Author's Notes –

This is a Ranma ½ x Change 123 fic. Takes place after chapter 15 of Change 123 and after the end of Ranma ½'s manga run.

I of course don't own either manga series, I'm just using characters and ideas from both for the purpose of entertainment. I'm not getting any thing for this other then some bad reviews (if I'm lucky) and maybe a few grateful readers.


The soft gray glow of the monitor illuminated the middle Tendo daughter's room as she finished calculating the family's monthly expenses and income. Sighing as she tabulated the overwhelming expenses from the failed (on more levels then she cared to acknowledge) wedding Nabiki wondered just what they'd have to cut out of the budgets for the next couple of months just to make it back into the black.

Hearing the familiar ding that her web browser used to alert her of her new emails Nabiki's mood brightened as she read the subject line – Looking for Master Level Martial Artist. Opening the email she smiled as she knew the perfect person for the job.

Typing out her reply she attached her growing file filled with Ranma's exploits. Though she knew that most sane people would read the list in disbelieve, from what she'd read of the request she knew that the sender was truly looking for someone exceptional, and Ranma was definitely an exceptional martial artist.


Standing on the roof of Saotome High School Ranma couldn't help but feel the irony of the situation. Despite his ability to break down secret techniques and quickly learning them, Ranma was anything but an academic. The Arts were his passion, martial arts, not the other arts, which didn't sit well with academia. Thus the odd feeling that he got standing on the roof of a high school with his family name attached to it.

"You must be Ranma Saotome," a blond youth said as he emerged from the stairwell. "I find it hard to believe that someone my age could be such an accomplished master of martial arts."

Ranma shrugged. Eyeing the blond contact the cursed martial artist could tell that they were complete opposites (minus the fact that the blond was actually appeared to be in shape and not a lump of flab or some sickly nerd). It was clear from the way that he held himself that the blond was a chick magnet, though a different kind that Ranma was.

"You must be Kannami," Ranma returned with a slight bow.

The blond paused at the lack of formality that the martial artist displayed. Clearly he was little more then a mindless jock, but still, even thugs had some form of formality.

"So, why do you need a 'Master level martial artist'?" Ranma asked.

"You've seen the video files that I sent you, right?"

It was Ranma's turn to blink as he wondered just what Nabiki had failed to tell him (or what he'd failed to listen to given his willingness to quickly leave Nerima after the failed wedding).

"I find that actually fighting someone is better then watching videos," the martial artist replied.

Sighing, Kannami pulled out his laptop. Waiting for it to load up the required video he turned the computer so that Ranma could watch the brief fight between a fierce brunette and some local thugs.

Unimpressed Ranma yawned. "I knew there was a reason Nabiki didn't give me anything to watch." Seeing the slightly irritated look on the blond boy's face Ranma paused. "Did I say that aloud?"

Kannami nodded. Judging from the martial artist's reaction it was clear that Ranma wasn't interested in Motoko's fights regardless of the persona that she was using. But was he uninterested because she was fighting thugs or because he didn't think she was up to his level, that was the question.

Watching another fight as several punks beat up on a scrawny runt which then provoked the busty brunette to break out a can of whoop ass on them Ranma noted the subtle differences in posture and then in style as she used jujitsu instead of karate.

"That's why I'm looking for a master," Kannami explained. Clicking on another file he showed it to Ranma.

"That's him, the same guy that had to be saved by the girls?" the martial artist asked, seeing a buff Kamen Rider wearing fighter against a busty brunette. "He's got potential," the pigtailed youth admitted. "But he's years away from being in the same league as the girls."

"True," the blond seconded. "That's where you come in – I've heard that you're the best. If you're half as good of an instructor as you are a martial artist then I think Kosukegawa's in good hands."

"Of course I'm the best," Ranma repeated. "But it's a long way to Nerima. There's now way that he's going to be able to make the trip out to the dojo every day. If he really wants to get good fast he's going to have to spend every day training just to build up his endurance just so that he can learn some of the basic moves."

