On Your Six

Chapter Eighteen - The One That Got Away

A/N - leobold1, don't worry for McGee, I haven't forgot him and yes, David needs to cease populating the earth. :) Pandora of Ithilien, Ziva does have a family from hell, even without Anas, *possible spoiler warning* especially looking at clips with her father from the season finale *spoiler end*. mia58, the title of this chapter is significant in several ways...

Spoilers - None

Disclaimer - I own nothing.


Base Naval de Rota Hospital; Rota, Spain; 10:00 a.m. (8 Hours Later)

McGee sat in the waiting room watching Cassidy approach with two coffee cups in hand as they waited on the doctors to release Tony and Ziva. The two agents finally made it onto Rota to see the combined forces of the Spanish military and U.S. Navy from two aircraft carriers stationed nearby in the Mediterranean, cleaning up the aftermath of the thwarted attack on the base. The six sailors as well as their commander that Tony and Ziva singled out from the base logs were taken into custody for questioning, first by SecNav and the director of the CIA, both of whom were en route to Rota. Anas and his associates were all pronounced dead at the hanger. Agent Kort, after the order came in from the his director, read in NCIS on Operation Chimera. It was an operation to uncover the link between Hamas, Al-Qaeda, and the head of an elusive arms network operating around the world. The sailors were part of the intelligence ring activated to surveillance the area. According to Kort, the CIA knew of Anas Fulan and his relationship to Ari at least a year prior to the latter's death. Ari vetted Anas as a valuable resource and as the circumstances of Ari's demise remained sketchy, the CIA assumed that his death was simply a consequence of his attempt to infiltrate Hamas in D.C. under the watch of the overzealous Gibbs. They decided to use Anas in his place to continue the operation. In return, SecNav gave similar orders to Tony to share all particulars relating to Ari's death. McGee recalled the near fight he and Cassidy had to break-up between the injured Kort and Tony before they were taken to the hospital.

"Well, that's just great," Kort spat. "Did anyone over at NCIS think that that piece of information might be worth sharing? Or was it just an eye for an eye justice that Agent Gibbs is so fond of? Or were you protecting your little Mossad assassin from the ramifications of killing her brother?"

Tony got into Kort's face, his arm bandaged in a makeshift sling one of the Navy Seals that first entered the hanger made for him. "I know the CIA, the granddaddy of all secret-keepers, is not going to give us a lesson on sharing intelligence?" Tony said sarcastically. "Because we all know that when Gibbs tried to tell you and the FBI that Ari was bad, you dismissed it like you always dismiss anything we say or do. Your decision to use his brother without knowing why Ari died was the CIA's mistake. Your supposed to know what you've got in your stable, Kort!"

Kort sneered. "I suppose I should tell you the same thing then, DiNozzo?" Kort said throwing a leering glance over to where Ziva sat in the back of a Navy ambulance, staring off into space. "Might want to keep the handcuffs nearby for her."

Tony's punch landed squarely on Kort's nose as the CIA agent staggered back, but made to lunge at Tony. McGee, an anxious observer at this point, summoned the courage to get in between the two men and held Kort back as Agent Wood came over to aid him. Cassidy stepped in to pull Tony over to the ambulance.

"Get your hands off me!" Kort said angrily, shoving away from McGee.

"I will as soon as you control yourself," McGee returned undeterred. "You were out of line, Kort."

"Was I?" Kort said with a shrug. "How can NCIS be sure you can trust her considering her family history?"

"We trust her because Gibbs trusts her," McGee responded firmly. "His gut has never been wrong since I've known him. Ziva killed her brother to save his life. Everything she's done in her career leading up to now shows her integrity. She also saved Director Sheppard's life in Cairo. Ziva's not a traitor. She just has a really messed up family."

Kort snorted skeptically, but did not reply. At that point, the commander in charge of the Seals ordered all the injured into the ambulances.

"You were pretty good back there with Kort," Cassidy observed, breaking him out of his reverie. "He's such a smug bastard."

McGee nodded. "Thanks. Yeah, he is."

"Any more on Director Sheppard's condition?" Cassidy asked. They'd received the call from Abby after arriving at the hospital. She'd been in a panic and McGee had to first calm her down to get the story out of her. Sheppard was in critical, but stable condition at an undisclosed hospital in Tel Aviv with Gibbs, Rivkin, and David. She also told him about the thwarted attack on Israel Museum as well as Rivkin's account of the attempted kidnapping of David and Shin Bet's internal investigation of Mossad.

"No," McGee said with a sigh.

Cassidy nodded and appeared to hesitate before she spoke next. "So...do you know what's going on between Tony and Ziva?"

McGee looked over at her in surprise. "Is something going on?"

Cassidy smiled sheepishly and shrugged. "I don't know," she said carefully. "I just got this vibe. I mean I've never seen Tony angry like that and he seemed particularly protective of her. And she doesn't strike me as someone who needs protection."

