Disclaimer: My name's certainly not affiliated with Pokémon –not unless I want to be sued .
Story: All Ash Ketchum has ever wanted was to be the best. Ash's dream was to be the unbeatable, greatest and grandest Pokémon Master there ever was. So now of legal age to get a Trainer's license, Ash can start the road for just that. Problem? Ash is a girl. And the world is full of perverts as her mother had warned and so Ash Ketchum the girl must become Ash Ketchum the boy.
Set as an AU.
Spoilers: Probably.
Warnings: Perverts, raunchy humor, weird humor, craziness, etc…
Pairings: Ash with a lot of people (mostly one-sided), Ash/Lance and Ash/Steven for sure.

Loyal to the Game
Chapter One: The Hurricane Called Ash

Ash Ketchum, pokémon trainer to be, woke up and cursed as she saw the time. In a blur, she ran out of her house and hurried to Professor Oak's, ready to begin her pokémon journey, threading a slender hand through her short, dark hair in agitation and panic.

She was sixteen after all. She'd been waiting forever to finally go out and go on a pokémon journey (especially after they changed the age for a license), hoping to catch as many pokémon as she could and become the best Pokémon Master in history. She would never give up until she realized her dream.

In the meantime, her mother blinked at her daughter's exit, wondering why she had gone out in her sleepwear. It was rather cold out to be wearing a tank top and pajama pants. Delia Ketchum just shook her head, red hair flying as she smiled wryly to herself.

With Ash, she had just burst through Professor Oak's lab, eager to get her starter pokémon and then get on her way onto her travels. The older man, who saw the girl as a niece, was thoroughly confused but smiled at her anyway.

"Sam! Do you have any pokémon left?" Ash asked, out of breath and hunching over as she tried to regain it, and again forgoing his title like always.

The problem came to hand. "Oh dear, the last one just went right out. I'm sorry, Ash. Unless…"

Ash's face had dropped until the professor thought of something, a small smirk briefly lighting onto his face.

"What is it, Sam?"

"Well, there's a Pikachu out back…but it won't let anyone near it. What do you say? Want to give it a try?"

Ash beamed, "You've got it!"

The girl followed behind the professor, grinning from ear to ear. She was going to have a Pikachu for a starter! She knew a Squirtle, Charmander, and a Bulbasaur were the actual choices given to those of the Kanto region, so this was a rare chance and opportunity for her.

"I must warn you, Ash. This one doesn't like company. The other trainers who tried to get the pokémon to accept them had very little success. Meaning they were fried," Oak whispered conspiratorially the last part to her, causing her to giggle. Her smile died off and she turned a little quiet, asking the next question with an almost unnoticeably subdued air.

"Did…did Gary leave already?"

"He left a couple hours ago…" Oak frowned.


She pushed down the negative feelings and focused on Gary's leave differently. Ash had also hoped to beat the professor's grandson out of Pallet Town and get a head start over the other. However, she just had to wake up late

Pouting a little at not being able to show Gary that she was serious about being a trainer and that she wasn't some weak wannabe, Ash followed Oak with a little less enthusiasm. She brightened up once they were in the back, seeing all kinds of pokémon milling about.

There was the Pikachu, all alone. Whenever another pokémon tried to approach it, Pikachu sent an electric bolt at it. It helped keep them all away. It was solitary.

Ash blinked and momentarily felt uncomfortable, before shoving that feeling down and also her own sense of loneliness.

"Well, go ahead and try. Be careful," Professor Oak said, further breaking her out of her odd mood.

Ash nodded eagerly, already transfixed with the electrical mouse pokémon.

"Hey there. My name's Ash," she whispered, staring straight at it with a small smile.

The Pikachu sent a shock at her, but she dodged quickly and darted over to it, rubbing its head tenderly. A purr erupted from its mouth before Ash backed away. Pikachu followed after her, jumping happily into her arms and rubbing its head against her face. It felt safe…happy with her. There had been…an instant connection…

"Maa, I'll pet you, Pikachu. Don't worry," Ash giggled, scratching behind its ears.

"Well done, Ash. I had a feeling it might like you," Professor Oak happily stated. "Pikachu is now your starting pokémon. Farewell and say hello to your mother for me. Good luck on your journey, my dear!"

Ash waved goodbye and held Pikachu in her arms as she set off back to her house to share the good news with her mother. She lovingly nuzzled the top of Pikachu's head with her cheek.