The blond nodded as he considered the martial artist's expert opinion. "That's why I want you to come to school here – I can have your transfer papers filled out and filed tonight; I can pay you weekly and cover your expenses for an apartment and cell phone."

Ranma blinked as he weighed the benefits of the job against the pitfalls. Sure, he could work on developing his meager teaching skills, and it would be nice to get away from the insanity of Nerima, but would he lose his fighter's edge without all the high skilled and powerful fighters constantly challenging him? But he would get away from the Kuno family, and the Amazons.

"Deal," Ranma said finally.

"Deal," Kannami repeated. Handing Ranma his back pack he added, "You can have this. Your first signing bonus is on the credit card, a cell phone – you can use it if you want, but please answer whenever I call, the information for the bank account that I'll deposit your weekly pay in, a map of the area, and keys to the apartment I've rented for you. The paperwork should be processed on Monday, giving you the weekend to get used to the area."

Again Ranma blinked as he took in everything that the blond had said. Rummaging through the pack he quickly pulled out the credit card and cell phone, stuffing the two items into his pocket before stashing the rest in stuff space.

It was Kannami's turn to blink as he watched the martial artist open up a pocket dimension just to store the small pack that he'd given the pigtailed boy. Quickly composing himself the intelligent blond watched as Ranma leapt over the security fence along the edge of the roof. Rushing to the fence he listened as several startled students screamed then went silent as Ranma gently landed before leaping over the school's concrete wall and into the streets beyond.

I'm definitely going to have to look over his file again, the blond thought as he considered the information Nabiki Tendo had provided him. But a water based curse that turns him into a girl or back into a guy, that's just unbelievable.


As Ranma wandered the streets the cursed martial artist couldn't help but think about the obvious differences between the districts. Back in Nerima no one thought anything of him (or any of the others) leaping over fences (or Ryoga smashing through them) and off of roofs as the skilled martial artists traveled through the city, nor did they mind when he walked on their fences. But here in… where was he again? Blinking, he almost felt as though he'd channeled the eternal lost boy. Though Ranma didn't know where he was it wasn't because he was lost, it was because he hadn't bothered to ask what ward or district they were in rather then being genuinely lost like Ryoga usually was.

Only the rumbling of his empty stomach stopped him from mindlessly wandering and not noting where he was and the landmarks around him as he looked for a vendor, fast food joint or convenience store. Spotting a vendor he rushed over and examined the menu. Rummaging through his pocket Ranma pulled out what little yen actually had on him. Counting the coins he knew that he didn't have enough for an order as the old man didn't except plastic.

Disappointed, Ranma at least was able to get the directions to a nearby store. Purchasing a bowl of instant ramen he quickly filled it with boiling water. Figuring that it wouldn't hurt to get to know the city as he waited for the ramen to soak he made it out to the street before spotting several bikers. The sound of breaking wood and rowdy cheers brought his attention back to the bikers as they circled the helpful vendor.

"Definitely not Nerima," he mumbled as he casually (for him, though quickly for anyone else) walked over to the disturbance.

It was clear that the bikers were terrorizing the old merchant, possibly even trying to hold him up or extort some money from him. Swinging aluminum and wooden bats the thugs were carelessly smashing baskets and knocking over trash cans.

"Let him go!" the pigtailed martial artist shouted as he approached the crowd.

Clearly having caught the ruffians' attention he continued to walk towards them. All around him the bikers focused their attention on the youth wearing the red Chinese shirt. Undeterred by the seemingly overwhelming numbers Ranma continued to approach the old man and the large tattooed man menacing him.

"You deaf as well as stupid?" Ranma taunted.

Roaring, the apparent gang leader let go of the old man. Gripping his bat with both hands he swung mightily at the pigtailed youth. Instead of the painful sound of aluminum on flesh or even on concrete the punks were greeted with the squeaking of shoe against face as their powerful leader was stopped dead in his tracks by solid kick to the face.

