-Family Secrets-

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon or any of the characters therein. Sailor Moon is owned by Naoko Takeushi, Toei and Kodansha.


-Spring, 1994-

Haruka came home to the mansion, the smell of gasoline still fresh in her nostrils. She parked her sports car and entered the house. She was later than she'd expected, and she'd noted coming in that the living room lights were off. Even so, it was a bit of a surprise that Michiru wasn't up to greet her. She quietly made her way upstairs to the bedroom she and Michiru shared. When she turned on the bed lamp though, it turned out that her love wasn't there either.

Which meant there was only one other place she could be.

Haruka frowned. She'd been reluctant from the start to enter into the arrangement. She knew deep down that Setsuna had a point, but it didn't mean she had to be comfortable with it. The girl had grown from an infant to a five year old in a matter of hours. Of all the Senshi, she alone had such powers even without transforming into her Senshi form. And while she would never admit it to anyone, seeing a recreation of the birth of the universe in her own home was disconcerting to say the least.

She understood Setsuna's motives. She agreed that leaving a child able to destroy all life on earth with her father probably wasn't a good idea.

But why did she have to live under their roof?

She came to the door at the end of the hall and listened.

"...and when Jack woke up in the morning, he found that the seeds had grown into a gigantic beanstalk. It reached far into the sky, past the clouds. Jack began to climb..."

"Michiru-mama, can beans really grow that fast?"

Haruka grimaced a bit. Michiru-mama? Why was her lover so quick to take to the child? Why was she the only one uneasy about becoming close to her? She opened the door and came in.

"Haruka," Michiru said, smiling at the blonde as she looked up from the storybook she was reading. She was sitting in bed with Hotaru, the small child snuggled up underneath the Sea Senshi's arm with her head resting on the artist's shoulder. "When did you get home?"

Haruka didn't answer at first. She was too busy taking in the scene. The small girl in her partner's arms looked up and smiled at her. There was a sweetness in the smile and an innocence that took the Wind Senshi off guard. She shook her head and quickly cleared her mind of such thoughts.

"About five minutes ago," she answered.

Michiru noted the hesitancy of her beloved. They'd discussed her misgivings, and while she understood them she also wished Haruka would at least give the child a chance. As it was, in the three days that the girl had been with them so far the blonde had spent maybe thirty minutes total around little Hotaru.

Hotaru smiled at the racer, "Michiru-mama was just reading me about Jack and the beanstalk."

"It's a bedtime story," Michiru added.

Haruka cracked a smile. "Yes, so I figured."

"Setsuna-mama is out tonight," the girl continued, "So Michiru-mama tucked me in."

"Really?" Haruka asked, still smiling.

"Hai. Haruka-san," the girl asked cautiously, "Are you going to be one of my mamas too?"

Michiru's gaze met Haruka's, mirth dancing within her dark blue orbs. Haruka frowned. She didn't see the joke. She crossed her arms and looked down at the floor.

"Sorry, no," Haruka said, "I'm not the 'mama' type." And with a shrug she turned to leave the bedroom, ignoring the reproachful look her lover was giving her. She was nobody's "mama," and she sure as hell wasn't about to crack and let the girl in. Hotaru was dangerous. She had to keep her distance. She was just about to pass through the doorway when she heard a soft voice call after her.

"Then will you be my papa?"

Haruka stopped. She turned around, conflicting emotions racing through her as she looked back and forth between Hotaru and Michiru. She pursed her lips, trying to decide what to do. Ignoring Michiru's imploring look, she fixed her sites on Hotaru. The girl was smiling at her, and her bright eyes were focused intently on her. Something deep within the Wind Senshi, something she kept locked up and refused to admit was even there, was somehow touched by the innocent request.

The blonde's shoulders sagged a bit as she allowed a sigh.

"Hai," she finally said before turning once more to leave, "I'll be your papa."

As she wandered back down the hall to the bedroom she shared with Michiru, she ignored the sweet voice of her love continuing the story of Jack and the beanstalk. As she undressed and lay down in their bed, one thought kept recurring through her mind.

Just what the hell just happened?


-The Present-

-Summer, 1997-

"Aunt Ami," Hotaru called, running up to the med student and hugging her tightly, "You made it!"

Ami smiled warmly as she returned the hug. "I wouldn't have missed this day for anything, Hotaru-chan. You should know that."

