Last chapter! Whee~

As promised, this last chapter is updated within one week of the prev. chapter, and it's very short. :]


Kanda allowed himself a small smile. At least he'd given his sister a ticket to heaven. Heck, she couldn't be in hell; Kanda was sure of that, because he had this unexplainable, contented feeling. Somehow, he was never happy. Near happy, but never happy. That was another unexplainable thing.

But right now, he only had one top priority.

Get Allen to the hospital in time so he won't die.


It was the early hours of the morning—about 3am, and Kanda Yuu was still awake.

He sat on one of the sofa seats next to Allen's hospital bed. This was the third day he was here. The first day was hell, because Lenalee was here with him. She did all the things he hated—cried, complained, apologized repeatedly (for what, Kanda didn't even know), groaned, and (wait for it!) CLUNG on to him, for goodness' sake. What was he? Some kind of freaking pillow?

Thank god he'd manage to convince her to bring the Innocence back to HQ. Lenalee was now where he'd best wanted her to be—far, far, away.

Kanda looked at the sleeping form on the bed.

How fitting, he thought, white sheets and white hair. Heck, if I squint, I'll probably see only his face.

And, despite himself, Kanda leaned over and kissed his precious Moyashi full on the lips.


He was lying in a meadow, full of soft grass, just relaxing.

And then there was a booming voice from the sky that sounded vaguely like: "Oi, baka Moyashi! Wake up already, will you?!" …except it was slurred and unclear. As if the speaker was speaking underwater.

Allen stirred, still in the grassy meadow. He sat up groggily, the soft grass like pillows cushioning him.

"Who… Who… you?" He murmured.

And then there was someone's breath, warm on his face, and then someone was kissing him, really gently.

That's when Allen woke up to a close-up of Kanda's face.


Later, much later, Allen would admit that he'd enjoyed the welcome back to consciousness. So much so that he'd completely forgotten to remind Kanda what his name was when he'd called him "Moyashi".

And also, much, much later, Allen would admit that Kanda was an extremely good kisser.

But, for now, he was just glad to have Kanda (without Lenalee, thank you very much) sitting next to him in the little hospital. Kanda refused to tell him how the battle ended, no matter how much he pleaded or begged. According to him, Allen might do something stupid (and Allen protested loudly, to no avail).

A while later, the sun rose over the mountains in the horizon, over the ruins of Kanda's childhood home, and over the ruins of the houses around it.

And in the hospital ward, the two Exorcists sat in silence together, just enjoying each other's presence and the fact that they were still alive.



Anyways, thanks for reading this fanfic even though it was quite crappy!! You people are the best! ^^

I don't think there will be a sequel, haha; because I can't think of anything that will have anything to do with this fic. XD


+Bluu Inkblot+