this is a peice of fiction based on a british tv program called skins that revolves around 9 sixth form students(16/17 as the series starts, 18 when it finishes) for two years until they leave for UNI. i've always liked skins but i think the 3rd series had been the best, its more deep and the characters are more realistic and intresting. in skins, two of the most interesting people are Emily (whos a twin) and Naomi. in case you where planning to watch this, i wont spoil to much but these two are lezbians, and the story line for them is amazing. so i decided to base this on them and basicly whats happend in the past with this story is that these two spilt up as teens, and they havnt seen eachother for decades, and as old ladies, they meet on a bench as emily has missed her bus. BUT they dont know who they are talking too, which makes it kinda sad =[. well thats all i can say for now, sorry for the really long AN but for those sinful people that have never heard of skins, i just needed to give you a VERY basic summery for their story in Skins. for those who havnt watched it, i strongly recommend you give it a try!! please review and enjoy =)

The old woman sighed as her bus drove off without her. If only she hadn't spent an extra five minutes talking to her elderly twin sister. If she hadn't, she would probably be on that bus right now.

'What If's' are alternative paths, they are something that could of happened, but 'What If's' also fit very nicely with the saying 'everything happens for a reason.'

'If' Emily Fitch had not talked to her sister, and 'If' she had caught that bus, then she would have never have gotten the chance to talk to the only person she had ever given her heart to just once more.

Of course she wouldn't realise who she would soon be talking to- like everything that happens for a reason, there is always a catch.

So the story I am going to tell is either of fortunate fate or unfortunate fate, it depends on how you see it, either tragic that her love is sitting there and she doesn't even realise it, or happy that even if she doesn't know it, she still talks to her love once more.

The story I am going to tell is not 'What if Emily ignored her sister and actually caught that bus,' no it's ' What if Emily talked to her twin and she missed her bus, and what if she was unknowingly talking to the only love of her life.'