Here's the third and final chapter, see Pixieluv13, you didn't die waiting!

Okay, was thinking about a forth part because of somebody's very insightful comment that got my creative juices flowing (thank you for the stimulating review, Lisa!) but decided to stick to three parts; thus this chapter is longer, and thus, the pacing is off, but fan fictions is all about funnsies (and bunnies and candy), so unbalanced pacing is okay, yeahs? Anyway, I tried my best and I hope you enjoy it.

Also…M rating, remember? If you've read my other M rated fic, you know what this sort of reminder warning means…as if the chapter's title wasn't enough of a hint. Also, slight itsy teensie warning. When I was rereading, definitely can see a slight theme of non con, so if that bugs you, don't read anymore =)

Can't believe how much positive feedback I've gotten for this fic. I was sure it was going to the one everyone read out of morbid curiosity and nobody wanted to comment on because of the subject matter, thank you all for showing love for an Al/Rachel fic. That being said, I think I've gotten Al/Rachel out of my system (until the next book!), so back to more familiar waters…Trench ho! (oui, is it me or is that last bit begging to be taken in a naughty way?)

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3. Consummation

The jump across lines was sudden, but for once I didn't find myself in the Ever After with him. The night air was fresh and I could feel the wetness from the grass seeping into my socks. Of course I'd forgotten shoes, how the hell could I think about shoes with my body raging like a mutant prom queen on a caffeine bender.

"Damn, this time of year they should be in bloom," Al said angrily, though his disappointment didn't slow his hurried motions as he spread the blanket, trying a few times before it lay mostly evenly on the grass. He looked at me expectantly, and instead of meeting his eager red eyes, I looked up instead. We were in a park or a large garden of sorts, and the trees had been planted close enough so that the many branches tangled overhead, black shadows cutting up the solid blue of the night sky. They must have been fruit trees of some kind, but the few blossoms to be seen were blighted by late frosts, small and withered but still stubbornly clinging to the branches overhead. They had bloomed, unaware of the dangers, and now would never blossom into their full beauty or potential, never grow into anything beyond a delicate flower.

"Al," I said uneasily. He was near me as soon as I opened my mouth. Close enough so that our fronts were almost touching, he reached his arms out, running them gently up and down my arms. I knew he was looking down at me, but I didn't look up at him, afraid of what I might see on his face. I stared at the ridiculously elaborate lace on his shirt instead, trying to follow the pattern in the inky night.

"Sorry love, they're supposed to be night-blooming. The most vibrant purples and blues," he said, sounding more than vaguely disappointed. I had to glance up at him. Was Al really sad there were no flowers above us?

But his eyes didn't look sad, they looked eager. Hungry. Go figure. I stifled an overly dramatic gulp and looked away but stayed close to him. He was practically radiating body heat, and it was cold out here. Maybe that would help me keep my clothes on?

"Rachel," he said again, softly and almost sweetly, but I pulled my head away when he tried to tilt my chin up and make me face him. His arms closed around me, not tightly but securely. "You're trembling," he said in that same soft voice. I knew I was, and it wasn't entirely from the cold.

"I'm cold," I said stiffly, trying to forget other reasons why my skin felt like arcing with electrical currents.

"Let me warm you up," Al said, the whisper long gone and his voice now sultry, suggestive, and totally cliché Al. I opened my mouth to protest or shoot down his less-than-clever witticism, but the air pressure around us changed suddenly, then popped, loudly. It was almost exactly like when someone travels on a ley line, and I jumped, my eyes wide with terror as I scanned the area, searching for another figure.

Al's hand on the back of my neck brought me back towards him, and I couldn't help my arms wrapping around him tightly. I buried my face in his shirt. If someone else, another demon had shown up, I didn't want to see, hear, or smell him.

Al rocked me slightly against him and was whispering soothing nothings that took me a moment to realize were not in English. It didn't sound like Latin either, though my Latin was atrocious according to Al, but at least that meant he wasn't trying to cast a spell.

"The air…?" I managed to ask tentatively, my voice almost completely muffled by the starched fabric of his shirt. I shifted my face slightly so my cheek rested on the softer velvet.