Ranma sighed, his hopes of a good fight dashed as the big brute was felled by a kick, not a ki enhanced kick, but a simple kick. Sure, it was to the thug's face, but still, the guy was seriously weak. Removing his foot from the punk's face, Ranma noted that a large red footprint was apparent on the unconscious young man's face.

Slipping his toes beneath the handle of the bat the cursed martial artist flipped it into the air; deftly catching it with is free hand. Setting his bowl of ramen down, he put both hands onto the thick bat.

"This is your arm," he said calmly squeezing the hardened aluminum, "and this is what happens when you mess with me." With a flick of his wrists he ripped the bat apart, leaving clear handprints in the alloy before it the metal twisted apart. "And if I hear that any of you are messing with this vendor or any of the stores around here I will come after you."

The cursed martial artist watched as the two dozen or so bikers slowly backed off. Though two of their number picked up their leader the others began to slowly back off. With their boss in hand the group hastily retreated.


There were few times in his relatively short life that Ranma had ever doubted himself. True, he doubted his rivals abilities as they rarely ever measured up (at least compared to him) and those around him, but he had never doubted his ability to master the arts or its place in society. Hadn't many families adapted the arts so that they could continue to practice some form of it and make it sort of relevant (like Martial Arts Tea Ceremony, Martial Arts French Dining, and so on)? But what was the role of a martial artist in the grand scheme of things.

Those thoughts plagued the cursed martial artist as he walked home. Since it was a Saturday he'd only spent half the day at school. Wandering aimlessly as he headed back to his apartment the pigtailed youth began to actually look at the district he was living in. Unlike the rural Nerima district this district (which he had yet to find out its name) was fairly developed. Though not urban, it was much more modern then Nerima. Instead of bathhouses there were Laundromats and arcades; gone were the familiar mom and pop shops, instead there were the large franchises and those oh so recognizable golden arches (even though he'd never been to one, he'd seen their commercials often enough). Even the small homes and dojos were gone, replaced with (to him) towering apartment buildings. Forced to walk on the sidewalks (as he'd found out that people didn't like having him jump on their fences or roofs) Ranma was beginning to feel like a rat trapped in a maze.

In just two days of wandering around the neighborhood and getting to know the area better (which really hadn't helped) Ranma had managed to get into three fights with the local punks (not including the first fight with the punks messing with the vendor, who incidentally offered to let Ranma eat their for free the next couple of times he ever stopped by). The first had been after some local toughs had tried to harass a girl, the second happened after Ranma (as a girl) had been hit on by another group of punks who were unwilling or unable to accept no for an answer, and the third was from a group of punks who were trying to get revenge for the first fight. Despite being outnumbered at least five to one it had proven to be an easy fight for the highly skilled martial artist the first time. Having so easily disposed of the thugs Ranma had expected them to simply try and avoid him whenever possible. Unfortunately his expectations had been shattered when the thugs returned the next day with their whole gang. Dispatching each one of the nearly fifty or so punks with a knockout kick or punch, Ranma was surprised at how quickly he managed to beat them even without having to use any of his ki. At least the hentai horde had been a challenge back when he'd first started going to Furinkan, forcing him to resort to some sort of ki enhancement so as to make sure that Akane was safe (though she often did well by herself). Then again, the guys seemed to take it easier on her then when they went up against him.

Behind the martial artist a group of sixty punks in various stages of consciousness were moaning or groaning. Having dispatched another group of thugs who had relied on their numbers to overwhelm him, Ranma felt no remorse as he left the many beaten up toughs to their own devices. It was always nice to start out the morning with a good fight. Even after disposing of the punks Ranma had plenty of time to get to school, despite being forced to walk on the sidewalks as he made his way. After all, what kind of impression would he make if he were late to his first day at his new school?

