Disclaimer: I wish I did but I don not own any of the Characters in this fan fiction. They are the rights to Ben 10, and I also do not own Ben 10 either.
Author's Note: Hey. This is my very first fanfiction, so don't hate it too much. I plan to make it at least five to ten chapters so just wait and see how it turns out.
Letting It Out
"Get off me dweeb!!" shouts an aggravated Ben as he's struggling to get his cousin off him. "Only if I get the remote. There's a documentary of literature on and I want to watch it" said Gwen on top of her smaller cousin. It was their second summer together. Although it was only one year since their previous summer adventures, they had.....somewhat matured. Both cousins had brought their name-calling and fighting to a minimal (although they still had their occasional fights). "No way! The Sumo Slammer marathon is on, and I'm not missing a single second of it, SO GET OFF!!!!) "I'm not getting off until you hand me the remote, and I could sit here all day" Gwen said with a smirk on her face.
"That's enough, Gwen" said Grandpa Max with a serious look on his face, and a tone to match. "Can't you two just share the T.V?" he asked. "But Grandpa, Ben has seen that stupid marathon at least 5 times already, and this may be the only time I get to see "The Evolution of Literature"."
"Now Ben, it's only fair to let your cousin watch what she wants today. Besides, we got to do your choice for weekly activities twice in a row." As Max went on, Gwen was behind him sticking her tongue out at Ben. He replied the same but didn't realise that Grandpa was still talking to him.
"I have had it with the both of you!" Grandpa Max was getting frustrated, but he still kept his voice below shouting level. "I might just ground the both of you if you don't stop this behaviour".
"But Grandpa...!" both cousins whined. "No buts. I am going grocery shopping. If the both of you can settle down by the time I return, then we could get some ice cream" exclaimed a less-than-happy Max as he left the RV.
There they were, standing still. A minute had gone by since Grandpa left. The remote was still on the ground. Ben glanced at the remote, then his cousin. "There is no way I'm missing the sumo slammer marathon for some dumb documentary" thought Ben. Gwen did the same thing, except she thought of how she could get the remote with using the least amount of energy. Then, she got an idea.
"So Ben, How's school?" she asked with a mischievous grin on her face."What is she doing? She knows I don't like to talk about school stuff" thought a confused Ben. " Uhh...good I guess" Was all Ben could (or should say wanted) to say. "Is there someone special" asked Gwen as she took a step closer to her cousin. Ben took a step back in relation. "Uhh...no."
"You sure that there's no one you like?" Asked Gwen, her grin turning into a smile. "WHAT!?!?" Ben was caught off guard. He didn't expect this from Gwen. Not at all. He tried his best not to, but he couldn't help but blush. "N-N-NO, Th-there is no girl that I l-like". He stammered so hard to get that sentence out. Gwen was enjoying this all too well. She would much rather make Ben sweat than watch any old documentary. She took her little game another step forward. "Oh Ben, you are so flushed. So, who is this girl? Wait...is it me?" Gwen said which completely caught Ben off guard. Gwen was just laughing so hard in her head, seeing Ben's reaction. He became redder than a beet. Gwen continued. "Oh, it is me! Is it my long, red hair, or do you like my personality, or is it my face that you love looking at" Gwen kept going on and on. Ben couldn't take it anymore. He just blurted out the first thing that came to his mind, just to make Gwen stop teasing him. "I DON'TLIKE YOU,AND WHO WOULD BECAUSE YOU'RE SO UGLY!"
Gwen couldn't believe what she heard. Even Ben was shocked at what he said. "Gwen, I am so sor..." before he could finish, a pillow was whipped at his head, which knocked him to the floor. When he got up, he noticed that Gwen was gone, and below his feet, he saw a few tear droplets on the carpet.
Seeing this, Ben ran outside, into the park, looking for is hurt cousin.
Hoped you liked it. Might be sometime before I write chapter two. I'll be busy with school so yeah. R&R. Thanks. Later