Rangiku looked at all the fancy clothing all around her. Everything was on sale for half-price, and she was in the store for hours, trying on all sorts of new clothing. "Clothes in the Human World sure are interesting, ne Taichou?"

"…Can we please go home now? We've been here for hours!" Toushiro said, very annoyed at Rangiku for dragging him along like this.

"Oh, you sound just like a kid. I know, next time, you can bring a game to play or something!"

"Mastumoto!~" Toushiro's loud shout caught the attention of many shoppers, who watched him dump the piles of clothes that Rangiku decided she'd buy onto the floor, before storming out of the store. "Seriously! She's so irresponsible. Why can't she act more like a Fuku-Taichou?"

"Oh geez. Guess I'll have to carry all of these clothes myself…But I don't want to carry them all the way home…" In the end, Rangiku decided not to buy anything, and was on her way back to Orihime's house. However, on her way, she saw something she wished she didn't.

"Well, well...Food in the Human World sure are interesting. And cheap, too. Maybe I should bring some ov these back ta Hueco Mondo for Aizen…"

Rangiku froze there on the spot. She couldn't believe her eyes. "Ichimaru…Gin-kun…" She reached for her Zanpaktou, but then remembered that she wasn't in sprit form.

Gin turned around after buying a huge amount of "exotic" food, and noticed Rangiku. "…Mastumoto-chan…Well, this sure is a nice surprise, ne?" He said as he walked up to her, hiding the fact that he felt as nervous and afraid as she did. "So, where're ya going? Maybe I can walk with ya for abit?"

"Why? Why are you here?" A tear fell down Rangiku's face, and she was about ready to turn and run away.

"Why, you ask? Well, because I wanted ta check Karakura Town before Aizen destroys it…" Gin wiped the tear from Rangiku's face, and then replaced his fake smile with a real one, although you couldn't really tell any difference, but it made Rangiku feel so much happier, seeing Gin's truly smile. "Don't worry, Mastumoto-chan…I'm here to sight see, not fight."

"Ichimaru-kun…" Rangiku wanted to hold Gin close to her, but her phone went off, causing her to jump back, before checking to see who it was. "Hitsuguya-Taichou?"

Gin turned around and walked off. "Sorry, Mastumoto-chan. But I have ta go too. Sainara."

Rangiku watched Gin leave, and then answered her phone. "Hello?"


"Oh, sorry, Taichou! But, I had to return all of the clothes, so-" Rangiku was trying really hard to act cheerful, because she didn't want anyone to worry about her.


"Oh, sorry, Taichou!~" She looked at the shop that Gin was buying food at, and smiled slightly. "I also bumped into and old friend…Who I never thought I'd see again. Has that ever happened to you, Taichou?"

"Huh? Uh…No, why?"

"…No reason." Rangiku hung up the phone, and started walking back to Orihime's house. "I hope…We never have to meet on the battlefield."