"To keep you warm, Rachel. Nothing else," he said softly, and it took me a moment to realize that it had gotten warmer. I glanced around cautiously. There was no one else here. It was only us. I couldn't help but sigh in relief. This was complicated enough, I sure as hell didn't need another demon here.

"You're safe with me," Al said, his tone even, his voice almost stiff. I couldn't help but reach up for his face, and he didn't stop me this time. I rested my palm on his face, he'd already healed the scratches, and stared up at him, somewhat amazed that he was staring down at me with something that almost looked…loving in his eyes.

Al, I can't do this, was what I wanted to say, but his lips came down on mine, and all that came out of my mouth was a deep moan. Without even thinking about it, I opened my mouth for him, and he had to support my weight almost entirely when my legs gave way under the sensation of his hot tongue darting into my mouth. But he wasn't holding me for long; more smoothly than I could have imagined, he eased us down onto the blanket. I had one hand gripping his shoulder almost roughly and the other clawed ineffectively at the soft fabric of the blanket as Al continued exploring my mouth with his probing tongue. It was all I could do to keep breathing, to keep from writhing underneath him or lashing out at him. My body was so torn, raging yet sick with indecision and I was tempted to kiss him back or give him a black eye. As if sensing my turmoil, Al's hands stopped their busy circuit of stroking up and down my sides to grasp, almost gently, my wrists and pin my hands above my head. Maybe it was instinct, maybe all female demons are dangerous in these situations, though it seemed Newt was the one who had taken it too far. I suddenly felt like slamming my head against the grass. I am not a demon I am not a demon, I tried to repeat to myself, but the words seemed a pointless exercise as Al continued kissing me into submission.

He finally broke away, and something like a cross between a whimper and a moan came from my suddenly freed mouth. "Al," I managed to say when some sanity leaked back into me, but cried out again when I felt his bare hands on my skin. He had released my wrists and was pushing my shirt up, running his hands over my bare skin. I couldn't see his face anymore; he had moved down my body, and his mouth soon joined his hands gliding over my bare skin, licking my stomach in long, smooth strokes like a child savoring his favorite flavor of ice cream. I couldn't help it anymore; I moved underneath him, writhing with his touch. As if that was the response he was waiting for, he tore my shirt all the way off, his rough hands cupping my breasts as his mouth worked its way up. I grabbed his hair when his mouth sealed itself over one of my nipples, mussing it in my desperate grasp. I half-expected for him to pull away, to chastise me and free himself from my grip, but he only seemed further encouraged by my reactions. Al sucked harder and added teeth to his ministrations, making the sharp edge of teeth an erotic contrast against the moist softness of his mouth, lips, and tongue.

The park must have been out of the way because I was making a far amount of noise and we had not been interrupted. When he finally released my nipple to work the other one, I had relinquished my death grip on his hair, which was softer than it looked, and had my fingers buried in the skin over his hips, his shirt having ridden up and his coat discarded. My writhing took on a more familiar rhythm as I bucked my hips ineffectively a few times. The pressure, the need, which had felt gentler once Al had his hands on me, was raging inside me once again and none of my movements, or Al's, were doing anything to dissipate it. My hips were still moving, practically on their own it seemed, when Al finally released my breast from his mouth and I groaned in a mix of relief and frenzy.

Al pulled himself up, his face only a little above mine, and planted a gentle kiss on my forehead that would have seemed chaste if it hadn't been for the fact that I could feel his bulging erection on my bare stomach through the heavy linen of his pants. I was looking up at his eyes and really not thinking, my legs opened for him, but he already had his legs between mine. I couldn't remember when that had happened, which frightened a little bit of sense into me.

"Al, I can't do this," I finally managed to get out in a cracked whisper. I deserved a fucking parade for getting those words out my mouth. But it was like an immense weight lifting from me; I had said no, finally. I tried not to think about the downside to this; what was I going to do if Al ignored my rejection? It wouldn't be very hard, I had verbally set a boundary but my terrible traitor hormone-saturated body had been saying some very different things.

