Disclaimer: Zack Fair, the Generals and Kunsel all belong to Square Enix, while Anton Tempest belongs to Vega Sailor (used with her okay!), it's only Hewley Fair that's mine.

Chapter 7: Aftermath

Hewley twitched in his sleep. Behind closed eyes he was seeing strange, confusing blurs playing out before his eyes.

Scarlet and silver together smooth as silk...

...a deep, soothing voice and soft raven hair...

Blue eyes and strong arms that lifted him up... up..!

And a gentle voice singing a soft loving tune.

Suddenly things began to go bright, and the song he was hearing that offered comfort began fading, Hewley crying out in his own mind and heart, No... no.. don't leave me! But it was no use, the brighter things became, the faster the voice faded until it became almost nothing...

Zack watched worriedly as Hewley twitched helplessly in his sleep making soft sounds of protest and pain. He placed a cold compress on Hewley's forehead and gently stroked his hair. "It's all right Hew..."

Hewley painfully opened his eyes, quickly wiping at a tear as he struggled to get his bearings. Grimacing, he reached up to find out what the cold sensation on his forehead was, and froze realizing it was some kind of cold-pack...

"How ya' doing Sprout?" Came a soft voice just above him as a hand gently touched the boy's temples.

Hewley instinctively pulled away, staring at the man before him, unable to take his eyes off his... father. Oh Minerva he'd been so hoping it all been a dream!

"What... did you call me?" Hewley finally asked, his voice a bit thick from drowsiness. Why did he feel so damn weak? Had they shot him up with him something?

"Sprout." A tender smile as Zack brushed black spikes away from the vibrant green eyes, "I used to call you that all the time."

"W-where am I?" Hewley looked around, unnerved by all the medical equipment around him (and in some cases in him) and the brightness of the place, to say nothing of the man sitting next to him.

"ShinRa infirmary. The doc says you fainted from weakness caused by anemia. I guess fightin' us and saving me took a lot out of ya." Zack offered his boy a small smile. Hewley for his part sat up cautiously, pressing his head into the palm of his hand, focusing on breathing for just a minute

"Didn't have to help me you know." The boy mumbled. It would've been easier... if his biological father wasn't so obviously kind.

A surprised and slightly hurt look came into the blue eyes, "Of course I did, you saved my life! And... you're my son." Zack reached out to to offer a comforting hand through Hewley's hair, but then hesitated a the last moment, before drawing his hand back in favor of giving Hew his space, as Hewley didn't seem to be acknowledging him as his father.

"Am I a... prisoner?" GUARDIAN's men had been full of horror stories, many of them former Wutaii resistance as well as splinters from other groups, about what ShinRa did to it's prisoners.

Zack let out a breath and rubbed the back of his head absently. It was a tough question, technically his son was a prisoner because they couldn't let him go back to GUARDIAN, but nor he was going to be treated as a prisoner. Unlike his 'father.'

"It's kinda complicated..."

"So I am." Flat. Emotionless. Except for a touch of terror in his eyes. As well trained as Hewley had been, and as much as they'd tried to prepare him, he was still a boy of 15 after all.

"We can't let you go back to GUARDIAN, but you're not going to be imprisoned or interrogated or anything." Zack explained, simplifying what he knew to be an extremely complicated situation. But he and the others would protect Hewley as much as they could, and the boy was only just recovering. No need to worry him any more the necessary.

Hewley bite his lip, and Zack's heart did another leap into his throat at another reminder of Aerith...

"What's going to happen to me?" Hewley dared to ask, not entirely sure if he wanted to know.

"I had hoped I could get to know you better." Zack said, and then tried to find something to break the tension, "Is green still your favorite color?"

Hewley nodded and added, "Yellow, too.

"What's your favorite kind of music?"

"Rock." This was said without hesitation, "Riley and I have been trying to talk Dad into letting us learn instruments last few years." Hewley was too distracted to notice Zack's wince at his only child referring to the murdering bastard as 'Dad.' The older man instead chose to focus on the common ground, rock being one of Zack's favorite types of music too.

"You know, couple of my friends, Kunsel and Ozzie, know how to play the electric guitar I'm sure they could teach you." It got a grin out the SOLDIER to see the longing look in Hewley's eyes and he couldn't resist sweetening the pot just a little bit, "Although if you'd prefer drums or singing I know a couple of people who can teach you that too."

Hewley felt a wave of conflicting emotions wash over him and had to reign himself in. The thought of actually be able to get guitar lessons , and singing could be fun... on the other hand, he was still in the enemy hands. Kind as this man was, Hewley knew he couldn't stay.

At Hewley's silence, Zack began to hover over him and couldn't stop 12 years of parental fussing built up inside him, "You okay? Do you need water or something? The doc said you'd be a little woozy until my blood fully circulates through your system."

Hewley looked at Zack, amazed. He'd really...? "You don't even know me. Why would go that far for a stranger?"

"Well I was one of the few with compatible blood, being genetically related and all. And you're no stranger. You trusted me when the nightmares got you up at two am, when there were monsters under your bed... and when you took your first steps."

Hewley felt his cheeks heat up at the quiet but heartfelt statement, and returned with an equally heartfelt one of his own, "I don't remember you. Tried for what felt like forever to come up with something. A color, a smell. After a while I just... gave up."

"It's okay, you've been through a lot," A sudden sadness filled the blue eyes "That was my fault..."

Hewley felt something ugly stir in his heart, something like hope but not quite wondering as he looked at Zack, wondering if this... this could be his way out, "How?"

