Changes: Deadly Mistake
Disclaimer: Tenchi Muyo is copyrighted © 1992-2001 AIC * Pioneer LDC. All images, characters, locations, and anything that is directly derived from Tenchi Muyo is theirs. All rights reserved.
Changes: Deadly Mistake
Tenchi awoke to the usual face hovering over him. However, he'd gotten used to it. "Good-morning Tenchi," Ryoko said sweetly. "Good Morning. Ryoko, what is this obession of yours? Why do you watch me sleep. I'm not exactly the most exciting person from eleven to seven," Tenchi replied.
"I don't know, I just do. It sort of calms me down."
"Don't you ever sleep?"
"That's just it. I don't have to sleep. I don't even have to eat. I just like to do both of them sometimes."
"I see. Well, can you give me a minute to get dressed? I'll be downstairs in a minute."
"Fine, I guess today's not the day is it Tenchi?"
"What day?"
"The day when you'll confess your undying love for me in front of the whole house and tell Ayeka to get her prissy butt back to Jurai."
*chuckles* "Nope not today."
Ryoko phased throught the floor and Tenchi started changing. He had become much more
relaxed around all of the girls in the house. He no longer shyed away from casual conversation, but Ayeka and Ryoko could still make him uncomfortable. He had learned to deal with it. However it was the fighting that was really beginning to worry him. Lately, Ayeka and Ryoko's fights had slowly become more and more intense. They were lasting longer and the attacks were becoming more powerful. Tenchi pushed those thoughts out of his head as he found a fresh shirt. Maybe today, they wouldn't fight. (yeah right)
Tenchi could smell the rich aroma of Sasami's cooking as soon as he opened his door. No matter how hard he tried, he could never convince her to take a break from cooking for an entire house. She would have none of it. She would simply smile and say that any help would be appreciated. Tenchi just accepted this as he did everything else. Mishoshi and Kiyone were nowhere in sight. They had moved in with Tenchi ever since he had convinced them to stay. They were falling behind with their police duties because of their part time jobs. It just seemed to make better sense that the stay with everyone else. They had convinced their
superiors to pull some strings with the Earth banking systems. They would now be paid half in Japanese currency and the other half in Jurai money. That way the could help with the bills around the house. Tenchi guessed that they must have been out jogging. Kiyone had been fussing at Mihoshi about being a couch potato all the time.
Well, everything seemed peaceful enough. Washu was helping Sasami, Ayeka was still in her room and Ryoko was nowhere in sight. It wouldn't stay that way for long. As soon as Tenchi's foot touched the floor, Ryoko phased behind him and hugged him around the waist. "Took you long enough," she cooed in his ear. No sooner than that, Tenchi heard another familar voice from the top of the stairs. "Take your hands off of Lord Tenchi monster!", screamed Ayeka.
//Not now, I should still have another hour before all this crap is supposed
start up.// Tenchi thought.
"Why should I? This is what couples do. Or didn't you get to read that part of your lessons yet Ms. Prissy Princess?"
"Lord Tenchi and YOU are not a couple. Monsters and Royals do not mix."
*That one hurt.*
"So, you're looking for an early ass-kicking eh, princess?"
"Like YOU could do anything against ME."
"Shall we step outside then, princess?"
"I guess I could use a little exercise. Defeating a monster like you is hardly worth the
effort, though."
Tenchi sighed, at least they went outside this time. He figured that he'd better follow in case things got out of hand. As he walked to the door, he saw his father and Washu at the window. They were talking and then
shook hands. "What are you two doing?" Tenchi asked. Washu looke up and answered, "Oh hi Tenchi. Just a friendly wager. My money's on Ryoko like always." "You two are impossible. Shouldn't we be trying to stop them?" Tenchi replied. Noboyuki just looked up at his son, "What's the point? We never can. So, we figured, why not have some fun with it. You want in?"
"I think I'll pass."
Tenchi's eyes picked up the battle immediately when he got outside. Ryoko was exchanging energy blasts with Ayeka. She kept teleporting, but Ayeka just stood there with her force field up. At first it looked like an ordinary Ayeka-Ryoko fight. Then, Tenchi noticed something. The look in their eyes, there was nothing but hatred in them. This fight was for real. Almost on cue, as Tenchi realized the serious nature of the fight, both girls transformed into their battle gear. Ryoko removed one
of the gems from her ear and placed it in her wrist. She floated to the ground across from Ayeka completely silent. Niether of them moved. Tenchi thought the fight might be over. Then he realized, it was a stand-off. The slightest movement from either of them would begin the battle again. That was it, this had to stop. He stepped off the porch and started calling out to them.
