Disclaimer: I do NOT own Ghost Hunt or the Sonnet of Fidelity.


By Club Bahia

Of all, to my love I will be attentive

First, and with such care, and always and so much

That even facing the greatest enchantment

It will enchant more my thoughts

They told her it was useless, clinging to such ideas. What more could she wish for, as far love was concerned, than a man who was exactly like the one in her dreams with the addition of being there? Naru was back to Japan, Naru still wanted her, Naru was waiting for her...And yet the blood that rushed inside his body, his calm breathing, his undeniable pulse only served as a reminder of her beloved.

I want to live it in every vain moment

And to its praises I will spread my song

And laugh my laughter and shed my tears

To its sorrow or contentedness

Mai had begun to develop a perception so that she could, consciously, recognize the fleeting moment when she passed from awake to asleep. She treasured those instants as the passing to his side, the side that, in wishes, was the one the girl should have occupied. And there he would be, just like Naru said he (he, Naru, or he, Gene? She wasn't able to tell anymore) would be. Smiling the ethereal smile that would never solidify, not even for her, whispering sweet things as their hands reached out to one another without ever touching...Hadn't Naru touched her on that very same day?

And so, when later on seek me out

Perhaps Death, anguish of who lives

Perhaps Sorrow, end of who loves

One dream, he requested it from her. Or maybe request was the wrong term, born from Mai's own conceit that Gene would ever request such a thing from her. Rather, it was a warning. Yes, that was the correct term. A warning he would leave, forever, to rest and that Mai should move on. He attempted to kiss her goodbye and Mai concentrated desperately in making that one gesture solid, real. Later on, she woke drenched in tears and the empty memory of kissing air. Mai wanted to call Naru, but could not muster the courage to do so.

I can tell myself of the love (I had):

That it is not immortal, since it is flame

But that it is infinite while it lasts

It took her time, but Naru was prepared to wait. Slowly, gradually Mai began to discern the qualities in him that, although similar to Gene's, were his own. His smile had an ironic curve to set it apart from the utter benevolence she was used to seeing in Gene's face. Naru's eyes were sharper, somehow more attentive. His skin was warm and undeniably solid. The colors and contours that were pale and blurry in her mind became vibrant definitions in Naru, pulling her in.

Finally, they were together.


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The poem is called Sonnet of Fidelity, by the Brazilian poet Vinicius de Moraes. I translated it myself, so pardon any mistakes.