So a round robin.... My ponder is this.... Instead of guessing the future.... How about we write their past? We know they met at the gallery. Bette made her move later when Tina left her ear ring. What happened next??? It's up to all of us. I know Play wrote a bit on Tina and Bette the early years... so lets try to stray away from that storyline. Remember this was back over 13 years right... they had been together 7 years at the beginning of Season one. So I am saying its 1995.
Tina Kennard chewed her bottom lip as she contemplated the numerous outcomes the next few minutes could hold. The main question, to call or not to call Bette Porter. The strange tingle traveled her spine at the mere thought of the enigmatic gallery owner. Funny how that one questioned hosted such a conundrum. What did it all mean? Never in Tina's years had she felt herself so drawn to another human being. A woman no less! Did this mean she was guy? Even though up until now she had only been with men, not by conscious choice..... but still???
The heavy sigh filled the small LA bedroom as she stared at the slip of paper Bette had given to Tina before leaving. The flashes like a movie played in her mind as the gallery owner placed the ear ring in her palm. Those warm fingers touched her palm. In that moment, there was no denying the strange pull, as Bette's mouth loomed closer and closer.
"Errrrrr" Tina threw her face into her pillows. Kicking her feet and shaking her head. Trying to erase the memory from her mind. "Just call her!"
With a will she normally did not possess, her fingers dialed the digits. Holding her breath with anticipation but to be deflated as the unmistakable tones of a pager answering service requested the return number. A split second of doubt channeled threw her mind to finally give in and punch in her phone number.
The gallery owner removed the heavy metal key from the door lock after the loud tumbler click. Bette pulled on the handle, insuring the door was in fact locked. Double checked the green light on the alarm system through the thick glass, indicating it's activation. A small smile of satisfaction graced the classic beauty as she headed to her car. The gleam of the setting sun made the silver of her convertible Mercedes Benz sparkle. She was doing well financially. Her career was taking off. What more could her life really want?
A small beep beep muffled inside her purse, then again. Bette dug for the pager, probable Katharina, the artist was driving Bette out of her mind. The phone number illuminated neon greenish and black. A huge grin broke out as a dark brow raised. Looked like the night was looking up.
"Hi Kit", Bette said as she walked into the nightclub.
"Baby Sis," Kit's eyes lit up, "What a nice surprise. I knew you'd come, you are going to stay to hear me sing, arentcha?"
"My evening would not be complete unless I heard you, now would it? You are starting in 10 minutes, yes?" Bette already thinking... the phone call.
"10 minutes it is, have to go rehearse...I'll look for you," Kit sighing with a sense of relief knowing a familiar face would be in the audience.
"Not so fast," Bette was going to make that phone call, yes THAT phone call, and still be there for her sister, "Um...Mind if I use the phone in the back in the meantime?"
"Not at all, see you in a few then", Kit smiled as she shook her head walking away knowing something was in the air.
Bette passed the jukebox...
and entered the office in the back finding the phone and began dialing the number on the pager...
But....When she pressed the last number....Her heart suddenly began to flutter... and why was the phone suddenly sliding off her hand...sweat? What's this Porter? Clammy hands? Knock it off shakes head....ring.....ring......
"Alice?!" Not the voice she was hoping to hear.
"Hey Bette, you sound surprised." Alice's words came out slurred.
"I am," Bette said a bit dejectedly, "where are you calling me from?"
"The pay phone at Milk." So that's why she didn't recognize the number.
"Milk? What are you doing there? You were supposed to meet me…..remember?"
"I know, but I was feeling depressed so I decided to drown my sorrows instead. I'm feeling no pain right now," she added with a giggle.
"Depressed? Why are you depressed?" Bette asked, exasperated.
"Oh, I don't know……maybe because my girlfriend fell in love with some straight girl a couple of weeks ago and decided to break up with me."
"Pffbt! I didn't say I fell in love…..I said I met someone I felt an instant connection to. Besides, you and I are better friends than lovers anyway…..and you know it."
"Whatever. So has the hot blonde chick called you yet?"
"No!?! Two weeks and no phone call? You must be slipping Porter." Bette couldn't help but feel the same way. She could have sworn Tina Kennard had felt the same connection she had. Yes, she'd fled from the gallery as quickly as her feet would carry her after that kiss….but not before accepting the slip of paper Bette had offered her. Damn! Why hadn't she called? The band warming up on stage forced her out of her reverie.
"Alice, I have to go. You're not driving are you?"
"Noooo," Alice giggle, "I'll call a cab or something……if I decide to go home that is. Right now I'm gonna go party with Shane."
Bette shook her head at Alice's wild side. "Shane? Who the hell is Shane?"
"Oh, she's this really cool chick I just met…..she's crazy, man."
"Just be careful, ok?"
"Yea, yea…don't worry."
"See ya."
"See ya. Tell Kit hi for me."
"Alright," she said, hanging up the phone and making her way to the main lounge area. Bette heard the emcee introducing Kit as she got a glass of wine and headed for a table in the corner. Just as she sat down her pager went off again. People glared at her as she rummaged through her purse to find the damn thing. Sorry, she mouthed to those around her. Another number she didn't recognize….could it be? Kit's voice floated through the air, catching her attention. She turned the pager off. Whoever it was would have to wait.
Tina hung up the phone after sending the page, her hands shaking, fear and doubt suddenly making her regret her actions. What was she thinking? It'd taken her two weeks to work up the courage to finally make that call. Bette Porter probably didn't even remember who she was. She probably gave everyone her number. But, something had happened between them …. Hadn't it? What if she didn't call? What if she did? What would she say? She threw herself on the bed, kicking her feet, screaming into the pillow…….aaggghhhhh.
Bette leaned back in the chair and allowed her gaze to wander around the room as her sister sang. It was a small arena for someone with Kit's talent and history but drugs and alcohol had taken it's toll on her career…..and their relationship. Now that Kit was back in LA, they were trying to mend the past that had torn them apart. Bette knew Kit was still drinking…..she'd lost count of how many times Kit had stood her up when they were supposed to meet……but she was trying….and so was Bette. She finished her wine and signaled the waiter for another as Kit finished her set to thunderous applause. The waiter showed up, a fresh glass of wine and a beer for Kit, as he saw her making her way from the stage to join Bette. Bette scowled at the waiter before turning her attention to Kit.
"I thought you quit," she said disapprovingly.
"Everything in moderation baby sis," she said, shrugging her shoulders, "everything in moderation. Besides, my throat needs some soothing." She took a long swig and then looked questioningly at her sister. "So? What'd you think?"
Bette knew there was no such thing as moderation for Kit. Once she started, she wouldn't stop, but Bette couldn't help but smile. "You sounded as wonderful as ever. And judging from the applause, I wasn't the only one that thought so."
"It sure feels good to be back on track," Kit said, a big smiling crossing her face as a fan came over and asked for an autograph. She signed the cover of one her old albums the fan had brought and handed it back to her. The fan thanked her profusely as she walked away. "Yep, sure does feel good."
"Just don't let that…" she pointed to the beer in Kit's hand…."get in the way again."
"Hey, don't worry," she said, shaking her head, "I know I've got a good gig here … as long as folks keep showing up……I'm not gonna blow it." I hope not, Bette thought.
"Listen, I've got an early day tomorrow, so I'd better get going. You want a ride?"
Kit glanced over to the table where her band members were toasting to their success. "Nah, I think I'm gonna hang with the boys for a while. I'll give you a call soon."
"Okay, just take it easy, please?" Bette pleaded.
Kit smiled. "Don't worry so much," she said, moving toward Bette for an awkward hug. "Thanks for coming."
"My pleasure," Bette said, pulling away. "Call me."
"I will."
