Chapter Eighteen- It's All About Krystal

By the time Krystal and Fox had gotten back to the ship, a fight between Katt and Falco had already broken out. Everyone crowded themselves around Falco's door to hear what exactly they were saying to each other. Or, more like yelling. However, once they all noticed Fox and Krystal, they immediately back away and mumbled different apologies. It was funny seeing Wolf, Pigma, Leon and Panther apologizing to Fox, it was like they had grown to respect him.

"Can I meet you all in the cockpit? Krystal needs to reveal important information to us." Fox's voice sounded much stronger than it ever had and the other's left without hesitation. This left him and Krystal to stop Katt and Falco's fight.

The moment Fox opened the door, a lamp came flying in his direction. He ducked just in time so it wouldn't hit his head but then another object was thrown at the two that Fox couldn't miss.

"Boxers?" Krystal picked up the mysterious flying object off of Fox's head.

Fox just rolled his eyes and stepped into the room. It appeared it had been Katt who had thrown the lamp and underwear. She was standing on the opposite side of the room with a flashlight in hand, ready to throw at Falco, who was cowering beside the door.

"You two," fox said with authority in his voice. "Stop this now."

Falco looked at Fox and leapt for him. Fox was surprised when Falco cowered behind Fox and hugged him as if he was holding on for his life. Katt didn't stop though, instead she chucked the flashlight at Fox and Falco with a loud scream.

"I'm not a fucking toy!" She yelled at the two of them.

Katt ran to Falco's dresser and picked up a weird looking frame with an old bird picture in it.

"No!" Falco cried out. "That's an antique!"

It didn't stop her. She threw it and it went flying across the room and past the boys' heads.

"Grandma…" Falco whimpered.

Then Krystal came in the room with the picture frame in hand, thankfully. She rested it on the dresser and hugged Katt to calm her down. She whispered something in Katt's ear and Katt calmed herself. She stopped yelling and walked out of the room with Krystal, still glaring at Fox and Falco.

"Come on boys," Krystal called to them.

They let go of each other and followed the girls to the cockpit and took a seat with Slippy and ROB on one couch while the rest of StarWolf members sat on the opposite couch. Krystal was the only one standing in front of the group. She turned to face the dash board of the ship and pressed some buttons. Then she turned herself to the center of the room, waiting for someone.

And then, he appeared.

"General Pepper here! This better be important every-" The General stopped mid sentence and his eyes widened at all the faces in the room.

"What the hell are they doing here?" The General asked.

Fox was about to explain when Krystal cut him off. "Not important. Just know we are working together and that we have valuable information that needs to be told."

The General cleared his throat. "Then let's hear it."

"It all started six years ago…"

On Krystal's home planet, Cerinia…

"Krystal! Will you hurry up? It's almost dark!"

"Coming, mum!" Krystal yelled.

Krystal climbed down the large parthandes, which was a sort of willow tree, and danced down the grass path, back to her village. It was almost dark and Krystal knew the risks but she really didn't care. She loved the night and she didn't care if she was attacked by a lamia, she knew how to fight back! Besides, her village needed a warrior for the night time, all the men had almost been wiped out from defending! They could spare a few woman, they were just as strong!

She stopped dancing and came to a slow walk. She looked up at the sky and tried to count all the stars. After about a thousand, she gave up and decided to search for the pictures and stories written in the stars. A few came forth to her and she played the story in her head. It was her favourite one. It had been about a famous, female warrior named Ariadne and how she had saved a prince from the original lamia king. Her mother had first told her that story when she was five and encouraged Krystal to be just like Ariadne. Not anymore though, the others were too strong, almost invincible. If she were to go out and fight, she would die sooner than later.

Krystal picked up a twig from the ground and swung it around, pretending it was a staff. For a split second, she felt like Ariadne, felt like the beautiful warrior she always wanted to be.

"'Ariadne and the Lamia King', is my favourite story too," a young girl, who had appeared out of no where, said.

Krystal turned to face her opponent. She held her twig up as if it was a real staff and glared at this new, purple fox.

"Who are you?" Krystal demanded.

The girl just laughed and smiled sweetly. "I won't hurt you, I swear. I was just reading your mind."

Krystal frowned. That wasn't possible, everyone knew that was only an adult's trait for her kind or a lamia trait.

