seemed confused. I smirked at her.
"Narumi-sensei, why is there an it next to me?" she questioned. He grinned sheepishly. Idiot I thought.
"He's your new.... partner?" It sounded more like a question than a reply. Like I said. Idiot teacher. Actually Idiot GAY teacher.
"What?!!?!!" She screamed. "NoNoNoNoNo," her voice changed in tone," I'll gladly change with Luna." Luna beamed and accepted. My eyes widened. No way was I going to sit next to that. I looked over at Luna. She blew me a kiss and I nearly died of fright.
"No!" Narumi said firmly. "No switching partners!" She slammed the fist on the desk and sat down in a huff. I swear I saw a crack on the desk.
"Don't talk to me and you stay alive." She hissed at me. I was amused by this. Time to amuse myself.
"Like I'd do that. By the way. Why are you my maid?" I asked.
"It's none of your business," Mikan replied coldly.
"Fine. Okay. I just didn't know you could jump from a three story high wall. Polka dots," I whispered in her ear before blowing in it. I smirked like mad and waited for her reaction. She was now fuming with rage. She opened the window and climbed out of it. "Oi Polka! Where you going?" I smirked happily to myself. She turned around and glared at me.
"Anywhere you aren't!" She screamed before turning and walking again.
"Harsh Polka," I said sarcastically. She didn't even bother to reply. Instead she gave me the middle finger. I was deeply amused by this and put my feet up on the desk. Under my foot was something hard. Her I-pod. I could use that for blackmail later I thought.
The bell rung and millions of children poured out of the classrooms. I darted out of the window followed by a million girls.
"KYYAAAAAA!" They screamed," NATSUME-KUN" I instantly ran for it. I saw a Sakura tree and climbed into it. It hid me completely. I sighed. I looked through the leaves. That was odd. They wouldn't come any closer to the tree. This would be my new favourite spot the suddenly cold water splashed on my head causing me to shout.
"ARRGGGHHH!!! What The HELL?" I screamed as he looked up. She grinned evilly and waved. It was her. This is where she hid. No wonder the fan girls didn't come any closer.
"One word. Payback," That's all she said before she jumped down off the tree.
"I could have you fired," I warned. I knew this would get her. She turned to me and brought my face close to hers'. I breathed. I could have kissed her there and then but something stopped me.
"I was gonna runaway anyway." She said before turned around quickly. Bits of her hair flicked me in the face as she turned. I caught the smell of her hair. Vanilla and freesia. I was knelt there like an idiot. I felt like an idiot. She was going to run away and I wasn't doing anything. If she dar ran away I would have the whole army and the whole of Japan looking for her. What was I saying? I looked at her again. Her perfect hair swaying in the wind. The way her hips moved so naturally. I was really falling for her. Damn. She was my weakness but I couldn't show it.