"Ok, that's enough. You both proved your point."
"I mean it. Ryoko, stop this."
"You too Ayeka. This is getting out of hand."
"Are you listening? Cut it out! Someone's going to get hurt."
With that, both girls broke the silence. "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Their
war-cries were blood-curdling. There were no energy blasts, no sabers and no force fields. As if by mutual understanding, they went hand to hand. The both of them punched and kicked with lightning speed and power. (Just think, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon) Ryoko blocked one of Ayeka's punches and laned a knee in the princess's mid-section. Ayeka didn't budge, she just winced and continued her attack eventually nailing Ryoko with an uppercut. Ryoko responded with a kick to Ayeka's side. Ayeka fell but was back on her feet in time to land a hard left to the side of Ryoko's head. Ryoko flipped backwards and hurled an energy blast at her adversary. Ayeka dodged and the blast flew into the forest. She was about to attack again when there was an explosion and screams.
Tenchi looked at the woods in horror. He remembered Kiyone and Mihoshi. The path they usually took on their jogs was in that direction. He lept off the porch and ran as fast as his legs could carry him. Ayeka, Ryoko and the others followed suit. Tenchi's fears were confirmed. Kiyone lay in the path unconcious and Mishiohi was balling her eyes out from the branches of an old Oak tree. Washu transported both of them to her lab. On his way back to the house, Tenchi shot a
menacing look at Ayeka and Ryoko. Both of them looked away in shame. They both felt a stab of pain in their hearts. Tenchi had never looked at either of them the way he just did.
Everyone waited nervously in the living room. Tenchi stood by the door to Washu's lab in silence, he couldn't even stand to look at Ayeka or Ryoko. The two of them just sat on the couch looking at the floor. Sasami sat by her sister trying to comfort her and Ryo-ohki nuzzled Ryoko's hand. Everyone looked up as the door to the lab opend. Washu stepped out and nodded. A huge sigh of relief came from everyone. Tenchi was the first to speak, "How are they Washu?" "Well, Kiyone has a slight concussion, an Mishoshi is just a bit shaken up. With some rest, they'll be fine by tomorrow.
I'll keep them in the lab for observation tonight," Washu replied. All eyes moved to Tenchi as he
strode across the room and stood in front of Aykea and Ryoko who were still donning their battle attire. He stood in silence for what seemed an eternity, before speaking.
"! Do you realize how close you both came to killing each other today. I've never seen either of you like that before. It scared the crap out of me!"
"But Lord Tenchi, she..."
"I'M NOT FINISHED! I didn't like it when you fought before, but I just took it. This time, you could have seriously hurt or even killed Mihoshi and Kiyone."
"Tenchi listen..."
"QUIET RYOKO! I draw the line when other people get hurt because of your actions. If I ever see either of you like that again. I'll end it. And I won't
hesitate to summon the Lighthawk wings if I have to. Now, when those two get out. BOTH of you are going to apologize to them. Then, as far I'm concerned, you're on probation. If anyone
else gets hurt because of your irresponsibility, both of you are out of here. I mean it, pack your bags. Do I make myself clear?"
"Y-Yes Lord Tenchi."
"Now, I'm going to bed. I don't want to see either of you until the morning."
As Tenchi went upstairs, Ayeka and Ryoko sat in silence. Without word, Ryoko teleported to somewhere unknown and Ayeka went upstairs with Sasami. It pained her to have to walk past Tenchi's door. She fought back tears as she closed her door and turned off the light.
It was about eleven 'o clock when there was a light knock at Tenchi's door. "Who is it?" Tenchi called out. "It's me Tenchi," Katsuhito's voice responded. Tenchi walked opened the door and asked his grandfather to come in.
"I heard about what happened Tenchi."
"I figured you would. There wasn't time to go and find you. I'm sorry."
"Don't be. You made the right choice. I just finished talking with your father."
"Oh? What did he say."
"He said that you were pretty hard on the both of them."
"They could have killed someone! You didn't see the look in their eyes. This fight was real. I just...."
"Hold on Tenchi. I'm not saying that they didn't deserve it. In fact, it might sink in coming from you. I just came by to make a suggestion."
