A few more days filled with hosts, psychotic cross dressers and no complications and Haruhi was discharged from hospital.

'Are you sure you don't want me to move in?' Ranka hovered around worriedly, Rai whined sleepily at the constant movement and his lower lip wobbled as he threatened to burst into tears. Haruhi gave him a withering look, placed another piece of clothing into her duffel bag then took the grumpy baby from his arms. Takashi made the right decision to stay out of the father daughter 'creative discussion'. Instead he held Nariko in his shoulder with one arm and helped Haruhi pack.

'No, I'm sure I don't, I promise if I need your help I will call you in advance,' she stroked Rai's head in the way she knew would make him fall asleep; he snuggled into her and happily closed his eyes.

'B-but, it would be easier if I was there already wouldn't it, don't you love your daddy?'

'Yes I do but I also love Takashi and I'd like some space, jeez, why don't you go baby clothes shopping?' she watched her father's eyes light up, 'but no not go overboard, no crazy debts. Do you remember when I had to ask the headmaster if I could get a job because I wanted those stupid shoes?'

'They were NOT stupid,' Ranka whined, 'they were limited edition Jimmy Choos, in a sale.'

Haruhi merely rolled her eyes and placed her bag over one shoulder, Rai chewed his fist sleepily in the crook of her other arm.

'Whatever, I am going home, you are going home I will see you later,' Haruhi leant in to let him give her an awkward hug then gave him a smile. She turned to Takashi, 'let's go home,' he nodded and tried to take her bag from her. She simply glared and moved away, he sighed at the eternal stubbornness.

Both of them left to room leaving Ranka to sniffle and wallow in self pity.

Haruhi sighed and placed down her bag, 'can you remind me again why your dad bought us a car?'

'He felt guilty,' Takashi told her, grabbing her bag quickly while he could. She scowled for a moment at his action but her expression changed again when she thought about his reply.

'I can see why but underneath everything, he's just insecure,' Haruhi said, strapping Rai into one of the car seats that Sumi had provided. Takashi sent her a blank look as he buckled Nariko into her seat, insecure wasn't something Morinozuka's were often called, or ever called really.

Haruhi noticed his look and continued to explain, seating herself in between the twins in the back whilst Takashi took the driver's seat, 'I mean, he said something about reputation didn't he? And he's worked hard to get higher up in the world of business and wealth. I should be the one feeling guilty for almost destroying everything.'

'I helped,' Takashi added, smiling gently.

Haruhi smiled back, 'I'm sure your dad was glad to see we had Otoris, Suohs and Hitachiins right behind us,' when Takashi's father saw that some of the most powerful families in Japan supported Haruhi and his son he was reassured that his reputation and dignity would remain intact, as well as the fact Haruhi and Takashi would be married soon, two months, one week and four days to be exact.

Takashi nodded, Haruhi chatted for both of them mostly, sometimes falling into thoughtful silence. When they stopped outside of their apartment Haruhi let out a sigh of content and smiled at her home. Both babies were asleep. Haruhi gently eased them out of their car seats while Takashi grabbed her bag and opened the front door for her.

The couple both stood in the doorway, frowning slightly at the unexpected visitors.

Well, they had known at the back of their minds that there was no chance of going home without a Host Club welcome but it was weird to find them sitting calmly around the table and on the sofa drinking tea or in Tamaki's case tapping his fingers impatiently.

Huni's head bobbed up from his plate, he scurried over to meet them, an embarrassed Miki in tow, 'we made you a surprise!' he grinned, pink was smeared on his face and Haruhi wondered just how much cake he had eaten waiting for them.

'You guys really shouldn't have...' Haruhi was getting slightly worried, 'surprises' for her past experience could end up with horrific results.

'Come on!' The twins pushed Haruhi and Takashi, 'well show you.'

'You're going to love it!' Renge gushed; her cheeks were a rosy hue with excitement, Tamaki had a face to match. The just made Haruhi get more and more terrified by the minute and by the grasp of Takashi's hand on her arm he was worried too.

'This,' Kyouya introduced as Huni pushed open the door, 'is what this lot have been slaving over for the past three days. Fuyumi nee-san helped with the decorating as well.'

Haruhi held her breath, ready to give them her perfect host smile and lie about how wonderful everything was, but she was pleasantly surprised. Her mouth almost fell open and she stared in shock, amazed to discover this bunch of rich bastards knew how to paint a wall at all.

'You guys really should have,' Haruhi stared around the room.

'You don't like it?' Huni's face fell.

'No, that's not it,' Haruhi shook her head, adjusting Rai's weight on her shoulder, 'it just looks like you've put in so much work, it's amazing.'

Takashi nodded in agreement, looking around at the room, there were two cots, one on each side of the relatively small room, and the two longer walls were a soft cream colour, one of the other walls was pink and the other a lime green. There was a changing unit and small pictures dotted the walls, there was some stuffed animals on a shelf with most definitely hadn't been there before.

'I didn't know that any of you knew how to put up a shelf... or DIY or any kind,' Haruhi wandered around the room picking up two small replicas of Usa-chan, at some point before entering the room the twins had plucked the babies from her arms and were holding them while ginning proudly at their work.

'I put the shelf there!' Tamaki waved his arms around and showed Haruhi his bandaged fingers, she gave him a warm smile and almost laughed when she saw the immense look of pride on his face.

'Thank you Tamaki-senpai, everyone,' Haruhi smiled and grasped Takashi's hand. She felt her life had reached a level of balance where everything had fallen nicely into place and looked forward to the next few months.

...one month later...

Takashi opened the door after coming home from a meeting and from the sound of wailing he already knew his fate.

A frazzled Haruhi covered in what looked like mushy peas and baby vomit passed him a red faced pouting Rai and immediately headed for bed. Takashi looked down at the baby who was now whimpering and looking at him expectantly. Takashi was just glad Nariko hadn't started wailing, her ear piercing scream had gotten more than one neighbour coming round and asking if they were abusing kittens.

A sound not unlike a kettle whistling erupted from the next room and Takashi sighed, he couldn't wait for Ranka to come and care for them or the week of their wedding and honeymoon.

..Five years later...

Rai walked into the bathroom, concern evident in his wide brown eyes.

'Mama, are you sick?' he shuffled closer and Haruhi leant away from the toilet bowl and wiped her mouth with a grimace. She looked down at her suit, glad to see it was unblemished before looking at her son.

'No, it's ok,' she smiled

Nariko peered around the doorway, brushing her dark hair behind her ear and frowning; she walked across the room, trying to stop the water she was holding from spilling out of the glass.

'Thank you,' Haruhi took the glass and sipped from it, Nariko nodded and smiled, 'I was only sick because it means you're going to have a baby brother or sister.'

Rai's face lit up, 'I hope it's a brother,' and he went off into one of his fantasy worlds in his head.

Nariko wrinkled her nose, 'mama? If it's a boy can we send it back?'


'Cos this one's annoying enough, if it is a boy Rai can go back to the baby shop with him.'

I'm so sorry, that was awful! But the story is over and I have to thank you all for staying with me the whole way *hands out virtual cookies* I have a poll on my profile for stories that will (hopefully) turn out better. I have added another idea to the poll so than you for reading and I would be thrilled if you could spare a moment to look at the poll *bows* THANK YOU!

PS: If you wanted to know what the twins look like at the age of five, Rai is a replica of Haruhi but actually is a boy and Nariko has hair like Takashi (though slightly longer) but Haruhi's eyes as well. :)