
A/N: Hey people this is my new story Guardian. Um…I once did see a story call this but I believe that mine is different. Anyway, read, enjoy and REVIEW!!!!!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

By: CherryFlower05

Summary: The battle to find the nine demons have begun but they may need some help and Sakura is the person they need.

A/N: This is an A/U fic. Just thought I should mention that REVIEW!

Chapter 1

A Guardian is a person who is born to protect and in the world today, protection is needed. Over the years, demons have returned to the earth and begun their take rule of the humans however a small number of humans who were given gifts at birth joined together today forming a group to fight, capture and seal the demons forever but as they say there no such thing as an easy task.

There were several different gifts and we will start with the most powerful, a demon keeper. Inside a hyper active young boy a demon lives. His name is kyuubi and by a twist of fate, he was sealed into a boy we all know as Naruto Uzumaki.

A demon keeper is very strong. The more rage the keeper feels the more power is released however how the power is used and for what will demined the demon keeper's true strength.

Next to the demon keeper are the Sharingan users. For years the blood red eyes have put a great fear in most of the demons because somehow they can control the demons themselves but with very high risks. They can increase their changes of become blind and losing their ability to see for forever.

The Sharingan users are those who belong to the Uchiha clan as well as some fortunate ones who were trusted enough to have one of the blood red eye.

The most feared users are those of Itachi Uchiha, Sasuke Uchiha and Kakashi Hataka.

After them there are the Byakugan users who are very important to the base. Their ability to see within a far range and to have a fair idea how many enemies they are up against have saved the base many members and gives them a much better chance of coming back with a successful mission.

The users are Hinata and Neji Hyuuga.

These are the feared ones but there is someone the demons fear more than the people listed above. That person has full control over them. Her skills and power are the most powerful. The elements at her control, the demons fall at her feet.

She is called a Guardian and the last remaining guardian is Sakura Haruno.

"Sakura you really need to help them," the guardian keeper told her.

"And why," Sakura asked, "It will just messed up my emotions all over again and I will get angry and rage doesn't do me any good,"

"Sakura really this is no time to be complaining," the guardian keeper turned around. Her red locks whipping as she turned.

"Rin really I don't want to help," Sakura said.

"Well sorry Sakura but as the keeper, I order you to go. You have no choice," Rin said, "We need you to seal Shukaku,"

"And do we have a demon keeper?" Sakura asked getting up.

"Hai Gaara of Suna," Rin said. She threw the file at Sakura containing the information on the mission happening at the moment.

"Gaara huh?" Sakura said, "Heard about him, a real silent type,"

"Yea he offered to become a demon keeper," Rin said.

"Willing?" Sakura asked, "So he's like that Uzumaki one huh?"

"You mean Naruto?" Rin asked, "Yeah, so are you going?"

Sakura looked at her guardian keeper. A guardian keeper was to insure that all guardians themselves did their fate and do it right even if it's by force.

Rin was a rare guardian keeper. She was free spirited but saw as the cursed one among her kind. Her powers were different and she lived a life of being beaten and name called but it all made her stronger. Her powers a mainly to heal like most of her kind however somehow she can control things like plants and teleport herself or anyone else to any place in the world.

"So?" Rin asked.

Sakura read through the file looking at the team and their status.

Teammate Members

Leader: Itachi Uchiha

Skill: Sharingan User

Rank: AMBU

Age: 23

Second in command: Sasuke Uchiha

Skill: Sharingan User

Rank: AMBU

Age: 18

Member: Naruto Uzumaki

Skill: Demon Keeper (Kyuubi)

Rank: AMBU

Age: 18

Member: Neji Hyuuga

Skill: Byakugan User

Rank: AMBU

Age: 19

Member: Ino Yamanaka

Skill: Medic and Interrogation

Rank: Chiunin

Age: 17

"Wow some lame team," Sakura remarked.

"Sakura just go!" Rin said.

"Make me!" Sakura shouted and then covered her mouth when she realized her mistake, "Crap!"

And in a poof Sakura was gone.

"Damn you're good Rin," Rin told herself before disappearing as well.

"Okay so how are suppose to take that thing down?" Ino shouted looking at the one tailed best making destruction to the landscape ahead of them.