"Rachel, get your damn pants off," Al said in a husky whisper near my ear.

Okay, Plan A out the door. Before I could get breath to argue, or cuss him out, he was gently kissing my cheek, my neck, licking delicately at my collar bone and nuzzling my shoulders as if to off-set the coarseness of his words. He pointedly ignored my vampire scar, and I wasn't sure if I was relieved or disappointed by this.

"I know this is frightening, Rachel," he said, his voice as soft and soothing as the kisses he was planting almost reverently on my skin. In any other situation, I'd be pretty freaked out with him using my real name so many times in a row and not some annoying nickname, but when we were being this…intimate, it just seemed ridiculous to bitch about names. "Despite your fervor, I know you may not want to mate."

Mate? Oh god, what have I gotten myself into? He didn't say it like a joke either, or with any awkwardness. But then, it was easier for me forget about the whole no-demon-babies-born-in-five-thousand-years, not so much for him and every other denizen of the Ever After.

"But I can do other things for you, Rachel, to help tame that fire almost as effectively," Al purred against my skin, and I shuddered as his hands slid down the length of my body.

My imagination had plenty of suggestions of what those other things might be, and so, sufficiently distracted, I was a little less-than-helpful but not at all a deterrent as Al unbuttoned my jeans and started working them down my thighs. And really, before I could even think of a protest, Al cupped my groin in a far-too-familiar way, but his touch had me kicking my legs to help him get my pants all the way off. He started playing with the edges of my panties, pulling the elastic to make it snap and sliding fingers across my covered skin, teasing. I cried out in frustration before Al finally pulled them off, leaving me naked underneath him in the middle of who-knows-where at night.

In a sudden rush of decision, I grabbed both his hands in mine, pulling his body all the way against mine but successfully halting the sensuous paths his hands had been making along my completely unguarded skin.

"Promise," I said, my mouth against the side of his neck. I couldn't help but flick my tongue out along the tender skin under his ear, finally tasting him as he had already tasted me.

Al shuddered on top of me. He pulled slightly on his hands, but I held on. He could have freed himself if he had really wanted to, but he was behaving for me. "I won't, unless you ask me for it," he replied, and it was my turn to shudder. I released his hands, not sure if I felt safer about the whole thing or not. Unless I ask him? My body was blazing with need, I didn't want to think about just how desperately I might ask Al to do quite a few things.

Once I had freed his hands, he didn't hesitate. He didn't kiss a trail down my body or slide himself down slowly, didn't give me a second to feel anymore hesitation; we'd apparently spent enough time with foreplay. His mouth was in between my legs before I could find something new to grab hold of, and I obligingly spread wide for him as his tongue started flicking tenderly against my most sensitive skin.

If I thought I had been loud before, it was nothing compared to now. We were out in the open, yet I could swear I was hearing echoes of my own pleasure-induced cries. Al seemed to love it, watching my face hungrily as he continued to perform what had to be the most amazing oral sex, ever. I felt my body tightening spasmodically, and Al slid a finger inside me to send me over the edge. I screamed when my climax finally came with Al's tongue furiously caressing my clitoris and his finger pumping in and out of my body.

My body was humming with energy, but I felt spent. I felt like I'd both run a marathon and woken from a long nap. Al lay alongside me, his face buried in my hair, one of his hands stroking my stomach rhythmically. I had utterly no reservations about falling asleep out in the open, naked, after having been intimate with a demon…maybe that was a warning? But the…insanity, for lack of a better word, seemed gone. I tried shifting through my thoughts to find alien feelings and cravings, but couldn't. Not necessarily because they weren't there, but because I was just too content, too satisfied, that it felt like a form of exhaustion. I felt my hair shift as Al cleared it away from my face and ran a finger teasingly down my cheek. His tongue tickled my ear, and I shoved at his shoulder.

"Hmm, Rachel?" he asked, his voice dripping with his British accent.

"Uh, what?" I said, feeling completely uncouth, but I was at a disadvantage here, damn it. Al hadn't had his brains fucked out, so of course he could still think clearly.

