Disclaimer: If I owned the Twilight Saga, chances are I wouldn't be writing fan fiction about it.

First Chances
Chapter Six - Epilogue
by: Eternity Bites

Bella's POV:

After the one Friday night, Mike wouldn't come within 5 feet of me when I was with Edward. I'm still not sure what Edward said but whatever it was it seemed to work.

I don't think Mike entirely believed that I wasn't interested in me. Every day in gym he would come stand loyally beside me with puppy dog eyes -I'd almost gone back to seeming him as a retriever- and the few days Edward was away because of the sun Mike would gravitate towards me.

Two weeks later and the Cullen's had to go 'camping' again. Edward was worried about Mike trying something while he was gone but his eyes were black as pitch and I pushed him out the door. Figuratively of course, because I was in no way strong enough.

Mike was walking me to my truck from gym class that day looking excited.

"Hey Bella, you want to go out tonight? We could have dinner and go see a movie or something." Mike asked hopefully as I started at him incredulously.

"Sorry Mike, I have plans." I answered politely refusing. How could Mike delude himself into thinking I would go out with him after the mess up of our first date?

"Okay, maybe another time then. Bye Bella." Mike said dejectedly and walked to his own car. I made it into the truck cab before I started laughing. Mike was truly one deluded person.

Like I said in the first chapter, my first attempt at writing fanfiction terribly sorry if its crap.