Bette dug in her purse for her keys as she made her way to the parking lot. Her fingers closed on the pager she'd turned off. Damn, she mumbled, was it too late to call? What if it was Tina? What if it wasn't? Why the hell hadn't she just gotten Tina's number? Because she was playing it cool. And Tina was dating Eric….she didn't want to push her. ….but she hadn't been this tied up in knots about a woman in years…if ever. Her heart skipped a beat, remembering the jolt that'd gone through her as she'd pressed her lips to Tina's. Bette found her keys and headed for home. She didn't care what time it was…..she was going to call that number.
.......Bette hurriedly opened the front door and strode over to the phone. Damn...she was as nervous as a young girl, palms sweaty again, heart thudding, her thoughts jumbled. She took a quick breath and began to dial that unknown & oh so tantalizing number still blinking on her pager. But then, just as suddenly, she slammed the phone down, swearing at herself under her breath. Damnit all, Porter...
...Startled awake from where she must have dozed off gripping the pillow, Tina puzzled over the sudden, sharp rush of anticipation that was permeating every region of her body. She shook herself more fully awake. What in the world is this all about, she pondered to herself---some fleeting half-remembered emotion from my dream? Or was something more tangible in the air...
Tina got out of bed, surprised she'd even fallen asleep. She'd been so nervous and excited she could barely contain herself. At some point sleep must have overtaken her. She glanced at the clock as she headed to the kitchen for a glass of water……after midnight. All her excitement and trepidation had been for naught. It had been hours since she'd sent the page, obviously Bette wasn't going to call her……and yet…….where was this feeling of anticipation coming from…..what was it that had pulled her from her sleep?
Bette paced back and forth, staring at the phone as if it were a snake poised to strike if she reached for it. What the hell is wrong with you, Bette asked herself. She's just another woman, isn't she? No, Bette answered herself honestly, there was something different about Tina Kennard, some connection she'd felt the very first time their eyes had met…almost as if she'd known her all her life. Bette couldn't help but wonder if Tina had felt it too. Only one way to find out Porter….make the call. Gathering all her resolve she reached for the phone, forcing herself to dial the number. Sweaty hands held tightly to the receiver as she waited… ring….then two.
Water spewed out of Tina's mouth as the ring of the phone sent a shock through her system. She sat the glass quickly on the counter and ran for the phone in the bedroom. Second ring …. Third ring….."I'm coming" she called, as if the person on the other end could hear, "don't hang up." She reached the phone on the fourth ring. Just as she picked it up from the cradle she stubbed her toe hard on the night stand, falling onto the bed as she lost her balance. "Damn it," she muttered, as she righted herself and brought the phone to her ear. "Hello?" she grimaced, rubbing her toe.
"Is 'damn it' your usual greeting when you answer the phone?" Bette asked, laughing.
"It is when I've just broken my toe and fallen trying to get to it," Tina said without thinking.
"That explains it then," Bette answered, relieved somehow to know that Tina was as nervous about this phone call as she was.
Tina cursed silently, realizing what she'd just given away about herself. Trying to recover some sense of dignity, and what little pride she had left, she answered. "Well, you know, when the phone rings at almost 1 in the morning it's usually an emergency, so I didn't want to miss it," she said. "Who is this anyway?" she asked, trying to cover herself even further, knowing full well who it was. Her heart had skipped a beat at hearing the sultry voice of Bette Porter on the other end of the line.
Bette smiled to herself, seeing through Tina's attempt to recover from her admission. The words didn't matter, the sound of her voice told all Bette needed to know, but Bette played along.
"I'm sorry, this is Bette Porter. I received a page from this number," she answered as matter-of-factly as she could muster. "May I ask who you are?" she said, turning the table on Tina.
"Hmmm, Bette Porter……oh right, I paged you several hours ago. I'm Tina Kennard."
"Tina Kennard, that name does sound familiar." Bette laughed silently as she said it.
"You gave me your pager number when I, uh, picked up my earring at your gallery."
"A woman with an earring……..I've had so many women lose earrings in my gallery…"
"Bette," Tina laughed, "now I know you're teasing me."
Bette laughed with her. "Yes, I am. I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist after the stubbing your toe and falling comment."
"I set myself up for that didn't I?"
"You did." They laughed together, both silently grateful the tension had been broken. "Seriously though," Bette said, "I'm really glad you finally called. I was afraid I'd scared you away."
Tina sighed. Trying to rationalize the shock that had gone through her system to herself had been hard enough, there was no way she could explain it to Bette. All she knew was that she'd never experienced anything like the connection, the pull, she felt towards this woman.
"I have to admit," Tina said honestly, "I wasn't sure what to think at first."
"And now?"
"I'm still not sure what to think," she said, "but I do know I'd like to see you again."
"I'm glad," Bette sighed, "because I'd love to see you again too." She gathered her courage and said "How about this Friday?" She couldn't believe how fast her heart was racing, and her palms were suddenly sweaty again as she waited for Tina's answer.
"Friday?" Tina asked, her nervousness suddenly reappearing as an actual date was mentioned, "this Friday?"
"If you're not busy," Bette answered, feeling her own excitement building at the thought of seeing Tina again.
"No………I'm not busy." Even if I was I'd cancel whatever plans I had, Tina thought.
"6 o'clock alright with you?" Bette asked.
"6 is fine."
"Great. It's a date then. I'll pick you up."
"You don't even know where I live."
They both broke into laughter. When the laughter had subsided they finalized their plans and said goodnight. Smiles lit both their faces as they made they're way to bed.
The loud honk of a car horn had Bette Porter gritting her teeth as her fingers gripped the Mercedes Benz black steering wheel. Glancing over, the reddish blond passenger wasn't fairing any better. Bette watched Tina chew on her lower lip. Bette blew out air to release the stress of the last two hours. Was there anything worse than a West Hollywood traffic jam? Some idiot plowed into another idiot backing up Friday night on Santa Monica Blvd. Bette checked her watch again and sighed heavily, their 6:30 O-Bar reservations were slipping away. Porter, pull it together because this date is sinking fast.
The leather seat squeaked as Tina half turned toward Bette, leaning back on the car door. "I don't think we're going to make it tonight." a crooked grin crept as she took in the gallery owner. Bette was undeniable gorgeous, more like intoxicating.
"No No we'll make it" Bette stated emphatically even as the dashboard clock glared 6:58.
Tina took pause then merely replied with, "Ummm" and turned forward in her seat.
"What?" Bette looked at her passenger.
With a shrug and a hair flip over the shoulder Tina met Bette's eyes, "I don't know, I just thought, this would be different." Tina cocked her head as her eyes seemed to size up the woman in the driver seat. "You'd be different."
With a furrow of brows Bette was taken aback by the comment. "What did you expect? Sappho love sonnet's over Jamaican coffee!"
The out right giggle made Bette smile in appreciation for the truly beautiful woman sharing her car. Once the giggle grew quite Tina said, "No not at all, but I didn't peg you for the knock'em dead with a trendy restaurant first date type either."
"Ah" Bette's head nodding back with the sound as a hand stroked the seemingly smooth neck skin. Bette failed to notice, Tina being mesmerized by the hand's movement. "Overly pretentious?"
"No.....(air blowing through Tina's lips)" a hand waves off the comment. "I work in the movie industry so..." with a slight shrug of shoulder and soft smile.
Bette grimaced a bit, "I'm worse, I'm trite."
Tina cringed inside at Bette's conclusion and reached for the drivers forearm. "Bette! God NO....I know overly pretentious but in no way is tonight trite....Believe me!" Unconsciously Tina's hand stroked the toned muscled arm. "I'm flattered you went to so much trouble." The movie exe turned in her seat, "Look I know this hasn't been going to plan, but I've enjoyed the company." Tina tried to covey with her eyes the truth of her statement. The 'date' wasn't THAT bad! The lulls in conversation over the last hour and half didn't seem uncomfortable. Bette was a wonderful conversationalist. Extremely intelligent, witty and knowledgeable over a wide spectrum of topics. What was strange to Tina was just how comfortable she was around this woman. Even stuck on Santa Monica Blvd in a endless traffic jam!