As the two Senshi broke the embrace, Hotaru led Ami to the pavilion in the park where the party was taking place. After the defeat of Sailor Galaxia there had been several attempts to get all the Senshi together at one time once again but each had fallen through for one reason or another. Either Ami had a quiz coming up, or Rei was burdened with the increased responsibilities around the shrine once her grandfather began to succumb to the early stages of dementia.

More often though, every attempt at a reunion was thwarted by the Outer's schedule. Michiru Kaioh was an internationally renowned musician, Haruka was usually on tour with her now playing piano accompaniment, and of course Setsuna always had the time-space continuum to worry about.

This time, however, there would be a true reunion.

The youngest Senshi present, Hotaru, was ecstatic as she looked around. They were all here, not one willing to be absent on this special occasion. Passing by the picnic table loaded down with gift boxes and cards, she watched as Makoto and her Haruka-papa took turns working the grill.

"Hey everyone," Minako shouted, "I see the car coming!"

"About time," Rei smirked. "I swear, that meatball head is the only person I know who could be late for her own baby shower."

The car came to a stop a short distance from where the Senshi had set up. Mamoru came out and helped his wife out. Usagi's mother and family had thrown their own shower for the blonde yesterday, and today it was the Senshi's turn. Their princess was seven months along, and as Mamoru handed his beloved over to Michiru, the mother-to-be found herself surrounded by well wishers.

"Mmm... Everything smells so good," Usagi swooned as the aromas from the grill reached her nostrils. "Is that shrimp I smell?"

"It is," Haruka answered with a smile as she pulled a bottled water out of an ice chest by the gift table, "But it's not for you, kitten."

Usagi pouted, "What?"

Mamoru nodded as he walked alongside his wife. "She's right, Usako. Remember what the doctor said."

"No shellfish," Ami reminded the blonde, "or processed meats, or caffeine."

"It's okay," Michiru reassured as she took Usagi's hand, "We have some food over here for you." As Mamoru followed the two, Haruka walked over to Minako, the bubbly blonde Senshi of Love looking almost wistfully at Usagi and Mamoru together.

"They look good together, don't they?"

Minako was shaken out of her thoughts by the simple question. Turning to Haruka, she smiled a bit and nodded. "Hai, they do."

Haruka noted a tone of melancholy in the usually cheerful girl's voice. Unsure of what was wrong, she decided to try changing the subject. "So, how are you enjoying your freshman year of college?" she asked as she took a sip from her bottled water. "Are you living on campus or..."

"Hai, I'm living on campus," Minako responded, whatever was wrong forgotten in an instant as she spoke of college life. "Granted, it's not the fancy medical college Ami's attending or culinary institute Makoto goes to, but the housing is affordable and the professors are fairly nice. And oh, the guys there are gorgeous!" Noting the amused look on Haruka's face, the blonde quickly added, "Not that you'd really care about that part, of course."

Haruka laughed good naturedly at the comment. "No, I suppose I wouldn't. Tell me though," she said a bit more seriously, "Does going to college mean you've given up on your dreams of stardom?"

Minako's shoulders slumped a bit. "Hai, for now at least. You know, I finally did get a real-live audition with a record producer about six months ago. I even wrote an original song for the audition, 'C'est la Vie.' See, it's a little inside joke. I used to be Sailor V, and the song was called 'C'est La Vie.'"

Haruka smirked, "Catchy."

"Yeah, that's what I thought. But get this; they didn't like it. Apparently idol singers are out. The big thing now is some sound from America called grunge. They told me I was too bubblegum for them. They wanted me to wear these awful baggy clothes and sing about angst and female anger." Putting her hands on her hips, she stood defiantly as she continued, "Haruka, I'm the Senshi of Love. I may be bubblegum, but it's a genuine bubblegum!"

Haruka burst out laughing. Hotaru looked over at her papa and smiled. She treasured this opportunity to spend time with both her family and extended family of "aunts." Behind her, Usagi finally got her mamo-chan to stay at the baby shower, saying she knew that it was traditionally an all-girl event but she didn't want to be without him.

"The food is ready, Hotaru-chan," Rei said as she came up from behind the younger Senshi, "Best get your food now before Usagi makes it to the table."

The next hour was filled with laughter and reminisces about old times. Finally, it was time for their princess to unwrap her shower gifts.

"Where's Usagi-chan?" Ami asked, looking around at the others.

"I think I saw her and Mamoru wander off past those trees together," Setsuna said, pointing towards an area to the left of the pavilion.