"Ne, Pikachu…we'll be okay. I understand. Sometimes, it's just better to be lonely, right?"

"That's good news, Ash. I'm so proud of you. If only…" Delia sighed dramatically, peeking discreetly at her pretty but oblivious daughter.

"What's wrong, Mom?" Ash blinked at her.

"Oh dear, it's nothing. Only…you're sixteen and the world is filled with perverts. I can't imagine my little girl all alone in the world with all those hentai. Oh dear, such nightmares!" she continued to pile on the dramatics.

Ash blinked at her mother's dramatic announcement, before shrugging. She tried to think up a solution, wanting her mother happy and at the same time be able to start her journey.

"Um, I guess…I could dress up as a boy?" Ash was so uncertain, that it came out sounding like a question.

"My genius baby! Of course! I have some of your father's old clothing, dear. I'll just be right back!" Delia proclaimed, disappearing off to find the clothing articles.

Ash sighed, but stared blankly down at the floor as she remembered the mention of her father. Pikachu felt the shift in mood in his mistress and came over, nudging his nose against her in comfort.

"Here we are!" Delia sing-songed back into the room, holding a pair of baggy jeans and t-shirt. Ash plastered on a smile for her mother.

Quickly, Delia put bindings around her chest, put the shirt and jeans on, and whirled her to a mirror before she could even register her mother moving. Her mother, if nothing else, was at least very efficient.

"Ta da! Now instead of a pretty little princess, I have a handsome prince. Isn't that right, sweetie?" Delia cooed, admiring Ash's reflection in the mirror.

Ash blinked once in surprise before she looked at herself clearly. It wasn't too bad –the black jeans were a little loose and the navy shirt was large on her frame, but served its purpose well of making her look like a boy. And she really did look like a pretty boy. It was a good thing her hair had always been short.

Delia smiled sadly. "You might think this is strange and I'm being overdramatic and overprotective…but I just don't want you to get hurt. Or make the same mistakes I did, like getting pregnant young and not being able to fulfill the things I had wanted to do. Oh sweetie…I just want you to be careful and not go through what I did with your father, or worse."

Ash stood there awkwardly, but then leaned over and gave her mother a tight hug, trying to reassure her through it.

"You're ready to go now, Ash," Delia sighed, and finally let go of her after the embrace.

Grinning, Ash kissed her goodbye and took off with Pikachu.

On the road, Pikachu sat on top of her head, happily eating out of a bottle of ketchup. It seemed that ketchup was now his favorite food and Ash thought it was cute. Er…she wasn't sure it was healthy per se, but it didn't seem…harmful?

She sweatdropped and decided she should check with Professor Oak the next chance she got.

A Spearow landed in front of them, cocking its head to the side as it stared at them. Ash grinned, preparing to capture it.

"Come on, Pikachu! Let's get 'em!"


Suddenly, the Spearow screeched and a mass of Spearows flew into view, all screeching. Ash froze and stared, gaping.

Ah damn. Why'd her luck have to be so bad most of the times?

"Pikachu! Run!" Ash screamed, terrified.

The two of them fled, with Ash having picked up Pikachu and now clutching the mouse pokémon to her chest. The Spearows were catching up, and she wasn't seeing anything resembling sanctuary or help anywhere. After having run for awhile, the sky started turning gray and rain fell. She clenched her jaw and made a decision, stopping suddenly.

Ash dropped Pikachu, addressing him seriously.

"Pikachu, go to the Pokémon Center and ask for help. I'll stay here and stall them," Ash said solemnly.

"Pika…" Pikachu's grim face showed how much the pokémon liked that idea, but she wasn't going to budge and she definitely wasn't going to let Pikachu get hurt.

Ignoring any pleas Pikachu might have made, Ash turned and faced the throng of Spearows flying straight for her.

"Go, Pikachu!" Ash yelled, not even looking back as she spread her arms and glared defiantly at the mass of avian pokémon coming their way.

"Come on, you chickens! I can take all of you!" Well...Ash never said she wasn't crazy.

Pikachu's face turned determined and he raced towards Ash, springing onto Ash's back and into the air.

"Pika!" he growled, letting loose a large thunder attack and frying all the Spearows. Ash watched it all in amazement. Pikachu turned back to his owner.