Bette found herself drowning in the warm regard as her arm tingle where Tina's hand made contact. A slow smile crept along sensual lips as that strange pull cascaded across Bette's better senses. Intently locking with hazel eyes, giving into the force drawing her closer to the proverbial flame.
Tina locked eyes with the gallery owner to find herself lost on a sea of emotion. Remembering their shared moment weeks ago, and wanting to know?? Was it real or some figment of her wild imagination. Smokey brown pools hooded by desire laden eyelids as those tempting lips leaned closer. Everything else faded away. The bushel of West Hollywood, the drone of a Mercedes car engine, even the crashing thoughts raging in her own head. Only warm, supple lips owned this moment and the honey thick air that enveloped them.
Unlike last time Tina was not caught of guard by this kiss. She ventured exploration of the new sensations of soft giving lips as Bette opened her mouth slightly and drew in Tina's bottom lip. Lightly running a wet warm tongue across the tender plain. Tina followed that lead and was rewarded with a half groan, half moan that only sent her seeking more. The loud honk caused both to jump in their seats, but as Bette put the car into drive, Tina's hand curled into hers. Just then the movie exe saw second street.
"Bette lets just park and walk to a restaurant." the hand squeezing Bette's slightly.
"It's going to take a frickin miracle to make a left." but the click of the blinker proved Bette was game and more than ready to get out of the traffic. After several minutes, a car cut into the gap a kind soul was making for Bette to turn. Bette laid on the horn in frustration, "Fucking Asshole! Can you believe that jerk." adding a few more well pressed honks.
"Hold on a second." Tina said then exited the vehicle.
"What Tina?" flabbergasted Bette could merely watch the petite blond direct traffic so she could make the left turn into the CPI Parking lot.
Bette was forced to strand her date in the middle of the boulevard and park. The sleek pant suit clad art gallery owner slipped out of the Benz and watched Tina near prance across the street in a cocktail dress and high heels. The proud as punch smile on Tina's face was priceless as she sauntered across the parking lot dusting off her hands.
"Easy as pie. Sooo what are you in the mood for?" smiling sweetly Tina asked.
Bette had to close her slack jaw, "Well there's a great little....." the look of recognition on Tina's face, "Thai rest..."
"Thai Dishes!"
The Thai Dishes restaurant was low key relaxation with good food. Just the place to wind down after a long day at work and a grueling Friday night traffic jam. Clearly several of the commuters thought the same way since the small restaurant was packed. Bette and Tina were wedged into a small table, barely large enough for two dinners near the back of the restaurant. Bette was finding the area cramped and too confining. She scanned the restaurant for someone to express the inadequacies of their table location.
"This is so cozy!" Tina declared with a wide grin as she settled onto the cushions against the wall. "Thai cuisine can be such an intimate affair when done right." She added in-between removing her high heels then neatly tucking her feet under her shimmering mauve cocktail dress. "And how nice of them to squeeze us in, even without reservations."
"Yes" Bette sighed and smiled at her unfazed date, the accommodations indeed were intimate!
Tina watched the gallery owner position herself among the numerous pillows. Bette Porter simply embodied the meaning of grace as impossibly long legs stretched out beside the table, the pantsuit accentuating well defined calves and muscled thighs. The tight quarters placed those legs mere inches from Tina.
"Good Evening and welcome to Thai Dishes. Are either of you familiar with our shared dining experience?" the waiter asked. Both women answered in unison, "Yes" they looked at each other and smiled as the waiter continued. "Wonderful! So what might we be enjoying as appetizers tonight?"
"Dtom yam goong" Bette stated.
"Lemongrass soup with shrimp" Tina stereoed in English.
Again both looked at the other, amused at their similar taste.. The popular Thai soup is one of the more common dishes.
"And for a salad?" The waiter prompted.
"Green papaya....." Tina began
"Som Tum" Bette stated..
"…salad" Tina finished her sentence, looking over at her date, quizzical as again their menu choice matched. Bette raised her dark brow and shrugged with another smile.
"For Entree?"
A pause ensued as the couple eyed each other.
"Massaman curried chicken" Tina stated with a rush.
"Massaman curried..... beef" Bette replied with a lopsided smile.
They both laughed as the waiter ignored the tables odd behavior.
"Finally, what might you enjoy as a refreshment?"
Tina chewed the lower lip contemplating, "I find Thai food so hard to pair with a wine.. Don't you?"
Bette glanced up from her bill of fare, "Very true. Tokay Pinot Gris goes well with brown curry, but.." lowering the menu and tsking, "NOT, on this wine list." She unceremoniously hands the card to the waiter, "I'll have a Heineken and a glass of water."
Thrilled with surprise, Tina gave her menu over as well. "I'll have the same," she says, shyly smiling at her companion. The waiter noted their selections, filled their glasses with water then quickly headed to the kitchen.
"So do you eat Thai often?" Tina inquired while leaning in for the glass of water, finding her throat quite parched.
"Not really, I rarely find the time... but I do enjoy the cuisine and how all five flavor notes are expressed with in a dish." Bette replied.
"Oh I thought with the way you ordered?" Tina bemused as she chewed on an ice cube.
Bette chuckled and relaxed back on a cushion, taking in the striking woman, "I dated a Thai woman, once."
"O" Tina mouthed, "you date women then?" She blushed profusely the minute the words had come out of her mouth. Of course she dated women... she'd heard somewhere that Bette was a lesbian. Where had she heard it? Eric? She couldn't remember.. But whoever it was had said Bette was very open about her sexual preference. Did Bette consider this a date? She said she wanted to "get together"...... not date? But I'm straight…aren't I? But we kissed.... Twice! ….and I liked it!
Bette couldn't help but chuckle as she could clearly see the wheels turning inside the movie exec's mind. "Yes, that's what we lesbian's do. So, have you dated women before?"
Tina laughed, "NO" shaking her head.... "This is my first."
"The first?" Bette arched a brow, "Meaning your okay with THIS being a date?"
Tina grinned coyly then looked away gathering her courage to look back, "Yeesss…..I think so……" nervously Tina's hands played with the silverware, "BUT I'm.....not....sure about...." Hazel eyes peeked out from long blond bangs imploring her dinner companion.
In that moment, Bette knew...... she was a gon'ner. She wanted Tina Kennard all the way to her marrow. "Tina... it's okay." Bette leaned forward, grasping the worrying hands and holding them still. "Really."
Tina took a deep breath and nodded, screaming inside at herself. 'Your being such a Fart-Knocker and get a grip chica!'.
Bette gave Tina one of her most disarming smiles. "Let's just enjoy dinner and get to know each other a little better. How's that sound?"
"Sounds good," Tina said nervously, wondering why the touch of Bette's hands on her own were causing tingles to shoot up her spine. She felt like she should pull her hands away, but she didn't want to…..she was enjoying the feel of Bette's silky skin on her own. What the hell is wrong with me, she wondered. I'm not a lesbian, am I? So why am I feeling this way? I need to move my hands…..I can't. The internal conflict raged as she did her best to present a calm outward demeanor.
The waiter showed up just in time, depositing two Heineken's on the table, along with two glasses. Tina pulled her hand from Bette's, ignored the glass, and took a huge gulp directly from the bottle to calm her nerves. She smiled at Bette with her eyes as the brunette looked at her questioningly. Tina placed the bottle carefully on the table. "I was parched," she said innocently. Bette couldn't help but laugh as she raised her bottle, tipping it toward Tina in salute, "To not being parched then," she said before taking a sip. Tina joined her then sank back against the cushions, staring into the chocolate pools that were studying her carefully.
"You're soup ladies" the waiter interrupted, breaking the connection between the two……and easing the tension.. They shifted position and began partaking of the delicious concoction.