Krystal stiffened and stared at the girl in horror. "You're a lamia!"

The other girl began to laugh hysterically and had to hold her stomach she was laughing so hard. "Do I look like one to you?"

No, she didn't. Everyone knew that they had fangs, black fur and were usually very tall and slender. She did had the icy, green eyes though.

"You're eyes," Krystal said. "They aren't like my kind."

"That's because I'm not like your kind, or a lamia," she said. "I'm both."

"How so?"

"My father is lamia, my mother is normal," she said.

Krystal dropped her twig and walked over to the new girl. She looked at her closely and analyzed her face. Indeed, she had both characteristics. Krystal had never heard of this though. Her kind never bred with others, especially ones that sucked blood and killed for a living.

"You find me interesting," the girl said. "You want to know more about me. I can show you, if you let me."

Krystal looked around. It was getting awfully dark…

"Or perhaps I can show you tomorrow," she suggested, reading Krystal's mind. "My kind don't show mercy to your kind, unless they are attracted to them."

Krystal smiled slightly. That was true, but even if they were attracted, they'd just have sex and then kill them, which is why this girl's kind was almost impossible.

"Why have you not killed me then?" Krystal asked. "Is it because I attract you?"

The girl winked and leaned in closer to Krystal's face. "Perhaps."

"But you shall kill me tomorrow if I come?"

The girl shook her head and grabbed Krystal's waist. She pulled her closely to her own pelvis and kissed her. Krystal had kissed boys before, but never a girl, especially a stranger. It was so new to her, so…fantastic. She grabbed the girl's waist and pulled herself closer to the girl's body, which made her moan slightly. She stuck her tongue in Krystal's mouth and then sucked on her lower lip which made Krystal shiver.

They continued kissing for a while, until Krystal had a sudden urge to do more. She pushed this girl backwards onto the forest floor and straddled her. The kissing continued and then the new girl touched Krystal in places she'd never been touched by a man. It made her whole body shiver. After several minutes of this girl playing with Krystal's clit, Krystal let herself reach her climax. It was the most amazing orgasm she'd ever had and this girl could tell.

Once Krystal had come down from her climax, she got up and helped the other girl up. They both shared one last kiss and then left. However before losing complete sight of the girl, Krystal turned around and asked her what her name was.

"Justice," she said. And then she disappeared.

"Wait," Falco said. "You basically had sex with a girl you had literally, just met?"

Krystal nodded. Sure, Falco and Fox and probably the other men thought it was hot but they knew the risks of what she had done. It just wasn't viewed as something acceptable for them.

"I know you all think it's weird," Krystal said. "But where I come from, we act out on our feelings and embrace our sexuality."

General Pepper looked somewhat annoyed. "What does this have to do with our mission?"

"I'm getting to it…"

Cerinia, four years ago…


Krystal turned to look back at her village. It was al up in flames as the lamia had willed to happen. Inside her house, she could see her mother, trapped behind the window.

"Just keep running! Don't stop!"

Tears came to Krystal's eyes. She wanted to help them, she knew she could if she could find her staff which had been given to her a few weeks prior to this night.

Krystal's father then appeared in the window and he hugged his wife tightly. He was crying, something Krystal had never seen her father do.

"Run!" He yelled. "Keep yourself safe!"

Krystal didn't want to move. All she could think about was her family and how much she wanted to save them. After months of training to become a guardian, she had to show her parents that it paid off.

Krystal started running back to her village, despite her parents wishes. She knew she risked her own life, but she didn't want her parents to die or, even worst, become one of the lamia by force. Someone grabbed her arm though and pulled her back. Krystal spun around to fight back but was surprised to see Justice pulling her back.

"Your parents want you to leave," Justice yelled. "So run away! They won't stop until everyone in this village is either dead or turned."

Krystal took one last glance at her home but her parents were no longer in the window. Then she turned to run away and Justice grabbed her hand and ran with her into the forest.

They ran for hours, until the sun began to rise. They both stopped to catch their breath finally as they knew the lamia couldn't be following them due to the fact that the sun was out.

They reached a small waterfall and got undressed to clean themselves up in the water.

"Do you think they killed them?" Justice asked. "Or do you think they might have awakened them?"

