A/N: Edits done 11-13-11. Made the ending just a bit less cliched, fixed a few spelling mistakes, didn't do much else to it. For the next week though, I'll be doing a bit of a special. I need replies to a survey for a college English class. The link is on my profile, and the survey doesn't take a whole lot of time, a friend said it took about three minutes. It's also confidential. In return for your help, I'll be updating my stories. I've already updated one of them, and Canadian Wedding is next on the docket. So, fill out a survey and check in over the next few days and weeks for updates to various stories like Big Bad Wolf, The Night is Lonely, Angel of the Dead, Lost in Space, and more. Thank you for your time, and enjoy the story. ~VLU

The pristine back roads of Canada were half the reason Doctor Drew Lipsky had built a hidden lair there, including, but not limited to, the beautiful scenery, the laxer laws, and of course, the multitudes of forests and national parks that protected it from view. The other half was the health care offered by the Canuck variation of Hench Company.

The health care wasn't the first thing on Kim Possible's mind as she parachuted down from the private jet of a wealthy New York socialite. From just beneath the clouds, she could see for miles in every direction, miles of untainted forest and lush evergreens, dotted by mountains and the occasional lake. It could have made a more introspective person forget to pull their ripcord, but it did bring a glimmer to Kim's eyes.

Having been doing things like this, parachuting down into a fight in any manner of locales, for years, Kim had forgotten what it was like not to be seeing new and amazing things every week. The safaris of South Africa, the exotic jungles of Tibet, one villain had gone so far once to build a lair inside the peak of Mount Everest. She'd never understood the lure of mountain climbing until she had stood on it's peak and stared down the vista it afforded.

Now she couldn't understand how people could stay cooped up in their homes or lairs, when views like the Boreal Forest lay beneath her. It was breathtaking, but the sudden tug of her ripcord was even more so.

With her ripcord pulled, the parachute unfurled above her, catching wind almost immediately. The sudden tug it gave her was enough to blow the air out of her lungs, shooting the gum she had just previously been chewing on far beneath her.

She could have cursed, watching the little pink blob fly through the air, if it was in her character to do so. Instead, she just watched it fall and pursed her lips, before narrowing her gaze to the closest peak beneath her.

It was actually rather like Drakken to build a lair like this, underneath the mountain, carving paths around the trees, instead of directly violating the forest. She had seen effects like this before, like in Kenya, where Drakken had purified a river he decided to build a lair beside, or even the coast of Indonesia, where he'd put up advanced earthquake warning systems to protect the land around his lair. Now, he was responsible for scaring off a wave of loggers looking to make the Boreal open to them, for which Kim was grateful.

But, as Drakken tended to go, he was also responsible for a large cannon that was sticking out of the upper reaches of the mountain peak, aiming south towards North America. He had claimed that it would create an eternal winter over New York. Then, confusingly, he'd cut off right before he could demand world power, and hadn't made a sound since.

Kim had been routed to investigate, tracking the source of the transmission to the lair located some twenty floors beneath the giant snow machine. Ron, who was still visible over her right shoulder, had been dispatched moments after her to deal with the threat of the cannon.

Unfortunately, he also seemed to have put his parachute on backwards, and was flailing about wildly in her vision as he approached the mountain, headfirst. His pants, crafty as they were, were floating softly to the ground just feet away from him, revealing the unflattering floral print boxers he wore.

Kim could only roll her eyes and smile at the display. Whoever was manning the cannon was going to get a big surprise- Scratch that, did just get a big surprise, as Ron landed back first on the complex aiming sight for the weapon, his front half dangling off, while the boxers slid further down his legs with every second.

It'd figure, you get a job for a blue loon, and on your first day manning his doomsday machine, a boy parachutes from the sky and moons you. Super high definition too.

Okay, Possible, focus. Now's not the time to break down laughing, Shego's around here somewhere after all. And we do owe her a rematch.

Gliding down until she was just feet from the treetops, Kim pulled the clasp on her parachuting vest, letting it slide quickly off her shoulders before it could yank her arms. She had scanned the trees as she came in, looking for anything that would help her land, but seemed to have no such luck. Instead, all she had were the multitude of firs beneath her, soft to look at, but sharp as knives when you hit them fast enough.

She tried her best not to, tucking her body into a ball to take the majority of the sharp little needles to her clothed hands and legs. But, there wasn't anything else she could do really. She'd had to aim for the trees or risk falling the thirty feet below unhindered, breaking any number of bones.