Having used the water-proof soap that morning Ranma hoped that he could at least remain a guy for the entire day. Glad to have not worked up a sweat he ignored the choir of groans from his beaten adversaries. Stopping at the friendly vendor he paid for a lunch box (despite the owner's protests that he accept it for free) after promising to stop by for dinner after school. With lunch in hand the carefree martial artist quickly yet carefully placed it into a stuff space.

At least I won't have to worry about girls trying to force feed me or fighting over who is going to make me eat their food, Ranma thought as he continued on towards his new school.

Looking up at Saotome High, Ranma couldn't help but wonder how he had managed to convince his pops to let him come here. Sure, it had helped that he had convinced his mother first by telling her that he had acquired an honest job and could attend a quality school that could offer him a better chance of attending a good college. While he would miss fighting against high caliber fighters like Ryoga and Mousse, but this was a different type of opportunity for him.

Obviously his pops and Mr. Tendo had objected, but pops couldn't do anything against his mom. It also helped that Nabiki was able to manipulate her father into not objecting to Ranma's transfer. Eventually the two old men had managed to play things off as Ranma finally putting some thought into his long term goals (training students and honest work, not to mention the possibility of college, though that was really a stretch).

Mentally checking off his checklist Ranma nodded before entering the school. Ignoring the odd looks that the other students shot him (he was wearing his usual red Chinese silk shirt and black pants) as he headed towards the principals office the martial artist hoped that no one would mind too much if he wasn't wearing the school's uniform. It had been two days ago that his paperwork had been officially processed, not enough time for him to purchase a customized outfit.

It came as no surprise that the head guidance councilor and principal had both been displeased with his lack of appropriate attire. Still, they couldn't object too much given the situation. Even they had been surprised at the relative quickness that his transfer had been processed and accepted.

Leaving the principal's office Ranma spotted a tall tanned girl looking just as out of place with her darkened skin and stature as he did with his colorful attire. Shrugging it off Ranma headed up to his new homeroom.

It came as a slight surprise to the cursed boy (not to mention the tan girl and the entire class) that there were two new students joining the. Standing up and introducing himself to the class Ranma knew that he stood out (his outfit and all) but didn't really care.

Sitting in the last row Ranma was glad to be in the back row beside the tall Tsukishima Botan, all the easier for him to doze off if he ever needed to so long as the tan girl kept her hands to herself. Watching as she walked to the back to claim her seat the skilled martial artist could tell that she had some skill in the arts. With her reach and build it was obvious that she had spent some time fighting, but her degree of skill and what type of skill were unknown. She was definitely someone to keep an eye out for.

"So you're a martial artist?" Kosukegawa asked.

Nodding, Ranma looked at his employer's friend. The kid really is scrawny, but he's got some potential, the martial artist thought. "Yep," he finally replied.

"What do you practice?" a large muscular student asked. Judging from his build and confidence he was also a martial artist. Given the calluses on his hand probably judo or aikido, maybe jujitsu.

"A family style," Ranma replied. "It's called Anything Goes."

"Like Jeet Kune Do?" another boy asked.

"Not really," Ranma answered. "It's called Anything Goes because it incorporates any and all styles to find what is most effective for the individual or the situation. Basically I've learned and mastered all these weird styles."

The others around him eyed him dubiously.

"I've mastered several forms of Karate, judo, Chinese Kempo, Aikido, kendo, Kapkido, Kuk Sool Won, Taekwondo, Tang Soo Do, several versions of Tai Chi, several forms of Kung fu, Wushu, Wing Chun, and several other family styles," Ranma boasted.

His classmates eyed him skeptically.

"Where are your belts?" the large boy asked.

"I really didn't learn at any particular dojo," Ranma replied. "Technically I'm not a master, more of a dojo destroyer."

The others blinked.

"There are still people who do that?" the tan girl asked, joining the conversation.

"I guess," Ranma replied. "I've traveled through most of Japan China, though we probably went through Korea and Southeast Asia too."

Again his classmates blinked.

"I've been traveling with my pops for over a decade," Ranma explained. "We've traveled around a lot learning various styles and incorporating them into Anything Goes. I think we managed to destroy more than a few dojos along the way (literally and figuratively)."

