Nightmare and Dreams – Part 1


11th January 2009

Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles

Kurogane POV:

Kurogane couldn't sleep, it was well past midnight and the air felt thick and clammy against his skin; the humidity hadn't dropped off at all as the sun had set. He moved restlessly within the confines of the soft mattress, hoping to find a comfortable position and the sleep he desperately needed. Exhaustion had set in and yet sleep was elusive even in this peaceful place.

He had been tossing and turning for, what felt like, hours trying to at least rest, but now the damp sheets where entangled around his long legs, pressing the sodden cotton of his thin trousers against his clammy skin. It had become bad enough that he had forgone wearing a shirt, yielding a little to the incomparable heat; Kurogane did not relish the idea of forgoing trousers as well.

It had been hot like this in his Japan, always around the time when the cicadas had begun to sing. The sun had blazed in a cloudless sky for a few months of excessive heat with little to no rain at all and then it was the rainy season once more. He didn't miss that heat either, though it wasn't as humid as this.

It wasn't just the discomfort of the humidity that had the ninja awake, though he would never admit to it, he had become accustomed to sleeping with at least one other person in the room, after spending over a year with the children, that damn mage and the meat bun. He now found it difficult to sleep completely alone again, the silence was deafening and the room felt distinctly empty.

It had become a normal occurrence for the party of five to share a room between them, sometimes with just two and others all five of them crammed into the same place. It felt far too quiet to his highly attuned senses and it bothered him more than he liked. It hadn't help that over the past year he had been on constant alert, never truly falling into deep slumber, sleeping with his back braced against the wall, sword ready against his shoulder.

It had felt awkward trying to sleep lying down again, the soft feather mattress not what he had become used to. His armor had been stripped off and his sword was within reach but not resting over his chest as it usually was. It made him feel – vulnerable or more accurately exposed, even if they were near the bed.

Kurogane released a deep sigh, expelling his annoyance outwards at his increasingly frustrating state. He flung what he could of the damp sheets off his legs, extricating himself out of the annoying material, getting tangled in the yards of excess fabric, who needed a double bed for one person? He growled at the offending bed sheets as he released himself from the creamy colored mess, dragging the annoying material off the bed to be left in a heap on the floor.

Kurogane had decided that a short walk might settle him, give his mind something to focus on for a time; there was something that was bothering him though he couldn't place exactly what it was. In truth, it was that odd stirring in his gut that had him needing to check on the children. So the ninja headed for the solid oak door to his room intent, mind focused on this sudden sense of purpose.

He pushed open the large door expecting it to creak as it swung open, but it must have been well oiled as it barely made a whisper of. He opened it just enough to slip through before pushing it silently closed once again. The door led out onto an open walkway which wrapped around an internal courtyard, the courtyard itself was much more like an enclosed garden, a walled fountain quietly burbling at its heart. Kurogane took a cursory glance down into the darkness of the courtyard, believing it to be empty at this hour of the night, before returning his gaze to the door next to his.

The children had been placed in the two central rooms between his and the mage's just down the tiled walkway. The ninja didn't like the group being to widely dispersed as the princess was defenseless against any physical danger; he always ensured that she was situated between him and Syaoran as the soldiers of the group.

Kurogane knew from experience that the mage could and would take care of himself but he knew that he would go check on the annoying man anyway. The ninja had noticed that the blond had been looking increasingly fatigued over the last few weeks and Kurogane knew some of the details of what had caused the mages sudden decline. The dark smudges that had become increasingly visible under his sapphire eyes had been troubling Kurogane, but he had chosen not to pursue it knowing he wouldn't receive a straight answer just that fake empty smile.

Kurogane could remember the long nights that had passed as he had sat helplessly listening to the small man whimpering in his sleep. He had feigned sleep whenever the blond had suddenly awakened, giving an exhausted sigh with the bitter scent of salty tears lingering in the air. He had wanted so desperately to reach out to the mage, feeling in his heart the depth of the fear that seemed to linger in the room even when the mage had finally returned to his restless sleep hours later.

So Kurogane had continued with his own nonchalant attitude, hoping against hope that the mage would eventually stop the quiet terror filled whimpers that made him clench his own fists in anguish at the other mans pain. It always hit in the darkest hours of the night and he was aware of the mage remaining awake for many hours rather than returning to his nightmares. It wrenched at his heart to leave him like that but if the mage needed help he would ask for it eventually, he had always played his hand close to his chest.