"I asked, love, if it was good for you?"

"You know it was. I think everybody in the county limits knew it was," I said, going for nonchalance, but I was silently berating myself. Al laughed softly in my ear and I shuddered.

"And how do you feel?" he asked, and I wanted to hit him, but turning to look at his face, I thought I saw real concern there for a moment.

I turned away, tried to bury my face in the blanket. Al caught my shoulder and turned me back to face him.

"Rachel?" he asked softly, holding me closer to him, but not touching anymore than necessary. I had to wonder if he felt it to, if he'd just been toying with me. But his voice sounded genuinely confused, or at least uneasy.

"I don't know," I finally said, and I buried my face in his shoulder, luxuriating in the feel of his skin for a moment before trying to pull myself back. But Al caught me and kept me against him. Always such a controlling bastard, though I wasn't sure if I was genuinely upset by this at the moment.

"Your…heat is still present, then?" he asked, his voice indifferent. But I'd known him long enough to hear the excitement he was trying to hide. It would be in his eyes too, no matter how cunningly he tried to conceal it. I didn't have the guts to look up at him.

"You never answered me," I accused, but I just didn't have the motivation to stay pissed at him. "What is this?" I asked said without the edge in my voice. Because whatever "this" damn thing was, I could feel it again under my skin, waiting for the moment of weakness it could come rising to the surface one more. God, how long was this going to last? I pushed my face tighter against the hard muscles in his shoulder and kept telling myself I would not cry.

"Females go through cycles, or they are supposed to. But they generally reset themselves before they are due, so even without the lovely interference from the elves, there's always been a dangerously low birth-rate," he sneered the last bit, but I did what I always did when he was working his panties into a twist, which was to ignore him. Well, ignore his words at least; I couldn't ignore his presence, his smell, his still far-too-clothed body pressing against my naked skin. His hand was moving up and down my back, maybe trying to comfort me, but knowing Al, he was probably already planning how we were going to try and change those downward statistics.

Females, he has said, female demons, he had meant, but I was trying not to obsess about that. I would worry and scream and cry about all that later over a galleon of ice cream. Or maybe at the gym with a punching bag. But right now, I needed information, at least I thought I did. My body was warming up again from the stupor I had felt after Al had brought me, and it was telling me that I needed a lot more than just information right now. I inhaled sharply, trying to pull Al's scent, now our scent, mixed from out earlier excursions, deep within me, hoping this tidbit would stave off my cravings for just a bit longer.

"And how do I make it do away?" I asked though I thought it a long shot. Like Al would really tell me how to make myself stop wanting to rip off his clothes and screw his brains out? I had to close me eyes tight and clench my fists for a moment. I had had an all too real mental image of just how I'd go about that whole thing with the clothes and the screwing. I didn't help when Al cupped my face forcefully in his hands, pulling me away from his shoulder and making me look him in the face.

"We make it go away, love." The look in his eyes would have terrified me if I'd had time to think about it. But Al forced his lips down on mine. I was pulling on his shirt as he was struggling out of it without breaking our kiss. He didn't seem to mind that I'd managed to tear some of the buttons off his shirt in my eagerness. I ran my hands hungrily over his bare chest. I knew he'd be good-looking, being the arrogant show-off that he was, but finally have the feel of his bare skin under my hands was almost too much.

I broke our kiss just long enough to growl at him, "Al, get your damn pants off."

Al growled back at me, nipped lightly at my neck as he lifted himself enough to struggle out of his tight pants. I did some squirming of my own underneath him as his body pushed and bumped against mine. I was kissing him back, trying to drink him down like he was the last glass of water in an unfathomable desert when he finally got himself completely nude. I tried to break away enough to get a full view, because I was still lucid enough to be feeling pretty damn curious, but Al pushed himself back down on me, holding me to the kiss and against the ground as he thrust himself into me.

I screamed in a mix of pleasure and shock. I knew I would be plenty wet after he'd gone down on me, but he was large and thick, and I hadn't been expecting it so soon. He continued thrusting himself into me roughly, his whole body stiff above me.