McGee considered this for a moment. "Maybe not," he conceded. "But I would think even a Mossad assassin would find it difficult to deal with the fact that the brother she knew was a traitor that she had to kill without her father, the deputy director of Mossad, knowing about it. Then said brother's secret wife tries kills a marine and tries to blow up NCIS. Next, her dead brother plots to use her as a pawn to attack a navy base and a sacred site in Israel as well as kill her father and Gibbs. And if that's not enough, she just found out that Ari had a twin that was going to kill her if Tony hadn't got him first."

The blonde agent nodded in understanding. "Well, when you put it that way..."

"As for Tony and Ziva," McGee continued, "I don't know. I mean the last five days have been insane. They've had to learn to work together pretty fast. I don't think any of us has got more than a few hours of sleep, either. I'm rambling because I'm running on fumes and bad coffee."

Cassidy smiled at McGee and patted his shoulder. "Well, why don't we get some rest while we wait. There's nothing else for us to do right now, anyway."


Tony stood in the doorway, his arm in a cast, as Ziva tried out the crutches she'd need to use for the next few weeks while her leg fracture healed.

"Getting the hang of it?" Tony asked as he stepped into the room.

Ziva looked up and met his gaze. "Yes, it is nothing."

Tony nodded and observed her carefully. Since he'd found her crouched behind the crates, she'd said little and remained stoic. He understood, as he could only imagine how she felt at this latest revelation about her family.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Ziva asked, her frustration evident.

"Like what?" Tony said innocently.

Ziva gave him a look. "Like you expect me to break into tears!"

Tony refrained from correcting her and instead said: "It's not like it wouldn't be understandable."

"Why?" Ziva asked in annoyance. "Because I am a woman?"

"That's not what I meant, Ziva and you know it." Tony replied calmly.

Ziva turned away from him on the crutches and hobbled toward the windows. "Well, your concern is unnecessary, Tony. And while we are at it, if I am to remain at NCIS, which I would like, what happened between us the other night cannot happen again. Gibbs' rule is a sound one."

Tony watched her somber, but determined profile, unsurprised by the declaration. He knew that it was for the best. Despite his general amusement at Gibbs' many rules and edicts, he respected them as having come from years of experience. If he and Ziva were going to work together, they had to maintain a solid professional relationship. Besides, he doubted that either of them would know how to operate in a serious relationship. The very thought left him scared for reasons he did not wish to explore. A sex only deal, as fool-proof as it sounded, was out as well as it still meant a loss of focus. And if the events of the past few months had taught him anything, it was that they needed to be ready for every eventuality.

At Tony's silence, Ziva turned to face him, her eyebrow raised. "You agree with me?"

Tony looked into her dark, fathomless eyes and nodded. "Yeah, I do."

Ziva returned his nod and forced herself not to say anything further. Whenever she thought she had him figured out, Anthony DiNozzo went and did or said the unexpected. As far as the events of the last twenty-four hours, Ziva felt numb to it all. It was as if her brain refused to process the existence of this brother she'd never known. Her rash decision to confront him had come from somewhere deep inside her that needed to understand why her family seemed destined to bring nothing but misery to everyone they touched. She could not stop thinking that her actions could have gotten Tony, Kort, and Wood killed as well as herself. Is it genetic? she'd asked herself many times over the last few days. She couldn't bear the thought of having to face her father again nor did she particularly want to return home. It was the main reason to keep Tony at arms' length. She desperately wanted to remain with NCIS now more than ever. She needed to prove herself valuable and trustworthy, not another source of problems. She cringed to imagine what Gibbs must think of her family by now.

"Have you heard anything more on the director?" She asked, changing the subject.

Tony shook his head, readily following her lead. "No, but I just got released and came to check on you. McGee and Cassidy might know something, though."

"Well, I can go as well," Ziva replied as she slowly used the crutches to come to stand by Tony. "I just need to sign paperwork, the nurse said."

"I do, too," Tony said as he gestured for her to go first out of the room.

As she passed him, Ziva hesitated and turned to look at him. "Ah, I am not exactly used to saying this, but---"

"Don't," Tony interrupted matter-of-factly. "I've got your six, you've got mine. Partners, right?"

Ziva nodded at him curiously. "Right," she repeated. "Why do you trust me, Tony? After everything, both you and McGee stood up for me against Kort."

Tony shrugged. "Like McGeek said, Gibbs trusts you and his gut is infallible. I've seen it at work and it's uncanny. The director was willing to risk her career to set up a liason position for you. Plus, I'd like to think I'm a competent judge of character myself and I've spent seventy-two continuous hours in your presence under extreme conditions. You're not like your brothers or your father, Ziva. And there's the fact that you'll owe me lunch for a week since your driving is bound to get even worse with a broken leg," Tony added with a smirk.

