After a complaint I received about not using my own ideas I have decided to no longer completely follow the storyline of AUGUST RUSH.

The street kid and Karr walked up a flight of stairs to an abandoned movie theatre. Once they reached the door the kid pounded on the door and a peephole opened up.

"What's the password?" asked a loud annoyed male voice "open the door or I'll break it down!" the door opened and Karr and the kid stepped inside.

The kid who had asked for the password was in a wheelchair, wearing raggedy clothing and to keep his hands warm a pair of gloves with the fingers cut off. The wheelchair kid looked to be about ten. "Shaman aint gonna be happy about this" he said while looking at Karr. Then in one swift motion he grabbed the pizza box out of the kid's hands and wheeled down a ramp to the floor of the theatre.

"Hey!" the kid chased after the other kid. Karr was amazed at the inside of the theatre. Lights were strewn about, beds were made out of everything in the room, music of different instruments filled the air and the light shining down in the theatre made it look like a sanctuary for the lost.

Karr slowly followed the ramp down the floor while continuing to look at the amazing new place.

A large circle had been made around the pizza box and the kid he had originally bought it for was in the center trying to get a piece before it was all gone. Once everyone had a piece or there wasn't any left the group scattered back to they're hidey-holes. The kid sat by the box nibbling on a pathetic little piece of pepperoni.

"Does this always happen?" Karr suddenly asked "what?" the kid asked, "do you always get the last of it?" he rephrased "nope, that's just the way things go sometimes. You have to fight for your food and I just didn't fight hard enough" the kid got up from the floor and walked over to him.

"Since you got the pizza and I brought you to my house I might as well tell you my name. My name is Erik and you are?" he began "Karr Evans" he replied. "Well Karr your gonna want to split before the Shaman gets back he don't like no strangers in his house" Erik warned, "I thought you said this was your house?" Karr questioned "no, this is just the place I happen to reside now do as I say before he-" "I'm back my little lovelies!" a loud booming voice proclaimed. "Oh man, now I'm in it for it" Erik sighed.

Karr turned around and saw a man with long black hair with thin lines of gray in it, wearing a flashy cowboy get up with music notes tattooed on his fingers and neck. By just looking at this man he felt scared, maybe he should have left when he still had the chance. What was Shaman going to do with him?

The Shaman saw Karr and walked over to him. Karr took a few steps back. Not liking the expression on the guy's face. "And who might you be?" he questioned as he stopped in front of Karr.

"My name is Karr sir" Karr replied with wide opened eyes. "Sir?" Shaman laughed and he looked at the other children who were staring down at the scene going on. "Sir? Well my dear boy just what are you doing in my humble musical sanctuary?" he asked, "he bought me a pizza" Erik put in. Shaman looked away from Karr and walked over to Erik who was standing next to a broken chair.

"He bought you a pizza? And you decide to take him here with you? What were you thinking huh? This kid could have a family looking for him right now and you could have led them right to us so I ask you again what were you thinking?" Shaman hissed, "nothing I wasn't thinking nothing" Erik mumbled, "I'm sorry what was that?" Shaman asked, "I wasn't thinking!" Erik said louder. "That's right, you weren't" Shaman walked back over to Karr.

"Do you play?" he asked "no sir, but I want to" Karr replied. Shaman suddenly took his Karr's hands and was startled by the sudden gesture "you have the right hands but your going to have to work hard" Shaman said aloud after studying his hands

"Are your parents looking for you?" Shaman asked "no sir, I'm looking for them" Karr replied "you can stay here for tonight but only tonight then your back on the streets I can't afford no police finding this place. And now for you Erik" Shaman walked back over to Erik who was now sulking.

"What is he?" he shouted to everyone "he's a damn fool!" someone shouted back "that's right! And what do we do with fools?" Shaman responded "we treat them like the fool they are and take their tips" said another girl who was closer. "Well Erik empty your pockets, we're waiting" Shaman said impatiently. Erik sighed and emptied the measly two dollars and fifty cents into Shaman's outstretched hands.

"Two dollars and fifty cents? I give you the best of everything and this is how you repay me?" Shaman shook his head and walked back up the ramp. "All right everyone donation time!" kids of all ages scurried down to Shaman and Shaman took his black cowboy hat off and the kids stuffed their tips in the hat and hurried back up to their beds. Once everyone had paid he tucked the hat under his arm and looked around at the theatre.

"Goodnight my musical prodigies! Dream musical dreams" he then took out a harmonica and started playing a musical tune to lure everyone to sleep.

Erik walked over to Karr who was looking around puzzled at why they were going to be so early. "Shaman likes us all to be fully rested so we don't fall asleep on the job. Come on, I'll show you where you'll be sleeping" Erik guided him over to an empty cot then walked over to his own.

Karr couldn't sleep. No matter how hard he tried so he decided to go and do the one thing that meant more to him then anything. Make music. So he wandered the theatre until he came across Roxy who was resting comfortably in her case.

Karr sat down crisscrossed in front of the case and took Roxy out. He set her down in front of her and studied her. He didn't know how to play the guitar but he could hear the music that it was begging to play so he reached down and plucked one of the chords. He smiled at the sound it made and plucked another one that was thinner to get a higher sound. He then slapped his hand down on the strings and a chorus of sounds erupted. Now this was what he wanted.

He began slapping other chords and the song that wanted to be heard came out. This was the most fun he had ever had!

Meanwhile upstairs Shaman was sleeping but was quickly awakened when he heard the sound of beautiful music playing. He stood up from his bed and followed the music down to the basement floor where he found several other kids watching the musician who turned out to be Karr, the boy who claimed he couldn't play.