"I don't think I want to capture any Spearows now. Let's go, Pikachu," Ash said tiredly, but smiled proudly at her Pikachu.

She held out her arm and Pikachu leapt onto it, climbing up until he was perched, as usual, on her head.

They trekked the rest of the way in silence.

"Oh dear! Look at you, you poor thing! Come here! We'll get you dried up," Nurse Joy, the very pretty nurse working diligently in the Pokémon Center, shook her head, seeing the disheveled state of Ash.

Ash sneezed.

"Oh, what a cute sneeze. Now, young lady, we'll just sit you here and I'm going to towel you down," she said as she took the shocked Ash and began doing just what she said. Pikachu had leaped away from his owner and shook his fur, water droplets flying off of him.

"H-how did you know I was a girl?" Ash asked, embarrassed. Nurse Joy laughed lightly, eyes twinkling.

"I know looks can be deceiving, dear. I've known my fair share of tomboys and you certainly are a pretty thing. If you really were a boy, then I could've laughed it off and teased you to no end!"

Ash blushed, laughing as well. "Anou sa, my name's Ash Ketchum and this is my Pikachu."

"Nurse Joy," she returned, smiling, "Now let's get you into some fresh clothes as I dry these off. I'll get you some hot chocolate, okay?"

A few minutes later, Ash was in baggy gray sweats, a blanket over her shoulders, and a mug of hot chocolate in her hands. She blew on the hot chocolate before sipping cautiously, careful not to burn herself.

"Hey there! Mind if I sit right here?" Ash looked up to see a red-headed girl smiling at her.

"Oh, um, sure! My name's Ash," she rushed to answer and politely introduce herself.

"My name's Misty," the other girl returned.

"Anou…you're really pretty," Ash complimented sincerely, smiling shyly at the other.

Misty blushed, smiling. "Why, thank you. You're rather pretty yourself. I mean handsome."

"Um, Misty, can you keep a secret?" Ash asked timidly, thinking it would be alright and her mother wouldn't be upset about this since Misty was a girl.

"Hm? Sure! What is it?" the red head asked, tilting her head curiously.

"Well, I'm a girl. I'm, uh, just pretending to be a guy. It's for my mom," this time it was Ash who turned red.

It took a moment before Misty stopped staring. "Oh! I didn't know. I'm so sorry! And, well, it makes sense. I mean, you just seem like it."

Ash groaned, "That's not good. I was supposed to pretend to be a guy so I wouldn't attract attention."

Misty noticed the emphasis on attention. "You know, I could travel with you for awhile. I wouldn't mind helping you out and help you notice this attention." Something about this girl made her sisterly instincts (the positive ones –not the ones she had for her own sisters) rise up and feel protective over the other. And she also didn't like the idea of a pretty girl like Ash traveling all alone…

"Honto ni? That's great! I would never really notice if a guy's flirting or what. Mom's says I'm just naïve and oblivious. But you'd be a great help. And I can't always ask Nurse Joy to help me with my bindings either. Um, are you sure though?" Ash asked hesitantly, though she was extremely happy and grateful that Misty had offered in the first place. It put a weight off of her shoulders she hadn't known she'd had until Misty had offered to travel with her.

Misty grinned, "I'd always loved to have a little sister."

Ash returned the grin, as she absentmindedly let a happy Pikachu climb onto her lap and snuggle under the blanket with her, with a fresh bottle of ketchup in his paws.

She and Misty talked about everything as the night wore on, with Nurse Joy joining them once the topic turned to the latest gossip.

Ash dressed in regular clothing, though she was apprehensive in doing so and wondered if her mother would get upset with her. She just wanted to battle as herself though. And she had heard there was a gym around the block and she wanted to challenge the gym leader before heading out of Viridian.

But as Ash. Just Ash.

"Pikachu, let's do this!" Ash focused on the positive and pumped a fist into the air. The two of them began their trek out and tried to find their way to the gym, though they'd had to ask for directions twice. Ash admitted she wasn't the best with directions…

They finally made it to the gym, finding the inside very dark.

"Anou sa, is anyone here?" Ash called out tentatively, fidgeting and wondering where everyone was.

"Unless you have the other badges, there won't be a match. This is the final gym to beat, not the first," a bored voice called out from the dark.

"Oh…I'm sorry," Ash said embarrassed. She was gesturing for Pikachu to come with her when the voice spoke immediately again, sounding less bored but still rather neutral and unrevealing.