Luckily, her first and only try was good enough. She fell the few feet to the tip of the tree she'd been aiming for, hitting the slick wood with little other resistance. She was lucky that it was slick too, instead of snapping off under her weight it bent forward, letting her get a better handle on it as she continued to fall.

With the slender trunk in her hands, she shifted her weight around, twisting along the trunk, and down into the wet green needles that surrounded the tree. The first of the branches along the trunk didn't hold under her gloves, letting her slide down before the tree could bend any further and cast her off. Within seconds she had slid a good few feet down, and the thicker branches that held through the center and towards the base began to fight against her gloves.

Now or never, she thought to herself, letting go of the tree. She had no fear of this, having fallen from far greater heights with less to work with before. The worst part was the smell, the thick pine scent that had already coated her gloves, and down into her hands. She was grateful that the gloves had kept out a majority of the whiplash, but the smell was only going to get worse.

Her plan was simple and easy to execute. With one hand, she kept her weight from driving to far from the tree, gripping whatever came into it. With the other, she protected her face, feeling the needles whip the thinner fabric of her arms and her exposed navel, as opposed to completely destroying her face. It stung, so bad that she felt worse than breaking a rib, but she worked with what she had.

The fall lasted only seconds, breaking a majority of the branches on one side of the tree, and ending up at the soft earth beneath it, raining a cloud of green needles. The entire half of the tree in her wake looked almost shaved, and half of her body was covered in green coloring surrounding thick red lashes.

Kim practically jumped to her feet, brushing the fir needles from her body and the dirt from her hair in one pass, and surveyed her surroundings. Nothing out of the ordinary though, just a normal, if somewhat more beautiful, forest. And she'd made it to the ground without a broken bone or a clearing in sight, though the arm that had been holding her to the tree did feel slightly jarred.

Nothing a little stretch won't fix, she thought, trying to keep her spirits above the clouds with her sidekick otherwise occupied. Rummaging through her cargo pants' pockets, she produced the light blue Kimmunicator, which had been uploaded with a map and a rough layout of the base.

Checking the map, she could only smile and whisper to herself, "Jackpot." She'd managed to land just twenty feet from the service entrance that Wade had discovered and hacked. The little elevator, under the boy genius' command, would take her straight to the main lair.

It didn't take her more than a minute to find the entrance, and only that long because she was still wary of outside traps. It stuck out too, a dingy little outhouse in the middle of nowhere. The outside was unassuming, for southern America a hundred years ago perhaps, just a wooden construction with a single door, and a little crescent shape in the center, complete with stereotypical slanted roof. Around it though, much of the needles had been cleaned away, and the dirt was surprisingly bare and dry.

Also sticking out was the keypad to the outhouse, which was sleek and modern. On the interface was a single toned light, just above the ten keys, glowing green as if someone had just punched in their code.

"What would I do without you, Wade?" She asked the sky, opening the door and stepping inside.

As she expected, the inside was not a outdoor restroom, but a stainless steel box. She was partially surprised that the elevator fit so snuggly too, seeing as how the top housed no room for a pulley system. Instead, the elevator started up by rattling at the bottom, where it felt like a series of wheels, like gears almost, were pulling her downward.

The automatic start wasn't what she was looking for, she'd expected some sort of interface. But Wade had assured her it'd take her directly to the center of the lair, and she could only trust her operator. The box had no handles, no buttons, and no exit, as the door seemed to only open from the outside. It descended slowly, blocking out the light from the crescent opening almost immediately, until her head was beneath the ground level.

Luckily for her, twenty floors beneath a mountain didn't equal to that far beneath ground. If she decided to guess, she'd go for three floors underground.

The slow little service elevator made it in just a few minutes, opening up behind her with a ding, which made her whirl around, expecting an ambush. There was just one problem, the lair was empty.

Not completely empty, though, just devoid of life. A couch sat across a moat of unidentifiable green liquid, with a single bridge between it and the television, which sat on the opposite side. It didn't seem to serve any real purpose though, as the moat cut off well before the next walls, and anybody entering through the broad tunnels could simply walk around it. It did have Drakken's particular style though, the glowing green floor surrounded by darker red walls and floors.

Curiously though, the control panel that operated a majority of the base's systems, sitting across from Kim and occupying an entire wall, was unmanned. According to a majority of her fights, Drakken should have been sitting there, watching the monitor and blabbing about his evil scheme.

Instead, another quick scan of the lair revealed Drakken's familiar blue coat, shaking in place behind the rather simplistic couch. Seconds later, a familiar mop of black hair appeared as the blue-skinned villain shifted to better conceal himself, disappearing from her view altogether.

