The Third Rule

Chapter 4: It begins

By RachelJhoson

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight, Stephanie Meyer does…but I do own the plot

Petition: Review!

Thanks for my readers! For reading this and taking their time to review!


The guy fell instantly on the floor, apparently unconscious. I stayed there, in front of him completely shocked; I couldn't believe what I had done. The weak girl that some hours ago was told to call Charlie OR Mike if anything BAD happened, had just hit a thief and make him fall…

Starting living here was definitely turning me into a more mature girl. I mean wow!, this was the first night! I smiled at this thought, proudly and totally forgetting about the guy that was lying in front on me. I remembered his presence when I started feeling his slow breath on my left feet. Well at least he wasn't dead, 'that would had really been a problem'

I moved my head to stare at him closely, but holding the bat of beisbol hardly with both of my hands, just in case he woke up and tried anything. He was a young boy, of about my age, with brunette/ almost golden hair, instead of a mask; I could see his pale white skin. He was using a pair of jeans and a grey t-shirt…his body was full of muscles…

I knew I didn't have to think of this, because of the fact he was probably nothing more than a thief or a lunatic, but god he was hot.

Suddenly, the lunatic started to move slowly, first his fingers, then his hand and then his legs. This made me shake once again and wonder why the hell I hadn't called the police yet, but once again, it was too late to do it. He was waking up

I took once again the position of a beisbol player waiting him to recover his mind. He was still lying on the floor, but I saw how he opened his eyes slowly and started to wink weakly in order to recover his vision completely. His eyes where looked like gold. They where the most beautiful eyes I had ever…Wait a second

Why was I thinking this?

I moved my head fastly in order to forget this stupid thought and prepare my best shot. I pointed directly at the head of the guy. I was going to make him faint. Again

''ugh what the hell had just happened? '' I heard him moan without realizing my presence, as he touched the place where I had recently hit him.

Okay so, this was the perfect moment. I had to hit him….now. Right now… But nothing happened. I didn't even move. Why? I had two theories…first I was too scared. Second, I had just heard the sound of his voice, and It sounded like a melody, I just couldn't hurt the owner of such a magnificent voice.

I begged it was the first option, so that I could just take a deep breath and do it.

Suddenly the guy opened completely his eyes and sat on the floor. Then he looked up, directly too my eyes. Automatically, I forgot my fears and prepared myself to hit him once again:

''WAIT!'' He shouted, putting one him his hands on his head in order to protect himself, and the other one in front of me. I don't know why, but strangely I obeyed him and stopped. We stared at each other for another seconds and my fears came back to my body, making me shake once again.

Before he could say a thing I started running and hided fastly behind one of the sofas. With the bat still in my hand that was moving fastly because of my shaking hands.

I felt how tears started escaping from my eyes. I started sobbing

''L-leave, p-please…just leave'' I begged softly before broking again on tears from behind the sofa. I heard him standing up from the floor, and walking closer to where I was.

'This is the end'

He stopped walking when he was in front of me. Now I was the one that was sitting on the floor. At least I still had the bat. I still had an opportunity to save my life

''Are you okay?'' He asked softly looking down in order to stare directly at my eyes. I sobbed once again, but didn't answer.

When he realized I wasn't going to answer him, he decided to sit softly on the floor, next to me. I turned to stare at his pair of golden eyes. What the hell was he doing? Was he going to kill me? Steal my new stuff? Take my clothes off and…well you know?

He didn't even moved

What the hell was he waiting for?

''Are you okay?'' He repeated… Okay? If I was okay?! He had just got into my house on my first night of freedom, and he was asking if I was okay?! What kind of bad guy was he?

''Listen, I won't call the police, I swear I won´t… But you will have to leave…now''

Wait…WHAT was that supposed to mean?!

''W-what are you talking about?'' I asked in a low voice. What did he meant that he wasn't going to call the police? I should be the one that should be telling that to him…This was MY home!

''just leave and I swear you won't go to jail…I can even give you some money If you need any… but stealing is not the solution'' He sounded like a teacher telling a student what to do. I became furious. I took the bat and, once again, made my 'beisbol player position'. He stared at me and tried to calm me down…

''No, don't do that'' He advised

''Don't tell me what to do!'' I shouted. Okay now I was a lunatic…but I was to confused to act in a different way.

''O-Okay…''He nodded, patiently '' what do you want? Take whatever you want with you and then please leave'' I stared at him angrily, with my eyes half closed… I didn't understand what he was talking about…he was offering me to leave MY apartment and take whatever I wanted with me…while he was going to keep my new home?

''NO! you leave!'' I cried. He changed his face into a confused one…

''I'm sorry Miss…I'm really trying to understand you but…''

''Who the hell are you?'' I interrupted sharply. With the stick on my hand ready to hit him again ''and what are you doing at my apartment. At that exact moment, he opened his mouth, surprised

''excuse me but…YOUR apartment?'' He asked

''yes'' I said coldly

''Oh I'm sorry …'' When he said this an idea came to my mind. Perhaps he lived at this building and had only confused of apartment. Perhaps everything was a misunderstanding. Perhaps…

But before I could make another deduction he finished his sentence…and this is the exact moment when the whole mess really began:

''I'm sorry miss but there might be a mistake…This- This is my apartment''


OHHH so here is where the introductions end and the plot begins! I guess I deserve some review :S in any other case I won't update anymore and you wont hear from me anymore….

I'm totally capable of it trust me….

I you don't believe me ask the readers of my others stories,….they didn't review and I haven't updated on months….

You had been warned!