"You are Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town?"


A man stepped out into the light, wearing a rather vivid orange suit and slicked back brown hair. His dark onyx eyes looked at her curiously from his perch on the balcony.

"I have heard many praises about you and his grandson from Professor Oak," he spoke out, examining her subtly.

"O-oh, really? Um, I'm sure he was just exaggerating," Ash turned red.

The man smirked. "Good. You aren't cocky like the professor's grandson." Ash didn't note the derision in his tone when he mentioned Gary.

"Um, thank you…I'm sorry to have wasted your time. I'll just be going now," she said hurriedly, and was just turning to leave when he spoke again.

"Hold on. I can see why Oak likes you so much. You are definitely much more polite than his grandson, that's for sure."

This time Ash caught the dislike in his voice. Though, she was still reeling from the compliments.

The man tapped his mouth thoughtfully. "What do you say we have a mock battle, huh Ash? To gauge your strength. By the way, my name's Giovanni."

"Really? I'd love that!" she quickly turned excited, eager to battle and show she could really do this.

"Alright, go Golem," he hadn't wasted any time, calling out his first pokémon quickly.

"Pikachu, let's do this!" Ash was energized.

"Pound," Giovanni directed, though he was rather disappointed at her choice of pokémon against his, considering the type advantage.

"Dodge it, Pikachu! Try a lightning bolt!" she decided to try out.

It didn't faze Golem one bit. Ash got to thinking though, and an idea flashed into her head. She grinned widely.

"Let's try this again! Pikachu, generate enough electricity to start a fire!"

Giovanni raised an eyebrow, but was startled when the sprinklers came on. Pikachu promptly shocked his wet Golem, understanding his trainer's intent from the beginning.

"You actually planned that?" Giovanni asked incredulously, impressed despite himself.

Ash gave him a thumb up and a cheeky grin. Chuckling, Giovanni shook his wet head, strands of hair flinging side to side.

Pikachu flopped to the ground tired.

"Next round?" Giovanni actually grinned.

"Anou, I don't have any other pokémon," Ash laughed, and rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment.

The Viridian Gym Leader blinked in surprise, "Really? How come?" Though it made more sense why she went straight for her Pikachu to battle, despite electric types being weak against ground types. It also made her win even more impressive.

Ash pouted, sticking her tongue at him. "Hey, I just came from Pallet Town! That's like the town right over. And do you know how expensive pokéballs are? You're the first person I've fought."

"Huh. Well, you're pretty good for a beginner," he genuinely complimented her, becoming more impressed with her the more he talked with her.

"Ah, thank you. Oh great! I'm wet again! Nurse Joy is gonna kill me!" she groaned, remembering her current state.

"Why don't I come with you? I can explain to Nurse Joy," he offered, feeling amusement fill him.

"S'aank you!" Ash cheered. She sneezed straight afterwards and Giovanni looked on amused.

"You know, you have an adorable sneeze."

"Ugh! Why does everyone keep saying that?!"

The Pokémon Center seemed dark inside as they approached it, and Ash felt ominous about it. Narrowing their eyes at it, they continued on more warily.

"Pikachu, light up your cheeks so we can have some light," Ash murmured quietly to her Pikachu.

Giovanni shook his head in amusement. Ash had some weird but ingenious ideas.

As soon as they stepped inside, Pikachu's cheeks allowed them to walk a little bit closer before two voices cut in.

A spotlight shone on a female and a male wearing matching outfits, with a big red R in the middle of their tops.

They started spouting something about the world and trouble and whatever, while Ash snuck a glance at Giovanni in confusion about the whole thing. Oddly enough, he looked disbelieving and horrified.

She could understand the disbelief, but why horrified?

"You guys suck," she deadpanned. "Pikachu, come on!' Ash ran toward the counter, dragging Giovanni with her, before leaping over it. She caught sight of a bike and some medical equipment. She got yet another crazy idea.

"Come on out, twerp!" The trio mockingly looked around.

Giovanni watched Ash work, sweatdropping as he witnessed another of Ash's crazy genius ideas come to life.

Ash leapt to the side of the counter, planting a tireless bike down. She straddled it, grinning impishly. Team Rocket rolled their eyes, heading over in a light jog.

Pikachu appeared on the handlebars, cheeks sparking dangerously. On him, he had wires attached to the bike. Both spotting twin grins, Ash began peddling and Pikachu began sparking even more.