"Hn," Sasuke said, "Shut up,"

Ino blushed at the fact that Sasuke had just told her something. She was dancing inside her mind that her Sasuke-kun was talking to her.

"Aren't we supposed to have some kind of sealer?" Naruto asked.

"Hai but she's late," Neji remarked.

"She?" Naruto asked, "It's a girl?"

"What's wrong if the sealer is a girl?!" Ino shouted glaring at Naruto.

"Everyone can you just shut up," the leader ordered.

Then suddenly everyone hears a girl's voice and a loud noise. They look behind and there before them was a girl, around 17 with pink hair and looking like she was very angry.

"Damn that Rin," Sakura cursed. She looked up and saw the group. She knew that this was the sealing group because they matched the pictures in their files.

"Who are you?" Naruto asked.

Sakura ignored him and walked pass the group and towards Shukaku.

"A small little girl they send?" Shukaku asked looking down at Sakura, "You will be killed in a second but don't worry I'll make it quick, no pain,"

"Hey girl! Get out of there before you get killed!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Don't worry Naruto-san the Sakura will be fine," Rin said appearing at his side, "After all she is a sealer or better yet let me use the proper term, a guardian,"

Shukaku looked at Sakura once more and laughed. Sakura felt her temper rising but she remained calm until he said this.

"So what's pinky going to do to me huh?"

"He's dead," Rin said.

A loud crash was heard as Shukaku was sent falling to the ground.

"Don't call me pinky," Sakura sneered.

Her haired changed from its baby pink to blue as well as her eyes.

The guardians control seven elements. The list is water, fire, wind, earth, lightning, light and darkness. Each element has its own transformation and are just as powerful as the next. How it is used in battle will show how powerful it really it.

A large water bubble appeared around the Shukaku. He was lifted off the ground, his body taking in the water.

"First element water," Sakura said, "Release,"

Sakura then started to make the bubble smaller crushing Shukaku. His large size became small as did the orb.

It became small enough to fit in her hand and Sakura then looked at Rin telling it was time for the final stage. Rin nodded and took Gaara with her to a spot a few distances from Sakura.

Rin allowed an orb to form around her and Gaara and nodded at Sakura when she was ready. She held tight on Gaara's shoulder telling him that the sealing will be painful.

Sakura looked at the new demon keeper and then to the mini-size demon of Shukaku.

"Seven elements aligned," Sakura said. Another orb appeared around the Shukaku, "Release,"

With speed seen only by the eyes of the Sharingan users, Sakura was in front of Gaara sealing the one tail beast. Gaara was held down by Rin as the pain flooded his body.

"Seal," Sakura said.

A light of different colors appeared and Gaara let out a painful scream. His body became limp and he fell. Rin caught him before he made it to the ground and then smiled at Sakura.

"Good work," Rin complimented.

"Thanks," Sakura said.

Rin chanced her position so that her legs were under her and Gaara was on resting on her lap. Her hands glowed green as she tried to ease the pain Gaara was under.

"He's strong," Rin said.

"Yeah I guess, better breathing than most," Sakura noted.

"Hey is Gaara going to be okay?" Naruto asked running up to the two girls.

"Hai, he just needs rest," Rin told him.

"You guys must have been very good to get the Shukaku all the way out here." Sakura remarked, "I heard that it was seen in a village at least a good few miles from here,"

"We have good teammate work," Itachi said coming towards her.

"Ah Itachi Uchiha a Sharingan User," Sakura remarked; "Now that makes sense. The Sharingan has an effect on the demons you were the perfect person to be on this mission,"

"Ah," Itachi replied.

"You," Sakura said, "You're Sasuke Uchiha?"

"Hn," Sasuke replied.

"Naruto Uzumaki?" Sakura asked.

"Yeah believe it!" Naruto shouted.

"Neji Hyuuga?" Sakura asked.

"Hai," Neji replied.

"And Ino Yamanaka?" Sakura finished.

"Yeah who are you?" Ino asked looking at Sakura. She found her plain and strange looking with an oversize forehead and pink hair. Her jade eyes dull and showed no emotions. She was just plain.

"Sakura Haruno," Sakura said.

A/N: Yes finished. Ha I think I like writing long chapters. This one is about six or five pages. I'll try to keep it up. See you later and review!