"I couldn't find you after they'd taken you. I was far in the northern region when your mom was killed. Searched everywhere in Midgar, then Kalm, and Wutai. Anywhere they might have taken you... But I just... " He knelt down ib. front of Hewley's bedside and bowed his head in shame, two tears sliding down his face, "I'm sorry I let you down."

Once again his father had stunned Hewley into quiet. Slowly a hand rests on Zack's head, and Hewleys's voice was gruff from the lump in his throat, "It's... it's okay. Maybe you don't want to hear this... but I wasn't exactly mistreated. It... could get a bit lonely from time to time, being the only kid, but I had books and tutors to keep me busy, and I was learning swordsmanship. When I was thirteen, kids my age joined, including m'best friend, Riley. So really... you don't need to beat yourself up."

"I'm glad, but still everything I missed... they kept you well hidden." Zack cleared his throat, "So tell me about Riley been friends long?"

"Yeah, since we were 5. Eat, sleep, and practically breathe together-" Hewley suddenly shot up, just now realizing, "Riley! He was probably right behind me! Did he get taken?!"

Zack's face fell, "He's being held right now." Hewley closed his eyes as a heavy knot formed in the pit of his stomach. How was he supposed to get BOTH of them out of here?

"If you want to see him... I could bring him to you."

The green eyes widened and Zack could also see tentative hope, "I'd really like that. If you could."

"Do you feel up you it now, or do you want to rest a little more?" Zach wanted to put Hewley at ease but he knew how boys liked to ignore their body's need to recover. How many times had he himself yelled "I'm fine!" about three seconds before nearly passing out after an intense training session or a battle.

Hewley, for his part, mulled it over for a moment, trying to figure out the best tactic here. He wanted to make sure Riley was alright, plus the other boy would have more details that might help him figure out an escape plan... on the other hand, he had to be cautious, he couldn't in let ShinRa and their dogs know what exactly he was up to, or how fully they could use his friend against him. He couldn't seem too eager, so he settled for a nod along with, "Just want to make sure he's okay."

"I'll be right back." Zack rose out of the bedside chair and left. Hewley let the silence ring as he closed his eyes for a while. There was a little tiny voice whispering He loves you so much... he's always loved you. Why would Dad take you away? in the back of his mind, making him a bit queasy

Not very long later Zack returns with Riley and a couple of guards in tow. Riley steaming under the collar, but the promise of seeing Hew has curtailed his temper.

"Hasu-Saku!" Hewley found himself tackled, prompting an audible 'oof!' noise as the boys tumbled back onto the bed

"Easy, easy Ahondara!" Hewley's beaming face was easy to notice despite his pale pallor. Riley took a moment to release his friend and settle into a crossed-legged position the bed, expression worried. Zack gave them a little bit of space as they slid into a conversation in what sounded like Wutai's language... at least some of the words seemed so to Zack, but not all of them, and the way they were strung together sounded odd. Perhaps a dialect from whete GUARDIAN was located...?

Zack's attention was called back to the boys when at one point Riley muttered something and casting a fast glance at Zack, and whatever it was DEFINITELY snagged Hewley's attention and he snapped his head around to look at Zack.

"Dad, he was taken too?!"

"Yes." A little bitterness crept into Zack's voice, "He's still alive though."

More fast words were exchanged between the boys, both looking deathly serious, Zack could only hope they either couldn't be translated or at least nothing incriminating was being said. They went quiet for a moment before Hewley startled Zack by saying, "He didn't kill her."

"I'm sorry but he did, for whatever reason he did." Zack evenly rejoinrd.

"Didn't kill who...?" Riley was getting crick in his neck from whipping it back and forth so much during the showdown.

"I'll explain later." Hewley tossed over to his friend, eyes never leaving Zack, "I know him... he raised me. He wouldn't. Not a civilian."

Zack was about to snap back that they would soon have evidence to prove otherwise, but thankfully realized that this would only anger Hew more and push him further away, though he couldn't help but tell him gently, "I think you'll believe whatever you want to believe."

A scowl crossed Hewley's face and there was some mutterings between him and Riley, before Hewley asked, "I... want to see him."

Zack let out a weary sigh, "That may be a little bit more difficult, I'll have to wait until you are well enough to be released from the med unit before you can." A hushed discussion began with the guards for a bit before turning back to Hewley. "Riley can remain with you until you are well."

Hewley's eyes widened and Riley tries to hide the fact he's beaming, "T-thank you!"


Later Zack was checking up on the two with the guards keeping watch. He took it as a good sign the two were horsing around a bit. He was distracted though when Angeal appeared in the door, giving his puppy the 'come here' signal

Zack sighed, the distant wondering of now what going through his brainas he reluctantly trooped over.


"Is that wise?" Angeal asked mildly amused at the arm wrestling match Hewley and Riley seemed to be having.

"The med-lab has monitors everywhere, recording everything to watch the patients." Zack justified, "Besides, Hewley's too weak to move anywhere and Riley is not going to leave the side of his sick friend. We can explain it to ShinRa that put the two friends together and they might talk and spill some secrets." His former mentor gave a nod, before slowly taking a folder from under his arm, one Zack recognized all too well.

The file on Aerith's murder...

Angeal felt his heart go out to Zack, both of them knowing everything in it by heart after all these years. Except for the fresh sheet of paper sitting on top.

"I'm running this up to Seph, but I thought you should see it first. We ran the DNA from Gethin and compared it to the blood from under... the nails."

Zack took in the results with dead eyes, a frown growing across his face, and his whole body began trembling until he squashed the paper in his hands and stormed away.

Chica's Chatter: Oh oh! Done! :DDD Hope this meets with everyone's approval!