"So it is like Jeet Kune Do," the same brown haired boy exclaimed. "You've basically learned several different styles but adapted them to your own use and for various situations."

Ranma blinked as he considered his classmate's remark. "I guess you're right."

For the remainder of the homeroom Ranma and Tsukishima continued to get to know their peers and classmates. Though most of the conversation was focused on where the two new students had traveled and experienced abroad, they were occasionally asked about their preference in movies and music (to which Ranma honestly couldn't think of anything other then martial arts movies and some anime).

Due to all the fights, sleeping in class, and standing out in the hallway, Ranma had little experience in actually sitting through an entire class. Having actually sat through the opening ceremony (as today was the first day back from summer break) the energetic martial artist was glad to be out of his seat Ranma followed the others as they headed down for P.E.

"Man, I've never sat so long before," Ranma remarked as he changed into his gym clothes.

"I thought you looked squeamish," the judo boy joked.

"Yeah, I think the longest I ever sat down for one of my classes back at my old school was one period," the pigtailed martial artist added. "Something usually happens that keeps me from staying seated all day."

"Like what?" Kosukegawa asked.

"Like someone attacking me out of the blue," Ranma explained. "It's usually one of my rivals or some crazy girl claiming to be my fiancée, something along those lines."

The other boys blinked at the admission, not sure what to make of it as they were still getting to know their new classmate.

Walking out of the locker room and into the gym Ranma followed the others. Never one to really participate in P.E. he felt that he could at least try to prove to his classmates that he wasn't pulling their legs.

"Man, physicals today?!" one of the other boys shouted, clearly not happy with what they had to do.

"Hey, that means the girls are getting measured," one of the others added. "If we're lucky we can catch a glimpse into the girls' locker room."

"That's enough of that nonsense!" their sensei shouted. Though young for a teacher, it was clear that he was full of energy as he led the boys towards the track. "First up is the 100 meter dash."

Nodding, Ranma decided to play it cool and not use ki enhancements. Getting into a runner's stance he waited for the signal.

The screech of the whistle signaled the mad dash. Taking an easy lead, Ranma found himself crossing the finish line just as the other boys were reaching the fifty meter mark.

"4.98 seconds," the astonished instructor gasped.

"Is that good?" Ranma asked, clearly unaware of how good that was.

Next up was the chin up bar. "I want to see how many you can do, no time limit," the recovering teacher explained as he finished writing down everyone's times.

Five minutes later….

"491, 492, 493…" the teacher counted.

"Dude, he's making us look bad," one of the boys muttered.

The others looked at the lone boy.

"I think he did that when he hit fifty," the large judo practitioner stated.

"500!" their P.E. instructor shouted as Ranma casually let go of the bar. Writing down the number he eyed the other boys eagerly. "You just shattered the school record!"

"By 450," one of the other boys added.

Half an hour later they were once again inside the gymnasium. With their physicals over the boys milled around as the first batch of girls exited the girl's locker room. Despite his time with the boys thus far Ranma had yet to recall any of their names other then Kosukegawa's and only that because of the job.

"Man, I'm jealous of the guys from Class A," the light brown haired boy said. "The transfer student from their class is very cute."

"What you just said is too much," Kosukegawa protested.

Ranma watched, slightly awed by the display even though it was just normal though aggressive interaction between teens, the cursed martial artist wondered if missing out on such interactions wasn't a good thing.

Reaching out he quickly grabbed yet roughly grabbed hold of the runty teen's shirt, pulling him out of the way of a vicious volleyball.

"You've crossed the line Kosukegawa!" one of the girls shouted, clearly offended by his defense of the muscular girl.

"Talking about degrading," another girl protested. "You shouldn't treat girls like items!"

"Shut up!" the large muscled boy shouted back. "Don't you girls call us gorillas and scorpions behind our backs?!"