Bette was glad to find herself enjoying the evening. Tina Kennard was truly a refreshing combination of beauty, intelligence and guilelessness. Yet a carefully concealed little rascal would emerge with twinkling hazel eyes. The mischief was contagious and Bette found herself matching the movie exec tit for tat with her own razor sharp wit.
Tina dabbed at the corner of her eyes with her napkin, "Please tell me your kidding!"
Bette's big brown eyes glinted, "Tina Kennard, I never 'kid'" spoken with such staunchness but a sly up-turn of lips foiled the effect. "Yet I have been known to tease mercilessly.." Winking at the blond for even more added effect.
Tina was caught mid-sip as her laughter caused droplets of water to hit her outfit. "Shit!, I'm wet." as she dabbed at her chest with a napkin.
The Art Gallery owner bit her tongue.... "Is it anything I can help you with?",the opening was too tempting. Tina looked over at Bette and blushed.
"Oh God" Tina groaned shaking her head in a hand. The sexy chuckle from across the table did nothing for her embarrassment.
"How about I get the check, while you take care of that?" Bette suggested.
The blond excused herself to the ladies room as Bette settled the dinner check. Minutes later a freshly hand air dryer dyed movie exec appeared.
"Ready?" Bette tried to keep her voice light even though she was hating the thought of saying good night. With a nob from Tina they made their way back to the car.
The tiny restaurant was filled to capacity and Tina found herself nudging patrons aside to get to the restroom. She breathed a sigh of relief as she leaned against the countertop, staring into the mirror. She absent-mindedly dabbed at the moisture on her dress, mumbling to herself. "What's wrong with you? What are you doing? Why are you……"
A woman came out of the stall behind her and crossed to the sink to wash her hands….Tina barely noticed her……until she spoke.
"Bad date?" the woman asked. Tina's eyes locked hers, wondering where she'd come from.
"Excuse me?" Tina asked, a little perturbed by the interruption.
"Oh, I'm sorry," the woman said, looking away, "I just heard you mumbling and thought maybe you were having as bad a date as I am." Tina frowned as the woman continued. "I thought this guy was so cool…..turns out he's just an ass. I'm……" The woman stopped short. " Sorry again…..didn't mean to dump on you." Tina smiled.
"It's okay…..I've had plenty of dates like that."
"And this one?" the woman asked.
"This one?" A huge grin crossed Tina's face as she thought of the time she and Bette had spent together. "Best date I've ever had…… think I'll get back to it." She threw the paper towel in the garbage and patted the woman on the shoulder. "Good luck with the ass."
Tina was looking down, straightening her dress as she exited the restroom. Bette was waiting just outside, wondering what was taking so long. She turned to enter just as Tina came out……oops. Tina's hands flew up to steady herself and came to rest just above Bette's breasts, as Bette's firmly grasped Tina's waist. They started into each other's eyes as electricity sparked between them.
The woman that had been in the restroom came out, nearly running into Tina. A smile came to her face as she saw the looks the two women were exchanging. She hated to interrupt them but she couldn't get by, and someone behind the tall brunette seemed to be getting a bit agitated as well. Finally the woman cleared her throat and pushed passed Tina as gently as she could. The push brought the two women even closer. Tina blushed, loving the feel of Bette's arms around her. The woman behind Bette was not as gentle as she shoved by the two of them. Bette shot her a wicked look then glanced back at Tina.
"I suppose we should get out of the way. You ready?"
"Ready," Tina answered. Bette released her hold on Tina's waist reluctantly. Taking Tina's hand firmly in her own she lead the way toward the door. She glanced back, saying,
"I see you're no longer wet," a devilish grin curling her lips before pushing onward.
That's what you think Tina said to herself, blushing once again, glad Bette had turned away.
"Uh…..nope…… " she stammered, feeling like a teenager, hoping Bette didn't notice. Bette grinned, relishing the fact that Tina was as affected as she was by their brief encounter.
Once outside they breathed in the cool night air, glad to be away from the crowd. They continued to hold hands as they made their way to the car. Tina was surprised at how natural it felt. Traffic was never clear in L.A., but it was much less congested than when they'd made their way to dinner. Bette found a parking place outside Tina's apartment building, killed the engine and turned toward the blonde woman next to her. Tina was fidgeting with her seatbelt when Bette reached over and undid it for her. Tina smiled shyly.
"Thanks…..Bette? ….. Would you like to come in for a night cap?" She was nervous beyond belief and her voice quivered as she spoke. She had no idea what would happen if Bette said yes, but she knew she didn't want this night to end.
Bette smiled as she took Tina's hand. There was nothing she wanted more, but she wasn't going to rush this. She knew she could easily fall head over heels for this woman. But up until a couple of weeks ago, Tina had never even kissed a woman. Bette didn't want to blow it.
"I'd love to," she said, more than you can imagine, she added to herself, "but, I've got an early day tomorrow. We're showing a new artist at the gallery tomorrow and I've got to get everything arranged."
"Oh," Tina said, disappointed and relieved at the same time…..and a bit embarrassed. Had she mistaken what had happened between them? Was she making a fool of herself? She'd better say good night before she embarrassed herself further. "Another time then…….good night." She opened the door and got out.
"Tina, wait……damn." Bette jumped out and met her as she came around the car.
"You didn't let me finish," Bette said, taking Tina's hand. "I wanted to tell you what a wonderful time I had tonight. And I was wondering if you'd like to come to the opening tomorrow?" The cock of Tina's head and the look in her eyes had Bette melting.
"I'd love to come to the opening. What time?" Tina said, probably a bit more enthusiastically than she should have but Tina didn't care……and the smile on Bette's face made it worth it.
"Six? I'll be working so I won't be able to pick you up, but…." The touch of Tina's hand on her cheek silenced her.
"I'll be there."
Bette lay her hand on top of Tina's, turned her head and softly kissed the palm. Her eyes were bright with hope as she moved toward Tina, pulling her gently into her. Their lips met once again and they melted into one another. Tina ran her tongue across the moist lips, groaning as they opened to allow her entry. She explored more deeply as she pulled Bette more tightly against her. At last, gasping for air, she pulled away, the beat of her heart pounding in her ears as she stared into Bette's eyes. She leaned forward, giving her a quick kiss and the turned to go.
"Good night," she called, "See you tomorrow."
Bette stood there, breathless, taking in the sway of gently curved hips as Tina made her way into the building. Oh yeah, she thought, this one's a keeper. She found herself whistling as she got into the car and headed home.
"What'cha think of this one." Tina Kennard lifted the still hangered pale blue cocktail dress up to her body. A much shorter black woman appraised the dress and shook her head. "Really ?NO!" a small pout of disappointment shadows the pale blond's face but lights up again "Oh Danica, How about red?" Tina pointed.
"Don't you already have like three cocktail dresses?" Danica asked from another rack, pulling a sleek full length and held it to herself while Tina appraised her view who answered positively. Danica glanced at the price tag and quickly slipped it back into place. "So where are you going again?"
"An Art show." Tina stated.
Danica rolled her eyes, "Didn't that other bozo 'Eric' do the whole Art'sie thing? I thought you were sick of ...and I quote 'pretentious asses'."
Tina bump into her friend for teasing, "This ones different.... an Art Gallery owner. There's an opening tonight and she invited me."
Danica's eyebrows when into her hairline, "She!" Tina's friend placed the garment she was perusing back on the rack. "I didn't know you went that way?"
"Neither did I. "Tina muttered but grinned to herself as she kept looking for the perfect outfit.
Danica kept starting at the movie exec, "Oh no you ain't girlfriend!" with exaggerated hand movements and all. "You better get over here and give up the 411."
Tina couldn't help herself from laughing, "When did Malibu go ghetto?" Shoving aside clothing on the rack to see the piece that caught her eye.
"When Dixie went rainbow." Danica shot back. "Tell me the five W's pronto."
"Okay okay." The movie exec gave up with the rack and looked at her friend. Tina was relieved that Nica was taking the 'news' so well. "Who... Bette Porter." Counting the five off on her hand.
