AN: this is a story i started after i heard the songs 'why dont you kiss her' by jesse mccartney and 'i`d lie' by taylor swift. i really hope you all like it.
oh and all the chapter will be in edward`s point of view because putting any at all in bella`s would give away way to much. sorry.
Bold=my comments on whats written
Chapter: Age 4: But you`re a girl
I`m so bored. My parents sent me to the neighborhood playground to 'make friends', but I know it`s really because they are wrapping my birthday presents. (I know that most of you are thinking who the hell lets their 4 year olds go to the playground by them self? Well their neighborhood is small and Forks is a small town where everyone trusts everyone else. If you don`t like it deal with it.)
I looked across the playground out of boredom. The playground had four slides, monkey-bars, a jungle gym, lots of swings, a rope wall, basketball court, another blacktop, a baseball diamond, and a pool. There were girls playing with a jump rope on the blacktop area, and there were older boys playing basketball. On the swings there was a teen couple, you could tell by the way they looked at into the others eyes they liked each other a lot- yuck! There was absolutely no one to play with.
Suddenly, I felt a small hand lightly tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw a girl that looked about my age. She had dark chestnut colored hair and milk chocolate eyes that looked alive. She looked a shy and hesitant about something, and was chewing on her bottom lip.
"I was wondering if you would like to play with me?" she asked in a soft quite voice that sounded like bells.
"But you`re a girl," truthfully I've never played with a girl other then my mom.
"And you`re a boy," she giggled, "Now come on," she said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me up from my sitting position.
"Where are we going?"
"You`ll see,' she giggled pulling me to the abandoned jungle gym. We ran to the top and then she sat down patting the spot in front of her, "Sit down."
I sat down slightly confused, if we were just going to sit up here, why did we leave the bench I was sitting on before? I was also curious as to who this girl was so I sat down and waited for her to say something.
"I`m Isabella Swan, but you can call me Bella."
"I`m Edward Masen," for some reason her name seemed to ring a bell. Ha bell Bella. (4 year old humor not supposed to be that funny. Unless you think of how he thinks it`s funny)
"Cool, now we have to figure out what to do."
"Wait, I thought you knew what we were going to do already?" I didn`t mind coming up with a game I just thought she already had one.
"No, I just wanted someone to play with and you were the only one on the entire playground that had on one to play with. So I decided to come over and see if you wanted to play."
"Oh, well we can play tag," I loved tag but I didn't know how well it would work with two people."
"Ok," she tapped my arm, "You`re it," she called over her shoulder as she ran away from me. I ran at full speed after her down the stairs of the jungle gym. We raced down the slides with me still chasing her. When she got off the slide she ran towards the baseball diamond. I ran after her. All of a sudden she fell and landed flat on her face.
"Bella!!!" I screamed and ran towards her as she started to get up, "are you ok?" I asked when I reached her.
"Yeah, I can`t walk without falling down, it`s kinda sad."
"Oh," was all I could say. Just as I was about to ask what she wanted to do now, she got up and started to run full-speed away from me.
"Come on, you`re still it." She called to me.
I ran after her and finally caught her. Then I ran away from her until she caught me. We played tag for a really long time. When the sun started to go down we stopped running. "What time do you have to be home?" She asked me.
"By dark. You?"
"Same, should we start heading home?"
"Sure, where do you live?" I hope we live close.
"That way," she said pointing in the direction of my street.
"Me to, we can walk together," with that we headed towards our homes, talking.
We talked until we reached my street, "Where do you live?" I really hoped she lived on my street.
"I live on this street, but I'm not sure which number or the street name. I'll recognize my house when I see it. Which house is yours?" Yes!
"I live on this street too. I think I live at 107. And the street name is Twilight Court." I was so happy she was living on my street. I wonder how close to me she lives.
We walked down the street until we reached the cul de sac, " Do you live down here?" I really hope she does.