As Kurogane shook his head, dispelling the memories, he caught a flash of light as his keen eyes roamed the shadowed hallway. It took only a few moments to find its source. It was just a flickering in the corner of his left eye and he instinctively grasped for the sword that was currently next to his bed rather than in its customary position strapped to his hip. He let out a quiet curse and ducked back into the shadows, bare feet silently caressing the floor as he closed the distance to the nearest balcony rail to overlook the courtyard, he concealed himself behind one of the large columns.

Kurogane carefully slid his body just far enough past the wide column to observe the open space shrouded in darkness. The moon peaked past the dark clouds that had dappled the starlit sky and he felt his breath catch as he caught site of the light that had initially caught his attention. Kurogane's long, tanned fingers curled around the wooden rail, squeezing it steadily harder as he deliberately held himself in the deepest shadows avidly watching the scene unfolding below. He couldn't draw his eyes away from the enchanting view, drinking in the sight of moonlight rippling across delicate limbs.

The mage was dancing.

The blonds form ebbed and flowed in the full moons soft, silvery light. Kurogane watched with rapt attention as the mage's slender frame shimmered and spun in graceful dips and whirls around the raised edge of the fountain. The pale glimmer from his golden locks was what had reflected the light and garnered Kurogane's undivided attention.

Kurogane stood watching that petite form, as it made unbelievably graceful and sensual patterns as he flowed around the elliptical fountain. The blond wasn't wearing his usual long gloves, pale unblemished skin that looked impossibly smooth twined together as he spun in precise movements around the bubbling fountain. The mages bare feet whispered across the dark tiles as the water rippled and danced in the moonlight.

Kurogane watched, enchanted by the odd beauty that the mage was radiating, his behavior completely uncharacteristic of the man he knew. He felt a blush rise to his cheeks when he followed the smooth curves of that pale body with narrowed crimson orbs. He didn't feel his hands curling, wanting to take hold of the supple body, to feel that bare skin beneath his rough fingertips.

He had known for a while that even through all the animosity and annoyance the blond man caused him, he had grown increasingly fond of the mage and the children - though the manjuu was an eternal annoyance. He felt protective of the young ones, a fathers pride in the way Syaoran took on board all the difficult and strenuous practice that was the art of the sword. He supposed that the mage was at least partially right when he called him the Father of the group, they were somewhat familial but he would never tell the other man that. But Fai – he was a law unto his own.

Kurogane prided himself on being on his honor and honesty, unlike the mage; the ninja believed that denying one's own feelings and thoughts served no purpose, lying to oneself was a sign of weakness of not being able to cope with emotion and choices. Therefore he was more than aware of what his feelings were and knew that they had been brewing for many months. But he would never act on them, knowing that the mage would never return such emotions.

Kurogane's reticence allowed him to retain the some semblance of routine for the children, which was distinctly lacking whilst they had all been travelling; it seemed far too often people forgot how young Syaoran and the Princess actually where. It also allowed for the mage to keep the distance he seemed to prefer from his travelling companions and himself in particular. Kurogane kept all his feelings buried deep inside, hidden behind a deep scowl and harsh words.

But he could feel those feelings that he'd buried inside rising to the surface as he watched the sensual dance being performed before him, heating his tanned cheeks and sending delicious ripples of need through his disciplined body. He knew that the mage would never reciprocate those feelings but watched contentedly as he danced, completely unaware of his crimson gaze tracing every muance. It brought him such pleasure to watch the mage indulging in something so unnecessary. The blond spent far too much time pretending to be someone and not enough time just being.

He watched the mage dance for what felt like hours but was actually only a few minutes, he was lost in the sight of soft pale skin and rippling blond hair – he had ever seen the almost content expression on that eternally smiling face. Kurogane felt his breath catch in his throat as the blond stumbled and was about to fall to the hard tiles below as his foot twisted on the edge of the fountain's lip.

The ninja didn't remember moving.

Fai POV:

Fai could feel his body tilting, his ankle turned precariously inwards on the wet tile that had caught him off guard. If he hadn't felt so tired he would not have been so careless. It felt like he was going in slow motion as his arms raised to brace for the fall knowing he would never avoid it now he was in motion, prepared to take the brunt of the impact against his bare forearms.

If only he had worn his gloves then there would be at least something between the abrasive surface he was headed for and the pale skin he so often hid. He berated himself for doing something so silly. It served him right for dwelling on the past, after all the nightmares why was he purposefully remembering things he tried so hard to forget – even if they where happy memories.

