What is Love?
Okay, I think I thought of this one during Valentine's Day or something like that.
Bold-xXBlackTenshiXx talking
Expect OOCness
Disclaimer: I do not own Gakuen Alice whatsoever
Summary: Mikan and the others are in their high school years. As a child, Mikan had always thought that love was disgusting, but as she grew older she realized that it was something more romantic. Mikan, Anna, Nonoko, Hotaru, and Sumire were always the best of friends since they were 6 and always shared each others secrets. All of them, but Mikan, had a boyfriend. Anna with Koko, Nonoko with Yuu, Hotaru with Ruka, and Sumire with Mochu. Everyone, but Mikan, knows that Natsume is in love with her, but sadly Mikan's just too dense to even know what love is really. Her definition of love? "I think love is something like Prince Charming rescuing you from an awful dragon." was what Mikan had thought of love as. Every Friday, there always had a sleepover in one of their rooms. Every night, they would always talk about their week with their boyfriend and how sweet and passionate they were. Hotaru was BLACKMAILED somehow so she also had to tell her moments with Ruka. Mikan felt left out because she didn't have a boyfriend. So she decides to change the subject by asking the girls what they think love is. Later on, she decided to ask everyone, but Natsume thinking that he'll just shoo her away. What was everyone's answer? Did it affect Mikan's love life ever since or did she still have Prince Charming wandering around in her head somewhere?
Chapter 1: Prologue
It was a Friday night, so there was no school the next day. Anna, Nonoko, Sumire, Hotaru, and Mikan are in a room as every Friday they would have a sleepover. It's been like this since they were 6 which was the age when they all met and became friends. Anna, Nonoko, Sumire, and Hotaru are taking turns talking about how their week was with their boyfriends including Hotaru whom was somehow blackmailed. Hotaru spoke the least while Sumire was blabbering on and on about her great Mochu was.
Mikan was listening to her friends. She appears to be happy for them and even laughed when they laughed, but inside she was lonely and sad. Her friends had found the ones they loved and she's still single. Mikan began thinking back when she was a child. She remembered that every time she went out and found a couple kissing, she would always make a disgusted face and walk away hoping that she won't see it, but she always saw couples kissing until she remembered that day it was Valentine's Day, she ran all the way home only to find her parents kissing and ran to her room which was the safest place. But now that she's grown up, she doesn't think that love is disgusting. Now, she thinks of love similar to fairy tale love. A Prince Charming ready to save you from the dreadful dragon.
Mikan's thoughts were interrupted by Anna when she asked her how her week was. Mikan gave out a false smile and the girls knew it was feigned because they knew it each other for so long. "Mikan, is something wrong?" asked Nonoko. Mikan shook her head. "Just tell us, Mikan. We're all best friends." said Hotaru. "She's right, tell us, Mikan." said Sumire. Mikan sighed. "I just feel left out. You guys found the one you love and I'm still single. I feel too lonely." said Mikan. "Do you have someone you like, Mikan?" asked Anna. Mikan shook her head. Almost all the male population of their school was taken, the only one that was single was Natsume and she didn't want him, or did she?
Sumire, Anna, and Nonoko looked at each other and an idea popped into their heads. "Mikan." said Sumire. "Natsume is so." said Anna. "Perfect for you!!" ended Nonoko. "EH?!" yelled Mikan falling off the bed and onto the floor. She climbed back onto the bed. "That's impossible. Natsume doesn't like me back I know that." said Mikan sighing. "Ooooh, you DO like Natsume." said Anna and Nonoko together. Hotaru smirked and high five with Sumire. "No." said Mikan blushing. "Then why are you blushing?" asked Hotaru. "I'm just tired that's all." said Mikan. "You know you can tell us Mikan." said Anna sternly. Mikan sighed. "Fine." said Mikan.
"Yes, I like-no I love Natsume." said Mikan. Anna and Nonoko screamed. "What do you love about him?" asked Nonoko. "Nothing. He's so mean, perverted, he trips me, he burns my hair, he teases me, he calls me names, he looks at my prints, he-" Mikan was interrupted by Hotaru. "Mikan, that's what you love about him." said Hotaru. "I know that." said Mikan laughing nervously.
Mikan changes the subject by asking the girls what they think love is. "Ne ne, what do you guys think love is?" asked Mikan. "I think love is something when my love enjoys my cooking no matter how awful it is." said Anna day dreaming of herself and Koko feeding each other. "I think that it's someone who enjoys mixing potions with me." said Nonoko and wrote Yuu's name over and over again on the bed with the index finger of her right hand and her left hand on her face. "I want him to think, and maybe know, that I'm the most prettiest girl out there." said Sumire triumphantly with her hands on her hip, her chest out forward, and her head up. "Someone I can blackmail." said Hotaru with dollar signs on her eyes.
Mikan smiles and laughs at her friends opinion of what love is and what actions they made afterwards. They stopped whatever it was they were doing and smiled seeing Mikan happy again. They knew it was torture for Mikan to listen to them every Friday night. They told her they would stop talking about their boyfriends, but Mikan insisted that they would talk about their boyfriends. "Mikan, what do you think love is?" asked Hotaru. "I think love is something like Prince Charming rescuing you from an awful dragon." said Mikan. "How childish." said Sumire. "But Hyuuga did save you from the AAO and Koizumi." said Hotaru. Anna and Nonoko nodded their heads vigorously and Sumire knew where Hotaru was getting to when she saw the tape recorder behind Hotaru's back. She was recording their talk when Mikan stated that she loves Natsume. Sumire patted Anna and Nonoko and showed them the recorder behind Hotaru's back.
"Exactly, that's why I still believe in that kind of love. That's why I love Natsume because he protects me." said Mikan. "But it's too bad he doesn't like me back." she sighed sadly. "What do you mean? If he protects you that just means that he likes you too." said Sumire. "Well, it's orders by my uncle, the high school principal, that Natsume has to protect me." said Mikan. Sumire, Anna, and Nonoko nodded their heads.
"Well, I'm sleepy, let's go to sleep now." said Mikan. "Okay." said Sumire, Anna, Nonoko, and Hotaru. Hotaru stopped her tape recorder. The five of them shared the same bed. Mikan in the middle. Anna and Nonoko on her right and Sumire and Hotaru on her left. When everyone was asleep, Hotaru went outside the room quietly and met Ruka outside the room. They both walked to Natsume's room where he was waiting for them. They entered the room. "Here's the tape." said Hotaru and tossed it at Natsume who caught it. He opened his drawer put it in the tape player and played it. He heard the part where Mikan said she loves him. He paused it and looked at Hotaru only to find she wasn't there and Ruka was already gone in his room. He took the tape out and put it with the other tapes Hotaru had given him to help get Mikan.
Now, that's a surprise. Natsume collecting tapes that Hotaru recorded off of Mikan? LOLZ funny, please review.