Krystal glared at Justice. She didn't like that term. She knew Justice didn't find being a lamia so bad, but that was because she was part one.

"Either way," Krystal said. "They are dead to me."

Justice rolled her eyes and pulled Krystal in for a hug.

"If only you could have a positive out look on these things, Krystal," Justice said. She slid her hands down Krystal's body, feeling her curves, until she reached the spot she had been looking for.

Krystal moaned as Justice stuck her two fingers into Krystal's pussy. Justice always knew how to make her feel good, but she wasn't sure if this was the kind of comfort she needed for her parents death. Either way, she let Justice stick her fingers in and out and she let herself moan as loud as she wanted. No one could hear them anyways.

Justice sucked on Krystal's neck and left hickies along her collarbone. Krystal knew Justice would want her to do the same, but she wasn't sure if she was in the mood for it.

"Fuck me," Justice begged. "Please, Krys, I need you to fuck me. I want you so bad."

Krystal slid her hands to Justice's breasts and played with her nipples, which always teased Justice. Justice moaned and pushed her fingers deeper into Krystal's vagina.

"Commodo , meus crystal…" She begged again.

Krystal slid one hand down to Justice's pussy and stuck her two fingers in, mimicking Justice's motion. They both yelled in pleasure as they got faster and faster. Finally, they both came and both removed their fingers. Krystal tried to run around and get out of the water to dry off but Justice stopped her and pulled her closer, almost chocking her.

"Justice," Krystal laughed. "Being a little aggressive. You are not still horny, are you?"

Justice didn't answer. Instead, she shoved Krystal under the water and brought Krystal's lips to suck on Justice's pussy. Krystal slid her tongue in but it wasn't long before Krystal was out of breath and needed air. However, when she tried to come up for air, Justice wouldn't let her. She panicked and fought furiously with Justice but she was too strong. She yelled out to Justice under the water to stop but nothing worked. Nothing until she said the forbidden word.

"Harshaaah!" She mumbled under the water.

Justice let go of Krystal instantly and shrieked. She jumped back and feel back first under water. Krystal came up from under the water and gasped for air. Then, within a second, she began to run out of the water.

Once out of the water, Krystal looked around for Justice. She had disappeared though.

"Justice?" Krystal cried out. "Justice? Where are you? Are you ok? I'm so sorry, you just scared me and…"

And then there was movement under the water. Krystal stepped closer to the water to see if it was her lover…


Then, Justice emerged from the water, fangs out and ready to drink.

She was on top of Krystal within seconds and she dug her teeth into Krystal's neck, draining her of her blood.

The others stared at Krystal. They were shocked to hear all of this come out of her mouth. Fox was confused though. She had said she was a virgin…

Krystal laugh, obviously reading his mind. "I was a virgin, Fox. I had never had sex with a man before you."

Everyone turned their attention to Fox for a second. He felt awkward, and he knew he should probably ask a question.

"Wait, I thought only those weird blood suckers could read minds?"

Krystal nodded. "Yes, but I was given this power once Justice had bitten me."

"Did you get away?" Katt asked.

"Yes," Krystal answered. "I managed to get her off of me. I called out for my staff once again and it seemed to have come out of the water, as if Justice had hid it there…which she had."

Everyone stared at her, waiting to hear more.

"She had been my girlfriend for so long, her father knew she needed to kill me. Justice didn't want to do it. So, I assume her father was the one who had my parents killed. This triggered a part of Justice I never believed existed, her killing instinct. She knew after that, that she needed to kill me. She had had my staff all along and planned on delivering the final stab with it."

General Pepper cleared his throat again. "So, this Justice girl is the one who is causing all the trouble?"

Krystal nodded again. "Yes. After leaving her, my planet was destroyed by her kind, so I assumed she followed me and created some sick plan to get back at me. I left her, almost killed her. If I had let her keep drinking, she probably would had made me a full half lamia as well."

"So, she took over another planet to spread her seed, draw you in and finally kill you?" Falco asked.

"Yes," Krystal said. "Not only that but she came across some type of dark magic. That's where her orb comes into play. It has powers one can only dream of."

"So," Fox said. He stood up and looked Krystal in the eyes. "We have a really big problem on our hands."

No shit.