Chii – he missed her light hearted carefree ways; she reminded him so much of the Princess. The dance had been one of hers; she had practiced over and over so she could show him. He didn't really understand what had made him get up and try to mimic her effortless movements, but he didn't have anything else to do to while away the self imposed insomnia.

So – he tried to dance and look where that had gotten him.

He felt the air moving across his face whipping his hair backwards, he clamped his sapphire eyes shut and braced for the pain.

It never came.

He felt the reverberations of the impact but the sharp pains he would have associated with having his arms scraped and battered, his body colliding solidly with the ground – that never happened. He felt something warm and solid impact with his body but it was soft and giving unlike the ground below. Then he realized that his forward momentum had ceased.

Fai could feel something smooth and pliable under his hands and whatever it was it felt unbelievably warm, he felt his fingers curling and kneading softly against the delicate surface. He heard and felt a very deep rumble emanating from underneath him, realizing it wasn't his own body making that noise he looked up into deep crimson orbs, he let an almost silent gasp pass his pale lips, his sapphire orbs widening in disbelief.

He couldn't help but stutter as he spoke, "K-kurogane?" letting out the warriors full name just emphasized the shock he felt reverberating around his chest; he very rarely let that name pass his lips. The warm, supple texture had been the dark haired mans very bare chest pressed up close to his own smaller frame, his hands splayed across well toned muscles.

Fai was surprised to say the least, not having seen the big warrior in the garden before his stumble and now finding himself lying on top of that same beautiful, half naked man. It had set his heart racing, the fragile organ fluttering wildly inside his chest, setting free emotions he tried so hard to bury deep inside the darkness.

He tried his best to pull the familiar mask back into place, the playful smiling mage, it felt shaky at best. He felt stripped raw his emotions laid as bare as his skin, and the exposed flesh, though un-bruised felt like it had been scrapped away leaving the nerve endings delicate and unabashedly exposed to the warrior's firm touch.

Fai had wanted, no needed to be in this exact position so many times, but had denied himself the desperate pull he had felt for this man's touch and the comfort he could find in strong, tanned arms. But Fai knew the older male would never give him any of the things he craved – and he didn't deserve them.

Kurogane was always angry and sullen, unrepentant in his demands that the mage actually give a damn about the children rather than just pretending he did and that penetrating look that said he knew far too much but was constantly disappointed. That truly hurt coming from the warrior he secretly admired. Kurogane held honor and strength above everything else and he showed little of either.

Fai felt warmth spreading across his cheeks at their sudden predicament; he could feel every toned muscle that Kurogane possessed firmly pressed against his more than pliant body. He lowered his gaze becoming aware of his fingertips mindlessly petting and kneading the silky smooth skin under his hands, he tried to concentrate on stopping his hands from their ministration knowing it would just make the taller male angry.

He tried his best to tear his mind away from the delicious sight spread beneath him, eyes lighting on a tiny bead of moisture rolling down tanned skin. Fai was desperate to focus on something – anything else to keep his usually unfeeling body in check; he felt such unbridled desire for this man. He wanted to press his lips to the hot skin, take in that tiny drop of moisture with the tip of his tongue… no.

Fai glanced up from his perusal of sweat beaded skin, watching discreetly from under lowered lashes, when he heard and felt the vibrations of the deep groan falling from the warriors sensual lips, what he wouldn't give to nibble freely on that soft skin. He attempted to gauge how the warrior was reacting to their current position, but he couldn't quite fathom the odd expression the other man was exhibiting.

So Fai chose to just sit and absorb the way his body was snuggled close to Kurogane's broad, well muscled chest, whilst attempting to fight himself for control of his suddenly erratic emotions. They seemed to be fluxing back and forth between the need to run as far away from the source of said emotion, and feeling so unbelievably content being enclosed by the two bands of steel wrapped firmly around his waist and upper back. The position was protective and it made his eternally chilly skin warm with pleasure; it was so rare that he felt like this wanted, protected.

He didn't let the small smile slip onto his lips though his lips twitched at the corners as he became aware of how intimately their legs were intertwined – it was almost a lover's embrace. It felt heavenly and that's how he knew, without a doubt, that it wouldn't last.

Fai tried his best to make light of their current position, considering his emotional turmoil, as he was sobered by the emergence of negativity he felt, "Hey Kurgy. What are you doing out here in the middle of the night?" Fai knew the older male hated his incessant nicknames, but he took great pleasure in watching the variety of expressions Kurogane's displeasure manifested. Fai also knew that sometimes, on those off occasions, that the scowling man didn't protest his quirky endearments, choosing to instead grunt and maybe, just maybe, give the smallest smile.

