SIDE NOTE: I do not own any of the people, I just borrow, otherwise I would be JK Rowling, of which I am not... Thank You

Chapter 1

My name is Ginny

Ginny's scream should've been heard in even the dungeons as she tore through the empty hall at nearly 1 in the morning, her mouth open trying as she might to break through the damn silencing charm that either Ron of Seamus had placed on her. The stairs were getting closer and closer, but she could still hear their footfalls gaining on her, thanks to her Quidditch stamina she was still on her feet, and thanks to her fear she had yet to stop running.

"Gin!" She could hear Ron's anger in the single word. "Gin, you know we'll catch you eventually!" Seamus's laugh was unmistakable, as they grew louder, suddenly Ginny's legs felt as though they were turning to jelly as she fell soundly to the floor.

Shit I didn't know they were that close. Ginny's mind reeled as she tried to pull herself further along the corridor with her arms. Please, please, please just let me get away from them… Silent tears escaped from her eyes as she felt a large boot press her back down until she heard the sound crack of her ribs reverberate around her. The excruciating pain was nothing compared to what she knew would come next. As the boot left her back she almost sighed, until another came down on her arm, and the sound snap that seemed to shake her body made her mouth open in yet another silent scream.

"Flip her over, I want her to have to look at me while we do this to her." Ron's voice was like a vicious echo through her already thrumming brain. The acidity of his words sliced through her like blades. "You bitch, you should've just stayed where we had you, it would've been much more comfortable for you." A laugh rang through the abandoned hall.

"Well as comfortable as you can be…" Seamus had turned a wicked smirk towards Ginny when she flinched away from his voice. His normally sexy accent now seemed nothing but pure torture. "…when you're being punished." The wince on Ginny's face turned into another slow building scream as Seamus pushed down on her broken chest, his fingers quickly wandering towards her breasts that were still covered only by her torn white shirt that was splattered lightly by blood. "You really shouldn't have run, now it'll be even worse."

10 minutes earlier

Ginny was walking down a random corridor, contemplating what she had just done. It wasn't often that she denied Seamus what he asked for; his voice was just so enthralling. It's not her fault that she wasn't ready to shag him. She really wanted to, but she just couldn't do it, not in her right mind, especially not after what he had said to her. Trying to guilt her into bedding him, it just wasn't right.

Ginny's slow pace and her thoughts distracted her from the hushed whispers coming from the classroom to her left. Though at this late hour no one should've been out anyway. It was in the middle of her last thought that an arm shot out and grabbed her, pulling her into the deserted room.

A large hand closed over her mouth as another reached expertly into her robe and snatched her wand out of its holster. Once her wand was gone she was defenseless as she was thrown on a conjured bed in the far corner of the room. It was then that Ginny caught a glimpse at who had grabbed her; the red hair wasn't something you could miss easily, especially when you were used to seeing it everyday in the mirror. "Ron thank god, you scared me to death!" As the words left her mouth she knew that Ron wasn't there to save her, the look he gave her was pure evil.

"Oi, now there is a new one!" The laugh that erupted from the other counterpart gave him away. Seamus was the dark shadow that loomed next to her brother.

"Ron what's going on? Why am I here?" She noticed as the two heads merged together to discuss something that she couldn't hear.

"Well Gin, you see, you did something very, very bad, and you need to pay for your mistake." Ginny's voice contorted into a confused mess. "Oh, you must know what you did." A slight shake of her head made Ron's seemingly innocent expression turn into one of joy. "Good I get to tell you." He leaned in closer, sitting on the edge of the bed. "You see you got Seamus here all riled up, and you got me all riled up watching the two of you, then you just up and left. Now you have to pay the price. It's really that simple Gin."

"Ron, I still don't…wait what do you mean watching us?"