"What's that grandfather?"
"Tomorrow, I think you should explain yourself to them in more detail. When you're not caught up in the heat of the moment. OK?
"You're right. I just hope Ryoko hasn't run off before I can talk to her."
"She'll be back, just don't expect her to be waiting over you in the morning."
"Yeah, I know. Thanks Grandpa."
"Hmmmhmm. Good-night Tenchi."
Tenchi could hardly sleep that night. Had he done the right thing? Of course he had. They were just lucky that nobody was hurt, this time. The fighting had to stop. He doubted that the girls could even come up with good reasons for their fighting anymore. Even a look in their direction could set them off. They had become very tightly wound. Tomorrow he would suggest that the three of them take a walk to ease their nerves. Tenchi closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. However, it was not a restful sleep. His dreams were filled with awful battles. Sometimes Ryoko won, sometimes Ayeka won. The one thing that remained the same was that horrible war-cry and one of them lying dead at his feet. Tenchi's pillow was soaked that night with silent tears.
Tenchi woke up with a start. Finally the dreams had stopped. Tenchi wiped the sweat from his face before lying back down. A shiver crawled down his spine as he remembered his dreams. Those awful blood-soaked dreams. As he laid there, he silently contemplated how he would approach everyone. He planned to have a serious talk with everyone after breakfast. No more shouting, no screaming, just talk. He wanted them to know that he still cared. He had just been pushed too far. Then he would hear what Kiyone and Mihoshi had to say. He was sure that they would be upset but not angry. Mihoshi had blown the both of them up lots of times. They might actually be used to the sensation.
Tenchi's thoughts were interrupted when he heard shouting in the hall outside of his room.
They wouldn't be...not after today. Tenchi sighed in disbelief. He could hear Ryoko and Ayeka but this time Washu and Sasami where involved too. He couldn't make out where they were in the hall, but it was all very clear.
"I already told you that I will speak with Lord Tenchi first. Just wait for a minute demon."
"Ayeka please, Tenchi said he did't want you fighting."
"Yeah princess, he probably doesn't want to see you turned into dog-meat.!"
"Ryoko, stop it now. Sasami's right. Calm down. For once, can't you listen to your..."
"What! MOTHER?! That's a laugh, since when did you ever qualify?"
"I've had enough of your insolence!"
"Fine, one more for the road princess?"
"Ayeka! No! Stop it right now! You're channeling enough power to kill her!"
"Ryoko! Stop! That's too much power!"
Tenchi had heard enough. The threw off his blanket and stormed to his door. He quickly put on a pair jeans but couldn't find a shirt. He could already feel the power in the air. This was major. He wouldn't throw them out, but they had to be brought to their senses. For safe measure, he picked up Tenchi-ken. AAAAAHHHHHH! It was that same war-cry. Tenchi threw the door open and stepped into the hall. Just as his feet were out of the door he could see light on either side of him. The force hit him head on. Tenchi's eyes
snapped open as a surge of pain overtook his entire body. It felt like he was being torn apart from the inside out. He wanted to double over in pain but he was being held upright, unable to move.
He was lifted from his feet and felt like he was floating. He clenched his fists and forced his eyes closed. With his face
looking towards the heavens, he let out a scream that could be heard all through the mountains. Then it was over. He was dropped back to his feet where he stood wearily in silence. He felt water flowing down his chest and back. He put his hand to his chest and then examined it. Blood, his hand was covered in it. Tenchi looked down to see the puddle he was standing in slowly growing. His eyes finally began to focus. He saw Ayeka with her hand to her mouth, eyes wide and visibly shaking. Then he looked back. Ryoko was standing perfectly still with her hand outstreached and the same look of horror on her face. Sasami was crying in her
sister's robe and Washu was typing furiously on her keyboard. She was saying something but he couldn't make it out. It sounded like she was whispering even though her features suggested that she was shouting. A weak smile came to Tenchi's face. He opened his mouth and said:
"D-don't worry. I-I'm *gulp* I'm o-okaayyyyyyyyyyy..........."
Tenchi collapsed in the hall. He could feel hands on him. He could hear voices. Everything went out of focus, then it went black.
To be continued..................
What did you think? Drop me a line at [email protected] or [email protected]. I need some feedback. Maybe even some suggestions on where I should go with this one. Does Tenchi live? Do the girls stay? How will things change in the Masaki household.