"Daddy! Where is Emmy?" I shouted looking out the window. Where was Emmy and his jokes and his hugs, and Alice, Jasper, Rosalie…and Edward. I shook my head. Edward was my best friend, nothing more…

"Bella, come by the fireplace or you'll catch a cold!" My dad scolded. I stuck my tongue out at her and returned to my window watching.

Emmett is my big brother; he is 18 whereas I'm 9. Emmett was only 10 when mom and dad divorced and he was heartbroken when they decided to separate us. So for 8 years Emmett visits me at Phoenix and I visit him at Forks. I arrived this morning but Charlie hadn't told him I was coming, so he went out with his friends.

When I was 5 going to 6, I visited Emmy on Christmas and I met his friends and girlfriend. There was Jasper, who was really calming and soothing, he once tried to make me play baseball and I hit him in the face and he just laughed and he is the twin of Rosalie, my brother's girlfriend, they are both eighteen, she is really sweet. Then there's Alice, who always (I mean ALWAYS!) buys me a bunch of expensive clothes, she is seventeen, just like Edward… her twin brother. Edward… well Edward is just… The best. He always acts so protective of me and kisses my nose when I'm crying… he hears about all my problems and, he's just there… and I… I…

…I feel so fond of him.


Someone fell on the ice outside, good luck it wasn't me.

"Bella! Bella! Bella!" I heard Alice's squeal. Oh sweet torture, she has a bag… it says COACH… what the sweets is Coach? Like a Gym Coach?... is it Candy? 0.0

She was suddenly hugging me and I was hugging her back.

"Bella, You've grown so much!" She said.

"Like a foot… maybe you can make a home run now…" Jasper said and I hugged him, he lifted me easily and shook me.

"Little Bella! AWW, you're smiling!" Rosalie said as Jasper passed me to her. She kissed both of my cheeks and I smiled.

"Wait A second… I'M the brother… I'M supposed to be first!"I heard Emmett, I looked up and he was hugging Rosalie and me at the same time. Rosalie passed me to him and we hugged and he was crying and I we were both laughing until he put me on the floor.

Then I saw him… Edward was leaning on the doorway but it wasn't only that… beside him was a creepy girl, she was smiling and was pale white and had no pupils. I knew she was dead before I saw the knife in her heart. I started trembling, shaking my head to see if she would go away… far away from Edward.

Edward noticed I was tense and every muscle limp and he came to me.

"What's wrong Bells?" He kneeled in front of me and I started to cry and hugged him.

"Aww man, you already made her cry!" Emmett said behind me.

"I missed you." I sniffled and he chuckled and hugged me tighter. I looked and the girl was gone.

"I missed you too." He said and kissed my nose, I laughed and hugged him again, this time he stood up lifting me with him and walked to the couch.

They started talking about the basketball game they were at and I fell asleep there, in Edward's arms.

I was in a dark hallway and I heard sucking sounds. I was scared but I kept walking towards the door. The only door at the end of the dark hallway.

I opened the door and saw it…


There on the floor was The girl I saw today. She had the knife in the hand and she was crying.

Beside her was a boy. Barely three years… and as I stared at him my brain told me to run away but my legs didn't move.

Those green eyes I could never leave behind.

"I won't do it!" The girl screamed.

"Yes you will.." A voice came from the darkness… I could only see its eyes… a crimson red.

"Eddie… I won't stab you… I won't…" She said while crying.

"Oh do it already!" The voice said.

"You can't control me! You can't" The girl screamed.

"Then why do you have the knife?" The voice said and laughed.

"I won't." The girl looked like she was trying to abstain from something...holding the knife close to her.

"Do it!" The voice said and the girl stabbed herself.

I stood there as her eyes stared right to the crimson eyes.

Then her back fell and her gaze fell to me...

"Run…" She muttered and then died.

The voice was closer to me now…

"Oh well, how tragic… Eddie, why don't we find you and little Alice a nice family…now that your big sis tragically died?"

The shadowy figure walked to the crib and carried the little blonde girl and with her other arm took Edward. Just then I heard it…

"Vampire"… The girl said…