*-The only characters that are mine are Alexander and Eduard Fitzsimmons and Mrs. Hartwick, the rest are obviously belonging to Charlotte Bronte.

*-Reviews are always welcome

Behind Her Eyes

"Miss Eyre?" Mrs. Hartwick knocked.

"Come in" came the reply.

"Will there be anything else this evening?" the housekeeper asked as the maid placed the tray on the table.

"No thank you, Mrs. Hartwick" Jane replied, her focus returning to the book on her lap.

"Have a good night, miss" the housekeeper exited the room, followed by the maid.

Mrs. Hartwick had been working as the housekeeper at the school for nearly ten years. Miss Eyre was an amiable woman, firm with her employees and motherly to the students, but there was something behind her eyes, a sadness than she could not figure out.

Miss Eyre normally took her evening meal with the students and the teachers, but it was this night, as she did every year that she dined by herself, locked away in her apartment.

"Is Miss Eyre ill, she looked a little pale?" the maid asked.

"Never mind yourself with that, my dear, we have work to do". Mrs. Hartwick had learned long ago to not ask questions when not warranted.

As their footsteps disappeared, Jane looked up from her book, speaking only one word.


It had been more than 20 years since she had seen him last, she was the same age as he was when they met for the first time.

Perhaps if fate had been altered somehow, her life might have been very different. The difficulties of the past would have melted away, for her and Edward and the bliss that each had been wishing for would have finally come to fruition. But fate is a cruel trickster, like placing sweets in front of a child before taking it away; showing Jane what her life might have been like before taking him away from her forever.

An hour later, as Jane was finishing her meal, there was a knock on her door.

"Miss Eyre, you have company" Mrs. Hartwick knocked.

"Who is it?" Jane asked.

"Mademoiselle Eyre?" Jane had not heard that voice in 20 years. The face and voice were the same, but spoiled, impetuous child was gone, replaced by a beautiful, serene woman.


"It is good to see you again, Mademoiselle, it has been far too long" Adele vigorously kissed the older woman's cheeks.

"You have grown since I've seen you last".

"I have indeed grown, mademoiselle" Adele opened her coat to reveal the child growing within her.

"You are married?" Jane asked.

"Oui, this is my husband, Alexander and this is our son, Eduard".

"Miss Eyre, it is a pleasure to finally meet you in person, Adele has not stopped talking about you since we arrived in England. She insisted that we take a detour before return to Paris". Alexander Fitzimmons introduced himself warmly.

"You are French?".

"On my mother's side, my father was Scottish. I was raised in Paris, we have just returned from visiting with my aunt and uncle in Edinburgh".

"Mama?" Eduard asked, reaching for his mother.

Jane could not help but smile at the boy, even though he was not of Edward's blood, she saw him in the child.

"Say hello to Miss Eyre".

"Mademoiselle" The boy whispered hello into his mother's dress.

"Hello, Eduard" she said quietly, bending down to his height, taking the boy's tiny hand in her own.

"You do know what today is?" Adele asked sadly asked Jane returned to her full height.

"Yes, Adele, I do know" for a moment, both women were in a world of their own, remembering the man they dearly loved and lost.

"I understand you were raised by your uncle after Mr. Rochester died" Jane said quietly.

"Yes, he raised me as his own".

"My dear, I hate to interrupt your reunion, but we must arrive at the inn before it gets any later" Alexander gently interjected.

"Oh yes, of course" Adele looked around the room suddenly; Jane seemed to understand what Adele was looking for, handing her a pencil and a piece of paper.

"You will write to me, Mademoiselle?" Adele asked, hastily scribbling her address.

"Of course" Jane agreed, and then let Adele and family out.