Recognition illuminated Danica's face, "Isn't that the Gallery owner Eric introduced you too?"
Tina chewed a lower lip grin but nodded.
"HaHa" Danica chuckled, "I knew that little Miss Innocent was all an act. Hooking up with someone while on a date with someone else...Baby girl your officially L.A. No two ways about it. "
"Stop it." Tina slapped at her friend, "It wasn't like that....really."
"Uh Huh so keep going." Danica moved her hand in the movie hand signal action of 'keep rolling'. "Where?"
Tina blushed and grinned with guilt, "The gallery" Knowing the admission sounded worse than what it really was...
"Ahhh See.."
"No no, I left my earring and I went back THE NEXT day to get it.....she handed it to me..." Tina shrugged but Danica's look of expectance made her keep going. "...and well Bette kissed me."
Danica's jaw dropped, "Just like that" a finger snap, "Here's your earring and let me lay one on ya? Wow....Did you like totally freak?"
Tina paused as she thought about the question. "No I didn't.... It was more like.....whoa." A blond brow raising and eyeing her friend, "Yea know?'
"Whoa?" Danica nodded, "I'm very familiar with the term." She looked over at her friend, "So are you okay with all this?"
Tina smiled at the unexpected kindness. With a deep breath and nod, "I know it's crazy but I am totally okay with it."
Danica gave Tina a huge tooth grin, "Good" patting the blond's back. "Well you big ole lesbo lets find you a dress to knock this woman out of her stockings"
Tina laughed as they both checked the rack. After a few moments Danica glanced over at Tina with a thoughtful look.
"What?" Tina asked.
"So all those times I crashed at your your thought of me like....sexually?" Danica grilled.
Tina laughed, "God No!"
Danica frowned with hurt, "Well you don't have to be all like, GOD NO Nica! You got the cooties."
"Nica? I didn't mean it like that...were friends and quite honestly I never have thought about women until Bette." Tina shrugged.
"But now that you do.... think about women I mean ...a little Nica would sound good to you?" Tina's friend teased.
Tina rolled her eyes and shook her head, "I don't even know what to do with Bette much less someone like you!"
Danica nodded in agreement, "You know I think my ex's feels the same!" Tina lifted a shimmering indigo swayed back full length dress. Danica gasped, "OH my god, you have to try that one on!"
"No I want the crudite's and hye rolls together on a tray. Put the beef sate and the sesame chicken on the other." Bette instructed the wait staff with a note of irritation. "This is not a buffet!" The bewildered looks of the staff made Bette's head itch, "Janet! Can you check the spotlighting! I think the wattage are too harsh for the 'harvest' piece."
Gallery owner and assistant walked to the artwork in question. "I see what you mean, Ms. Porter I'll get right on it." Janet headed toward the back for lower watt bulbs.
Bette took a moment to gather her thoughts. The last hour before a show seemed to be the most hectic. All the final details needing over seeing but the gallery looked fabulous. The artist was a rare find and the art pieces, absolutely stunning. Bette took in a deep breath and exhaled.
"Crash" Bette turned and watched the champagne fountain glasses scatter across the floor. "Janet! Where is that fucking caterer?"
Janet stood atop a ladder, a bulb in her mouth, another in her hand as the other hand balanced her on the ladder. "Mmmmm Mmmmm mm" Janet tried to speak around the glass mouth piece then quickly removed the bulb. "Ms. Porter, the carterer is in back on the catering truck."
The loud click of determined high heels echoed across the building as Bette exited. Brown eyes ablaze, setting sights on it's target, zeroing in on the caterer. In a crisp calm tone that hinted at her deep anger Bette expressed, "I don't know what you call this dog and pony act your selling but I seriously need for you to step it up. Your wait staff is in there totally clueless. I paid for butler service, yet your people set up a buffet? Nothing I sampled was badged and now my twisted rim champagne flutes are shattered all over my gallery floor!" The pallor of the caterer effectively made Bette feel some what better. "You have forty-five minutes or believe me you'll never cater in this town again!"
Bette barely heard the "Yes ma'am" from the man as she turned to head back inside. She near sneezed at the stunning blond. "Tina!" Bette felt quite off guard as she placed her hand to her chest. "I didn't know you planned to arrive so early." the gallery owner feeling embarrassed over the scene Tina had obviously just witnessed.
"I'm sorry" Tina smiled apologetically patting her on chest, "I should have realized. Your working." Tina tried to covey her total understanding with her eyes. "I'll go grab a coffee and come back in an hour."
Bette felt her heart lurch with the breathtaking vision in a backless indigo dress. Tina's long blond hair was swept up with wisp of tendrils framing her face. Bette softly smiled at the movie exec's uncertainty which made Tina's hands clinch her clutch purse like a teenage prom date. "I wouldn't hear of it. Instead, how about I, find you an espresso and we head to my office while I finish up a few things?"
Both woman walked inside the gallery across the bamboo flooring in perfect step. "Bette are you sure, I don't want to get in the way."
Bette's laugh seemed breathy, "Believe me when I say.... at this point I AM more in the way than you could ever be."
Tina noted the total transformation of the gallery from her last visit. "Everything has changed" with awe and puzzlement.
Bette paused at the beverage table and asked for two coffee's, "It's essential that the art be showcased in an environment that enhances the viewers experience." Two steaming cups were handed to Bette.
"I thought the art was the experience?" Tina stepped up beside the gallery owner who was starting to fix the coffee's with sugar and cream.
Bette held up a tiny cream cup indicating how many Tina wanted in her coffee. Tina held up two fingers and Bette began to peel the little foil lids and stirring them into the dark hot liquid. "For the lover of art, yes the works alone are the experience. Unfortunately for me art lovers and art buyers are two separate animals." Bette held sugar packets, Tina held up one finger. Bette grinned, she liked her coffee a little sweet too! "So I have to set the stage per say for the apathetic as well as the enthusiast."
Bette turned and handed the steaming cup to the blond. "Well you defiantly have me captivated." Tina's eyes held Bette's gaze then smiling.
Bette grinned, "So you're an enthusiast I take it?" Tina's laugh was silky and sexy, making Bette's grin grow even wider.
"Umm maybe a novice seeking a teacher." Tina watched Bette's eyes dance with mirth at the comment. God she loved their playful banter. She loved making Bette smile like that and how Bette could make her laugh.
Bette's head tilted down as a brow rose, "I do hold a teaching certificate." Bette sucked on her tongue to keep it in check. Tina Kennard was effecting her on several levels and decorum was quickly eroding away with the movie exec's flirting.
"Let me show you my office." Bette stated with a tip of her head.
Bette lead the way toward the side of the gallery. A wall hid the short hallway that ended in the office. A large table with a computer monitor sat in the middle of the room. On one side a large executive chair, filing cabinet, shelving unit and waste basket. The other side a small leather couch with coffee table and a door to a private bathroom. Tina took in the space, noticing the lack of artwork on the walls.
"So why don't you have works of art in here?" Tina blew on the brew in her hand.
Bette looked at the bare walls, "Because I want them to buy what's out there not envy what I hang in here."
Tina nodded at the sound reasoning but started feeling self-conscious in Bette's work place. "Bette I really don't want to keep you from your business."
With a smile Bette walked up to her date and carefully removed the coffee cup. Then placed both their cups on her desk. The gallery owner turning back with a sexy half grin. Brown eyes slowly took in everything Tina had to offer. 'To hell with the show' Bette thought. In that moment, nothing mattered but the need to just touch Tina again.
Tina swallowed at the unconcealed desire in dark hooded eyes. A heat swept her stomach as Bette stepped into her personal space and whispered, "I've been dying to do this again."
