Back with Doof & Perry…
Perry looked in horror at the high-in-fat beast that approached him. The Beast Burger grabbed the handle of one of the forks, ripped it out of the ground, and threw aside.
The living burger roared at him, and Perry's mind snapped back to reality. He noticed the Burger Beast had opened his makeshift cage, and Perry slid underneath its 'legs'. As he slid out from underneath it, he grabbed the end of a piece of bacon that was partially dangling out the back, like a tail.
He began to climb up, steadily ascending the monster.
"Hey! Perry the Platypus, what are you doing? Oh, NOW you take me seriously!" Dr. Doofenshmirtz yelled at him.
Perry made it to the top of the beast, and began to destroy it the easiest way: eating it.
"Perry the Platypus, stop that! That's not fair!" Doofenshmirtz yelled again.
Back at the Reverse World, things weren't going as well…..
"HOLD STILL, YOU IGNORANT BRATS!!!" Dark Phineas commanded as the Reverse World Queen launched laser beam after laser beam from her gaping maw, missing the children each time.
He scanned the ground before him, counting how many brawling and/or running creatures he saw.
"1, 2, 3, 4, 5! Perfect! I can- wait. Where's-?"
Before he could finish, he heard someone clear their throat behind him. He turned, and Ferb stood in front of him. He cracked his knuckles.
"Wait, how did you-" Dark Phineas was punched in the face before he could finish.
Ferb leaped to where Dark Phineas stood, and a control panel revealed itself.
"It's mechanical…" Ferb said. He pressed the green button, and the Queen fired another laser beam. An idea formed in his head. He grabbed the two aiming rods, and aimed at Dark Perry, and hit the laser button.
"I'mma firin'-"
"Oh, please. Don't. Just don't!" Dark Phineas said from his spot on the ground a couple feet away. "It's already been done."
Ferb rolled his eyes as the Queen launched a beam, hitting Dark Perry perfectly. He froze releasing a shrieking chatter, then fell to the ground, most of his skin burned away.
Ferb smiled. 'One down' he thought.
He reaimed the Queen at Dark Isabella. Before he could fire, Dark Phineas lunged at him, knocking him into the control panel. He fell on two buttons: One labeled 'Anchor lock disengagement', the other labeled 'Self-Destruct'. Dark Phineas noticed this, and became furious.
"Alright, who the HELL is the moron that put that button on there!?"
Ferb saw this as his chance to escape. He jumped over the side, slid down one of the Queen's legs and landed next to Phineas.
The Reverse World Queen, now capable of movement, began to walk forward, but the incredibly uneven terrain caused it to lose its footing, and topple to the center of the battlefield, crushing the unconscious clones in the process.
Dark Phineas was thrown to the ground with tremendous force. Ferb pulled his friends behind a large crystal structure. Just as they made it behind, the Queen exploded.
After the fireball was gone, the kids slowly looked back.
Dark Ferb was nowhere to be seen, possibly being thrown of the diamond skyscraper. Dark Phineas wasn't in sight either. The only clone besides Dark Perry that was in view was Dark Isabella.
Both Phineas and Isabella retreated behind the crystal, but Ferb noticed something odd.
He walked over, his friends cautiously following. Ferb reached her, and examined the damage.
She was pinned against the wall, eyes wide open, mouth agape as if she was frozen whilst screaming, and a look of horror was glued onto her face. Ferb looked to her back, and discovered why.
He slid his hand between her and the wall, and with a sickening squelch, she fell to the floor. She was actually pinned to the crystal spikes, two of which were covered in blood. Two large holes were on the clone's back. Phineas shuddered.
"Well, I guess that's it then. All that's left is to get out of here," Phineas said.
As he finished speaking, a bright flash appeared, and a portal depicting the Real World was in its place. The kids smiled, linked hands, and jumped in…
Dr. Doofenshmirtz stood, almost crying, looking at the bloated platypus in front of him.
"Well, Perry the Platypus, what do you have to say for yourself?"
Perry raised his finger, then belched, returning his body mass to normal.
"Curse you, Perry the Platypus."
In the backyard, Phineas, Ferb, and Isabella flew out of the portal, which then shut, pulling in the portal chamber with it.
"Oh, finally! Home!" Isabella said as she laid on her back.
"Home sweet home," Phineas said, doing the same.
Ferb turned to his companions. "Not a word?"
"Not a word," the others responded.
"Candace looked out into the backyard, and frowned. "Never mind, Mom!" she said.
Meanwhile, in a Lab, a deceased Ferb, Perry, and Isabella were strapped to tables, and a figure limped between them seeming to be working on them. He moaned and clutched his head every so often, mumbling something about someone paying for something………..
The room darkened, and all that was visible was the figure's eyes. Soon after, three new pairs of eyes opened.
"Yes….." the figure praised himself, then clutched his head and moaned.
The End…?
Well, there's part one down! I really hope you liked it! If you wanna talk to me, or get info on something you don't understand, PM me. I'll get back to you. And now as this piece of this 3- part series ends, remember to review!