Disclaimer: the characters aren't mine I just like borrowing them.

Summary: Tony is lost and has no idea how he got there, will the team realise he's missing and save him in time.

Don't kill me for not working on my other stories, this wanted to be written. It came to me after a random six mile walk in the countryside with my friend, it took us ages lol hope you enjoy it. Yes it is another Tony whump, but nowhere near as angsty as my other.

Lost and found

Tony couldn't believe how many times he got himself into these situations; it was starting to get old. The only thing wrong with this one was, he was in the middle of nowhere, had no idea if his team would be looking for him or if they knew he was missing again. Another thing was that he couldn't actually remember how he had gotten here. Had he been working on a case? Had he been at home? How long had he been here? Where exactly was here?

All he did know was that he was covered in bruises; he figured he had been tied down at some point too because angry rope burns were around his wrists, he head was killing him, but that could be from the lack of water. It wasn't exactly swelteringly hot but the constant walk to find life had taken its toll on his already battered body. Each pound of his feet on the ground drove up his headache; he would need to find water soon.

The morning mist creeping around the green rolling hills was somewhat creepy; it was as if the mist was closing round him, stopping him from seeing where he was going. He had managed to find a lightly treaded path, but it looked like it hadn't been used in a while, the weeds were starting to grow back. This filled him with a sense of foreboding, he hated being lost, and Gibbs would surely kill him for getting lost, either that or kill him for going missing again. He was close to collapse when he heard the rushing of a small stream, it gave him hope, maybe, if he followed the stream he would find life. Maybe, he should have stayed where he was so that his team could find him, but did they even know he was here? For some reason his gut was telling him that it was a very bad idea to go back. He stumbled his way down the rocky incline towards the stream, the rocks moved beneath him, he tumbled down the rest of the way, and into the stream. Great now I'm cold, wet and lost he grumbled under his breath. He took drink of water from the steam, quenching his thirst, it was better to stay near the river until hopefully he hit road, at least he had water now.

The tumble hadn't helped him, his muscles screamed at him as he rose from the water and back on to dry land, he shuddered involuntarily, his clothes now soaking wet. He had no idea how long he had already walked for, he just knew that he had to keep going. He wished that he could be in his apartment watching his glorious DVD collection; this was not the way he wanted to be spending the day. Having no idea how far away civilisation was he trudged on, ignoring the throbbing of his muscles and pounding head, it was starting to feel a little more than a simple beating up…



"Where is he!" ordered Mason harshly.

"I…I…I don't know, he was here half an hour ago." Stuttered Thomas fearfully, not knowing what his boss was going to do. He had been ordered to watch the special agent; he had only turned away for a little while thinking that the agent wasn't conscious enough to escape.

"Well you had better find him then!" Mason screamed, while walking out of the abandoned barn that they had set up.

Mason was fuming; he wasn't finished with one agent DiNozzo yet. He still had to find out how much the agent knew about the case. He had tried every method he knew to get the information out of the agent, to no avail. Even tried a little poison, he didn't know what effect this had had on the agent seen as the certain agent was now missing. He paced angrily, hoping his incompetent friend had found DiNozzo.


Let me know if you are interested in my carrying on this story.