Satin fingers guided Tina's mouth to warm pliable lips. Without hurry, Bette molded their bodies and mouths together. Relishing sensations of softness from the others heated curves and planes. Seductively Bette passed her tongue over Tina's fleshy folds. Enticing the mouth to open which quickly came with a moan of appreciation. Exploring contours with gentle stroking and soft laps. Even as the breathing became more labored as heart rates elevated, both heeded the others limits. But then passion sparked as Tina's hands gripped Bette's shoulders drawing the gallery owner closer. Bette sucked Tina's tongue into her mouth, while running her teeth along the muscle. Once released Tina pulled Bette's lip into her mouth drawing on Bette's mouth. Bette's hands began to roam down the movie exec's sides. Stroking the silky dress material then sliding around to the open back. The warm naked flesh made Bette groan as she caressed the long exposed spine. Tina's tremble brought Bette back to her senses.
Stilling her hands and slowing the kiss til they merely held each other. Foreheads resting against forehead.
Bette swallowed as she tried to reign in her raging emotions. Reluctantly opening her eyes, cursing herself once she took in the state of Tina. Smeared lipstick and falling hair.. "I'm sorry"
"I'm sorry" Tina uttered then shook her head "Why are you sorry?"
Bette smiled with amazement at the most earnest eyes she had ever seen. "I think I pulled some pins from your hair and I ruined your lipstick."
Tina's eyes widened as her nose crinkled, "Umm well, I think my lipstick managed to rub off on your mouth." As her hand sneaked up between them to rub a thumb over the mess.
Bette glanced at the smudged thumb, "Small price to pay"
Tina sighed heavily, "Tiny" then tilted her head to capture Bette's lips one more time.
Instinctively Bette's arms tightened, hugging Tina closer. Letting the movie exec take the lead and enjoying the journey.
The muted sounds of a string quartet tuning finally pulled the couple apart. "If you don't mind I'll quickly clean up in the bathroom and head out there. You can take as much time as you need, come out when your ready." Bette asked.
Tina laughed at the term 'come out when your ready' didn't she kinda do that this afternoon with Danica? Bette's quizzical look made her blush, "Nothing... of course you go ahead. Get back to work." Tina shooed the gallery owner off.
Katie with a Dirty idea!
The string chamber music mingled with the tinkling of champagne glasses and numerous conversations. Tina was mystified at how different the gallery appeared. Soft lighting left shadows bouncing along the walls. The effect gave a sense of intimacy while waiters in black outfits filled patrons with delicious hors d'oeuvres and drinks. Small pockets of people had formed around the various art pieces. Bette and her assistant Janet moved in and out of those pockets highlighting the virtues of each piece being admired. Quickly small red dots began appearing beside different pieces indicating them as sold. Tina found herself standing before just such a piece.
"What do you think of the painting?" a smallish, handsome man with a thick Boston accent asked.
Tina paused and looked around seeing that the gentleman could only be asking her opinion, "I'm not really an authority.."
"I'm not looking for an expert," he said smoothly, "What I really want to know is what a beautiful woman such as yourself would think if she saw this hanging in my living room?" He smiled widely as his hands went into his pockets giving him a boyish charm.
The movie exec couldn't help but giggle and chew her lip, a slight blush rising in her cheeks. "Well" Tina stared at the oil on canvas. The subject matter was merely a table with basic household items of a bowl and pitcher. Off to the side a wash sink with articles of clothing hanging as if just washed. The drab brown color of the objects seemed in stark comparison to the vibrant colors of the negative spaces. Truly interesting as the viewer seemed more drawn to the colors in between the objects. "Strange how the color is not in the subject matter." Tina's head tilted to one side. " It seems the artist is showing how life lives in between the mundane."
"That's exactly what 'Viewpoint' is representing." Bette smiled warmly at Tina with a twinkle in her eye. "Bernard, I don't know if you've been introduced, this is Tina Kennard. A novice with stellar instincts for art and..." Bette glanced at Tina with a wicked grin and raised brow, "... Head of development at Aphaville." Bette's hand caressed Tina's shoulder. "Tina, this is Bernard Holt, sage art collector and silicon valley investor."
Bernard took Tina's hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Kennard. You must be naturally gifted to receive such high praise from Bette Porter." Raising her hand to his lips, kissing the back of it gently. "Or may I call you Tina?"
Tina gazed into piercing green eyes. The man was obviously flirting with her. She glanced at Bette questioningly. Before Tina could answer him, Bette interjected.
"You should know, Bernard is also my silent partner in the gallery…..and a bit of a playboy ….. Aren't you Bernard?"
"Playboy?" the man asked innocently, "nah, just a man that appreciates fine art as much as you do Bette." Although when he used the term 'art', he looked directly at Tina. His meaning didn't escape Bette and she shot him her best 'back off' look.
"Some 'art' is meant to be appreciated from afar Bernard," Bette said, letting him know this one was off limits.
Bernard just smiled. In all the years he'd known her, he'd never seen Bette so taken with someone, but he couldn't resist the long established game they often played.
"And some 'art' is meant to be appreciated up close and personal." he replied.
Tina listened to the exchange between the two, knowing instinctively that she was the 'art' they were referring to …….and she wasn't sure she liked it…..although she did like the vibe she was getting from Bette. She could tell, Bette wanted this man no where near her…….and that gave her a warm feeling inside. But if either thought she was naive enough to be fooled by this exchange then she was about to let both of them know.... THIS art couldn't be owned by either.
Tina decided, she could out play them both in this little game. "I appreciate art both from afar as well as up close and personal," she said in her most sultry voice, surprising both Bette and Bernard, who'd gotten caught up in their own little exchange. "Ms. Porter merely flatters me," she continued, "but I do happen to be in need of a teacher." Tina couldn't hold her grin back as Bette's face registered shock. Clearly Bette remembered their novice/teacher conversation as well! "I am wanting to expand my personal art collection and could use some 'sage' advice." Tina smiled sweetly at Bernard, and very pleased with herself for stunning the gallery owner.
Bernard Holt glanced between both women and smiled, "Why Ms. Kennard……"
"Please, call me Tina."
"Tina." he said, shooting Bette a smug smile. "It would be my pleasure to part with some pointers." With a gesture for Tina to follow, the investor began a turn around the gallery. Leaving Bette stunned and a bit befuddled as her date was lead away. The gallery owner could only catch a few more words before other patrons demanded attention.
"So Mr. Holt what do you look for in your art?" Tina asked as she took her escorts arm.
"Call me Bernie , my dear." Bernard glanced behind to see Bette's thinly veiled ire at being left behind.
"Art depends upon ones taste. I buy what I like." Bernard said, covering Tina's hand resting on his forearm with his own.
"Not all 'art' is for sale, Bernie," Tina commented.
"Ah," he said with a smile. "You caught the meaning of the exchange between Bette and I."
"I'd have to be really naïve not to," she answered. "Do I really look that naïve to you?"
"Not at all, my dear." He tilted his head to one side, appraising her. "Yet, you played along. May I ask why?"
"I suppose I wanted to teach you both a lesson…..and……" a wicked grin crossed her lips, "it was kind of fun seeing Bette squirm."
Bernard laughed out loud. Bette's head snapped around as she heard the sound. She saw Tina leaning into Bernard, whispering something, and a rush of anger filled her. Bernard was working his magic…..was Tina actually attracted to him?
Bernie leaned toward the blond and whispered, "Do you notice the daggers our Bette is throwing into my back right now?"
"She seems fine to me," Tina answered.
Bernard stole a glance, only to find Bette chatting easily with other patrons.
"Hmm, well, let's actually look at the art then, shall we?"
"Good idea," Tina said, repeating the question she'd asked earlier…. "What do you really look for in your art?"
Bernard stopped them at the next piece. Placing his chin on his fist and appraising the work thoughtfully. "I have to feel something when I see it."
Tina glanced back to see Bette being stopped by other guests. Their gaze met briefly. Tina could barely keep up the façade as she felt Bette's eyes caress her.
"So what do you feel Tina?"
The movie executive felt like a kid being caught passing notes in school. "Feel?"
