Hop, Step, Jump!


Ikuto waited for the impact from the pink haired angel. 'Wait a minute! Did I just call Amu an angel? I must be in love with her, too.' Ikuto thought hastily.

"Well, I did admit to myself that I had a crush on you," Amu shakily began, "I never would've guessed I was in l-love with you," she finished sheepishly.

"Amu…" Ikuto whispered her name longingly, "Hey, Amu, let's go inside, it's cold," he finished.

"'Let's'? Why should I let you inside?" Amu rebounded.

"Well, for one, I still have something to tell you, two: its cold, and lastly: I wanna stay with you a bit longer," Ikuto claimed childishly, "How 'bout it, Amu?" Ikuto asked, holding Amu close, wrapping his arms around her waist and nuzzling into her hair. Thought that after that last little confession Ikuto would be sweeter and more sincere? Then you're wrong~!
"Fine, you can come in, jeez!" Amu said, exasperated."Just hurry up, your bed looks nice and warm," Ikuto cooed. Amu rolled her eyes at her little affectionate kitty and walked in the room. Once she spotted her four eggs fast asleep she sighed in relief. 'Good, that's three more annoyances I don't need.' Ikuto followed Amu's gaze as they both sat on her bed and chuckled.
"Don't want any," Ikuto started, bringing his lips just over her ear, "Disturbances for us, huh, Amu-koi?" he whispered.

"Not. A. Chance," Amu pushed him away begrudgingly.

"Hmm, you're so mean, Amu, a cuddle or two couldn't hurt that much, ne?" Ikuto whined, making Amu sigh in defeat.

"Just tell me what you need to and get the heck out!"

"Fine, Amu, how would you react if I told you I love you?" Ikuto turned on his side to face Amu. Amu's heart skipped a beat as her blush deepened and she gasped.

"I-I guess I'd be…happy if you did, I-Ikuto," Amu stammered, taken aback by this sudden question.

"Really, you would?" Ikuto leaned in closer, deepening the blush, if possible. Amu's blush deepened as she averted her eyes but nodded.

"That makes me happy," Ikuto said as he leaned to hug her, "'cause I love you, too," he finished, expecting to hear questions on whether he was telling the truth or not, but instead got something very surprising. Amu leaned into the embrace, burying her face in his chest.

"Did I just have to be a little more honest with you and get this much affection from you?" Ikuto said despite himself. 'I'm teasing her as I hold her,' he paused his thoughts and sighed in half self-disappointment, and half pleasure, 'I really don't deserve Amu at all' Ikuto thought.

"Ikuto-," Ikuto cut Amu off with a finger to her lips.

"I don't want to hear anything unless it's those three words," Ikuto selfishly requested.

"That's just what I was going to say, Ikuto, I love you, more than I ever thought, it's not just a childhood crush or school-girl infatuation, I love y-," Ikuto cut her off with a kiss. Taking things way too fast might be what you're thinking, that would be 12% of my readers. The other 88% are thinking something like, 'Kyaa~ another kiss!' And that same percent might be blushing because I just pointed that out. Anyway… Amu's words set off a bomb in Ikuto's brain, causing his instincts to kick in and kiss her. It only took five seconds for Amu to kiss back. Ikuto began to ask for an entrance and Amu replied silently by parting her lips for him. Amu's mind was going in loops. She happily kissed Ikuto back, not a care in the world. After a few minutes had passed after the little outburst from Ikuto, they separated, gasping for air. After they caught breathes, Ikuto pressed his forehead on Amu's.

"Ikuto, I'll always love you," Amu said, closing her eyes.

"Same for me," Ikuto said.

"Those are the three words I love to hear," Amu said, lightly pecking Ikuto on the lips, "What was that condition you wanted?" Amu asked as they both were getting ready for Ikuto's departure.

"Oh, I already got that, in fact, I got two." Ikuto chuckled as the blush crept to Amu's cheeks faster than his trademark smirk appeared on his Cheshire cat's handsome features.

"I-Ikuto, how do you go from saying that you love me to…that?!" Amu exclaimed.

"Oh, how naïve you are Amu, I'll always be a pervert at heart, dear," Ikuto held her chin in his hands.

"Now, how can such a sweet and innocent girl capture the hearts of so many guys?" Amu blushed crimson at his question.

"W-What do you mean?" Amu stammered.

"Do you not notice all the boys who look at you longingly as you walk by at school? Can you not see the hearts that are in their eyes as you smile?" Ikuto asked Amu.

"Do they…really?" Amu asked.

"Who knows if it's true love or not, but I do know that I'll have a lot of rivals later on," Ikuto intertwined his fingers with Amu's.

"Wait- later on, what's that supposed to mean?" It finally clicked in Amu's mind.

"Amu, there's no easy way to ask something like this so," Ikuto took a deep breath, "I definitely don't deserve you, so would you let me prove to you I can, one day, earn you as my bride?" Ikuto asked.

"Of course, Ikuto!" Amu squealed, delighted with his adorable and timid confession. After a few minutes of one of those "Happy and sweet silences" Ikuto held Amu closer to him.