"Al," I managed to cry out after a painfully deep thrust, hoping the quivering in my voice wouldn't urge him to up the pace.

He looked down at me, his eyes burning with desire and his face almost slack with need. I felt as well as heard the moan ripple through his body, but his hips stilled and slowed their pace. I dug fingernails into his shoulder; this was much better. I pulled his face back to mine and moaned into his mouth, savoring the taste of him as he slowly moved in and out of me.

Slowly, together, we worked up to a pace that suited us both. I was pawing at him like a teenager backstage for the first time and drunk on wine coolers. Our hips were moving together, so smoothly and purposefully like an ocean wave rolling inexorably towards the shore. I couldn't believe how amazing, how intimate it felt, and how close and complete I felt with Al, of all people.

But as amazing as it felt, I began to notice another need building-up in me just as the warm pressure of climax was steadily building in my loins. My aura felt thick and heavy with need around me, and instinctually I reached out for Al's, to share this weight, to shift it between us and revel in the power we could share. The sharp bite of pain made me jerk back, physically and metaphysically. "Behave, Rachel. Or I'll leave you unsatisfied." His threat seemed baseless, he was moving in and out of me just was enthusiastically as before, bringing me closer and closer to a release that promised to be earthshaking, both physically and otherwise.

"I want this, badly" Al said, his voice deep with need. His thrusting changed slightly, harder, fuller thrusts as if to illustrate how eager he had been to riot in my flesh. "But I would not risk death for it," he stated flatly, but his sucking on my earlobe lessened the sting. I could live with that: good sex but not good enough to die for. Why he thought me touching his aura during sex could be lethal was something I would have to file away to investigate later. I hadn't been thinking of what Newt was rumored to have done; I was only reacting to him in yet another way. Al could definitely piss me off enough to consider murdering him, but my actions hadn't been malicious in any way. It had seemed right.

"But I didn't…" I tried to explain, but concentrating on words felt beyond me. The feel of him above me, inside me, was too much. I just wanted to focus on this, though the heavy presence of his aura above me, almost pushing down on me as much as his body was, was still a tempting urge I was trying ignore in favor of the rush of physical sensations.

But I forgot about his aura, what I wanted to do to it with mine, as the warmth that had been persuasively gentle became sharp and finally exploded throughout my body, leaving me crying out incoherently as I slammed my hips against his to sustain the impossible momentum. Al convulsed against me and cried out something not in a language I'd ever heard before shoving himself into me one last time.

We were both panting and I had my arms wrapped around him like he was a life-preserver in tumultuous seas. We stayed that way for quite awhile, I wasn't exactly maintaining a strong concept of time at the moment. I shuddered and he groaned when he finally withdrew himself from me. Another smaller, colder wave of pleasure made my bare skin tingle, and I snuggled closer to Al. He pushed his lips against my temple then began kissing my hair while gently pushing wayward and sweaty strands of my wild red mane from my face.

"Better now?" Al's voice made me jump. I had fallen asleep in his arms. I nodded, but then noticed it was more than better. My supposedly demon-fertility-cycle craziness was gone, and I was naked with Al in some deserted park, cuddling after amazing sex.

I took a deep breath that I seriously needed. "It's gone," I said tentatively. Al's lips brushed the upper edge of my ear, but my shuddering was all of my own accord. Surprisingly, I couldn't muster the annoyance to bat him away from me. Even if I was fully in control of my hormones again, I felt restful, safe, and…maybe even loved in Al's arms. I relaxed back into his arms, resigned to enjoy the rest of the night as much as I could and freak out in the morning. Already, I could hear birds twittering in the trees above us, anxiously waiting for the sun to rise. I'd take any peace I could get for now. I rubbed my face against his bare shoulder and kissed his collar bone lightly, enjoying the small patch of goose bumps I'd raised. His red eyes fluttered open to regard me before easing close again. I rested my head back on his chest and let sleep overtake me.

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This story, especially this chapter, is dedicated to the original Al/Rachel fanfic writer, TheEviLSurgeon, though her work is definitely more daring than mine.