Bernie smiled with mirth, "Yes." Taking a look at Bette as well, "Tell me what you feel when you look at this work?" Gently Bernard turned Tina toward the watercolor. "Don't think about it just say what you're feeling." Carefully he placed his hand at the small of Tina's back waiting for her response.
Tina straighten in her skin when she noted the artworks title, 'Screw'. "I feel strangely repulsed," she answered honestly, taking in the chaos of colors. There seemed to be no redeeming quality to the painting and it left her feeling bereft. "I can feel the anger and passion that must have gone into this…..but I doubt it's something I'd ever want hanging in my living room."
"My guess would be that's exactly what the artist meant to convey. And while you feel repulsed, another may find it compelling …..that's the beauty of art," Bernard said with a smile. "Not only does it require a discerning eye, but an open and passionate spirit… of the things our Bette probably finds so appealing about you my dear." He moved his hand from the small of her back to her waist, drawing her closer. "I've know Bette a long time," he said in answer to her questioning look, "but I've never seen her this smitten with anyone. If looks could kill……"
Tina's eyes found Bette chatting with another group, "She's fine." Tina attempted to step back from him.
"Wait!" Bernie glanced back then whispered again, "Watch the pamphlet in her hands."
Tina turned slightly to witness Bette's hands ringing the paper in her fist. The action fraying the announcement in places. It was strange knowing Bette was feeling upset because of her...
"So what do you feel right now Tina?" Bernie asked again.
Tina smiled charmingly and stepped out of his reach. "Enlightened"
"Wonderful" Bernie winked at Tina. "How long do you intend to make her squirm?"
"Not a minute longer," she answered, her smile reaching her eyes.
Bernie gave Tina a smile that warmed her heart. "Bette's a lucky woman," he said, watching the fire ignite in Bette's eyes as he leaned in to plant a kiss on Tina's cheek.
Tina rolled her eyes, "And I understand why she's throwing daggers……ever the playboy, aren't you?"
"Touché" Bernie grinned like a little boy. Tina laughed and they were fast friends. "I've monopolized your entire evening… part to make Bette jealous…..and in part because you really are a fascinating woman. But," he caught sight of Bette heading their way, "I think I'd better take my leave of you before Bette bans me from the gallery for good." He kissed her hand before turning for the exit.
Tina laughed as the Investor scurried out the front door. She turned at her name.
"Tina?" Bette questioned, "The show is over and Janet is finishing up, I know it's late but I was wondering if you're interested in some dinner?"
Tina grabbed Bette's forearm hating seeing her so timid. Had she gone too far in her attempt to get back at her for her little game with Bernie? "I'm starving, but I have to tell you something first."
The fear in Bette's eyes chilled her. "I know about the 'game' you and Bernie play and I …"
"Shit," Bette mumbled.
"I'm not upset," she said, taking Bette's hands in her own, "I shouldn't have played along but I just couldn't help myself."
"You wanted to teach me a lesson I suppose."
Tina shrugged, "It seemed like a good idea at the time."
"Did you find him attractive?" Bette asked hesitantly.
Capturing Bette's eyes and smiling with warmth, Tina spoke honestly. "As charming as Bernie is, I couldn't stop think about was you. All I've wanted this whole evening is to hear what you think about the artwork and NOW.." Tina stepped closer to Bette, feeling the art gallery owners body heat against her front. "I will have you all to myself." Hazel eyes shining happily.
Bette's wide smile light the entire gallery.
A cool breeze floated in upon the white capped waves as the couple sat outside on the veranda. The small out of the way Italian restaurant offered a delicious dinner with a spectacular view of the ocean. Yet Tina found her eyes straying more toward her dinner companion than the waves bathed in moon light. To her credit, Bette did not seem to notice or perhaps more likely the art gallery owner was use to such admiration. She was striking in a tailor made Versace. The sleek black dress highlighted Bette's femininity along with the soft short curls in her hair. Tina's brain screamed, 'this woman should be modeling in Vogue magazine not nibbling on lasagna in Mama Rosa's!'
Bette swirled the Merlo in her glass a few times as she spoke wistfully on her favorite topic, "I don't know in some regards I wish I could reach people."
Tina nodded and sipped her water, giving herself time to string together a coherent thought. " You do reach people. Tonight I was moved and challenged by my own concepts of love and beauty." Tina watched Bette's smile widen and began to feel self conscious, "Your gallery is known for spring boarding so many careers. Claudio Luchina, Jane Gottlieb" Tina leaned forward in her chair, "Bruce Beastly?"
Bette nodded with a smirk, to be a novice in art, Tina seemed to know some very obscure West Hollywood names, "Bruce Beasley" The gallery owner took a sip of her wine and placed the glass on the red and white checkered table cloth. "There's such a political mantra opposing free artistic expression. I fear an extinction of all things adroit for moral thralldom.", Bette spoke with venom. "The censoring of Robert Sherer was just the beginning, before you know it, we will be fighting the validity of art in education."
Tina sighed, "It's hard for even me to reconcile Sherer's work as art. I believe in artistic freedom but should society as a whole fund such works? I think that's the question needing answered. "
Bette's brows lifted, " 'In relation to the political decontamination of our public life, the government will embark upon a systematic campaign to restore the nation's moral and material health. The whole educational system, theater, film, literature, the press and broadcasting – all these will be used as a means to this end.'"
Tina quizzed, "Who said that?"
"Adolf Hitler" Tina swallowed visibly as Bette continued in a softer tone, "I know, drawing a line might seem to be the answer, but who get's to say where that line will be drawn? What moral ambiguities will we censor? Will girl on girl action be deemed acceptable because heterosexual men find it sexually gratifying but male homosexuality be censored because those same men find it 'morally repugnant'?"
"'Freedom in art, freedom in society, this is the goal which all consistent and logical minds must strive.' Victor Hugo" Tina smiled sweetly conveying her total understanding and admiration of the proud woman's convictions.
"I'm sorry, I know I can be so like Xanthippe." Bette apologized.
"No, You are hardly a shrew." Tina placed her chin on her palm and gave her best impish grin. "I find such earnestness salacious and a rare trait in people, so please don't apologize for your passion."
Bette found herself caught up in hazel eyes that shone with a well of understanding that near scared the gallery owner witless. She could not hold that gaze without reaching out and touching the other woman, so Bette looked out over the glimmering moon lit ocean. Reigning in her sudden emotions before asking, "So what is your passion, Tina?"
Tina found herself caught off guard by the question since she was admiring Bette's profile in the moonlight. "I would say I share your passion in creativity. I love finding authors who have a new voice. Taking that view point and putting it to film for the world to see." Tina sipped from her glass and thought for a second. "There are so many stories, so many lives and lessons," Tina searched out Bette's eyes and found a kindred spirit staring back, "They will never be heard or seen."
Both women sat transfixed on the other as the words drifted off on the waves. "We all lose out."
Somehow Tina found her hand inside Bette's warmer hand. She must have reached across the table but when it happened? She was clueless. But now that her hand had found it's new home she was very reluctant in giving it up even as the busboy came to remove the dinner plates.
Bette steeled herself for the inevitable moment she would have to relinquish the other delicate hand. Yet even as the man reached for the bread basket and clearly saw their joined hands, Tina did not flinch. She continued to hold her hand and even smiled shyly at the man. For some strange reason, Bette found pride in the movie executives action.
"So were you serious when you told Bernie, You desired to increase your private art collection?" Bette felt as if she waited for the answer on baited breath.
"No I'm very serious about my desire." Tina stated but smiled wily.
Though Bette would say, Tina did not mean any innuendo, Tina's smile made her doubt herself. "Well" Bette smiled shyly too, "I have some informative books on art, collections and the like? There at my apartment." Bette quickly finished, "If your interested."
Tina chewed her bottom lip as she considered the offer then smiled, "Very!"