It warmed his chilled heart.

Fai's body wobbled precariously as the larger male shifted underneath him, slowly rising up to a sitting position as Fai slipped down his toned chest and landed jarringly on his knees. Kurogane's arms loosened and withdrew, drifting down to his sides to brace his hands against the hard floor propping up his larger frame.

Fai missed his warmth immediately, feeling a fine tremor quake his body even thought the air was uncomfortably warm. He wanted to burrow back into his protective embrace, but made no protest now that it was gone. He knew he should just take it for what it was, the warrior making sure that all fighting members of their group remained in top form, as you never knew what they would be facing next as they travelled. But Fai held onto the feeling of contentment and warmth a little longer as he slipped to the ground between Kurogane's black clothed thighs and a quiet sigh escaped his lightly parted lips when he landed against the cool tiles.

"Stupid mage, your far to careless and clumsy." Fai kept his gaze to the floor, refusing to let his body wince at the blunt statement made in that rough voice that he loved to listen too.

He could feel a sudden warmth pressing against his bare arms as the taller male curled long calloused fingers around his pale upper arms and pulled him up to his feet. He couldn't restrain the quiet hiss as his weight was placed on his tender ankle and he knew he may have sprained the stupid thing doing something completely ridiculous. The warriors warm palms tightened their hold at his wince and he was carefully guided back to sit on the lip of the fountain, his weight shifting off of his injured foot.

He tried for light teasing again as the tanned man knelt down to study his damaged ankle, curling long dexterous fingers around it, probing the painful injury with expert fingers and trying to ascertain the extent of the damage. "Hmm… you're so mean Kuro-puu, you saw me twist my ankle, ne?" He winced as Kurogane prodded at the appendage a little harder than before, poking back at his use of another nickname. Kurogane just grunted his assent to the question and continued the examination.

"Owww…Kuro-wan-wan that hurt you know." Fai's voice gave nothing away but he could feel a fine tremble skate across his pale skin at the attention his body was receiving as the older male pressed firmly against his pale flesh and Fai knew he needed to make him let go. He could feel the nerve endings in his body sending delicious sparks across his skin, and stirring his blood to boiling. If he could do that with a touch then Kurogane was a dangerous man.

Although the touch was painful, the attentiveness and concern that Kurogane was exhibiting fed Fai's erratic emotional state and he couldn't allow it to continue. He was dangerously close to imploding under the weight of those gentle hands and they were only pressing against the skin of his foot, his body seemed to be completely attuned to Kurogane's ministrations.

It didn't help that the memory of being held so close to him, being able to touch that silky smooth skin, taking in the rich, earthy scent of the warrior and being held by his strong arms made him feel weak at the knees and if he hadn't been sat down he may well have melted to the floor. The intimate touches and proximity made Fai want things and he knew that he couldn't have them. He didn't deserve them.

It was bad enough when they had to stay together in the same room, but now Kurogane was laying delightfully warm hands against his very naked flesh and it sent both thrills of pleasure and fear racing through Fai's system. His heart was beating a staccato rhythm, fluttering inside his chest, as his stomach trembled with butterflies

"You should be more careful – you worry the children." His voice was raspy and deep and Fai wanted to sit in the dark and listen to him all night, feeling warmth spill over from his hands and that velvety soft rumble of his voice encompassing his body. But the sensation didn't last when he focused on what had been said echoing the statement, "Yes - the children." He felt crushed by the simple statement. But knew it was the truth, Kurogane didn't worry about him - he was a feckless mage after all.

He scowled down at the older male that hadn't released his foot, "Kuro-tan let go. It will be fine. It doesn't hurt enough to be sprained." Dark crimson orbs looked up from under sooty lashes, his eyebrow quirked upwards in question on his usually scowling features. Fai couldn't breathe, the look directed at him was so intense, it was as though Kurogane was trying to open the folds of his mind and discover all the darkest secrets that he had hidden behind his friendly mask.

He couldn't hold that gaze and looked away helplessly, his own gaze watching the large hands wrapped around his ankle slowly kneading and soothing the soreness away. He hadn't even realized the swordsman had been doing that, so distracted by the intensity of his presence and the longing that whispered in the recesses of his mind and body, begging for release.

"You should get some sleep mage, you're getting careless." His voice was little more than a growl as the warmth slipped away from Fai's injured foot and he knew that Kurogane had noticed the depth of his exhaustion. He withdrew his injured appendage away from the now lax hold and pressed it gingerly back to the tiled floor.