Ziva blinked at his quick change of topic and tone, but recovered to scowl at him as she exited the room. "I see your arm is in a cast, Tony."

"I can drive very well with one hand, Ziva," Tony stated with his usual bravado as he followed her.


Ichilov Hospital; Tel Aviv, Israel; 11:45 a.m.

Gibbs sat in contemplative silence by Sheppard's bed as she lay sleeping after the emergency surgery that saved her life, but left her very weak. The bullet had only grazed her liver, but she'd lost a lot of blood and needed a transfusion. He knew he should feel relief that Jen and his agents were okay, the attacks had been thwarted, and that Anas Fulan was dead, but he couldn't shake the feeling in his gut. His mind raced over Jen's whispered 'La Grenouille' before she'd passed out. As for the grey luxury vehicle, the license plate Gibbs had memorized turned up as invalid. There was undoubtedly a connection between this arms dealer and the events of the last twenty-four hours. And Rivkin's story bothered him. It was too neat and clean. But the Mossad officer remained the epitome of a faithful second-in-command to the deputy director, protecting him from both the kidnapping and the shooting on the side of the road. Rivkin could have killed David if he'd wanted to, Gibbs surmised. He'd had all the time in the world. Now Mossad Headquarters was under investigation and both the director and David were on ice until it was completed. He couldn't help but wonder if that was perhaps the goal all along. As such, Gibbs could not rejoice in the ones they'd captured or killed. He could only think of the possibility that the one or ones that actually helped Ari and his brother mastermind this plot either got away or managed to stay hidden from the fallout.

"How is she?" David asked as he walked into the room slowly. Although he'd sustained no major injuries, the man appeared to creak as he walked, no doubt due to bruising during his kidnapping.

"Stable," Gibbs replied quietly. "Where's Rivkin?"

"He is still being treated for the bullet in his shoulder." David responded as he sat in the other chair beside Gibbs. "A Shin Bet officer is with him. Mine is just outside the door. Needless to say, we are under close surveillance for the duration of the investigation."

Gibbs nodded. "Comes with the territory when your two sons wreak havoc both nationally and internationally."

David managed a bitter smile. "I may deserve that, Gibbs. No doubt you think so and in your shoes, I could not blame you. It does no good to say that I believed Ari would prove a great resource to destroy Hamas and Al-Qaeda from within or that I had no knowledge of Anas' existence because their mother used every one of her considerable connections to hide him from me. The result is the same: failure. My errors in judgment are the reasons Mossad is in shambles right now." He paused. "Ziva is all I have left, Gibbs. I can do the right thing by her at least. Shin Bet will want to talk to her about Ari and me, of course. I will ask that they do so in Washington, as I doubt she wants to return here at this point. I no longer have an objection to her staying with NCIS. I would prefer she cut ties with Mossad all together. As I am sure you've already considered as well, the situation is likely far from over even with Anas' death."

Gibbs remained silent for a moment. "What do you know about Mathieu Guillaume and La Grenouille?"

"Guillaume is an arms-go-between for the Middle East and North Africa in particular. It is said that he works for a 'La Grenouille' whose identity remains a mystery even from your CIA." David replied thoughtfully. "He is among Mossad's most wanted."

"He just made my list as well," Gibbs muttered. "My advice to you, David, is to watch your back. Your director's as well. Figure out who you can trust fast." Gibbs, aware of the Shin Bet officer outside, gave David a look he hoped conveyed that NCIS would aide in this as much as they could. Despite his anger over David's many transgressions as a father, Gibbs knew that the man was essentially decent, if overly ambitious, and he needed him to keep tabs on the status of Guillaume and La Grenouille in the Middle East. He knew that offering NCIS' help to clean up Mossad would serve as an even trade to David for continued pursuit of the arms circle.

David nodded his agreement to Gibbs' unspoken offer. He stood up and made for the door. "Shalom, Gibbs." He said over his shoulder as he exited the room.

Gibbs shifted his gaze to the still sleeping redhead, wondering about the truth behind her interest in La Grenouille. He did not like to think of their time together in Paris, but when he did, he always remembered Jen as the one that got away. She'd chosen her career over a relationship with him. After four wives and three divorces, Gibbs wondered if she wasn't the smartest person he knew. He rubbed a hand over his face and sighed deeply. Peace did not seem like a luxury he would ever enjoy.


The End of On Your Six

To Be Continued...Well, this is the last chapter of On Your Six! That's because I decided that I am going to do the trilogy and the 1st chapter of the new fic (untitled right now) will be up on Saturday. It will pick up near the ending of this one. Thanks for the reviews of this story, it's really inspired me to keep writing and I hope to see you all on the next fic!

PPS: To reassure my fellow Tiva or Jibbs fans, the whole trilogy still focuses on those two pairings as well as McGee, Abby, Cassidy, etc, who will all get their due as well. :)