"Actually I think they call us that to our faces," the spiky haired boy stated.

"Shut up!" the P.E. instructor shouted as he worked with another group of teens. "Those of you done with your physical can go play volleyball!"

"Why don't we use volleyball to settle the score?" the spunky girl who smashed the volleyball at Kosukegawa suggested. "The losing team has to run errands for the winners for one week."

The boys quickly glanced at Ranma. Snickering they smiled. "But even with the new guy we're short a player," the taller boy stated.

"Hey Motoko," the spunky girl shouted, calling over to the girl from Kannami's videos. "Would you mind playing with the boy's team?"

"Oh, sure," the girl reluctantly agreed.

"If you lose we won't make you do the punishment," one of the other girls said.

Ranma watched as Kosukegawa and Motoko briefly chatted. Something about her was different. Wasn't she a skilled martial artist? Yet the way she had held herself in class was very different from the way she was holding herself now.

"Ranma," the tall muscled boy said, pulling the martial artist's attention away from the boyfriend and girlfriend pair. "I want you between Motoko and Kosukegawa. You're our most athletic person, but they're our least athletic. Saitou (spiky haired boy) and I will take the net. Katou (the brown haired boy) will set. For now we'll Saitou and I will take the blocks and spikes, but we'll try to set you up in the back too."

The pigtailed boy nodded.

Allowing the girls to serve first the boys plus Motoko waited. Trading blocked spikes and side-outs without any kills the teams appeared to be evenly matched. Reading Tsukishima's eyes it was clear that the tall girl was going to get more serious. By the time Motoko was up to serve the score was 9-11 in favor of the girls.

With his back to the only girl on his team, Ranma watched the underhand serve float over the net. Though probably unnoticed by the others, the martial artist's quick eyes caught the quick spin on the ball. His suspicions were confirmed when Tsukishima bumped the ball only to have it swerve away.

"Point," the girl who was refereeing declared. "10-11."

Motoko served again, hitting the ball with a subtle spin towards one of the other girls on the opposite team. Dashing quickly to intercept the ball the athletic tanned girl back handed the ball. Clearly having compensated for the spin she passed it towards one of her teammates only to have it set high for her to spike back at the boys. Smashing the ball hard she six-packed Saitou, sending the spiky haired boy crashing down to the wood floor. Katou dove, digging the ball and keeping it in play. Giving his team some time to recover Ranma smashed the ball hard from the back court. Despite the speed and power behind the spike the girls were able to bump the ball, keeping it alive before setting up Tsukishima up for another spike. This time the tall girl six packed Katou, knocking him out while also putting the ball into the net and out of play.

"Side out!" the referee shouted.

"Time out!" Ranma called. Taking a minute to check on their unconscious teammates Ranma and the larger boy (he just couldn't remember the guy's name) moved Katou and Saitou off the court. "The girls are getting serious," the taller boy stated.

"Don't worry, we'll be okay," Ranma said. Never one to take losing gracefully, the pigtailed boy was determined to win. "I'll take care of the net; you and Kosukegawa take the back court."

The other boy nodded.

Signaling the referee they repositioned themselves.

"Time," the referee shouted once everyone was in place.

With the spunky girl serving for the girls Ranma up, smashing the ball back at the girls.

"Side-out," the ponytailed referee shouted.

Taking the ball Ranma moved back to serve, trading places with the tall boy once again. Tossing the ball high into the air Ranma astonished everyone watching the game as he leapt well over ten feet into the air and smashed the ball hard. Having spun the ball before he threw it and adding more spin with the hit he watched as the girls took a step in the initial direction that he had hit the ball only to have it veer wide of their expectations as it landed out of their reach.

"Point," the referee shouted, "11 all."

With the ball in hand again Ranma again tossed the ball high into the air. Ignoring the gasps and stares from the crowd of gawkers he again leapt into air. Smashing the ball hard he sent it over the net once again. Swerving the ball in a different direction he watched as the girls once again came up short in digging the ball.

