Okay! I'm no writing something I've wanted to do for a LONG time now! SHAMAN KING/POKEMON crossover! Huzzah! Eh heh… I don't know why some people are disrespected for writing crossovers, I've always found them fun. I mean, why not?

This will also be the first story I write that focuses on Faust AND Tamao as main characters.

Let's go!


"Nnnn… my head…" Faust moaned, tossing over in his bed. He had just woken up to his alarm clock, and felt a jarring pain shoot through his skull. "One MINUTE!" he yelled at his clock, stumbling out of bed to get it. He had always put his clock on the other side of the room, to ensure that he actually got out of bed. He managed to trip over his bed sheets, and landed on the ground with a thud. "Ahh…" he moaned, "That was so stupid even Horohoro could've avoided it…"

Faust stood up, and noticed that his feet felt a little more balanced then he usually was. "That's ironic, considering I just fell from my bed…" he thought to himself, making a mental note to figure out why he suddenly went from klutzy to stable. Walking over to his clock, he also noticed that he was walking a little differently, as if he had female hips! "Odd…" he muttered, but he didn't think too hard about it. It was probably just the fall, and the way he had slept.

The clock had been ringing for about a minute when Faust finally shut it off. It was 4:00 in the morning, and was very dark. Faust rubbed his eyes and yawned, not used to getting up this late. Usually he was up by 2:30 at the latest! "Ah, I'm beginning to become like Yoh! Such a sleeper…" he chuckled to himself, pulling his doctor's jacket on himself. He felt a little awkward doing so, as if his arms had gotten a little shorter overnight. "Okay, not… really what I'm used to, but whatever…" Faust mumbled. He credited it to have fallen asleep oddly, and left his room, heading for the bathroom.

The hallway was dark, as well, but Faust didn't want to turn on the light, worried that he would wake up Anna. Just the thought sent shivers up his spine, and aches up his arms from where she would surely whip him. He reached the bathroom, and quietly pulled the door open, not making much sound. He slipped inside, and shut it with a click.

"Okay, light switch, light switch…" he muttered, feeling the wall for the button. After a few seconds of grabbing the wall tiles, he found the button, and pressed it. The whole room flooded over in a warm orange light, and Faust found himself cringing. His eyes hadn't been prepared for light quite yet. Stumbling around the room, he reached for his toothbrush, and was surprised when his arm didn't quite reach the sink from the door. "Wha…?" he asked himself, now realizing that something was VERY weird. He forced his eyes open, and looked in the mirror, hoping that nothing bad had happened.

Then again, bad is all the opinion of the beholder, isn't it?



Tamao shook her head, rousing up from sleep. Had someone screamed in her dream?


Nope, it was real. "Oh, dear…" she muttered, crawling out of her futon. "Is that Faust?" Normally, she would have fallen back to sleep, after all, Faust screaming wasn't all that new. However, this wasn't short outbursts of screaming, like from the time his experiment with acids had gone terribly wrong. Nope, this was long, drawn out screaming. If Tamao had learned anything from Anna, it was to always be alert for something unnatural, and this was very unnatural, indeed.

"Faust? …Faust, are you alright?" Tamao called from down the hallway, wondering if Faust would respond.


"So you're not?" Tamao sighed, shaking her head. Deciding that this could not be left alone, she walked over to the bathroom, where the screaming had been coming from.

"Heeeeyyyyyy… something's not right, here…" Tamao suddenly noticed. "Why am I… FLOATING?!?!" Tamao realized that the floor was a few feet under her legs, and she hadn't moved her feet at all! Had she died in her sleep?!?! "AHHHH!!!" she screamed, heading toward the bathroom.






"Oh, SHUT UP…" Manta thought to himself. It was only 4:10, why the HELL was Faust awake? More importantly, why was Tamao up, too? Manta shook his head, and tried to fall back asleep.

"THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING!!!!" he heard Tamao scream. Knowing that this wouldn't stop for a while, Manta stood up, and went to see just what was wrong. His head felt sort of heavy, but Manta shook it off. It was probably just morning dizziness.

"Faust? Tamao? What's going on…?" he asked down the hall, but when nobody responded, Manta decided to go to where he had heard the shouts in the first place: the bathroom.


"AHHHH!" Faust screamed, looking at himself in the mirror. It wasn't his face he saw, but something… something VERY different! His face was white, and looked very inhuman, with his blond hair sticking out as spikes behind his eyes, which were still graciously blue. There was also a large green crest over most of his head, with a spike at the back, like a gladiator's helmet! His torso was green and white, with a large red spike on his chest, and another on his back! His feet were large and flat, explaining why he had so much balance previously. "WHAT IS GOING ON?!" he shouted. No one answered. Faust didn't understand, so he continued screaming, he really didn't know why.

"FAAAAAAAUUUUUSSSSSTTT!" he heard a high-pitched voice call out from the hallway. The door opened, and a small shape floated in to the cramped room. He had expected to see Tamao, but instead saw a small floating thing that looked almost like a kitten, only it was apricot coloured, had a really long tail, and wide eyes, which were still pink, like they were supposed to be.

"T-Tamao, what's going on?!" Faust asked in panic. "Why do I look like… like… like THIS?!" Tamao shook her head; she really didn't know.

"All I know is that I'm going to have to see myself in the mirror! Do I look dead, Faust?" she asked suddenly, and Faust thought he would collapse right there. Pushing him aside, Tamao saw what she looked like, and screamed in shock. Faust joined in, once again for no reason.

After a while, they heard footsteps down the hallway, and someone knocking on the door. "HEY! Pipe down in there!" Faust heard Manta's voice come through the wooden door, "Some of us are trying to SLEEP!" Faust couldn't help grinning. If anyone could help, it was Manta, his little son figure (well, in HIS opinion, anyone else would have called Manta his stalking victim…)!

Faust opened the door, and a small creature similar to him greeted his eyes. "Manta…" he gasped. The thing looked so much like him, just smaller, and had a green helmet that covered most of its head, and had two red horns on it.

"Faust? Fa- WHAAAAA?!?!" Manta screamed, looking at his two friends. "SINCE WHEN WHERE YOU TWO POKEMON?!?!"

Tamao shrugged. "I'm really don't know much about Pokemon. Hey, Manta, am I dead?" Manta clapped his hand to his forehead, and gasped when he felt the helmet. Tamao grabbed him by the arms, and lifted him to the mirror, so he could see what he looked like.



After a long bout of screaming, and convincing Tamao that she wasn't dead, the three protagonists sat down, wondering just what had happened.

"Okay, Faust, you're a Gallade…" Manta informed them, "…and Tamao, you're a Mew. Got it? I'm a Ralts, it looks like…" He shook his head, confused. "Ah, this HAS to be a dream! I have no idea how we became Pokemon…"

"Maybe the rest of our friends have become Pokemon, as well," Faust suggested, not very familiar with the concept of Pokemon. "Maybe we should go see!"

Tamao shivered, still getting over the shock of having discovered that she was supposedly a very 'special' Pokemon. Special? As in Special Ed? She sighed. "I really don't know, but waking up Anna's even scarier then THIS…" So the three curled up and sat on the floor, waiting for morning, and an explanation, to come.


Trust me, this will become better as it goes on. REVIEW. I know there aren't many Crossover Readers out there (or ARE there?), so I need all the reviews I can get! I accept anonymous ones, don't worry! Please tell me what you thought!

Trust Manta to love Pokemon… have you reviewed yet?