"I'll go get her," Hotaru volunteered.

"Hon, have you taken your allergy meds this morning?" Michiru asked quickly as the young Senshi got up to retrieve their prince and princess.

Hotaru rolled her eyes a bit as she nodded. "Hai, mama, I'll be fine." Turning away from her Michiru-mama, she went in the direction indicated by her Setsuna-mama. Soon, she came upon the two standing underneath an old oak by a small glen. As she was about to come out from behind a tall bush to let them know they were wanted, she overheard part of their conversation.

"Isn't it wonderful, Mamo-chan?" Usagi asked happily as she squeezed her husband's hand. "All of us, together again. And on such a blessed occasion."

"Hai," Mamoru agreed, placing a gentle hand upon the blonde's extended belly, "It is wonderful, Usako."

"Can you imagine," she continued as her eyes met those of her prince, "It wasn't so long ago that we and the Outers were fighting one another, and over Hotaru-chan of all people. When I think of those days, of the Death Busters and Pharaoh Ninety..."

Hotaru froze. What was Usagi talking about? She and her other "aunts" never fought her parents. Michiru-mama and Setsuna-mama had explained to her all about the time they'd fought the Death Busters. She had no memory herself of that time, but they'd told her that during her previous incarnation as Sailor Saturn she'd sacrificed herself to stop the enemy and the evil Mistress Nine. She was later reincarnated, and her fellow Outers had adopted her. When did the Inner and Outer Senshi ever fight amongst themselves over her?

"Usagi-chan," Mamoru said quickly, "Be careful. We gave our word not to discuss those times."

Hotaru wasn't sure what either her prince or princess were talking about, but she knew that sooner or later she'd be spotted in her hiding place by one of them. She decided to come out first.

"Usagi-chan, Mamoru-san," she called out. Both future monarchs turned to face her, surprise and worry evident in their faces. "The others sent me to get you. It's time to open presents."

Usagi allowed a nervous sigh of relief to escape. Mamoru however seemed to keep his guard up as he took his wife's hand, the two following after the Senshi of Death as she lead them back to the shower.

The rest of the day was enjoyable. Usagi opened up gift after gift for her and the upcoming baby as photos were taken and laughter shared. Hotaru was strangely silent however throughout the rest of the shower, her princess' words repeating themselves over and over again in her head. Her parents, during the time she sacrificed herself, had fought with the Inner Senshi over her. But why?

It was something of a conundrum to the Senshi of Death, but for some reason while her fellow Senshi all had at least some remembrance of their previous existences to one degree or another, she had none. She'd always taken it upon blind faith that what her parents had told her about her past must be true. They were her parents after all. They wouldn't lie to her, would they?

She looked past the discarded wrapping paper and opened gift boxes lying at Usagi's feet. Behind the blonde's left shoulder stood Mamoru, smiling down as his wife. As Makoto's gift, a high chair, was opened, Mamoru looked up and caught Hotaru's gaze. The two stared uneasily at each other for several seconds before the future King looked down once more as his beloved wife.

After the Shower, Hotaru was strangely quiet on the car ride back home. She'd heard something she wasn't supposed to today, and Mamoru knew it even if Usagi didn't. Once home, Haruka asked her if anything was wrong. Hotaru wanted to tell her papa what she'd heard, but something stopped her. She simply explained she wasn't feeling well, and turned in early for bed that evening.


"Ooh, a maternity gown!" Usagi gushed. Turning to Rei, she smiled brightly, "Thank you, Rei-chan."

"Me next," Minako offered, "Open my gift next."

Hotaru looked around puzzled. As everyone crowded around their pregnant princess, the young girl had a strange feeling of deja-vu.

"Hotaru-chan," a familiar voice called out to her, "Hey, over here."

Hotaru turned around in shock to see Chibi Moon standing by one of the picnic tables. "Chibi Usa? What are you doing here? I thought you weren't allowed back in the past anymore."

"I'm not," the pink-haired Senshi answered, "But then, I'm not really here. Neither are they, and neither are you."

Hotaru turned around to see Usagi now floating naked above her Senshi, her distended belly visible to all as Sailor Galaxia, also naked, floated towards her carrying a shower gift. "A dream..."

Chibi Usa nodded. "Hai. We have to go now. The three of us have to talk."

"Three?" Hotaru asked? Her eyes widened as Sailor Saturn suddenly appeared next to her friend. "You?" she gasped. "But... But wait, you're me, aren't you?"

