Hello! Kinnetik_Ishisu here contributing to the Harvest Moon fandom! Here I present this Gill x Angela oneshot narrated from the granddaughter's point of view. After this one, the story will really begin. Enjoy!

Pd. There are slight spoilers about the newest Harvest Moon Waku Waku Animal March. I haven't played it but I've seen some vids that inspired the spoilers.

Thanks for reading and please review! :D


A "G" Engraved Diary

The day I moved to Harmonica town, I lost my grandfather's diary.

No, perhaps I should go further back. Way back…


I was 12 when I met my grandfather for the first time; my parents had eloped because my grandfather disapproved my father's choice for a bride. Years later, when mom died, grandma finally convinced him to come and meet me. And that's where all began:

"Prepare yourself, kiddo. Today, you are going to meet grandpa and grandma!" father said a month after mom's funeral. He looked happy; the happiest he had been since mom…

"Why now?" I asked defiantly while I smoothed the wrinkles of my black dress. "I have been around for 12 years now. And I have everyone I need here in our town."

"Grandpa and Grandma live in a place called Waffle Town, where I lived until I turned 18 and came here. Now that I think about it, our town is not so different from Waffle Town. We even have a crazy, chubby mayor and all, ha, ha, ha!" He laughed while dusting his shirt, totally ignoring my remark. Then, he grabbed my shoulders gently and looked me in the eye, "Do this for me, please? I really want you to meet them and get to know them. Please?"

Being as weak as I was to my father's pleadings, I found myself opening the door and welcoming an old couple into our house later that evening. The woman was all smiles, kind of short, with rosy cheeks, short white hair and small wrinkles in the corners of her mouth. The man was a bit shorter than dad, stern looking, with wrinkles on his forehead and a funny cowlick in his gray hair. While dad and the woman embraced happily, the stern man looked at me with cold blue eyes. 'Yes...,' I thought bitterly, returning the cold stare with my own blue gaze. 'I have dad's brown hair but I'm still the spitting image of my mother so go ahead and say something mean about it , make my day…' Yes, I had seen a lot of Clint Eastwood's movies…

After that day, Grandma Angela dragged Grandpa Gill to visit us almost every day. While Grandma helped dad to tend our fields (It was Summer, the busiest season), I had fun dragging Grandpa around to help me with my chores, knowing he was suffering horribly by being forced to spend time with me. One day however, I fell from one of our trees trying to cheat the bees into giving me honey, breaking my leg in the process. The bees of course decided to join the punishment, stung me all over and had me crying and screaming before I could finish saying 'honey'.

"Ginevra !!" someone shouted over my panicked shrieks. With difficulty, I saw Grandma and Dad throwing their watering cans away and hurrying over. But it was Grandpa who threw his vest over me and shielded me with his body until Dad and Grandma could scare the bees away.

The doctor kept Grandpa and I in the clinic for a week, in which Grandpa read "The Three Musketeers" for me.

"A proper citizen and especially a lady should know about classic literature. Since I failed to hammer it into your brains, Alistair and Angela, I must make sure that at least my granddaughter continues the noble traditions of readers the Hammilton family has always had" Grandpa said when Dad and Grandma asked him why he didn't read normal bedtime stories to me.


The last night we were in the clinic, I woke up while Dad and Grandpa were talking. I don't know why, but I felt I didn't have to interrupt the conversation so I pretended to be still asleep.

"It's nice to see how well Ginevra has been raised. But it shouldn't surprise me; you always had your mother's patience and character, suitable for children." Grandpa said quietly.

"Thanks Dad, but I also learned a lot of things from you and I have been able to teach Ginevra many of the things you taught me. Also, Kotoko used to say that she was –or is- very much like you. She even wants to be mayor some day, ha, ha." Dad replied.

"Oh, interesting!" Grandpa laughed, "The evening after we first met, your mom kept saying: She had the very same look of back when I first met you, cold and angry…And mayorish! After some thought, I knew she was right. After all, I had lost my own mother not long before your mother arrived to Waffle Town and my reflection in the mirror had the same defiance. "

"Ginevra is a very intelligent child and even if she weren't, it doesn't take much to figure that Kotoko and I were not in good terms with you and mom. Or at least with you. It's more loyalty than defiance, wouldn't you say?"

"Could be… Look, Alistair, I am not good with words son, as Angela has been reminding me ever since this conflict began. I didn't like the idea of you marrying Kotoko because I felt that she was too superficial and vain… She didn't even finish high school, for Goddess sake!"

"Dad..." Father said warningly.