"Oh Gin, are you really that naïve?" His wicked grin spread quickly across his normally sedate features. "I've always wanted to see what you can do, that is after what Harry has told me. I just couldn't imagine my sister as an amazing lay, though I do think I may be convinced to change my mind." Ron's hand leached out from where it rest, and gently traced down her cheek as she flinched away from him. It wasn't until then that she truly looked into his eyes, where she saw the unmistakable look of pure lust. "Screw it, there's no way in hell I'm just going to watch!" His hand gripped the back of her neck, and pulled her tight against his chest, cutting off her supply of oxygen. That was when she started screaming, though the scream didn't last long as she soon could feel herself scream, but no longer heard it.

Ron pushed her back further onto the bed, and attempted to remove her shirt as Seamus started to pull at her stockings. It wasn't until Seamus had removed both her stockings and reached for her panties that she understood just how far they were planning to go. Her own BROTHER of Merlin's sake was about to rape her. It was with that thought that Ginny's foot finally found purchase on Seamus's head, and her hands found the front of Ron's robes. With one firm shove he fell back and tripped over Seamus's legs that were scrambling trying to safe himself from slumping to the ground. As Ron fell back his arm stayed clenched on Ginny's shirt ripping it firmly down the front, as Ginny's fingers clenched around his Gryffindor emblem, ripping it from his robes.

The stone floor was cold as she started to run…


Ginny's brain shut off, in order to save itself from the screaming pain that was running through her veins. Her entire body seemed to be bound, and the only thing that saved her sanity was the piece of fabric still clenched in her sweaty palm. Ron's toned body found it's way atop her, and he started to kiss his way down her body, his clammy palms grasping roughly at her breasts. His mouth started sucking on her throat, while Seamus began to remove her simple white underwear. "Tisk tisk Ginny, you wont be able to wear white again after tonight." His bellowing laughter echoed through the corridor. Ron moved his mouth down to her breast, and bit down hard on her chest until she could feel her skin break. He continued to mark her up to her collarbone, until he crushed her mouth with his, causing her lips to bleed as well.

Seamus's fingers had found their way up her thigh, and were currently plunging into her virginity with harsh vigor, causing more tears to well quietly in her eyes. It wasn't until she felt Ron's fumbling that she really got worried. Ron's fingers found purchase on his zipper, and his hardness was freed. Ginny felt him position himself over her core; it was just a whisper of a touch on her dry folds before he plunged. She felt as though her entire being was being ripped in two, and the horrid friction that was caused with each awkward movement made her scream silently, it felt as though he was taking a needle to her.

"Ron! Get up mate we've got to get out of here before we get caught." Seamus's voice was nothing but a harsh whisper, but it got Ron's attention right away, and he quickly stood. It was then that she heard faint footsteps on the hard floor. Just as Ginny thought she was saved she saw a dark shadow loom over her once more.

"We'll see you later Gin Bug" Ron's voice was followed by a forceful kick to her head. She fought hard to stay conscious, afraid of what would happen if she didn't. Just as her eyes were about to drift closed she felt a boot catch her side, and she was deadly afraid that they were back for more. Her fears were quickly resolved however when a hard body fell across her, coming swiftly to the floor. Her eyes searched for any sign of hope, and were met with silver orbs that ran through a whole slew of emotions at once, starting with anger, and moving quickly to worry as he spotted the condition she was in. As quickly as she had seen his eyes change he was on his knees lifting her into his arms before standing.

"It'll be okay Weasley, I'll get you to Madam Pomfrey." Her eyes locked with his again at the sound of sympathy in his voice, before they slowly started drifting closed again. "Weasley don't close your eyes!" Draco cooed as he jostled Ginny just a bit. "GINNY!" He finally yelled. Ginny forced her eyes open a fraction, just enough to gaze once again into the molten mercury. "Who did this to you?" Her brain took a few seconds to comprehend what he had just said to her, and another few in order to form words, thankful that the charm that had silenced her had finally ran out.

"It w-w-was…" It took all her energy to expel those useless syllables from her dry scratched throat, and with one last struggled breath her body went limp. Draco pulled her closer to his chest just as he kicked open the doors to the infirmary with more force than necessary.

AUTHOR NOTE: Please write something for review... I want to feel loved... :(