DD and Katiegirl
Tina leaned back on Bette Porter's elegant couch, just like everything that surrounded Bette, her apartment resonated stateliness without pretension. Tina was finding it an alluring combination as she flipped through Nick Rowling's 'Art Source Book'. Bette said, 'pick out some pieces that speak to you so I can get a feel for what styles and movements fit you.' With each turn of the page Tina was struck with how different Bette was from so many men she had dated. By this time in the evening the movie exec would be fighting off advances, but it seemed the gallery owner was true to her words. This invite to her home was strictly cordial. Bette had kept a polite distance away on the couch. 'Why is that bothering me?' Tina questioned herself, 'Do I want Bette to make a pass?' Somewhere inside screamed 'YES'!
"That's a wonderful piece." Bette stated.
"Huh?" Tina started from her thoughts, "Oh" Looking down at the watercolor face. "Yes, I do like the colors and...." Tina pulled the image closer for a better look, "It's so interesting." Tina showed the book to Bette.
Bette smiled and added, "I too, have a personal affinity for beauty in the ordinary."
Tina's eyes scanned the page again as if trying to absorb minute details then raising her eyes to Bette, "Do you have a favorite?"
"Oh that's hard to say, but..." Bette grabbed another text from the coffee table. With a quick scan of the index the art history major flipped to a page and handed the volume to Tina. The movie executive lifted the book closer to inspect the photo. The soft yellow hues, washed the nude female as she read a novel by a window. 'Dinah reading by Dod Procter' the title stated. Tina gave a shy smile toward the gallery owner before studying the photo. Was this the 'pass' Tina had been inwardly hoping for? Or was Bette just sharing her appreciation for this particular piece of art? Or, or, or....ugh.....Tina was driving herself crazy. She stole a glance at Bette, to see if she was watching her, but Bette appeared to be looking out the window. She turned her gaze back to the photo.
Bette watched the blond's reflection in the window, trying to gauge her reaction to the photo of the nude woman. She didn't appear to be uncomfortable or nervous at all. For some reason Bette found comfort in that. She saw Tina steal a glance at her and smiled to herself. So far, so good, she thought. The few 'encounters' they'd shared gave Bette the feeling Tina was completely comfortable with what was happening between them. But surely Tina had her doubts and fears about being with a woman for the first time. Bette was going to make perfectly sure this was what Tina wanted before going any further....even if it took all the strength she had to keep her distance.
" You know, Eric collects art like lottery tickets. No real meaning other than another investment." Tina commented.
Bette sat down at the other end of the sofa, crossing her legs and smiling smoothly, "Doesn't even bother with hanging the pieces. Just warehouses the works in a spare room?"
Tina gave Bette an impish grin as she nodded, "Familiar with the type?"
"Very, but I understand the enticement. High-class art holds up well in economic slowdowns. As an investment, art has outperformed more conservative stocks over the last few decades."
"Yeah sure, but not everyone is lucky enough to have a Picasso!" Tina argued.
Bette raised her brow at the challenge and tsked her tongue, "You realize this is one of my favorite sales pitches? It's fact that art has outperformed fixed income stocks but one needs to hold on to a piece for at least ten years."
"Ten years is a long time to hold onto something....with no real guarantees." Tina mused.
"There are no real guarantees in anything," Bette replied solemnly, "Stocks, bonds, art, life...... " she paused pointedly ".......or love."
Tina was surprised by what seemed like sadness in Bette's voice. "You've been hurt by love." she stated quietly.
Bette turned to face her. "No," she said honestly, "not really. I've been disappointed by it more often than not."
"Maybe you've just never found the right person."
Bette grimaced inwardly. How had a discussion about the value of art turned into a conversation about love? She was exposing way more of herself than she cared to.
"Maybe I haven't," she said. "Have you?"
Tina looked down at the book she was holding, fidgeting with the edge of the pages. "Maybe ...... I'm not sure, to be honest."
Bette sighed. " Eric?"
"Nooo." Tina almost laughed at the thought of it. "Eric is wonderful, don't get me wrong, but there's something missing. I just don't feel like he gets me, you know?"
"Yes, I know," Bette laughed. " I feel that all the time."
"Yes, really."
Bette poured them both a glass of wine, taking a huge sip of her own, knowing she was treading on dangerous ground. This connection she felt with Tina was beyond anything she'd ever known, but she knew she had to reel herself in before going to fast. With a smile she nodded to the book still in Tina's hand, "Should we get back to looking at some art you might be interested in?"
Tina stared for a moment into those brown eyes, knowing she was falling head over heels for the first time in her life, but too afraid to admit it. She sighed, sad yet relieved that Bette was giving her an out. "Yes, I guess we should." Tina felt the flush heat her skin as she turned her eyes back to the book.
Bette nodded even as a smile inched, just from the movie executive's blush. Tina Kennard was a beautiful woman yet somehow greater than the sum of parts. Blond long hair to creamy smooth skin to dancing hazel eyes to pert nose amidst high cheek bones. The girl next door allure was intoxicating and Bette couldn't help but become a captive audience with each turn of page watching Tina's reaction to the artworks. The movie exec was easily read as the open book in her lap. So unlike the stale LA masses surrounding the art world in which Bette resided. Then Tina's tongue wet her lips in a simple way, yet a flash of desire struck Bette to the core.
"I really love these." Tina looked at her hostess and felt her heart slam in her chest. Bette was resting her head on the crook of her arm in such a casual fashion but her eyes, those hungry dark eyes, seemed fixated on her with such longing that it stole her breath away. "Bette?" Tina whispered with trepidation. Afraid but more afraid of breaking the gallery owners trance. Tina's hand felt like lead as she reached across the couch to caress the warm cheek. A very ragged breath escaped Bette's chest at the contact.
Slowly Tina placed the heavy text on to the coffee table and slide toward the other woman. Pausing a scant distance away, "I don't know what I'm ready for.....but" Tina stroked the stoic jaw loving the velvet texture.
"We'll go slow." Bette answered
Tina smiled as Bette clasped her hand and kissed her fingers. Tina leaned closer craving more contact as if her skin sought the essence of Bette Porter. Strong hands moved to the sides of her face holding her with such affection as dark eyes implored. Tina knew that whatever steps taken would be at her speed. 'The only problem with that...... I want it all....and that scares me the most.'
Tina pushed forward and Bette covered the distance til their lips touched. Folding into each others arms. Just feeling....simply finding comfort in the other. Bette delighted in a warm wet tongue licking her lips then a deepening kiss. Tina sighed with such satisfaction once they finally broke apart the sound made Bette grin.
"You know, you're a really good kisser." Tina mused as her hand roamed over Bette's arms. Settling herself within warm and loving the feel.
"I was thinking the same thing about you." Bette replied with a slight squeeze as Tina made herself more comfortable.
"So where did you study art?" Tina's hand moved to Bette's hand running over the contours.
"Yale" Bette stated as her hand followed Tina's lead, running the length of the smaller, enjoying the textile pleasure. "Where did you matriculate?"
"Berkeley" Tina answered. "Do you have any siblings?"
"Yes, a older half sister. Kit Porter?" Bette waited for the recognition.
"The singer?" Tina asked with a bit of surprise.
"Yes" Bette twined and untwined their fingers, "Is there more to the Kennard clan?" There was a slight stiffening in her arms.
"I...I was adopted." Tina shrugged, "My parents couldn't have children."
"So you're an only child?" Bette inquired.
"No" Tina relaxed back in the warm arms at Bette non plus about her parentage, "I have two brothers. Thomas is older and Timothy is younger."
A soft chuckle from Bette made Tina smile too, "I know the T's ... Tom, Tee and Tim... my Mom's roll call."
Bette pulled back a bit and stared down into Tina's eyes, "Tee?"
Tina rolled her eyes, "Yeah"
"I like it....It's you" Bette teased, "Tee" trying the nick name out. "Tee" the silky smooth tone repeated.
Tina felt warmth in her stomach, I think I can like the nick name now!