"I know, I know, but let me finish. Now that I see my granddaughter, I know that I didn't make an honest effort to give Kotoko a chance. I see many of my own behaviors in your daughter, Alistair, and if Kotoko had been the mother I thought she would be, she would have discouraged those behaviors in her daughter. She would have taught her to hate me and that would have definitely created a tantrum in the night we met. Yet, that didn't happen. Kotoko and you have proved to be more capable parents than I have been so… I guess…my repentance is in order. Alistair, I'm sorry…" Grandpa finished.

After that, I heard a rustle of sheets. I peeked a bit and I saw my father embracing Grandpa. Dad was crying… And I fell asleep this time for real.

Dad and Grandpa reconciled, much to Grandma's relief. They were planning to stay a bit longer in our house but soon after the bees' incident, Grandpa and Grandma had to leave. Apparently, Waffle Town needed its mayor and star farmer back as soon as possible, or so a letter signed by some guy named Chase said. I was terribly sad, since Grandpa and I were very close now, but I bravely walked by Grandpa's side on our way to the harbor, where a guy named Pascal and his rusty-totally-insecure-looking ship was supposed to pick them up. Before he left, he took two notebooks out of his suitcase.

"Ginevra, these are for you," he said handing a green and a red notebook to me. I took them and noticed both had a golden "G" engraved on their covers. While the red one was new, the green one looked as if it had seen better days.

"What are these? I asked.

"The green one is my most precious diary. I started it a few months before I met your Grandma and kept it up until today, when I must say goodbye to you. The writing was never constant, but I feel it has all the details of my life before you. So you can get to know me, …if you want, that is." he explained while getting some of his gray hair out of his face in a huff.

"I very much want to," I smile while eyeing the treasures.

He beamed, hugged me really tight and kept on walking to the end of the dock where Dad and Grandma were waiting for him. Alistair! Angela! Stop grinning like fools and get a hold on yourselves!


Eight years have passed since then. I arrived to Harmonica town yesterday and when I was about to read my favorite passage in Grandpa's diary (in the comfortable cushiness of my new sofa in my new house) I noticed –voilá- the elusive notebook had disappeared.

Panic. Panic was a mild word. If I lost that diary, I could very well say good bye to my life as I knew it. Grandpa would definitely drag me to Waffle Town, namely to Craig's farm and have me harvest turnips for the rest of my life! And stop detaining Luke's son from trying to court me (which will probably result in me being chopped to death when I refuse him, all planned by my devious Grandpa of course).

Ok, let's calm down. I've watched enough CSI. Let us go back to the crime scene. Or scenes… I searched everywhere: In the dock, by the shore, in the restaurant, at the library, by the bridge… Nothing….Damn CSI….

Finally, in front of the church, when I was about to begin crying and bemoaning my fate, a young, tanned man approached me. He had grayish hair with a weird braid on the left side of his head, a blue coat, white pants and some strange white tattoo under his right eye.

"Is this yours by any chance?" he said as he showed me the green notebook.

I shrieked happily and rapidly took it from his hands. "Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you and more thank you. You are a genius! A wizard! You may not know it but you have saved me from a terrible fate!"

He chuckled, bowed and began walking away.

"What's your name?!" I asked before he disappeared.

"You have found out my provisional name. The real one you will know soon enough, I daresay. Have a nice afternoon, miss…" he said and got lost in the horizon.

I stood in front of the church, thinking about what he said. Mr. Genius? Mr. Wizard?, oh well, I'll figure it out later. In the meantime, let's go home. I have an event worth of my first diary entry in the red notebook… Well, maybe after reading my favorite entry in Grandpa's green notebook:


Fall 16, xxxx

I must really be careful about my diary. I shudder to think of what could have happened if it had fallen in evil *cough, cough, Luke's* hands, for example. Thankfully, Angela found it before anything happened. She told me it was behind the billboard in front of the Inn. Dangerous, really dangerous…

Anyway, Angela told me nobody had touched it and even she herself hadn't read it. If it were other than her, I wouldn't believe them, but Angela has something that makes me trust her. But I do not have a crush on her like Elli suggests! That woman! She has made "getting Gill married" her personal mission! Me? A crush on a farmer like Angela? Preposterous! Anyways, she has a lot to choose from like that simpleton of Owen the blacksmith or that narcoleptic Toby, who are so disgustingly obvious in their affection for her, it makes me want to puke. However, as the future mayor of this town, I should advise her about her choices. She is a very successful farmer after all, so many leeches may try to seduce her because of her money *cough, cough, Toby*. She should look for someone who has a position in the town, also a respectable job and the ability of helping her negotiate and such. Naturally, that someone should belong to a respectable family, of good breeding of course, not like certain half-crazed axe man with wood for a brain…

Yes, perhaps I should ask her out for lunch tomorrow and discuss about her job and the like. And also I should scold her for passing out so often in the mines! I had totally forgotten! Hmmm… I should make a list



Thanks for reading and please review! :D