"Yes and no," Saturn answered with a smile, "I'm that part of you that is eternal, that essence that is reborn life after life. I'm you, but I'm not limited to or by you."

"If that's so," Hotaru said as she tried to process what her other self was telling her, " Why are you here?"

Saturn stepped forward, her smile widening a bit as she took Hotaru's hands in hers. "Because you called me."

"You overheard my parents talking," Chibi Usa jumped in, waving an irritated hand back in Usagi's direction. "Geez, Usagi can be such a klutz sometimes. Anyways, you're now filled with questions, questions you never had before."

"Questions that have unlocked me from your subconscious," Saturn explained.

Hotaru suddenly felt strangely afraid. "I... I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh no?" Chibi Usa asked, "Then what happened during your previous incarnation that set Senshi against Senshi?"

"Why do your fellow Senshi never talk about the battle against Pharaoh Ninety?" Saturn put in.

"Or how you and I first met?"

"Or how your Michiru-mama and Haruka-papa received their mirror and space sword?"

"Or your real father?"


Hotaru turned around. She was no longer at the baby shower, but instead she was now sitting in a witness stand in a court of law. Saturn and Chibi Usa, both wearing the powdered white wigs of the British courts, sat on the side of the defense. Her parents, all three likewise wearing white wigs, sat behind the prosecution's table. Her Setsuna-mama stood up.

"Your honor," the Time Senshi began, "If it please the court, I ask that sentence immediately be carried out. Hotaru's past has been sealed away by her subconscious for a reason. The memories are obviously too painful for her to deal with, otherwise she never would have suppressed them in the first place."

Hotaru turned to look at her judge and found herself having to shield her eyes with her hands.. Eternal Sailor Moon glowed like the sun, her translucent wings sparkling like diamonds as she met Hotaru's gaze.

"Sailor Moon," Hotaru gasped, turning her head away from the brilliance, "What's happening? What are you doing here, and why are you glowing?"

Sailor Moon looked down at the young girl and smiled.

"I'm the Messiah of Light," she explained as she picked up a gavel from the judge's bench.

Hotaru shook her head, "What? Messiah of Light? But wait, I... I don't understand."

"You will, Hotaru-chan," Sailor Moon assured the younger Senshi, "Just believe in yourself and follow your heart." Turning back to face the courtroom, Sailor Moon's face took on a look of determination as she brought down her gavel.

"Objection overruled!"


Hotaru sat up in bed, her pillow and sheets covered in sweat. The alarm clock was still buzzing as she ran her slender fingers through her midnight black hair. She turned off the alarm and climbed out of bed, the dream still racing through her head as she showered and got ready for school. Unlike most other countries, the Japanese school year began in April, which meant that while other girls her age elsewhere were enjoying summer vacation she was preparing for her semester finals.

She was quiet and withdrawn throughout breakfast, to the point that Michiru became concerned. "Hotaru-chan, is everything alright?"

The girl looked up from her scrambled eggs and nodded. "Hai, everything is fine. I'm just nervous about my upcoming quizzes I guess."

"Are you sure that's all there is?" Haruka asked as she looked up from her paper. The blonde put a hand to the girl's forehead, "Well, you don't feel warm anyways."

Hotaru playfully swatted Haruka's hand away, "Knock it off papa, I'm fine. Honest."

"Maybe so," Michiru put in as she poured herself a cup of orange juice, "But unless you and your papa get moving you're going to be late for school."

The school day came and went, with Hotaru barely noticing it. Usagi's words from yesterday and the dream from last night were all she could think of. She knew she was going to have to confront her parents about it, but she wasn't exactly sure how.

Arriving back home, the first thing Hotaru noticed was that her papa's car wasn't parked in it's usual spot. It wasn't unusual though for Haruka to run errands for around the house or meet with racing promoters, and so she didn't think very much of it. The mansion itself was empty, and as she entered the kitchen and looked out the window into the back yard, she saw her two mamas working together in Michiru's garden. The artist had insisted that they should all start eating healthier, and as a result they were now growing almost all their own vegetables. Both Michiru and Setsuna wore aprons and work gloves as they pulled weeds and checked to see if any of the vegetables were ready for harvesting yet.

Hotaru took a deep breath. She would have to be very careful how she approached them and how she phrased her questions. She smiled, hoping that the grin would catch them off guard, and went out the back door.