Shaman watched on in astonishment at the beautiful song that was being created in front of him.

After Karr's performance Shaman and Karr laid on the floor, side by side looking up at the stars.

"Do you know what's out there Karr?" Shaman asked pointing up at the stars.

"My parents" Karr replied.

"Yeah but there's also a new song that is being written or being dreamed up. Everyone of us has a song inside their souls but I believe Karr that your song is so big that it will take forever for it to all come out" Shaman replied.

"A song that my parents will hear?" Karr asked looking over at him.

"Maybe but I do know that I hear your song kid and its going to take you places" Shaman replied with a certain gleam in his eyes.

San Francisco

"Edward, do you even hear what I just said?" Jessica, Edward's girlfriend demanded when he failed to acknowledge her the first time.

"Yeah I heard you" he replied absently.

"Then come on I want to get inside before I catch a cold" she took his hand and led him towards the house but as they approached her heard a familiar song that made him regret coming. "I'm not sure this is such a good idea Jessica me brother and I had falling out and this could just-" "you've already tried that excuse now come on I want to meet the people you've been talking about for the past three days.

As they descended down into the house the song became louder.

Old friends of his said hi to him as he walked by and he mumbled hi in reply while keeping his view on the tarp that was showing a live performance of one of his last songs. Jessica notices Edward on the screen.

"When were you going to tell me that you sing?" she asked him "I don't, not anymore" he suddenly saw Emmett leaning against a beam watching him.

"Looks like good ol' Edward finally came running back" Emmett remarked as he got up from the beam. Edward turned to Jessica "I told you this wasn't a good idea" he turned to leave but Emmett's next words sent him over the edge "yah go on and run away like you always do, like you ran away when yee heart was broken" Edward's hands tightened into fists and whipped around to face Emmett.

"You got something to say say it now Emmett" he said as he walked up to him "no go and run along with your 'new' love" he remarked "say what you gotta say man! Just say it" Edward said as he shoved Emmett backwards "say it man!" his voice was beginning to raise and he was now gripping Emmett's shirt. "Come on now just hit me! Take away this bloody pain I'm feeling!" Emmett, doing as he asked curled his hand into a fist and punched Edward across the cheek.

Edward let go of Emmett's shirt and stumbled backwards. Edward turned around to face him and he was now sporting a slight gash on his cheek. "Ya all right man?" Emmett asked. Edward ran a hand through his hair then looked at Emmett and smiled. Emmett, seeing the old Edward laughed.

Jessica looked on in disgust and confusion. "I can't take this Edward I'm leaving" she stated then turned on her heels and stormed up the stairwell.

"Jessica" Edward hurried after her but Emmett stopped him. "Let her go man, she isn't worth it" he told him.

"Ya know it really felt like the old you had finally resurfaced and it felt good to have you back, even though it was just a glimmer" Emmett said as he handed him a fresh beer which Edward gladly accepted.

"Why don't you enjoy the rest of the party," he suggested. Edward smiled at him weakly.


Bella woke up to the sound of her phone ringing. She slapped her hand around on her nightstand until she found the cursed phone, pressed received and set it to her ear.

"Hello?" she asked her voice filled with sleep.

"Yes hello, is this Isabella Swan?" asked a female voice. "Yes it is and may I ask who's calling" Bella looked over at her clock and saw that it was 1:30 in the morning "this is Debra Peters I'm a nurse at Good Samaritan Hospital I'm calling about your father" she replied "what about him, is he okay?" she asked now fully awake and hurrying over to her dresser "I'm afraid he's had a heart attack but its nothing to worry about he's recovering quite nicely but I'm sure he would appreciate it if you stopped by?" she asked unsure. "Of course I'm on my way. And thank you for calling me" Bella said as he pulled out a pair of sweats "of course, goodbye miss Swan" she said "goodbye" Bella hung up the phone and pulled on the pair of sweats then quickly slipped into a pair of shoes and into a black sweatshirt.

Bella hurried out of her apartment and down to her parked car.

Bella arrived at the hospital five minutes later and dashed inside. The nurse on the phone directed her to her father's room and she quietly walked inside, closing the door behind her.

Her father was asleep when she entered she so tiptoed over to a chair and sat down next to him, taking his hand in hers.

"Dad, its me, Bella" she said as she massaged her father's rough hand. Her father's eyes twitched and then slowly pried themselves open. He looked around and when he saw Bella he smiled.

"I didn't think you would come," he said with a scratchy dry throat. Bella looked around and spotted a cup and pitcher filled with what she presumed was ice water.

"Here dad" she walked over to the pitcher and poured him some water then handed the water to him and he sipped on it. Once his throat felt better he spoke again.

"Thank you" he said as he set the cup aside.

"There's something I have to tell you Bella, something that I'm not proud of" her father began. "What is it dad?" Bella asked taking his hand again.

"Everything I have done I've done for you, I wanted you to have the best of everything but what happened could have destroyed that life I wanted for you…" he said looking at her with sad eyes.

"You did your best dad, I couldn't have asked for more" Bella assured him.

"And that baby could have ruined all of that" he said.

Bella stiffened at this. Her father hadn't talked about the baby since that day in the hospital.

"He could have hurt you," he added as an afterthought.

"I did what I did because I wanted to protect you, but I'm sure he's being well taken care of" he said in a reasoning way.

"Where is he?" Bella asked when she managed to talk again.

"I'm so sorry…" he started.

"Tell me!" she insisted letting of his hand and standing up.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair in resignation.

"I don't know" he finally replied.

Hi guys I know it's been forever since I last updated and I promise I'll try to upload more often. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I really need you to review if you want more.