A/N: Hi I'm writing a new story ^^ To those who have read my other stories don't worry I'll still be writing those I'm just writing another one as well ^^ Well I hope you like it! Please Read and Review!

Anime: Naruto

Couple: SasuSaku and maybe some others. I don't know yet.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto I only own the idea.

Summary: He was broken. She was shattered. 3 years later. "I'm engaged."

Shattered Emotions


A small, fragile looking, pink haired kunoichi stood alone at night. The huge Konoha gates towering over her and making her look even smaller. She was trembling. Her packed bags on the ground beside her.

'It's time to go.' She told herself but she just couldn't move.

"You're annoying… and weak."

"Stay out of my way."

"You'll only get in my way."

The fragile little girl heard his voice in her head and she cringed and looked down trembling so hard she looked like she would crumble.

"I will become strong," she whispered to herself. "I'll become someone you can respect."

Her big green eyes began to fill up with tears. She held them back though. She was strong for such a small girl.

She grabbed her bags and turned to leave when,


She froze. She began to tremble even more at the sound of his voice. The tears she tried so hard to hold back now cascaded down her pale, shocked face.

"What are you doing here?"


"It's late you should go home."

More tears.


Her heart hurt. 'He said my name.' She grasped her chest.

But she composed herself and turned around.

"Ohayo Sasuke-kun," she said with a smile. Sasuke frowned. He looked at the bags at her feet and the pain on her face that she was trying to conceal.

He felt cold. Sakura was leaving. His Sakura was leaving Konoha, leaving him. He knew what she was planning. It hurt. He never expected to feel like this, but he the Uchiha Sasuke would never show it.

"Go home Sakura." He turned to leave. She didn't follow. He knew she wouldn't. He stopped, staring blankly ahead.

"Gomen Sasuke-kun but I have somewhere I have to go."

"Liar," he said in a cold hardened voice. He couldn't show any emotion, after all he is still the Uchiha Sasuke. The cold one. The human ice cube. The one with a black hole for a heart. But then what was this pain he felt in his chest? He didn't like it.

"You're so weak. You'll end up getting yourself killed," Sasuke stated emotionlessly.

Sakura smiled, desperately trying to hold back her tears. "Don't worry about me Sasuke-kun, I'll be fine." She smiled at him.

'Sasuke-kun.' Her voice played in his mind. Hearing her say his name. It hurt. And that made him angry.

"Anyways, It's late Sasuke-kun, go home and sleep." She turned to leave.

Sasuke watched her retreating form and he was angry. How dare she. How DARE she. She told me she loved me but now she is leaving me.

She lied to me.


She deceived me.


I hate you.

"Liar", he whispered. But his body began to move on its own.

Sakura stopped suddenly as arms wrapped around her body. The tears she had tried so hard to hold back came freely now.

"Let go Sasuke-kun," she replied in a voice as cold and strong as she could muster.

"No," he stated angrily. How could you lie to me like that? I thought you loved me.

His grip tightened.

"Sasuke", She demanded coldly masking her emotions. Ouch. She dropped the suffix.

"I hate you," Sakura stated which caused Sasuke to drop his arms, shocked.

It began to rain, which Sakura was glad for because it masked her tears. 'I have to be strong.' She told her self determinedly. 'Sasuke-kun would be happier with me gone.'

"I can't stand being around you for another second", she continued coldly. Sasuke didn't speak, didn't move, He wasn't even sure he was breathing.

"I hate you so much! And I have to leave to get away from you. You are making my life suck!" She stated as coldly as she possibly could but inside she was breaking.

Sasuke remained silent. Looking nowhere particular with a blank, dead look on his face.

"Now if you have any ounce of kindness in your terrible existence, just do me a favor and disappear from my life!" She was screaming now. All her emotions welled up inside. She was about to break. Hears flowing down her face like waterfalls, mingled with the rain.

Sasuke didn't budge.

"Goodbye", she stated emotionlessly and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Sasuke was frozen .He was completely numb. He felt something breaking.


'I thought you loved me.'


'I thought you where the only one who cared.'


"Sasuke-kun, I love you more than anything!"

"Sasuke-kun. I'll do anything for you"




Crack, Crack.

"I hate you!"

The ice around Sasuke's cold heard shattered. He was broken. He cried. For the first time in his life, he cried. The Uchiha Sasuke was broken. Not by kunai, or by any Jutsu, but by the one person in his miserable life that mattered. He fell to the ground, lost in his broken heart and the rain.

Done XD I hope you liked it! This is just the introduction so the other chapters will be longer. Well I hope you like it. Please Review and let me know what you think. Thank you ^^