Hi there everyone, Pample here!

I know lots, or at least some, people are eagerly awaiting the new chapter of Asylum, but I'm afraid that it has hit a road block. Writing was already slow going as I wanted everything to be perfect with it, but my laptop broke so much I can't even turn it on to retrieve whats on there! So I've lost all my stories, including 3 chapters of my post TB epic and the almost complete chapter 1 of Asylum.

It was kind of a blow, and I really can't be bothered to start writing Asylum again at the moment, I can't even decide where exactly I want the story to go (I'd love help on that btw, so if you could advise I'd love it!), but in the meantime though that some drabbles could stir up the ol' writing juices.

I would like to thank setr, for her word of the day series inspiring me to try the same, as I get a word of the day on my homepage each day I turn my PC on!



Character - Robin

Epistemic: - : of or relating to knowledge or knowing

Robin was smart. She wasn't being smug when she said it; it was merely fact, just as the sea is blue and every fifth sentence that comes from Ussop's mouth is a lie. Being a qualified archaeologist at age 8 made it simple to fall to these conclusions. So when asked who was the smartest person on the ship, Robin wouldn't feel embarrassed to say herself.

Her captain, Monkey D Luffy could quash this theory. He wasn't the most intelligent man in the universe, far from it, but he could easily claim more knowledge than her in many areas.

She could see how wise he really was, from the determined relief when he beat an enemy, the clear understanding of circumstance when he met another soul bound to become a new friend, and even through the joy and support he provided to those troubled people who sailed under him.

Oh yes, her captain had the largest epistemic threshold of the heart, far more than her knowledge could ever be.


I hope I have the time/inclanation to write a drabble for every day, so it will get the creative juices flowing

Gonna go enjoy my fancy new laptop now - it has a good picture so I can greatly enjoy the new FMA anime (which OMG is already amazing after 1 episode)

Thanks for Reading!

Pamplemoose :D