Fai listened to the soft rustle of cloth as the other man rose steadily to his feet. There was nothing dainty about Kurogane - he was a warrior through and through and Fai deeply needed his firm, unyielding presence. He was like the earth itself and he would never know how often he held Fai together by just being near, grounding him when he felt like he was being swept away.

But knowing the warrior was right was one thing, he would never admit it himself, "I'm fine thank you Kuro-puu. You should go to bed yourself." He turned his shadowed gaze from the now standing male and turned to look where the children's rooms were, hoping that Kurogane would leave him to his thoughts.

He felt strong fingers tuck under his chin, nudging gently at his face to turn it back to the looming figure now hunched over to look him in the face. Fai's breath caught and his eyes widened at the sudden closeness between them. It was so rare that the ninja touched him skin to skin and he felt a thrill of need coiling low in his stomach at the feeling. Their breath mingled together, lips only inches apart. He saw in his peripheral vision Kurogane's other hand come up and calloused fingertips stroked across his forehead shifting the loose strands of hair away from his eyes.

He may have imagined the way that Kurogane's fingertips rubbed at the fine filaments of his hair, or the soft circles he felt from Kurogane's thumb pressed to his cheek. He watched every small movement that the warrior made, his face intent on his own. He felt warmth flood his cheeks again as Kurogane moved closer his lips brushing across his cheek and whispering across to his ear, sending shivers down his spine as he whispered into his ear. "Get some sleep mage." And then he was gone.

The mage watched him walk sedately up the stairs, muscles rippling under tan skin and he resisted the urge to get up and touch that soft skin again. Fai wanted to both wrap himself around the swordsman, never letting go and run as far away from him as he could. He felt exhaustion sliding over him in waves and turned his gaze back to the pond, his own fingertips ghosting across the skin of his jaw where Kurogane's warmth had seeped into his flesh.

He turned abruptly at the sound of Kurogane's parting words as he had paused on the stairs without turning, his voice drifted back to him, "Nightmares can't hurt you mage, not if you don't let them. Maybe you need to find something to scare them away - Fai." Fai couldn't help the shiver that went through him, he knew about the nightmares – how much else did he know and when had that voice speaking his name felt like a physical caress. He felt like melting at the warmth of his words.

The older man didn't stop again, finishing his journey up the stairs most likely to check on the children before returning to his own bed. It proved to Fai that though he protested any attachment to them it was obvious he at least liked the children and that in itself brought a warmth to his heart that was very rare indeed.

Fai sat on the fountains rim contemplating the possibility that Kurogane knew more than he was letting on. Had he spoken out in his dreams? But he couldn't bring himself to believe that, he had remained tight-lipped about his past for good reason and though he would have loved to share something with them all, he knew that he must carry this burden alone. He had let nothing slip, except his fear upon waking in a bed soaked with sweat and tears. Fear rippled across his body, chilling him to the bone and he couldn't stop from raising his hands to wrap around his torso in some semblance of comfort.

He wanted that deep, impenetrable cold to disappear and in just a split seconds decision he decided what he needed to do. It was Kurogane's suggestion after all, to fight off the dreams. It meant that he would have to put himself in someone else's care and it could all go so horribly wrong but he needed to try - for them.

He wasn't strong enough to do this by himself. If anything went wrong he could always hide behind his mask again and if he wasn't welcome so be it he would continue on as best possible. But he had some hope, garnered from the intense gaze and soft touches of the warrior. The fact that he had noticed and had appeared concerned was enough.

He needed that comfort and companionship so desperately he could feel his body trembling with need – the one man in the world he would have wanted to tell his secrets to. The one he had denied since the beginning – seeing him for the first time had been a shock to his senses, quickly hidden behind his mask. He was stunning, strong and surprisingly sensual.

Fai just hoped Kurogane wouldn't mind the company; he just felt so unbelievably tired.

Kurogane POV:

Kurogane returned to his room after checking on the two youngsters, knowing the mage wouldn't leave his silent vigil at the fountain. Once he was hidden behind the solid wood of the door to his temporary abode, he let his hands trail across the tingling skin where Fai had pressed his bare hands against his chest. It felt oddly warm and over sensitive to his calloused fingertips.

The warrior couldn't recall a time when he had touched the mage so much or so intimately, having their bodies pressed together so closely, legs entwined, he had only just managed to keep his instinctive responses in check. He had wanted to keep the mage as close to him as possible, imprisoned within the cage his arms had made around the fragile man.

