Disclaimer: I do not own The Joker or any settings or other characters associated with the Batman franchise. I also do not own the songs featured in each chapter though I will give credit for each at the beginning of the chapter. However, the girl telling this story (Joker's friend) is mine.

AN: So I got sort of stuck on my Sweeney Todd / Pirates crossover. And then I randomly came up with this idea when I was listening to the radio the other day and decided to run with it. It'll be a short story, but I'm sure you guys won't mind. The song featured in this chapter is "You" by Breaking Benjamin. Hope you all enjoy and please review!

I sighed and flipped off the TV. I walked over to the window of my apartment and stared out at nothing in particular, allowing the warm breeze to blow across my face. My mind thought of the horrors that The Joker was involved with across Gotham City. His threat to kill someone every day unless Batman turned himself in. It made me sick just to think about it and remember the guy he had been so many years ago. I wiped a tear from my cheek as I thought back…

We were freshmen at Gotham University. We both elected to live at home and commute, and being best friends since eighth grade, we decided on the similar schedules and carpooled. We were riding in his convertible Mustang, with the top down, radio cranked up, singing along at the top of our lungs. It was kind of our ritual on warm spring days like this. We didn't care what was on the radio; we'd make up words if we didn't know the song.

We arrived at school within plenty of time to get to our classes. Jack Napier always made sure that I made it to each of my classes safely, even if he wasn't in that one with me. So it was absolutely no surprise to me when he took my hand and led me to my World History class. He gave me a hug at the door before allowing me to enter. Finally he let me go and headed off to his class while I entered mine.

Throughout the class he texted me, and I replied every time. It was sort of our shared bad habit, but it definitely made the time go by faster. Once more he was waiting for me when I exited the class. He scooped me up into a big bear hug, picking me out off the ground and spinning me around. I giggled. We weren't a couple, but we didn't care who thought we were. We were simply inseparable friends.

"So meet any cute guys?" he asked.

"Why do I need to find a guy when I've got you around?" I asked.

He chuckled and flashed me one of his charming smiles, "Just thought you might like a real boyfriend. And some other company than me."

"Nah, I'm perfectly happy with you, even if we are simply friends," I said, taking his hand in my own.

We made our way to our next class, this one we had together, holding hands. We made a bit of an odd pair though. For one, because our holding hands wasn't exactly the loving couple sort of holding hands; it was more like a brother-sisterly, "don't get lost" type of thing. For two, he was a good eight inches or so taller than me.

On our way to our next class, I asked him, "Meet any hot girls?"

"You know it's not a hot girl that I'm after. They don't usually have much in this department," he said, pointing to his head.

I laughed, "That is true. They're usually all like omg! and like did you see that chick's hair?" I said, faking a high-pitched ditzy girl voice.

Jack laughed too, "Which is exactly why I don't want someone like that. And don't ever do that again, by the way."

"Ok, then, meet any cute girls you'd be interested in?"

"Nope, but as long as I've got you by my side, do I really need to go looking?"

That's when I grew quiet. Could he actually like me like that? I mean we had been friends for so long that the teasing and almost flirting just came natural, but what if there was actually something to it? I wanted to ask, but I didn't want his answer, so I kept my wonderings to myself. If he did mean something, I'm sure it would come up again.

I knew I needed to break the silence though, so I said, "So I can't pull off being a ditz, huh?"

"Nah, not really," he grinned down at me, "But that's ok because I like you better the way you are. Ditz does not fit well on you."

"Well, thanks, I guess that's a compliment," I said trailing off.

"It is and you're welcome," he said as he opened the door to the fancy lecture hall and held it open for me.

I let go of his hand and walked inside. He quickly caught up to me as I was headed for our usual seats in the back corner. I pulled out my computer to take the notes, but I wouldn't really be paying much attention as Jack began his usual "people watching" commentary which would dissolve into sarcastic side remarks to everything our American Government professor would say.

…I forced myself to stop thinking of the wonderful memories of our last normal times together. I couldn't stop the tears from trickling down my face though as I still saw his smiling face from those happier days.

I walked over to my stereo, all because I didn't dare turn the news back on. Instead I flipped on the radio and wandered to the couch, grabbing up one of the fluffy throw pillows, hugging it tightly into my chest as I cried while the radio blared…

My hands are broken,

And time is going on and on, it goes forever (how long)

So I got high and lived all that life that I've taken all for granted

Promise me you'll try

To leave it all behind

Cause I've elected hell

Lying to myself

Why have I gone blind?

Live another life

You… You…

The only way out

Is letting your guard down and never die forgotten (I know)

Forgive me, my love,

I stand here all alone, and I can see the bottom.

Promise me you'll try

To leave it all behind

Cause I've elected hell

Lying to myself

Why have I gone blind?

Live another life

You… You…