Disclaimer: Transformers © Hasbro/Takara. A shame…

A/N: Something about Megatron and starscream's sparklings. WARNING: sparkling cuteness ahead! Fluffy and cute as death! But it'll turn sad at the end… :-(


Chapter 1: first day out

"Soundwave, is Laserbeak back yet?"

The communication Officer turned in his seat to face his leader, his expression neutral and undecipherable as usual. The Command Bridge was quiet and almost deserted, for it was very late in the evening. Megatron was the only other one present here beside the emotionless mech, and he had just rise up from his throne to get down the platform it was held on and get behind his TIC. Soundwave tilted his head slightly before answering his leader's question.

"Affirmative. Laserbeak returned one Earth hour ago."

"Had she found a good location?"

Turning back to his screen, Soundwave activated it and played the recordings that the mechanical vulture had taken earlier this day. It showed many locations situated at different point on Earth, all of them deserted, wide and truly beautiful to the optics. Megatron looks at the recording intensely, until he saw what he was looking for.

"Stop! Get back to the previous recording, Soundwave."

"Yes, Megatron." Replied the navy blue mech as he did so.

He froze the image on the screen. It was showing a beautiful field made of colourful rock formations and patches of wild flowers and cactus of different sorts. In the background, High cliffs could be seen, looking old and stratified whit a variety of different colors, from ochre, to yellow and many shades of brown and red. Studying the area for a while, Megatron decided that this place was perfect for the purpose he had in mind. Enclose but vast, surrounded by high cliffs and deep precipices, it was easily defendable and would make the perfect spot for tomorrow's plan.

"Perfect… Where is the area situated, Soundwave?"

"Location: Sierra Nevada national Park, USA. Comment : lcoation is easily deendable and difficult to reach for any ground vehicle. Chances for Autobots to access it nearly inexistent."

"Excellent, Soundwave!" Megatron spoke through his communicator, reaching his bondmate. "Starscream, I have located the perfect spot for tomorrow's plan. I want you to see it. Can you come in?"

"I kinda have my hands full, right now, My Lord. Can't it wait?" Starscream replied whit what seems to be a deeply tired voice. Wailings and cries in triplicate could be heard in the background. Megatron grinned at that, amused. The little ones were restless once again…

"In that case, I'll send it the quarter's computer. Look at it and tell me what you think." Chuckled the Decepticon's leader as he sent the footage to his personnal quarter's computer.

"Very well. Send it, but I can't look just yet. I'll tell you what I think of it once you came back… If I have time to look at it!" Came the resigned answer after a couple of astroseconds.

In the background, the wailings had got even louder, and Megatron cringes a little at that. It'll be a looooong night… Soundwave, from his seat, was having a hard time keeping his emotionless facade, and seems about to let out one of his rare cold laugh at the display. Of all the Decepticons, not so surprisingly, the dark bleu mech was probably the one who had the deeper foundness for Megatron's and Starscream's little sparklings. After all, he had raised all by himself six sparklings… So He knew very well what the new parents were going through.

Megatron closed the line whit a deep sigh and pinched the bridge of his noseplates in a human gesture displaying tiredness and annoyance.

"Question: the little ones are restless again, are they?" Asked Soundwave with a hint of sympathy in his deep voice. "Recommendation: Go help Starscream before he blow a fuse…"

Megatron raised a eyebrow and had a half-smile when he heard the Communications Officer actually joking. He was trying to relax the tension he could sense and "heard" from his leader's mind, and Megatron, in a way, was grateful for that. He put a hand on his Lieutenant shoulder in a friendly gesture before speaking again.

"Thank, you, Soundwave, I'll do that. I really hope than the sparklings weren't so moody, those days… I didn't have a good night of recharge in more than a week, neither did Starscream…"

"It's a stage. It'll pass quickly. Suggestion: Take it easy and let someone else take care of the seekerlets tonight. You need rest, and so is Starscream."

"You're talkative tonight, Soundwave." Laughed Megatron as he gets to the door slowly. "I'll think about it, but thanks anyway."

And then he left the room and returned to the quarters he shares whit Starscream and their seekerlet trine. Fortunately, by the time he gets here, Starscream had managed to quiet down the little ones and they were snugly nested in their crib, cooing and chirping softly. But Starscream himself was sprawled in the couch, looking exhausted and about to fall in recharge any moment. Megatron sat beside him and snaked an arm around the Seeker waist to tickle his ticklish side. Squirming and laughing, Starscream pushed him feebly but gave up soon, too tired to fight.

"Have you checked the footage I sent you?"

"Not yet… I just managed to calm them down. Silverstream has some belly ache again, and as soon as he starts wailing, his brother's soon follow. Wailing in triplicate must be the worst torture I ever had to endure, Megatron. You may consider using it to interrogate Autobot prisoners…" Joked Starscream whit a little smile.

"Hum… Soundwave says that's it's only a stage, and that it'll pass soon, but it's going to drive me nuts sooner than that. But he must know what he's saying..." Megatron pulled his uncooperative bondmate out of the couch and pull him to the desk to see the location he had chosen to be the sparkling's first outside experience area. Starscream examined it for a while before nodding approvingly.

"Looks good to me… Where is it? It's very astoundingly beautiful. This planet does have some good sides…"

"A place called Sierra Nevada National Park, according to Soundwave. It's nearly impossible to reach by the ground and securely enclosed I high cliffs and deep precipices, but it's also wide and open. And you're right, it's very beautiful. For an organic planet, Earth does have some quite interesting areas. Like that one, where Mankind had never set a foot."

Starscream sneered at the mention of the humans. He loathed the fleshy creature deeply, and not only because they were weak, stupid and useless, but also because they were actually destroying the fragile ecosystem of their planet on purpose. Such a cosmic waste made him want to eradicate them even more.