Kim had ducked behind the first object she found, the widescreen television, the second she'd spotted the mad scientist. Either he was hiding because, for once, he wanted to get the jump on her personally, or something else was down her. Something that scared him enough to cower behind the cushions of the couch, rather than make some attempt to expel it from his base.

She was thankful for the fact that the elevator hadn't opened on his side of the room though. From what she could hear, the bubbling of the moat and whirring of machinery behind him had drowned out the sound of the elevator, both the tone it used when it let her out, and the doors opening and closing. All she had to do was take Drakken by surprise, and more often than not, simple was the way to go.

With her plan firmly in mind, Kim dashed out from behind the television, silently crossing the ground towards the couch. It took her only a single step to cross the moat's bridge, and just a few seconds total to make it all the way to the couch. With the grace of a cheerleader, she hit the couch almost too lightly to feel, feet pushing into the cushions, then the backrest, before she finally vaulted into the air.

After an impressive twist in midair, not only flipping once, but turning her entire body in the process, Kim landed facing her foe with a cocky smirk on her face. "Doctor Drakken, Global Justice got worried when you just hung up on them." She said with a undertone of sarcasm.

The face that turned to her wasn't one of shock and horror though. Drakken's expression betrayed his feelings of relief, eyes wide with hope. "Kim Possible!" He shouted all to happily. "You've arrived! Thank god, you have to get me out of here."

Kim could only eye him with a raised eyebrow. Drakken's tone was completely serious, and years of fighting the man proved that he wasn't the best liar. It was time to show him just how serious she was too. "Fess up, Drakken, what's going on here." Saying that, she slid into her normal fighting pose.

"I don't even know." He said, crawling towards her in a way that practically groveled. "I was just enacting my plan to rule the world, minding my own business, when Shego shows up out of nowhere and starts wrecking the place. She's unstable, you've got to protect me!" He pleaded. "I lost her in the hallways, but she's already wrecked the rest of the base."

Kim growled, ready to demand further explanation, when the tone from her kimmunicator cut her off. She paused to reach into her pocket, pulling it out without looking, while her eyes were still locked on the mad scientist at her feet.

"KP." Ron greeted her, his blond head appearing on the view.


"Dude, you should check this out. The entire place up here is smashed, snow blower and all." He said, sounding more than amused.

"It's an Atmospheric Conditioner, not a snow blower." Drakken butted it sharply, switching from groveling to mad scientist without so much as a twitch.

"An AC? That's the best you can come up with?" Kim asked, before switching her attention back to the blonde head still bobbing across her kimmunicator. "What happened?"

The blond scratched his head contemplatively for a second. "I don't even know. All the technicians are still hiding under the rubble, or behind their desks. They keep asking me to arrest them."

Kim growled under her breath. "Shego?" Her only response was Ron nodding his head on the screen. "Okay. Ron, get the technicians to the rendezvous point, pick up Drakken from the service elevator on your way there."

He nodded, his expression the same jovial one that had helped him survive this far. "Okay, and what're you going to do, KP?"

"I'm going to find Shego and get to the bottom of this. You can come back to help after everyone's safe." She said, tone firm and leaving little room for question.

Ron just nodded again. "On it, KP." He said, before cutting off altogether.

She turned back to Drakken, still on his knees behind the couch. Without a word, she pointed at him, then up at the service elevator across from them.

He grudgingly nodded, rising to his feet and setting off across the lair. It took him a bit longer than it'd taken Kim, but it gave her time to dial out on the kimmunicator again.

"Wade?" She asked, giving it a second for the portly hacker's face to appear on the screen.

"Yeah, Kim?"

"I need the elevator I came down on delayed before it reaches the surface. Give it long enough for Ron to make it there, then let Drakken out, got it?" She ordered, though her attention was elsewhere the entire time. Her words were exact, but her eyes were scanning the entryways for Shego, refusing to let her guard drop.

"Already done. He won't be getting away this time." Wade said with his trademark smirk. As he signed off, he was already reaching to his side of the Big Gulp located near his keyboard, at which Kim could only smile. It seemed that no matter how long the boy helped them, he never really changed, in attitude or habits.

"Please and thank you." She said, shoving the kimmunicator back in her cargo pants. There were four corridors surrounding the room, all spidering out in different directions, but the one to the northwest seemed to call her. She could never explain how Shego and her fought so in sync, or even seemed to talk so in tune, but there was a connection there that ran under the surface. Her connection told her that Shego was up that hall. Either that, or the waves of heat that seemed to radiate out of it.

