(Storyline: NO MAGIC :) Piper and Leo are seniors in high school and have been friends for a long time. They live right next door to each other. Leo has been madly in love with her since the day the met freshman year. Piper is dating a guy named Dan, and he and Leo hate each other because Leo wants Piper and Dan knows it. Leo talks to his friend Cole about Piper all the time. In this story, Prue, Patty, and Grams are still alive. Paige has been a part of the family since she was born. This is mainly a Piper/Leo story.)

Piper was walking along the sidewalk on her way to school. Leo ran to catch up to her.

"Piper!" Leo called.

"Yeah, Leo?" Piper said, turning around to see him.

"How's it going?" Leo inquired, as he noticed how great she looked today.

"Pretty good. What about you?" Piper said, spaced out.

"Great, awesome, you know," Leo said quickly, trying to be cool.

"So why are you walking to school?" Piper asked him, paying attention now.

"Well, I thought I'd take a leaf out of your book. You know, the how walking is healthier for you and the environment." Leo told her, trying to impress her.

"Well that's great, Leo." She said, with a look of admiration.

"Yeah. So where's Dan?" He said. A twinge of irritation splashes on his face just saying Piper's boyfriend's name.

"Oh, he had to go to school early for a track meet." Piper said this with a bit of neglect on her face.

"Aha, I have you all to myself. Well, at least for the ten minute walk to school." Leo said, trying to cheer her up.

Piper giggled at him. "So, have you asked anyone out to the prom yet?"

"I had a girl in mind, but she is too perfect for a bozo like me." He said, looking a little sorry.

"Leo, any girl would be lucky to go to prom with you. Who is this lucky girl?" Piper teased.

"That's my secret. Mwahahaa!" Leo teased back.

"Awh, c'mon Leo, I won't tell her! Promise!" Piper tried to convince him.

"I've known you for years Piper. I know you can't keep a secret." He said.

"Whatever!!" She said, but she still wanted to know.

They arrived at school, and they went their separate ways. As usual, Leo couldn't stop thinking about her. Leo daydreamed through his first three classes, and then got to lunch.

"Yo, Leo! Whatcha doing, man?" Leo heard a voice shout.

Leo turned to see his best friend Cole.

"Uh, nothing much. Just thinking about the perfect girl that I can't have." said Leo with a sigh.

"C'mon bud, she's with Dan. They have been together for almost two years! Get over it." said Cole.

"How can I? How can I just sit by and watch her throw her life away with the wrong guy?!" Leo said firmly.

"Good luck with that one. I've been trying for like a month to get her sister Phoebe to go on just one date with me! The Halliwell women are just too good for guys like us." Cole said, taking a sip from his coke.

Leo spotted Piper walking with some of her friends.

"There she is! See, she even walks like the most beautiful being on earth… Piper! H-Hey, Piper!" Leo called out.

Piper looked around and began walking toward him. The biggest smile was across her face. She blew a kiss at him!

"Man! Did you see that?!" said Leo, amazed.

Cole shrugged.

Leo began walking toward her. As they met, she walked right past him. Leo watched her walk away, and run straight into Dan's arms.

"Ouch! Man, that's gotta hurt." Cole says with a look of pity on his face.

"I'm invisible to her, but she's the only thing I see…" Leo said, watching her walk away with Dan.