"Idiotic creatures… They didn't even see what they are doing to their own planet! Whipping those from the face of the universe will be very great… I can't wait for that day to come!" Bellowed the red and white jet with fiery determination.

"I second that. It'll be a service to grant the universe indeed. I really don't get Optimus' and his Autobot's foundness on such disgusting weaklings whom are willing to waste their own planet as long as their little comfort is preserved. Fools…"

The discussion continues on the vein for some times before the two bondmate goes to recharge. The following day promised to be most eventful.


The following day, a small group of Decepticons left the nemesis to go to the area chosen by Megatron for the Sparklings first day out of the Nemesis. Those who were coming along were Thundercracker and Skywarp for aerial surveillance, Rumble and Frenzy, along with Ravage for ground surveillance, and that was all. No need to attract the Autobot's attention. The trip took two hours because Starscream was flying low and slow to not arm Redstar, whom he was carrying with him in his cockpit. Thundercracker and Skywarp had taken Darkwind and Silverstream, after some very strict orders and instruction from Starscream as how to fly when with them inside.

Fortunatly, the trip was smoot and quiet, and they got here with no problems at all. Upon landing and transforming, catching little Redstar in his arms, Starscream saw his two trine-mates do the same, and then handing him or Megatron their little charge. The sparklings looks awed and happy, experiencing flying for the first time ever. Being Seekerlets, they weren't afraid of the highs and were thrilled by all those new sensations. Now 6 Earth months old, the little ones had grown considerably, even if they were still tiny in Cybertronian standards. They were between 6 and 8 feet tall and crawling all over the place as soon as they were placed on the ground under their creator's watchful optics.

"That palce is even more stunning up close." Commented Starscream as he put Redstar on the ground.

Clicking and chirping happily, the little red and bleu seeker crawled toward a patch of wild flowers and grabbed a handful of those, giggling as he shredded it to bits. But he jumped with a yelp when a deer jumped out of the high organic plants and sent him on his tiny aft. Intrigued, the sparkling tilted his head in the organic creature direction, and lifts a hand to reach it. Slowly, the small earth creature got closer and sniffed the tip of his digits carefully, unsure if he was a threat or not. In complete awe, Redstar let the tiny deer sniff and lick his digits with a giggle, and then, he wooped and patted the beast on the head a little too roughly, making it topple over. With a start, the deer get up and ran away in fright of the strange metallic creature that had invaded his territory. Giggling still, the little mech tried to run after the creature, only to land on his aft again. Frustrated, he crossed his tiny arms on his tiny cockpit and pouted.

Farther, Silverstream was experiencing some very interesting bondage with a large puddle of mud and water. He had approached the thing carefully, only sniffing and clicking at it at first, and then touching the surface very carefully, but he slipped and ended hitting the watery mud with his full hand and arm. He made a surprised chirping sound and felt tick, cold and wet thing covering his face and chest, rolling into his joint and his mouth and noseplates. Angry at the thing that had "attacked" him, he hit it again and again whit a stream of angered clicks and chirps, ending into the puddle, covered from head to toe in mud and water. And giggling like mad. Seeing that, Megatron couldn't help it but laugh, and thought than the cleaning would take a long time after that. He icked up the dirty sparkling carefully and tried to wipe away most of the thick mud covering him.

"Ha, look at you… All dirty…"

Giggles and cliks.

"Yes, you are a dirty sparkling, Silverstream! I would have to punish you for being so dirty, didn't I?" Asked the Decepticon leader playfully, tickling the little silver belly.

Squirming and giggling harder, Silverstream almost fell off his father hand. Finally he curled up in a ball to avoid more punishment as tears were rolling down his cheeks for giggling too hard.

Skywarp had taken Darkwind with him and was actually showing him how to pull a prank on his "mommy". Starscream, blissfully unaware of the incoming doom, was looking at the unusual and endearing sight of Megatron tickling and playing with one of the triplets.

"Look carefully, Darkwind. Look and learn, little one…" Said the teleporter in an exaggerated professorial tune, taking a handful of mud on his hands.

Quickly, he teleported right behind Starscream and let the sticky, wet blob of mud land on the head of his Commander, before quickly teleporting away. Giggling like mad, he snatched Darkwind in his hand and ran away, a heated and fuming Starscream on his heels. The sparkling was chirping and clicking happily as he was teleported here and there as Skywarp tried to escape the Air Commander wrath.

"SKYWARP, GET BACK HERE YOU MORON!" Yelled Starscream as he chassed the giggling Seeker.

In a word, it was a perfect day.


Night was about to fall, and Starscream had laid the sparklings on a clean and soft patch of grass when they had fallen into recharge after so much emotions. They looked so cute and innocent in recharge… Silverstream was curled up in a ball, his knees lift up to his stomach and his hands under his head. Redstar was on his back, limbs sprawled wide and mouth slightly open, as Darkwind was resting on his side partly on top of his brother, an arm pressed on his cockpit and a leg over one of his.

Or at least, it was how the Air Commander had let them not even 5 breems ago. Now it was time to go and he got to collect the sparklings back with TC and 'Warp. As he approached the spot where he had left the recharging sparklings, he felt a pang of anxiousness hit him.

Something wasn't right.

He felt eh Sparklings fear and surprise through the bond all of the sudden and run, now a little panicked. Megatron was coming right behind him, having felt it too. Soon, they had reached the spot but…

There was no sparkling there anymore. Frenetically, Starscream looked around, throwing things away in the desperate hope to find his babies, but it was no use. After more theen an hour of search, the anxious and frightened parents had to accept the evidence.

The triplets had disappeared…


Ho no! What happened!?! Where are they?! Who had taken them!? You'll see soon enough! R&R please…