"Yeah, that's my house," she looked at the numbers on the side of the mailbox, "106" (I don't care if the numbers are messed up. Deal.)
"You`re kidding, right," I was soo excited. I really hoped she said yes. Maybe that's why her name sounded familiar.
"No that's my house. Why…. Oh right you live in 107 right?" I nodded, "so we`re neighbors?" I nodded again and I really, really big smile spread across her face, "Oh my gosh, this is so awesome! Edward, are you like so excited?"
"Oh yeah," she had no idea. Not only was she my first real friend, but I think she is my best friend.
"Ok, well I have to before my dad comes and yells at me. Why don't we meet in the back yard tonight after dinner?"
"Ok, I think there is a loose board in the fence too." She smiled and I smiled in return.
With that we turned and headed to our houses. My mother, Elizabeth or Liz, was in the kitchen making dinner, while my dad was… I don't really know where?
"Hey Mom." I said walking into the kitchen. I ran over to her and hugged her legs, because I couldn't reach her waist.
"Hi Edward. How was the park, you stayed longer then I thought?"
"Itwassofunimadeanewfriendhernameisbellaandshelivesnextdooricantwaittoplaywithheragainithinkshewillbemybestfriend." I said really fast in one breath.
My mother started laughing, "Sweetie, you`ll have to slow down I didn't catch any of that."
"It was so fun. I made a new friend, her name is Bella, and she lives next door. I can`t wait to play with her again. I think she will be my best friend." I said again slower.
"That's great sweetie. I can`t wait to meet her."
"You`ll love her mom." I just knew my mom would just love Bella.
"I bet I will. Now go upstairs and we`ll have dinner when your father gets home."
"Ok Mommy," I called over my shoulder as I ran out of the kitchen and up the stairs into my bed room.
After dinner, my parents decided to go up to bed. This just made it easier of me to go in the backyard and see Bella.
I stepped out my back door and headed towards the fence that separates Bella`s house form mine, "Bella, are you out here?" I called out.
"Edward?" I heard Bella`s bell like voice coming from the other side of the fence.
"Hold on a second," I then proceeded to look for the loose bored in the wooden wall. Once I found it, I pushed it aside and crawled through. On the other side was Bella smiling at me, "Hi Bella."
"Hey Edward, so what do you want to do?" I looked around, and then I remembered what was in my backyard.
"You want to go over to my back yard, sit on my trampoline, and talk?"
"Sure," with that we headed through the fence and over to my trampoline. Bella climbed in and I followed after. We sat down, "So what do you want to talk about?"
"Not sure," we sat and thought for a minute, "Why don't we ask each other questions?"
"Sure why not? You go first."
"Favorite color?"
"Green" (not because Edward`s eye color. Most of their answers are things I liked when I was little.)
I was shocked, "Don`t most girls like pink?"
"Yes, but I don't. what`s your favorite color then?"
"Blue. Favorite show, mine is Bob the Builder."
"The Little Mermaid, Favorite game?"
"Hide and seek, you?"
"Me too. Favorite drink, mine is apple juice?"
"Me too. Favorite cookie?"
"Chocolate chip, yours?"
"Don`t laugh, but mint peanut butter," my mother was always teasing my about my crazy love of those cookies, everyone else found them revolting.
"Ew, Edward that's gross. Do you really eat them?"
I laughed, "Yes, I think they`re really good."
"You know Bella, you`re my first friend."
"Really?" I nodded, "You`re mine too."
I smiled, "Bella lets agree to be best friends forever."
"Ok." I smiled and she smiled back.
That was the day Bella and I became best friends.
AN: Thanks so much for reading. i have the set up for this story already. i just have to write the chapters. yay!!!
i should have the next chapter up today and possiably the third but im not promissing anything.
REVIEW. they make me really really happy (But not as much as meeting the cullens)
oh and if anyone has any ideas for this story im doing on for some one (My angel by: cinderellaellabella) or my other story (not always as the appear) plez tell mae.