Eyes widening, Team Rocket's slow pace turned into an all-out run to reach them.

"Now, Pikachu!" Ash yelled.

Pikachu let loose a powerful thunderbolt, hitting Team Rocket. They shot into the air, yelling.

"Team Rocket's blasting off!"

Giovanni stared. He definitely didn't want to end up on Ash's bad side.

"Ash! You're soaking wet again! Do you want to catch a cold?" Nurse Joy and Misty appeared from out back, Misty struggling not to laugh when Nurse Joy went into mother hen mode. Both were unheeding to the fact that they'd just been held captive by Team Rocket.

Ash had been hoping that little electric stunt had dried herself.

"It's alright, Nurse Joy. I can explain. You see, Ash and I were having a mock battle when the sprinklers in my gym went off," Giovanni cut in, explaining smoothly.

Nurse Joy scowled, but accepted the explanation. Giovanni neglected to mention Ash wanted the sprinklers to go off.

"Very well. You should have your sprinklers checked though. Honestly! It might happen again…

"Now, young man, let's get you dried up," Nurse Joy said, glancing at Giovanni hesitantly.

Giovanni looked confused.

Blushing, Ash clued in Nurse Joy, "Um, it's okay, Nurse Joy. I'm in regular clothing, see? When I battle gyms, I want to battle as myself. Besides, I'm kind of…soaked."

Still confused about what was going on, Giovanni accidently looked at Ash –really looked –and realized badly that Ash was soaked.

Coughing slightly to cover up his growing embarrassment, Giovanni turned away and looked at Misty, hoping he wasn't the only one feeling clueless.

Misty was glaring at him, having seen Giovanni accidently look.

"Your normal clothing is dry, Ash," Misty switched to Ash, switching her scowl for a smile for the young girl.

Apparently, he was the only person who wasn't understanding.

"Um, Giovanni, I dress up as a guy to avoid attracting unwanted attention. It's for my mom, you see. You understand now?" Ash noticed he was confused and explained quickly.

"Oh," now he understood. "Ah, I get it. Wait, where's your pokédex?"

Ash blinked at the sudden change of conversation, but mentally shrugged. She lifted her sleeve and showed her watch. Or at least it looked like a watch.

It was thin and wrapped around her wrist like a bracelet, all black except for the blue oriental dragon on the part that was supposed to be the time piece of a watch.

"That's different. I've never seen a pokédex like that," Misty studied it from her spot, wondering if she hadn't caught up to the latest advancements in pokétech.

"Oh! This is a prototype version of a new pokédex. Professor Oak gave it for me to try out and gather information on its worth. The professor said Gary didn't want to do it because he didn't have time to waste monitoring some gadget."

Giovanni snorted in disdain.

Ash looked like she was thinking something before she pointed the pokédex at Giovanni.

A hologram appeared above the dragon, before saying in a monotone voice, "Giovanni Rocketto, Viridian Gym Leader. 32 years old, specializes in ground-type pokémon, and gives out the eighth badge –the Earth badge."

"That's certainly impressive," Giovanni looked startled.

"It looks like a watch. Can it tell time?" Nurse Joy asked curiously, walking a little closer to look at it.

"8:30 am, Thursday, April 2."

Ash pouted, "I still haven't decided what to program its voice to. That monotone is boring."

Giovanni rolled his eyes, smirking, "You go do that. Just don't forget to train while you keep deciding."

Ash blew a raspberry at him, and he almost felt like reacting back. It was strange and unlike himself.

"Well, I've got to go. It's late and there are still things to do," Giovanni said, deciding to just excuse himself.

"Bye," Ash smiled brightly at him, happy to have made yet another friend.

"Oh, come by tomorrow before you leave. See you!" he said mysteriously, without waiting for a response.

Started 4/30/07 – Completed 5/5/07

Edited 3/18/14 – Completed 3/18/14

A/n: So I'm finally starting to go back to these chapters and editing them, so I'm happier with them. For this chapter, so far it's only been more description, adding a few words, and I wanted to expand and make Delia's request for Ash to crossdress to seem less random and stuff. I also wanted to start to give more depth to Ash (and her backstory) a bit –not that I don't like her being genki, but I've been wanting to write her a little more serious since I just feel like I want her to be more than the happy girl. Please review the new chapter and tell your thoughts on the updated version!