"Point, 12-11," the referee called out.

"Did you see how high he got?" someone exclaimed.

"Did you see that mean serve?" someone else added.

"If he'd been going all out the entire game the guys would have won already," another person muttered.

Despite all the talk between his schoolmates Ranma focused on the task at hand. With only three more points needed to end the match he once again accepted the ball. Given the positioning of the spunky girl and Tsukishima it was clear that he would not be able to get in another ace. The only other strategy was to hit a winning shot. Even though the taller Tsukishima might be able to compensate for the spin (as she did with Motoko's serve) could she handle the power behind it? As the match as a friendly game, Ranma knew that injuring anyone (despite what Tsukishima had done to previously) was not an option.

Serving the ball with a lot of spin Ranma smashed it at the spunky girl. Even if the could hit the ball he made sure that they wouldn't be able to return it well. Ranma watched as one of the girls gingerly bumped the ball expecting that it would have lots of power behind it only for the ball to spin out from between her extended forearms and onto the court.

"Point, 13-11."

Palming the ball Ranma spun the ball as he waited for the girls to set up their defense. With Tsukishima in the middle it was clear that they were expecting him to power the serve once again as her position gave her the best chance to try and smash the serve while the other girls covered the edge of the court in case he were to try hitting away from her.

Gently serving the ball so that it hugged the net without hitting it, he let the tall girl smash the ball. Watching her movements the skilled martial artist shuffled his feet as he waited for her to indicate where she was going to spike the ball. Just as she hammered the ball the large judo practitioner picked up Kosukegawa and threw the runty boy into the air to block.

Startled by the underhanded ploy everyone simply watched as the ball bounced off of the now dazed Kosukegawa and back onto the girls' court and hit the ground.

"Game point," the referee announced.

Composing himself Ranma went over to check on the stunned boy. Though the wind was knocked out of him he was still up, which surprised virtually everyone.

"Why don't you sit this point out," Ranma suggested, not wanting the boy he was supposed to protect to get hurt any more. "It's only one more point. I think we can put this one away without you."

Nodding, the larger boy reluctantly agreed.

With the ball in hand Ranma again took his position. Waiting for the two remaining members of his team to get into place the pigtailed boy casually noted how the opposing team had set themselves up.

Once again he spun the ball before throwing it into the air. Gently hitting the ball so that it once again hugged the net and line he moved onto the court as the girls set up their return volley. Seeing the tall tan girl once again leaping up to spike the ball Ranma saw through her feint though the muscled judo boy didn't. Leaping up with his arms straight up to block he was well wide of the athletic girl's spike.

Two thoughts ran through Ranma's mind as the ball sped towards Motoko's face; what would she do and why hadn't she done anything during the match? From watching the brief videos of Motoko (or someone similar to her at least) the pigtailed martial artist knew for a fact that she was skilled. Yet despite her skill she apparently held herself differently in general, appearing fairly meek and submissive. But something was different. During the entire time they were in gym class she held herself differently. The meekness and timid attitude were clearly an act, but a good one. It had even fooled him.

Only the subtle movement of her neck suggested what she was going to do. Watching as the ball harmlessly (which was odd given that Tsukishima had knocked out two of the guys when she six-packed them) bounced off of her face Ranma knew that the real fighter in the girl had show itself. Clearly Motoko didn't want the others to know just how skilled she truly was.

"Game," the referee shouted as the ball bounced on the girls' side of the court.

Having focused their attention on the now knocked over but not out Motoko the girls had failed to realize that the ball was still in play.



For those of you who have read some of my other fan-fics I hope you like this series. While Change 123 isn't as popular as some of the other series that I've thought of crossing Ranma with, I like it more then some of the other series that I've read. It's going to be a much harder fic to write as Ranma might appear Gary Stu-ish compared to everyone else. Still, I hope everyone enjoys it.

Please Read and Review. If there are errors please let me know as I'm writing this without a Beta presently. If anyone's interested please let me know.