He couldn't deny his feelings or the deep concern he felt for the obvious distress the other man was hiding. But he had no idea how to broach the subject with someone who made every effort to hide everything about themselves from everyone else.

He hated that empty smile.

Kurogane's fingers stroked across tanned skin, brushing softly against the sensitive flesh, the younger mans pale skin had been so soft and smooth like satin and, most likely, he'd never feel it again. He ran unsettled hands through sweat dampened ebony strands and turned back to the large bed and wished fervently that he wasn't the only person occupying it. He could imagine the slender mage sprawled across the fine linen, like a contented kitten, he was beautiful.

Kurogane shook the thoughts away, not wanting to stir his body any further with the delicious mental images of things he knew he could never have. Turning his mind elsewhere he thought about the children. He had checked on them both and they had been happily unconscious, the silly manjuu curled up with the Princess, all fast asleep and unaware of the turmoil bubbling through the two adults.

He shook his head again trying to dislodge all the thoughts whirling around in his head as he strode to the only other piece of furniture in the room, a heavy oak cupboard. The tanned man yanked the doors open and rummaged around, finding what he had been searching for with a triumphant hmph.

He pulled the fresh creamy cotton from the bottom of the hulking furniture and strode purposefully to the bed, stripping off the sodden sheets and throwing them into the corner. Why they had such large and unwieldy furniture in this place he didn't know it made the room feel small - enclosed. It was unpleasant at best he preferred more open rooms and much softer, practical designs like those from his own world.

He remade the bed with practiced efficiency, leaving the top sheet loose to allow air to get underneath in the hopes it would keep him cooler. Kurogane refused to think about his next movements as he stripped the last piece of clothing from his body, the damp trousers sticking on the way down his long legs before being tugged off and deposited with the unwanted sheets. He reveled in the much cooler air stroking across hot, damp skin it felt surprisingly good to be completely unconfined not feeling the embarrassment he thought he would; there was no one to gainsay his decision.

He stood there for a few minutes taking in the cool air before slipping underneath the crisp sheets once again, scenting something spicy from the fresh linen that wasn't unpleasant. He was determined to try to get some sleep, even though his head was now buzzing with detailed images of moonlight reflected on pale skin, eyes shadowed by the past, and the whisper of surprise in the mages lilting voice when he had realized just who had caught him.

Kurogane hadn't even felt himself move, though he knew he had done it in desperation. He had vaulted over the railing his feet hitting the ground and then he was there underneath the mage, his back hitting the tiles underneath him cushioning that alabaster skin from the impact.

He would always protect the silly mage even when he didn't want it, the smallest smile quirked his lip at the remembered the feeling of skin on skin contact they had shared, the way he had massaged the delicate flesh of his slender ankle till the pain ebbed away.

Kurogane must have slept for a time, he awoke in pure darkness, the candle long since snuffed out, his body was facing away from the door, broad back open and exposed. Kurogane knew something had disturbed him but couldn't pinpoint what it was, the room itself remained perfectly silent.

Then he heard the quietest movement from the direction of the door way, but he remained motionless, feigning sleep. The warrior wished to ascertain two things, whether the invasion of his room was for malicious reasons and how they managed to get through the door without his notice.

He strained to hear the quiet whisper of feet across the ceramic floor tiles; it would appear that the intruder was in stocking feet, otherwise any shoes they could have worn would have made a noise against the hard floor. They came steadily closer, no other sound could be heard but for his own even breaths, he kept his eyes closed so that if the trespasser decided to lean over him they would think he was still asleep.

What surprised him though was the sudden, yet subtle, movement of the sheet behind him, a rush of air that threatened to make him shiver as it touched his sweaty skin. He felt the smallest dip in the mattress as weight was applied to the soft surface alongside the rustling of the sheets against another material, a quiet exhalation behind him and the quietest whisper, "Goodnight Kurogane."

Kurogane's eyes flashed open; obviously the other man thought he was dead to the world, though he should have known better. His lips crooked in an odd little smile as he faced into the pillow, both questions having been answered easily. The trespasser would never harm him unless it was for his own welfare and it was him, he always managed to mysteriously appear without a sound, much like the cat he had named himself for in one of the other worlds they had journeyed too.

He lowered heavy lids once again, he didn't question the others presence but the warrior found it oddly soothing and could feel a softness stealing through his body starting at his heart and whispering through his tired form as he became increasingly lethargic. Kurogane gave his own almost silent whisper, "Good night little mage." And then he was lost to sleep.