Wrote this randomly...review?
That's What You Get
Ever seen that show, Hannah Montana? The one about the spoiled brat living two lives?
You know her friends, Oliver and Lily?
They all seem like BFF's, huh? Miley, Lily and Oliver. Best friends forever and absolutely no romance between them.
Just friendship.
Well, they lie. It's all bullshit.
You can hope and dream and honestly believe that someone of the opposite gender is your best, best friend in the whole world, but they aren't. Maybe at one time, back when you were tiny and making mud pies and watching Power Rangers, they were your best friend. But once you hit the trouble times, as in middle school and higher, things change.
A lot.
Friendships are strained, pulled tight, and some are snapped, creating enemies and broken souls. Hormones kick in, which result in broken hearts.
Life basically sucks then.
And your little friend, whom you loved, so, so much, leaves you. They leave you for the football teams, or the cheerleaders or the bad boys or the populars.
Unless of course, they love you too…as in love, love.
In which case, you become a couple or close to it.
But that doesn't count as best friends. It counts as friends, with one in love with the other.
I learned that the hard way.
I sigh, looking away from the face that haunts me and back out the window, staring glumly at the land I have literally memorized.
Nate's laugh echoes around me, as he jokes with his friends. It makes me want to scream and cry and swoon, all at the same time.
FML? Hell yeah.
A long time ago, back in the beginning of middle school, eighth grade, I'd met Nate. He was the quiet little guy, very cute, polite and kinda emo looking, with all the black he wore. Still, he was nice to me when I'd bumped into him in the hallways (spilling my books and his guitar onto the floor…) and from there, I couldn't get him out of my mind. I began to think 'Oh, will I see Nate in the hallways?' 'Will he smile like he did the other day?' 'I wonder if he knows what's been going on with (insert random names here) lately…'
I depended on him a lot, actually. He was one of my only friends.
Or so I thought.
Okay, he wasn't like, calling me on the phone to talk, we didn't exchange emails, or constantly talk, or laugh or anything, but he was a friend. He teased me and we'd laugh about it, or I'd come in on one of my many sugar high's and totally scare the living hell out of him, but he'd just make the best of it.
One day, that all changed.
Don't ask me why because I don't know. I honestly…do not.
All of the sudden…he wouldn't walk with me in the hallways. He'd trail behind or walk ahead.
He stopped talking to me, too. No teasing before class, no jokes at lunch time, nothing.
Not. A. Thing.
And it broke me like glass.
I was young and confused and hurt, and I just didn't know why everything changed.
Now, as I stare at him, me, the now quiet, black wearing little 'emo' girl at the end of the lunch table, stare at him, my best-friend-I-though-he-was, I think I know why.
It's because in real life, boys and girls can't be best friends without romance getting in the way, or rumors, or teasing, or hormones or any of that mother freaking shit getting in the way. All the happy little movies or TV shows, like Hannah Montana, or…Minutemen or even True Jackson…It just doesn't happen. Boys and girls will never be best friends. Ever, because life is just that stupid.
Or maybe because, they just don't want to.
I sigh again and push my uneaten food away.
That's what you get for believing in those movies, I tell myself. And for believing in Nate.