Disclaimer: Hasbro owns the Beast Wars. I'm not Hasbro.

A/N: I have the strange feeling this thing has been brewing for years at the back of the minds of numerous BW fans. There have been some fics out there with vaguely slashy hints but nothing more. It seems that the Providence finally decided I should be the one to write the full-fledged RP/DC love story.

What eventually got the ball rolling was me recently rereading a comment by Lady Dementia in one of her fics (which if you haven't read you should not be calling yourself a BW fan!) about how easy it would be to turn the fic into a romance between those two.

Well, this comment kind of stayed with me. Would it really be easy? I mean, really, they're mortal enemies and with a good reason! It's not like their ancestors started a fight some 100 years ago and they were just caught in-between which is what you usually get in novels. The idea was bugging me so, with LD busy with much more important things like Life for example, I had no choice but to try and write it myself.

So here's chapter one and I hope you enjoy.

It was the most logical thing. He had no idea why he hadn't thought of it earlier. It was so slaggin' obvious! Was that the reason he hadn't been able to recapture Protoform X? Because he had become so blinded by hate that he was too stupid to do something cleverer than have pointless fights with an enemy that was just too strong?

But that was the end of it. Today. Now.

Not that it had been easy.

He was a mess. One of his legs was pretty badly injured and a large piece of his chest plate was missing, revealing his spark. He kept his left hand there to protect it from harm but he would need a CR chamber and quick. At least his flight mode was still working so he would be able to return to base.

But not before he was done here.

Because, in the end, all of the injuries had been worth it!

A small cage was held firmly in his right hand with the shimmering core of a spark inside it. X's spark!

He had stumbled upon X and Megatron while he was flying around the area searching for his nemesis. The reason the crab hadn't noticed him and alerted his leader was because Megatron was squeezing his spark at that moment.

And Depth Charge had gotten a sudden inspiration.

Wrestling the spark-cage from the tyrant had almost gotten him killed but thankfully the fight had caused X a considerable amount of pain and he hadn't been able to really join in. Otherwise Depth Charge would have been scrap by now with two of the strongest bots on Earth against him.

With a painful effort he pushed himself to his feet from on top of the unconscious Megatron. His optics never left the crab, who was still on the ground a few feet away. He limped towards him, his next move forming in his head.

He had always known it was unlikely he would have the means to kill his enemy on the spot. He could only capture him and then restrain him and execute him with help from others. He had already spent some thought on how that might work.

With the spark-cage in his possession, the killer was no danger. He could call the rest of the Maximals and they would take the wretched freak back to the Axalon, extract the rest of his spark, put it all in a box, place it somewhere where there was unstable energon and detonate it from a distance. This was sure to kill anyone, even someone like X…

The large red transformer in front of him attempted to push himself up and Depth Charge's hand convulsed around the spark core he was carrying. X dropped back to the ground with a strangled cry of pain. Depth Charge released the pressure but remained ready to clench his fist again at the smallest movement.

But why had he even unclenched it to begin with? X deserved to suffer, didn't he?

His spark pulsing with hatred, Omicron's only survivor squeezed again, as hard as he could. The robot on the ground convulsed once more, unable to even scream and Depth Charge let all of his pain and hatred poor into his grip. Past friendships and loves, hopes and dreams transfigured themselves into poison that ran trough his veins and powered his muscles.

He ran out of fuel more quickly than he had thought he would. Tears were running down his face and he felt more drained than he had ever felt. His palm opened up and he stared at the small blue orb that shimmered inside the cage.

The spark.

A symbol of life.

It was said that every time a spark was born, the universe rejoiced. Had it rejoiced at the birth of this one? How could something so beautiful be evil?

His optics focused once again on the bot, who had destroyed his life and those of many others. He looked at him for what seemed like ages, unable to comprehend the existence of such a monster. Finally, all he could do was utter that single helpless question, so pathetic and so clichéd.


He had asked it before and only gotten answers along the lines of 'I felt like it'. But there had to be a better answer and he would get it this time.

Green optics powered up and looked at him.

"Why?" Protoform X echoed his voice and expression unreadable except for the pain still present in them. "You want to know why, old friend? Do you want to know for real? Because I want you to know as well!"

Depth Charge stared in confusion as Xs chest plate slid open, revealing what had remained of his spark. What could he possibly…

The attack was completely unexpected. The crab lunged forward and only had the strength to make two steps but it was enough to reach Depth Charge. The ray's injured leg collapsed beneath him and he fell on his back with the killer on top of him. In an attempt to stop him, Depth Charge had flung his left hand away from the gaping wound over his spark and their chests were now pressed together.

And Xs spark touched his.

The contact lasted no more than three nanos but felt like a lot longer and for those few moments Depth Charge was completely overwhelmed by what he felt.

Memories that were not his own flashed trough his mind, echoes of sensations he had never experienced sent shivers trough his body and he couldn't bear to feel or see any of it any longer.

More out of instinct than any conscious thought, he managed to roll over and push the other body away. The crab curled up in pain. Depth Charge realized he had been gripping the spark-cage again and let up. He stood up shakily, his whole body trembling and his mind almost completely paralyzed.

He took a few shuddering breaths, put the cage in a subspace, transformed to his flight mode and took off leaving the killer behind.

A/N: Please be kind and review! Pretty please with sugar on it! Unless you are either DC or Rampage in which case… I'm not giving you my new address!