"So Amu, when can I do dirty things to you?" Ikuto asked.

"What?!" Amu gasped and blushed. Ikuto poked her cheek lightly.

"Are you gonna answer me or do I judge by the color of your cheeks?" Ikuto grinned.

"You're such a pervert. You know, lust isn't a turn-on!" Amu complained.

"Good night, Amu-koi, I can't wait to do that," Ikuto chuckled as he heard the usual, "Hentai neko-mimi cosplay otoko!" being shouted from his beloved. The girl that will always be his beloved

----In Amu's Room----

After changing into her pajamas, Amu plopped on her bed. Amu sighed and held her pillow close to her chest. She looked at her clock, half past nine, thinking how she could get back at Ikuto for saying something like that. 'Dirty things, honestly! Where does he get this from? I wonder if his father was like that, too.' Amu thought randomly.

"Amu-chan, why'd you stay gone so long?" Ran and Miki exclaimed in unison, "Desu~?" coming from Su.

"Please, don't ask," Amu buried her head in the pillow.

"What happened?"

"Did you and Tadase-kun get in a fight?

"Do you want me to make you some Chamomile tea, desu~?" came from Miki, Ran, and Su. ((In that order))

"No, that pervert stole my first kiss!" Amu exclaimed. The three came over to console the girl.

"Well, you'll always have more kisses, right?"

"How well does he kiss?" Miki asked, getting strange looks from the other three, "What, I wanna know!"

"Su can make some mouthwash for you, desu~," Su suggested.

"No, its fine, you girls go back to bed," Amu said, not wanting her guardian characters to get concerned. Ran and Su shrugged and went back into their eggs. Unknown to Amu, Miki hid and watched as Amu got under the covers. Amu's hands were covering her lips, but she was smiling. At first, Miki was upset that Ikuto was her first kiss instead of Tadase, but when she saw Amu's smile, she knew that Amu had chosen the lonely stray cat over the prideful, infatuated prince. Amu fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

"Mmm, who would've guessed that the pervert was a good kisser, much less could be romantic?" Amu mumbled in her sleep. She was in for a very hard time telling Tadagay- I mean Tadase-kun that she loves Ikuto now!

-------------- - ~ - ------------ -~- ---------- - - -*- - - --------- -~- ----------- -~ - -----------

Aoi/KuroXnekoX: So, what do you guys think?

Ikuto: I didn't get to kiss Amu enough! *pouts*

Amu: I-Ikuto? S-Shut up!

Ikuto: Oh Amu, why would I shut up? I mean, I'd only close my lips to kiss yours, and that would only be until you gave in and opened your mouth.

Amu: *blushes*

Aoi: Well, I'm going to leave those love-birds alone. Grace, would you do the honors of the disclaimer?

Grace: Nah let Ikuto do it.

Ikuto: Nah let Amu do it.

Amu: Nah let Utau do it.

Utau: Nah let Iru do it.

Iru: Nah let Eru do it.

Eru: Nah let Yaya-san do it.

Yaya: Nah let Pepe-tan do it.

Pepe: Nah let Kukai do it dechu.

Kukai: Nah let Daichi do it.

Daichi: Nah let Ran do-

Aoi: I don't own SC or its annoying and lazy characters, I only own my annoying and lazy friend Grace-chan.

Brennan: And me, her annoying and lazy classmate.

Aoi: Is that really something to take pride in-? Wait, why are you here?! Get the hell out! *kicks Brennan out*

Grace: Fight! Fight-! Wait- how do you say 'fight' in Japanese?

Aoi: 'Tatakate'

Grace: Oh. Tatakate! Tatakate!

Aoi: *rolls eyes* Bye-bye Minna-san! I'm sorry for the wait! Thank you to all who reviewed and alerted the story/me and this is the last chapter to this Amuto two-shot! Arigato: xMelitheKonekox for posting: "Oh. EEM. GEE!
KYA! HE KISSED HER! woah Ikuto, SELF CONTROL!! lol just kidding. and anyways love this story so far! plz update soon!!"

That really made me laugh and made my hellish day at school a little less hellish when I read that on my phone when I almost got caught with it. And yes, Grace, I know I have horrible language for an 11 year old.

Anyway: HlorkexD for: Your review, it made me guilty I left it off on a cliffie.

Next is: xhappily-randomx

Review: "Aww! That was so adorable! ^-^
Amu's so dense! XD lol! It's cute! :P"

Thanks! That's true; she is very clueless when it comes to the matters of the heart. **I'm just acquainted with it because I've been reading perverted romance manga since third grade! XD

And lastly: IAmTheBattleMaiden

Review: "Kyaa-ha-ha-ha!! That was great... Who's up for round 2?! ^_^ Ja-ne! ^_-"

That smilie looks weird like that 0-0? Anyway, Thanks! That really motivated me to suck it up, do my homework in an hour, and finish the story by 10:00 tonight! And again, thanks to all the people who put me on author/story alert and reviewed/favorited my story. Wow, all the reviews on one a third of a page, thanks guys, I'll look forward to reading your reviews again~!