It was a normal rainy afternoon as Ren walked down the street. Suddenly, he heard a mewling sound coming from the cardboard box he just passed. He went back, and in the box he saw a black kitten with wide gold-brown eyes. Looking at the poor little wet kitten, Ren was reminded of the little girl he met in the woods all those years ago. Sighing, he picked up the soggy cat, placed her inside his coat to avoid any more rain water getting on her, and headed for his apartment.
Upon arriving at his apartment, Ren found a towel and started to dry himself and his new charge. After he was satisfied with his work on drying the cat, he went to the kitchen. Ren got down a bowl, filled it with milk, and set it down on the floor for the kitten. The kitten wandered into the kitchen and saw the bowl. When she discovered the milk inside, she began to drink. Watching the kitten, Ren decided she needed a name. Thinking of how she reminded him of the girl he loved, he picked a fairytale name. "I think I'll call you Cinders, like Cinderella." The kitten, now named Cinders, looked up and blinked at him before returning to her milk.
When Cinders finished her milk, Ren picked her up and took her into his bedroom. Placing her on his bed, he watched her curl up and go to sleep as he changed into his pajamas. Then he turned off the lights, climbed into bed , and went to sleep.