"Well," she said as she came up to them, "You two look busy."

"We are," Michiru answered, relieved to see Hotaru smiling and talkative again, "And how did your school day go?"

"Not bad," the girl answered with a shrug. She then turned her attention over to Setsuna. It was now or never. "Setsuna-mama," she said, kneeling down next to the Time Senshi, "Tell me about my dad."

Setsuna smiled and allowed a rare chuckle to escape her lips. "Well, you're Haruka-papa can be quite the character."

Hotaru shook her head, keeping up the pretext of the smile as she knelt down in the garden next to the Time Senshi. "No, I'm not talking about Haruka-papa. I... I'm talking about my real dad, my father. What was he like?"

Michiru looked up from her section of the garden, a handful of weeds clutched in her hands and a look of concern in her eyes. "Your real dad?" she asked.

Hotaru nodded to the artist before turning her attention back to Setsuna. "Yeah. I mean, you were the one who adopted me from him," she continued, meeting the Time Senshi's deep maroon eyes with her own hazel ones, "So what was he like?"

Setsuna's fixed gaze never changed as she took her work gloves off. "Yes, I was the one who adopted you," she said, leaning a bit towards Hotaru as she continued. "Your father was a professor, but he was unable to take care of you. So, I took you, so your Michiru-mama, Haruka-papa and I could raise you." She reached over and stroked the girls cheek, "Your our daughter now Hotaru-chan, and we all love you very much."

Hotaru watched silently as Setsuna pulled her hand back and put her gloves back on. Over by the cabbages Michiru relaxed a bit and went back to making sure there were no weeds over in her area of the garden. The answer was a simple and a logical one, but it was also vague. If her father was a professor, surely he would've had enough money to raise a daughter. And exactly how would he have known Setsuna? Were they friends? The very idea of the Guardian of the Gates of Time leaving her post to associate with anyone not a Senshi, let alone having a friend, seemed beyond absurd. And people don't simply "give" other people their children. There were legal forms and agencies that had to be dealt with.

"I see," the girl finally said as Setsuna went back to her tomatoes. "And my real mom?"

Michiru visibly tensed just outside Hotaru's range of sight.

"I don't know," Setsuna answered softly, focusing on the garden as she purposefully avoided eye contact, "I never met her. She'd already passed away when you were adopted."

"Oh," Hotaru reasoned out loud, "I suppose that would explain why my father didn't feel comfortable raising me..."

Michiru let out a sigh of relief, "Hai, it does. It can be very difficult raising a single child, and your father didn't feel up to the challenge. But now, instead of one parent, you have three, ne?" she added, exchanging a quick smile with Setsuna. The action did not go unnoticed by Hotaru, however. Something had happened, she was sure of it now. Something had happened that no one was willing to talk about. Hotaru hated being lied to, and she hated feeling like there was some sort of secret that everyone else was privy to but her.

She smiled once more, deciding to take a different route with her parents. "Wasn't the day at the park with Usagi and the others yesterday fun?"

"Hai," Michiru agreed, thankful for the change in topic.

"We get along so well with all of them," Hotaru continued cautiously, "Tell me; have we always been so friendly with the Inners?"

Both Setsuna and Michiru looked up at the girl once more. Setsuna's normally stoic face looked almost apprehensive as she allowed one of the garden tools to fall from her hand. Meanwhile, Michiru stood up, her brow wrinkled up a bit as she looked agitatedly at the Senshi of Death.

"Hotaru-chan," Michiru asked, "Why are you asking such questions?"

Hotaru shrugged. "I don't know," she answered innocently, "I'm just curious about it, I guess. I mean, I know what you've told me, that I'd once given my life before to stop Mistress Nine and Pharaoh Ninety, and then I was reincarnated and adopted by you. But other than that I know nothing of that previous time. I have no memories, only what you've told me. So..."

"Both the Inners and us fought for the same cause," Setsuna interrupted, "And together we stopped the great silence."

Hotaru studied the elder Senshi. Something in Setsuna's tone sounded less like an explanation than an order. The topic was closed, there was no use pursuing it.

Let it go.

"Alright," the girl said slowly as she stood back up. "I'm going back in for some lemonade. Would either of you like some?"

"No," Michiru answered, "And don't drink too much either, young lady. Dinner's in an hour, remember?"

"Hai, mama," Hotaru said, leaving two very worried Senshi behind as she went inside.

-To Be Continued-