"What happens in these Dreams?" my psychologist asked

"I just repeat what happened all those weeks ago and I remember how much it hurt. It feels like it's really happening, I get so scared that I scream and then wake up" I told her

"You haven't had one of these dreams in a couple of days. Do you know why these came back?"

"I don't know"

"Have you seen or heard someone that you think that may have been there like your teacher at all?"

"No…not that I can remem…..i did go to the video shop and I saw my teacher there. Seeing him must have brought them on"

"Ok then, every time you think about it or you think it's happening again or you even have another dream, I want you to just think of happy place that won't relate to what happened. Can you do that?"

"Yeah I think I can do that. Thank you"

"See you next week"

"Are you ready for your first day back at school?" my mum asked my on the way to east high. I knew everyone was going to stare at me. They all know what happened but they don't know the whole story.

I didn't really know what was going to happen that day. I was hoping I would see Troy again. I want to talk to him. Every time I see him I feel safe (minus that time all those weeks ago). I want him to know that, I think I love him.

"hellooo, earth to Gabriella, are you there?" my mother repeats over and over until I finally answered.

"Yeah what?"

"I said, are you ready for your first day back at school?"

"Uh yeah, I can't wait to get back to school and see everyone and have all my classes again"

"That's the spirit!" we pull up aside east high school and I can see everyone walking, talking to their friends and just studying for up and coming tests. I felt like a kid moving to a new school.

"Ok, here we are east high school. Have fun sweetie, if something happens you know you can call me"

"I know mum" I said

"oh and by the way I'm going to be home late tonight so make your own dinner and Greg is flying back for work and won't be back for another week or so. I'm going to go with him next week but we will talk about it tomorrow.

"Ok. Bye"

I walk towards the huge building called east high and as I predicted everyone is starring at me like I'm some strange animal walking in to a chicken farm. I try to ignore it when finally I see my friends.

"Gabi! Your back already" Sharpay squeals. I think I just might become deaf after that. I try to fix my hear but I can still hear the ringing of her voice

"Yeah and I already feel like the kid"

"Just ignore them. They will eventually get over the fact that you've been ra.." Taylor was saying. I don't think would be able to spend the day with people who keep repeating what happened to me

"Please don't finish that sentence. I don't want to think about that anymore.


"So what is your first class?" they ask me in unison. It's so creepy how they do that.

"English" Troy that was the first thought that came in mind when I first looked at my schedule….