Still in mission mode, Kim stalked towards the corridor, rolling from the outside of her feet in, in a way that remained fast while minimizing sound. She was used to this, sneaking through villainous lairs, but now she was being overly cautious. If Shego did go on a rampage, or was going all out, there was little even she could do to stop her super powered rival.

The corridor was long and twisting, with only the floor correctly lined with firm metal sheets, while the walls were dark and aesthetically natural. Eventually it lead to another room, just as big as the last, though much taller, reaching several floors up. It looked like the inside of the peak had been hollowed out, with just enough rock and dirt outside to care for the trees, while the inside was lined with complex scaffolding webbing across the walls in every direction.

The ground floor, where she stood, looked to have been quite beautiful before Shego had gotten to it. Where a grand water fountain had once stood, now the crushed rock split off in every direction. Water pooled in several larger, green tinted, holes that cracked the granite floors like shale. Several deeper scars, both long and deep, were still filling up, keeping her from having to splash about on the slick floors.

Kim sensed, rather than heard or saw, her rival standing in one of the doorways to her right. The entire place was well-lit, looking more like a mall than a evil lair. Sure enough, when Kim turned to face Shego, she was leaning boastfully in the doorway of a hair and nail salon, which could have been open for how bright it was inside.

"Shego." Kim growled in greeting, still in her trademark fighting stance. "What's going on?"

Shego smiled, still looking proudly at her young rival. There was something immediately wrong with her that Kim noticed, from the slouched way she held herself to the oddly disoriented way her eyes danced around Kim. "What's going on?" She parroted, looking around curiously at the environment, which mostly consisted of the ruined villain-mall. "I-" She paused and chewed over her words. "I don't know. Stuff?"

Her words must have been hilarious to her, because as soon as she answered Shego started laughing breathlessly. A second later she moved a foot out to catch her balance and, looking rather surprised at the action she had performed, slipped, caving to the several seconds lying there seemed like a good idea given how dazed she looked. But eventually she put a hand to the back of her head. "Ow. Who- who the hell put that there?" Shego asked, her tone dancing randomly.

Kim didn't need to be told twice. "You're drunk?"

"Am not." She shot back as she wrestled with her feet to stand. "Jusht- just- had a few shots." To emphasize this, once she had taken to her wobbling legs once more, she squeezed her thumb and forefinger together. "Just a few. I mean- seriously- it takes me tons to get drunk. I'm still standing!"

Kim sighed and put a hand to her face, feeling very close to slapping herself. Sometimes it took knowing a person to know when they were drunk. This wasn't so much a lack of eloquence or physical stature, even if her rival was wobbling visibly still, this was a lack of control. Shego was always in control. But now she was, quite obviously, drunk, and Kim didn't see why Shego didn't understand that. "All this because you can't hold your alcohol? God, and everyone up there is throwing themselves to GJ just to get away from you." She said with a huff.

The drunk woman across from her growled. "Can't hold my alcohol? Bah! You'd be off your- off your-" She paused, eyes almost inverting as she tried desperately to think of the word. "Off your shoes! With how much I've had." This was finished by swallowing a hiccup. Kim just shook her head sadly.

"Shego, let's just go. There's a GJ transport waiting in a clearing just a bit from here. You'll feel better in the morning." She tried to reason with the woman.

Shego had to snort at that. Kim had to notice the sudden, drastic mood swing. Shego had gone from cocksure to angry, but now her eyes dropped to the ground and she heaved a silent, somber breath from deep in her chest. "Yeah, I'm sure." She desperately tried to sound sarcastic to that, and almost succeeded.

Kim tried her best to sound motherly though, "You've just had a little too much to drink, now come with me."

"Fine, what-" This, she emphasized with another well-timed and silenced hiccup. "Ever." Her rival began to walk towards her, a walk that was very much a drunken swagger. The swagger was only stopped when Shego was just feet from the redhead, who was honestly surprised that Shego was managing to stand upright so well. "Like I said," It came out as a purr, a slightly noxious purr given the range, "I could drink you- I could drink you even under the table now." Something about that sentence seemed wrong to Kim. "Not that you got the balls to try it, you goody-goody lightweight."

An eyebrow twitched at that response. Kim pursed her lips, and lowered her olive green gaze at the villain. "I am not a lightweight." She said, sounding extremely defensive for just a second.

Shego, for her part, smiled boldly once more, and tried to stand up straight. Kim, for her part, would never be able to remember what exactly happened next, or how she ended up where she did.